70 research outputs found

    Human Development Index, Capital Expenditure, Fiscal Desentralization to Economic Growth and Income Inequality in East Java Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the Human Development Index, Capital Expenditure, Fiscal Decentralization Against Economic Growth and Income Inequality in East Java in Indonesia. This study applied a quantitative approach using a combination between time series and data between place and space (cross-section), to determine whether there is a relationship between two variables or better direct or indirect influence. The findings indicated that the index of human development (HDI) and capital expenditure have a positive and significant impact on economic growth. The higher Human Development Index and capital expenditure affect the greater economic growth rate. However, the degree of fiscal decentralization does not influence economic growth, while economic growth has a positive effect and significant effect on income inequality. Inter-regional economic growth showed varies, in increasing per capita income in some areas of high economic growth, while some other regions have low economic growth, resulting in increased income inequality. Keywords: Human Development Index, Capital Expenditure, Fiscal Decentralization, Economic GrowthJEL Codes: E62; O15; R1


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    Melalui telaah kritis dari berbagai literature, tulisan ini bertujuan untuk merenungkan kembali pemikiran salah seorang yang memberikan konstribusi besar dalam perkembangan ilmu manajemen yaitu Herbert Alexander Simon. Melalui teori bounded rationality, Simon telah berhasil memberikan konstribusi besar dalam menjawab bagaimana perilaku manusia dalam pengambilan keputusan dan bagaimana manusia menyelesaikan masalah. Dengan mempelajari pemikiran Herbert A. Simon ini, tulisan ini mengajak kita merefleksikan kembali konsep rasionalitas yang kita terima selama ini. Kesadaran atas keterbatasan rasionalitas penting untuk membangun cara berfikir yang lebih rasional

    The Effect of Number of Members, Own Capital, External Capital and Business Volume on the Residual Results of Cooperative Business in West Java Province 2018-2020

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    Cooperatives as an institution with member welfare are the main goal through the process of dividing the remaining operating results (SHU). This study will examine the resulting influence on aspects of cooperatives such as the number of members, owner's capital , external capital, and business volume on SHU. Cooperatives throughout West Java Province were selected as research subjects, with data acquisition using Time Series with Cross Sections in 26 cities/districts of West Java Province in 2018-2020. The quantitative method uses a descriptive approach and panel data regression analysis, which succeeded in finding that number of members is partially positively related to the remaining operating results but has no significant effect. Owner’s capital and business volume can positively and significantly affect the remaining operating results. Meanwhile, external capital creates a significant negative impact on SHU. In a simultaneous study, all independent variables significantly positively influenced the SHU

    Financial Competence of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Ponorogo

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    The purpose of this study was to know and analyze the accounting capability in an effort to improve financial competence for the Micro, Small and Medium (MSM) entrepreneurs in Ponorogo. The method used was survey, through interview and observation. Accounting competence was viewed from the aspect of sales turnover, capital resources used, net income every month, financial statement preparation, financial statement preparation forms, constraints in the preparation of financial statements, and training that had been participated. The results showed the majority of MSM entrepreneurs in Ponorogo including micro-entrepreneurs and the capital resource had an income per month of < Rp 5.000.000,-. Most of them did not prepare for financial statements. The financial statement that was prepared was income statement. Most of them had also not been trained, and financial statement preparation constraints were experienced because they did not understand accounting. MSME financial competence in Ponorogo needed to be improved by accounting training, with the target of being able to prepare financial statements, bankable, increase income to develop the business. Further research was required in the formulation of modules and accounting training for target achievement.&nbsp


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    Perguruan tinggi seharusnya lebih fokus pada bagaimana lulusan mampu menciptakan pekerjaan. Niat kesungguhan untuk berwirausaha harus tertanam dalam benak mahasiswa. Intensi wirausaha telah terbukti menjadi prediktor baik bagi perilaku kewirausahaan Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh faktor demografi, lingkungan, dan kepribadian dalam mempengaruhi intensi wirausaha mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo. Dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linear sederhana dan sampel sebanyak 127 mahasiswa penelitian ini memberikan bukti bahwa ada perbedaan intensi wirausaha mahasiswa fakultas ekonomi dan mahasiswa fakultas non ekonomi. Intensi wirausaha mahasiswa yang pernah mengikuti pelatihan kewirausahaan ditemukan lebih tinggi daripada mahasiswa yang belum pernah mengikuti pelatihan kewirausahaan. Namun hasil analisis regresi linear berganda menunjukkan bahwa variable latar belakang pendidikan, pelatihan, gender, keinginan untuk pencapaian dan lingkungan kontekstual tidak berpengaruh terhadap intensi wirausaha mahasiswa. Variabel efikasi diri berpengaruh terhadap intense wirausaha pada tingkat signifikansi 10%. Secara keseluruhan variable independen yang digunakan dalam model hanya mampu menjelaskan intensi wirausaha mahasiswa sebesar 14,5% (R2= 0.145) Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk mengembangkan program pendidikan yang dapat mendorong semangat kewirausahaan di kalangan mahasiswa


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    This research examines the effect of financing decisions, dividend policy and growth to firm value. This study used 30 firm-year samples of firms listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange during 2008. Sampling method uses purposive sampling method. Data analysis technique uses classic assumption test: multicolinierity test, autocorrelation test, and heteroscedasticity test,. Hypothesis test uses multiple regression analysis. The result of this research indicated that financing decisions negatively not significant affects the firm value. The effect of dividend policy and growth to firm value are positively significant

    Analisis Kemandirian Otonomi Daerah: Kasus Kota Malang (1999 - 2004)

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    One way to assess the capability of an autonomous region in implementing its autonomy is by measuring the performance of the region in managing decentralized fiscal and the degree of inde-pendency toward the central government. There are six main variables which considered being the performance indicators of the capability: fiscal need, fiscal capacity, fiscal effort, degree of fiscal decentralization, and elasticity coefficient of PAD (regional revenue) compared to PDRB. By ana-lyzing panel data from 1999 to 2004 of Malang City, this simple empirical research shows that ef-ficiency in public finance is relatively high, while trend of PAD toward PDRB is inelastic. This means that in the long run Malang City will have some degree of a positive trend of PAD and PDRB growth if the government could maintain the independency policy in terms of preference to local investment incentives.Keywords: regional autonomy, regional finance, regional revenue, fiscal decentralization and independency policy_________________________________________________________________________________________

    Analisis Pengembangan Wilayah Daerah Malang Utara

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    Economic development should base on local potential area. It is to be directed to supporting the achievement of improvements in providing support for development planning, resource allocation, spatial and others. Including how to market the products of the sector so that it can be seen and attract investors in its development. The analysis methods used sector is a method of location quotient and Klassen typology, and SWOT. Local economy include the potential economic sectors, and the potential spatial (territorial). 3 covers the economic potential of the sector is quite large, namely agriculture, manufacturing industry and trade, hotels and restaurants; particularly the northern region of Malang shows that the potential level of attractiveness of its economy in general above the district average Malang, unless sub district DAU. FGD and SWOT in the field led to the need for developing a combined approach to ecological factors, and a systems approach activities in order to improve community based economic potential of north Malang.Keywords: Local Economy, FGD, SWOT, approach to ecological factor

    The Impact of Macroeconomic Effect and Fiscal Policy on Poverty in Indonesia

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    Poverty is a problem that must be overcome immediately by a developing country. Therefore, various efforts were made to find factors that significantly affect poverty in order to design an alleviation strategy. This study aims to determine the impact of macroeconomic effect and fiscal policy on poverty poverty in all the Indonesian provinces from 2018 to 2020. The macroeconomic effect proxied by unemployment, Human Development Index (HDI), investment, and economic growth. Besides that, the fiscal policy proxied by social assistance. The data analysis used in this study is panel data. The time-series data used are from 2018 to 2020, and the cross-section data used is from 34 provinces in Indonesia. The model selected in this study is the Fixed Effect Model (FEM). This study found that unemployment had a significant positive effect, and HDI had a significant negative impact on poverty in Indonesia. In contrast, social assistance did not have a significant impact. Simultaneously, unemployment, HDI, and social assistance exert a significant influence

    Pengaruh Jumlah Anggota, Modal Luar, Volume Usaha, dan Total Aset terhadap Pendapatan Sisa Hasil Usaha Koperasi di Provinsi Bali Tahun 2015-2020

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    Cooperatives can play a role as one of the main forces in encouraging national economic growth. One of the indicators in improving the welfare of members can be proven by the increase in SHU. This study aims to examine how the independent variables (number of members, external capital, business volume, and total assets) can affect the dependent variable (SHU) in all cooperatives in Bali Province. The approach in this study is a quantitative approach with a verification method using panel data regression analysis. This study uses secondary data with time series 2015-2020 and a cross-section of 9 districts/cities sourced from the publications of the Bali Province Cooperatives and UMKM Office. It’s known that the results of this study when proven simultaneously, that the external capital variable, business volume variable, and total asset variable have a significant influence on the SHU variable. Partially it’s known that the variable number of members has no influence and is negatively related to the SHU variable, there is a significant influence between external capital and the SHU variable but is negatively related, the business volume variable has a significant and positive relationship to the SHU variable, and the total assets variable has an influence as well significantly related to the SHU variable
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