107 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Jasmani Adaptif Untuk Optimalisasi Otak Anak Tunagrahita

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    The purpose of this study is to set adapted physical learning model for optimize mental retarded brain. This objectives achieved in two stages, for two years.Research and Development approach are applied in this research in two stages. Phase I conducted literature review and field observations. Data that obtained in this phase are analyzed and are used to set a draf of adapted physical learning model to optimize mental retarded brain. The result of Phase I (2009) includes the literature review about the characteristics of mental retarded children, the motion effects on the brain, gestures to the brain. Field observation that carried out in this phase obtain that motor skill of mental retarded child are good running, lack of balance, less category in cognitive abilities. The ability to read, write, and arithmetic are in moderate category. Affective abilities in self-control is in moderate category, but the empathy and cooperation into well category. Psychomotor ability to perform activities of daily life in the good category. The model of motion exercises and songs combined with circuit activities to optimize the mental retarded brain. The entire 40-minute duration of learning, with 9 minutes of the first and last songs of the motion and shape of gymnastics and the remaining circuit events consisting of 6 stations that include trampoline, crawling, climbing beam bridges, rolling over, facedown on the medicine ball, and crawling in the aisl


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    The environment is one of the factors that have leverage quite big for the development of a language children. Because with the environment therefore his can carry on with his routine well without the difficulty in interact .A stimulus obtained a son through neighborhood is influential on the development of language children .Stimuli which are received in slowly will affect the development of a language children .The stimulus of the old its closest he will be processed by the son so as to make such a child matured in mindset , pattern of , and the pattern said .The role of parents so important demanding parents to cautious and careful in teach his son .Parents need to understand steps the development of a language on child to be able to provide a stimulus on stage of development in accordance with age. The development of a language is one of indicators to cognitive development a child , this relates to the success of or keterlambatannya in thinking and communicate in the area .A child who was said to be slow in speaking can affect the ability connection in day-to-day in person or social environment , it is to get the difficulty of learning , sociable , and activities work other when mature later. The factors that can affect the development of a language children between other: (1) brain development and intelligence , (2) sexes , (3) of the physical condition , (4) family environment , (5) the condition of the economy , ( 6 ) setting social / area culture , (7) bilingualism (2 language)

    Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani Berbasis Laku untuk Meningkatkan Daya Tahan Kardiorespirasi bagi Peserta Didik Tunagrahita Ringan.

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan model pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani berbasis laku (lagu dan bangku) untuk meningkatkan daya tahan kardiorespirasi peserta didik tunagrahita ringan. Model pembelajaran ini didesain untuk peserta didik tunagrahita ringan dengan spesifikasi SDLB kelas atas. Penelitian ini menggunakan research and development yang dimodifikasi menjadi dua tahap, yaitu: tahap pendahuluan dan tahap pengembangan. Tahap pendahuluan meliputi (1) studi pustaka dan (2) studi lapangan. Tahap pengembangan meliputi (1) membuat desain produk awal, (2) validasi ahli, (3) uji coba skala terbatas, (4) uji coba skala luas, (5) uji efektivitas, dan (6) penyebaran sederhana. Uji coba penelitian dilakukan di empat sekolah di Kabupaten Bantul. Uji coba skala terbatas dilakukan di SLB Marsudi Putra 1 pada lima peserta didik tunagrahita ringan SDLB kelas atas. Uji coba skala luas dilakukan di SLB Sekar Teratai 1 dan SLB Bangun Putra pada 16 peserta didik tunagrahita ringan SDLB kelas atas. Uji efektivitas dilakukan di SLB Bina Siwi pada 8 peserta didik tunagrahita ringan SDLB kelas atas. Uji efektivitas menggunakan pra-eksperimen dengan one group pretest-posttest. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan modifikasi Harvard Step Test. Analisis data validitas menggunakan formula Content Validity Ratio. Analisis data uji efektivitas menggunakan proporsi kenaikan daya tahan kardiorespirasi terhadap pretest dalam % dan uji Paired Test. Penelitian ini menghasilkan produk berupa model pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani berbasis laku. Model pembelajaran ini didesain sesuai dengan karakteristik peserta didik tunagrahita ringan dengan spesifikasi SDLB kelas atas. Model pembelajaran ini sintaknya delapan tahap, yaitu: pemanasan, inti (demonstrasi - drill - demonstrasi (peserta didik recovery) - drill - demonstrasi (peserta didik recovery) - drill), pendinginan. Hasil uji Content Validity Ratio semua item nilainya > 0,99. Hasil uji efektivitas dinyatakan efektif dapat meningkatkan daya tahan kardiorespirasi peserta didik tunagrahita ringan dengan besarnya efektivitas 11,87% (p-value 0,05). Model pembelajaran ini dikemas dalam buku panduan yang disertai dengan DVD. Pada akhir tahap penelitian dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa model pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani berbasis laku pelaksanaannya aman, mudah, menyenangkan, dan harga alat terjangkau serta efektif untuk meningkatkan daya tahan kardiorespirasi peserta didik tunagrahita ringan, sehingga model pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani berbasis laku layak digunakan

    Implementation of Safety Education in the Sport Class

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    This study was aimed at finding out the significance of safety education implemented the physical education teachers of the lower grade of the elementary school during the teaching-learning process. The study was is descriptive qualitative with one variable, namely implementation of safety education. The research subjects were 1,368 physical education teachers of state elementary schools in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, selected by cluster random sampling of 200 teachers from each school. The study was a survey using questionnaires to collect data. Data analysis was descriptive quantitative using percentages. Findings show that safety education implemented by the lower grade of elementary school physical education teachers is described as follows. First, in the fair category in general = 82.69%, in the environmental aspect = 78.92%, in the student aspect = 81.94 %), and in the weather aspect = 73.65%. Second, in the good caregory, in the human aspect = 86.46% and in the teacher aspect = 90.99%IMPLEMENTASI PENDIDIKAN KESELAMATAN DALAM PEMBELAJARAN OLAHRAGAPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi pendidikan keselamatan oleh guru Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga dan Kesehatan (penjasorkes) SD kelas bawah dalam proses pembelajaran penjasorkes. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan satu variabel, yaitu implementasi pendidikan keselamatan. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah guru penjasorkes SD Negeri se-Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) yang berjumlah 1.386 orang. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 200 orang yang diambil secara random (acak) dengan teknik cluster sampling atau area sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode survei dengan teknik angket. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik deskriptif kuantitatif dengan persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan implementasi pendidikan keselamatan yang dilakukan oleh guru penjasorkes SD kelas bawah dalam proses pembelajaran penjasorkes adalah sebagai berikut. Pertama, yang termasuk dalam kategori cukup adalah secara keseluruhan (82,69%), berdasarkan aspek lingkungan (78,92%), aspek peserta didik (81,94%), aspek fisik (84,19%), dan aspek cuaca (73,65%). Kedua, yang termasuk kategori baik adalah berdasarkan aspek manusia (86,46%) dan aspek guru (90,99%)

    Perubahan Perilaku Anak Tuna Laras Dengan Latihan Gerak Yoga yang Diiringi Musik.

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) untuk mengetahui apakah dengan latihan gerak yoga anak tunalaras menunjukan perubahan prilaku, dan (2) mengetahui dengan proses pendekatan latihan yoga yang di pandu musik merubah prilaku anak tunalaras. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan (action research) mengacu langkah Martinsons & Kock yang mengembangkan dengan tujuan memperbaiki, merefleksi dengan melalui sebuah tindakan yang berulang-ulang, yang dalam pengulangan mengalami perubahan yang diharapkan anak tunalaras. Desain pengembangan yang digunakan proses dan temuan dilakukan melalui observasi, evaluasi, refleksi, sistematis dan mendalam. Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah anak SD kelas 2, 3, 5. Pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar observasi penilaian guru, sekala bertingkat, dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisa kualitatif dan kuantitatif dimana penelitian ini menganalisis hasil tindakan anak tunalaras dengan bentuk grafik Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pemberian tindakan aktivitas fisik melalui gerak senam yoga dengan menggunakan tempo musik yang keras membuat anak menjadi fokus. Pada saat fokus anak melakukan gerakan yoga dengan menggunakan musik yang memberikan suplemen yang memberikan efek ketengan, relex dan kebahagiaan pada anak. Dengan demikian anak menunjukan sikap menjadi baik, terlihat anak mampu mengatur prilakuknya Kata kunci: Perubahan perilaku, anak tunalaras, gerak yoga, diiringi musik ii ABSTRACT NURMALA DEWI: Changes in the Behavior Disorder among Children with Motion Yoga Motion Exercises. Thesis. Yogyakarta: Graduate Sckool, Yogyakarta State University, 2018. This study aims to: (1) to know whether the yoga exercises of children tunalaras show changes in behavior, and (2) know with the process of yoga practice approach with the music guides can change the behavior disorder of children. This research is an action research referring to the steps of Martinsons & Kock that is develop ed with the aim of improving, reflecting by a repetitive action, which in repetition undergoes the expected change of the tunalaras children. The development design used by the process and the findings was done through systematic and deep observation, and evaluation, reflection,. The subjects in this study were elementary school students in grade 2, 3, 5. Data collection used teacher assessment observation sheets, scale grade, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used qualitative and quantitative analysed where this study analyzes the results of the actions behavior disorder of children with graphic forms. The results of research that show physical action through yoga gymnastics by using the tempo of music that makes children focus. When the child focuses on doing yoga movements by using music that provides supplements that provide the effects of ketengan, relex and happiness in children. Thus the children showed a good attitude, seen children who were able to arrange their behavior


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    Writing can lead students to acquire and develop the power of reason. Therefore, learning to write must be done correctly to students from low-grade. The selection of appropriate learning media and methods as well as the variety of learning models will assist students in improving writing short stories. One way to improve students' skills of writing short stories is the use of models of snowball throwing. In fact there are many obstacles in learning to write short stories and is still oriented toward purely theoretical. Low interest teachers and students to learn to write, especially write short stories as well be one cause. Similarly, in the SDN Janti Slahung Ponorogo especially for students in grade V. Learning to write short stories have not been able to work as expected because 80% of grade V students learn to write student achievement is low, the value of Indonesian KKM 70.00 has not been achieved. To overcome these problems, the authors find a solution to save a way of throwing a snowball models packed in a class action research (PTK) of the cycle phases. Learning model used in this study and the model of snowball throwing fun it brings results. It can be seen from the results of student learning to write short stories I persiklus the cycle reaches the average value of 69.00 at the end of the second cycle, while the average achievement of students increased to 76.75 with 100% completeness. An increase in student achievement and motivation in learning to write short stories using the model of snowball throwing, this is evident from the sight of people exiting and student learning outcomes

    Sikap Siswa Terhadap Pelajaran Fisika di SMAN Kabupaten Batanghari

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sikap serta kendala atau masalah yang dihadapi siswa terhadap mata pelajaran fisika di SMA Kabupaten Batanghari. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu kualitatif kuantitatif menggunakan prosedur penelitian survei dengan instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket dan wawancara. Subjek dari penelitian ini yaitu 926 siswa di lima SMA Kabupaten Batanghari. Teknik analisis data kuantitatif menggunakan descriptive statistic sedangkan untuk data kualitatif menggunakan teknik analisis data model Miles dan Huberman. Hasil dari 4 indikator yang didiskusikan pada penelitian ini, pada Indikator implikasi sosial terhadap fisika sebanyak 54.3 % berkategori baik. Untuk indikator adopsi dari sikap ilmiah sebesar 61.2% berkategori baik. Kemudian pada indikator kesenangan dalam belajar fisika sebesar 55.5% berkategori cukup. Sedangkan pada indikator ketertarikan berkarir dibidang fisika sebanyak 57.9% siswa berkategori cukup


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    In an increasingly sophisticated era of globalization, the challenges of the times demand that all be developed, including having broad knowledge and knowledge and supported by positive habituation, namely by cultivating literacy in everyday life. The process of introducing and planting literacy must begin at an early age so that this habituation can be inherent in each individual. Consumptive souls who want everything to be instantaneous by utilizing certain tools to simplify work and can make time efficient become obstacles for the community to cultivate literacy. This problem causes the reading interest of the next generation to decline. Literary works have been known since ancient times. Evidenced by the many works that have been produced, one of them is a fairy tale. Fairy tales are literacy works produced by previous ancestors as a form of literary culture. The creation of this tale is an effort to move the culture of literacy of the next generation. Literacy culture by reading fairy tales is an effort of parents to help early childhood in developing self-potential and teach life experiences because in the "golden age" children develop in imitation
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