46 research outputs found

    Strategi Tindak Tutur Direktif Guru Dan Responswarna Afektif Siswa (Kajian Pragmatik Dan Implikasinya Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Di SMP)

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    Cinta dan harga diri merupakan kebutuhan dasar siswa yang dapat dipenuhi guru melalui strategi tindak tutur direktif guru (STTDG). Untuk menjaga perasaan siswa agar merasa dicintai dan dihargai, guru perlu menggunakan STTDG yang dapat memunculkan respons warna afektif positif siswa (RWAPS) sehingga pembelajaran berlangsung kondusif dan menyenangkan. Kenyataannya, masih ada kekerasan verbal yang dilakukan guru dan berdampak pada psikis siswa (rendah diri, trauma, malas). Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memerikan STTDG yang be-RWAPS sebagai basis dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMP. Oleh karena itu, kajian STTDG yang beRWAPS sangat penting dilakukan. Berdasarkan hal itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan STTDG dalam pembelajaran dan RWAS terhadapnya.Sejalan dengan tujuan penelitian, metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif-fenomenologis. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan teknik observasi, teknik catat, sadap rekam, dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fungsi komunikasi tindak tutur direktif guru (TDG) terdiri atas memerintah, meminta, melarang, menyarankan, menanya, dan mengajak; realisasi TDG dengan strategi direct/langsung dan indirect/tidak langsung; STTDG yang mendapat RWAPS ialah (a) tuturan langsung, (b) mengandung unsur pujian, (c) menggunakan sapaan penanda sayang dan nama, (d) menghindari penggunaan kata saya dan kamu, (e) melibatkan penutur dan mitra tutur dalam kegiatan, (f) menggunakan penanda permintaan halus, (g) mengandung lelucon, (h) mempertimbangkan keinginan mitra tutur, (i) mengupayakan kesepakatan, dan (j) tuturan tidak langsung. Sementara itu, STTDG yang be-RWANS tuturan yang (a) tidak langsung mengandung ironi, (b) menyapa dengan kata seru, (c) membandingkan, dan (d) mengandung unsur celaan

    Strategi Kesantunan dan Ketidaksantunan dalam Tindak Tutur Direktif Guru

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    Strategy directive speech acts teachers (STTDG) in learning impact on student affective color. An attempt to "keep face" that correlates with the basic needs of students, ie, love and self-esteem should be considered a teacher for learning is effective and fun. By using descriptive-phenomenological research design, data collection techniques of observation, tapping records, questionnaires, and interviews; and conducted domain analysis, taxonomy, and heuristics to STTDG in learning Indonesian in SMP obtained the following results. The strategy of politeness used in speech acts directive teachers include (1) to intensify attention hearer, (2) pay attention to the hearer, (3) praise, (4) pay attention to the needs hearer, (5) use the greeting, (6) seek agreement, (7) avoid disagreements, (8) promised reward, (9) include the speaker and hearer in activities, (10) using a joke, while the strategy ketidaksantunan consisting of (a) speech does not directly snide, (b ) greet with interjections, (c) to compare, and (d) there is an element chided

    Efektifitas Pelatihan Pembelajaran Kimia Berbasis Life Skill Dan Chemoentrepreneurship (Cep) Bagi Guru SMA Negeri Kota Semarang

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    This research aim to (1) describe the training model of chemical learning design based on life skill and CEP; (2) know the effectiveness of training model of chemistry learning design based on life skill and CEP. This research use Research and Development (R&D) approach with stages of (1) conduct a preliminary study; (2) design a training model; (3) model validation; (4) testing the model; and (5) describing the final model. Subject of this research were high school chemistry teacher as many as 30 peoples used as a test model of training. Measurement of effectiveness include the variables; (1) ability of the participants in designing learning before and after training; (2) ability to apply chemical learning based on life skill and CEP for trained teachers; (3) participants' responses to the implementation of training and skills of trainers. Effectiveness criteria determined by constructing a scale of effectiveness based on the average results of measurements of variables. Data collection techniques using surveys, interviews, and documentation. Instruments used were in the form of questionnaires, observation sheets, interview guidelines, and the researcher's own instrument. The results can be concluded that the training model of chemical learning design based on life skill and CEP effective to improve the quality of teachers in implementing the chemical learning. Recommended for training providers team that the training model of chemical learning design based on life skill and CEP to be developed within a wider scale

    Guidebook of Basic Analytical Chemistry Lecture using Laboratory Inquiry-Based Activity to Develop Multiple Intelligence

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    This study aims to generate a guidebook of basic analytical chemistry lecture (Kimia AnalitikDasar (KAD))using laboratory inquiry-based activity that can increase the Multiple Intelligence of chemistry teacher candidates. Multiple Intelligence which should be developedrelating to the lecture of basic analytical chemistry laboratory improve logical mathematical intelligence, and  interpersonal, intrapersonal intelligences. This study uses the design of the 4D model development (define, design, develop, and disseminate), of Thiagarajan et al, (1974). The basic analytical chemistry lecture guidance book applies laboratory inquiry-based activity that was developed and validated by three experts, with the valid result. After obtaining a validated model by experts, it then wasused by 12 students of the 6th semester, with the result that there was little revision on the work instructions, while the contents are understandable enough. After that, the gudance book was brought into the next level of implementation. The result is quite satisfying with the record of reaching 84% -96% of usage. In addition, the usage of the guidebook also contributes toward the development of intrapersonal intelligence rates at the highest of 92% on metacognition indicator, 100% on the indicator of listening to other, and 56% on Logical Mathematic of mathematic operations indicator

    Penggunaan Media Audio Visual Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Dan Hasil Belajar

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    This research was aimed to know that using of audio visual media could increase motivation and learning outcome of history by using Inquiry learning model. Method which used in this research was PTK it was consist of three cycles, each cycles has planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Result of this research showed that there was an increasing on: (1) student's motivation to learn, which 56,25% on 1st cycle, 74,19% on 2nd , and 90% on 3rd cycle; (2) student's learning outcomes in cognitive aspect increased from average value 69,53 on 1st cycle, 73,71 on 2nd cycle, 80,66 on 3rd cycle, in affective aspect was 56,25% on 1st cycle,74,19% on 2nd cycle, 90% on 3rd cycle, in psychomotor aspect increased from average value 70,08 on 1st cycle, 75,18 on 2nd cycle,and 80,59 on 3rd cycle. Implication, based on research was audio visual media could increase learning motivation and the increasing of learning motivation could increase leraning outcome.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bahwa penggunaan media audio visual dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar dengan model pembelajaran inquiry. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah PTK yang terdiri dari tiga siklus, setiap siklus meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pada: (1) motivasi belajar siswa, yaitu sebesar 56,25% pada siklus I, 74,19% siklus II, dan 90% siklus 3; (2) hasil belajar siswa ranah kognitif meningkat dari nilai rata-rata 69,53 siklus I, 73,71 siklus II, dan 80,66 siklus III, ranah afektif, meningkat dari 56,25% siklus I, 74,19 siklus II, dan 90% siklus III, ranah psikomotor meningkat dari nilai rata-rata 70,08 siklus I, 75,18 siklus II, dan 80,59 siklus III. Implikasi, berdasarkan hasil temuan adalah penggunaan media audio visual dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar, dan peningkatan motivasi belajar dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar

    Analisis Gender dalam Program Desa Mandiri Pangan (Studi Kasus: Desa Jambakan, Kecamatan Bayat, Klaten-Jawa Tengah)

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    Kebijakan di bidang ketahanan pangan dan gizi merupakan bagian integral dari kebijakan pembangunan nasional. Oleh karena itu strategi dalam membangun sistem ketahanan pangan tidak hanya berorientasi pada peningkatan produktivitas saja, tetapi juga pada peningkatan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) melalui pemberdayaan masyarakat sehingga masyarakat memiliki kemampuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mereka secara mandiri dan berkelanjutan. Langkah pemerintah untuk mewujudkan ketahanan pangan adalah dengan melaksanakan Program Desa Mandiri Pangan mulai tahun 2006 di daerah yang dinyatakan daerah rawan pangan. Dalam implementasinya, setiap kebijakan yang dilakukan setiap instansi seyogyanya harus memperhatikan hubungan antara laki-laki dan perempuan, yang sesuai dengan INPRES No. 9 Tahun 2000 tentang Pengarusutamaan Gender. Kajian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui sejauhmana Program Desa Mandiri Pangan telah responsif gender. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pelaksanaan Program Desa Mandiri Pangan cenderung belum responsif gender. Hal ini karena masih terjadi ketimpangan gender baik di tingkat rumah tangga maupun dalam kelompok afinitas. Bentuk ketidakadilan gender yang terjadi adalah beban kerja, stereotipe dan subordinasi pada perempuan. Ketimpangan gender tersebut terjadi akibat hegemoni patriarki. Faktor elit desa juga bepengaruh terhadap pelaksanaan program

    Dimensi Kepentingan dalam Pengembangan Kelembagaan Ketahanan Pangan Lokal : Studi Kasus Program Aksi Mandiri Pangan di Desa Jambakan, Kecamatan Bayat, Kabupaten Klaten, Propinsi Jawa Tengah

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    The issues of food security and poverty are basically two important points that have a strong relation to rural community development. A study was conducted to understand more on the depth of the relation between food security and local initiatives development. The aim of this research is to figure out how small peasant households build their institutions as they react to fulfill food security needs. The study is also to understand what type of intervention programs have been developed by the government and community, especially those concentrating in rural food-security. The study also seeks to find the answer of how deep had the peasants' interest and initiatives been considered to be important part of food-security development program. Las but not least it was devoted to identify the current state of food-security situation of peasant's household in rural areas. The research was carried out in Jambakan Village, Bayat Sub-district of Central Java Province. The method used in this study was community study (through survey and qualitative approaches and case study). The results of the study are: the implementation of food self reliant village program run by the government was not quite successful to accomplish due to governance problematic at local level. Some key factors explaining the relationship between the successfulness of the program and food security's achievements are technical assistance, community organizers, trust, and leadershi

    Analysis of the Impact of Policy and Political Economics in The Development of The Rattan Craft Industry in Cirebon

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    ABSTRACTThe rattan handicraft industry is growing rapidly, supported by government policies in the rattan trading system and people who have expertise and skills in managing rattan into household handicraft products. The presence of this industry creates a pattern of relations in it as a symptom of political economy, where the pattern of relations which generally involves business and political relations develops into a pattern of relations between actors in the economy itself. These actors take advantage of the rattan industry for profit (rent-seeking) improperly or through transaction processes outside the economy. The results showed that the dynamics of the rattan industry development were highly dependent on government policies in the raw rattan trading system. The production process involves exporters, pengesub, raw material traders, and local traders. The rattan industry creates a relationship pattern in the form of exploitation and cooperation with three types of socio-economic-political relations between actors in the rattan handicraft industry. Rent-seeking can be categorized into local, national, and global rent-seeking.Keywords: rattan handicraft industry, political economy, rent-seeking actor

    Strategi Pemberdayaan Petani Muda Kopi Wirausaha di Kabupaten Simalungun

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    Kopi arabika merupakan produk global, dan kopi arabika Simalungun mampu bersaing di dunia Internasional. Keberlanjutan USAha kopi arabika tergantung pada petani muda wirausaha. Petani muda sebagai aset bangsa perlu mendapat perhatian agar USAhanya mampu bersaing di era global. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis data primer. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah FGD sebanyak 2 kali masing-masing diikuti 15 orang petani muda kopi dan wawancara mendalam dengan teknik snow ball terhadap 11 orang petani muda kopi. Subyek penelitian adalah petani muda kopi yang terlibat dalam USAha kopi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: strategi pemberdayaan petani muda kopi wirausaha memerlukan dua komponen, yaitu faktor penggerak dan pelancar. Faktor penggerak meliputi: Perubahan sistem ekonomi non pasar menjadi pasar, Perubahan sistem patron klien menjadi pasar; membuka akses alat pengolahan kopi, membentuk citra petani muda sebagai agen yang aktif dan kritis, menempatkan petani muda kopi sebagai subyek yang dinamis dalam membangun karakter kepemimpinan dan kewirausahaan. Faktor pelancar meliputi: membangun kolektifitas, mengorganisir petani muda kopi dengan memperkuat modal sosial, melindungi basis sumberdaya air dan lahan dengan menerapkan good agricultural practices (GAP), diversifikasi mata pencaharian, membuka akses pasar, penyuluhan dan pendampingan USAha kopi berbasis informasi dan teknologi. Dalam era pasar bebas (MEA), diperlukan reposisi petani muda kopi dari petani produsen menjadi petani pemasok

    Adolescent Women Marriage Practices and Peer Pressures in Rural West Java

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    Adolescent marriage practices not only involve the structure in family or society but also related to the inter-individual social relations, one of them is peers. Peers are agent in the adolescent women marriage practices, because peers become a reference in act and behave for teenagers. The aim of this study are identify the peer pressures and analyze the agent's actions of peers in adolescent women marriage practices. This research uses mixed-method that combines qualitative and quantitative. The results show that peers put pressures on three things related to adolescent women marriage practices in Gunungsindur village. Peers become one of the agents in adolescent women marriage practices. Peer's actions are influenced by existing structures in society as well as by agency. Furthermore, the actions undertaken by peers or adolescent women actually perpetuate adolescent women marriage practices