17 research outputs found

    The Effect of Emotional Quotient and Adversity Quotient Toward the Anxiety of Facing Corporate work on Final Year Students of Faculty of Psychology UM

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of emotional quotient and adversity quotient on the anxiety of facing corporate work in final-year students of FPsi UM. This research is conducted with a quantitative approach with the type of correlational description. The criteria of this research population included active students of FPsi UM and in the class of 2018 or above (262 people), and after calculating through the Slovin formula the number of people in this study were 158. This research was collected using a Likert scale (the emotional quotient scale, the adversity quotient scale, and the anxiety scale to face the corporate work), and all three tested validity using Pearson’s product-moment technique. The reliability of this research scale was stated using the Alpha Cronbach technique with subjects that matched the population criteria of 30 respondents. This study was analyzed using descriptive analysis and categorized using absolute norms. Hypothesis testing using multiple linear regression with the result of the F-test (p <.05) showed that there was a significant effect of simultant emotional quotient and adversity on the anxiety of facing corporate work where R square is 46.2%. Suggestions for undergraduate students that they can do are to improve their emotional quotient (learn to control emotions and moods) and adversity quotient (learn to admit mistakes and control themselves in difficult situations). Keywords: emotional quotient, adversity quotient, anxiety of facing the corporate wor

    Hubungan antara Intensitas Bermain Video Games dengan Tingkat Kematangan Sosial pada Anak Usia Masa Sekolah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan unutuk menguji apakah semakin tinggi intensitas anak bermain video games maka semakin rendah tingkat kematangan sosialnya. Hal ini dilatarberlakangi oleh semakin populernya permainan video games di kalangan anakanak dan telah banyak menghabiskan waktu luang anak. Sehingga anak tidak lagi mempunyai waktu untuk bersosialisasi dan berrnain dengan ternan sebayanya. Proses belajar sosial anak pun menjadi terhambat. Pada akhirnya, hal ini akan mempengaruhi tingkat kematangan sosial anak. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada siswa Sekolah Dasar Santa Clara Surabaya yang berusia 6 sampai 11 tahun dengan metode pengambilan sam pel simple random sampling, dimana jumlah sampel yang diambil sebanyak 10% dari jumlah popuIasi, yaitu 50 subyek. Hal ini didasari pertimbangan bahwa pada jumlah populasi yang besar ( > 100 ), jumlah yang akan diambil untuk sample sebesar 10-15 % . Metode pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner. Berdasarkan uji validitas item terdapat 44 item sahih dari 50 item yang dibuat pada kuesioner kematangan sosial. Kuesioner ini diisi oleh guru kelas yang dianggap orang yang memahami kemampuan siswa. Sedangkan pengambilan data untuk mengetahui intensitas anak bermain video games dilakukan dengan met ode wawancara. Nilai reliabilitas kuesioner kematangan sosial sebesar 0,956 dengan p<0,05 sehingga kuesioner ini dinyatakan anadal. Teknik analisa data menggunakan Korelasi Product Moment dari Pearson dimana diperoleh nilai r sebesar -0,469 dengan p=O,OOl, yang menunjukkan hasil yang signifikan. Dengan demikian hipotesa penelitian yang menyatakan bahwa semakin tinggi intensitas anak bermain video games maka semakin rendah tingkat kematangan sosial anak diterima

    The Effect of Job Crafting and Resilience on the Adaptive Performance of Start-Up Developer Employees in Malang City

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    The primary objective of this study is to investigate the impact of job crafting and resilience on adaptive performance within the context of start-up developers. The research methodology employed in this study is quantitative research. The study subjects consisted of a sample of 37 software developers residing in Malang City, ranging in age from 20 to 40 years old and possessing a minimum of one year of professional experience in the field. The hypothesis is tested using multiple linear regression. Based on statistical research findings, it has been determined that a significant relationship exists between job crafting and adaptive performance at a significance level of 0.05. Additionally, a significant relationship has been observed between resilience and adaptive performance at the same significance level. Furthermore, it has been established that there is a significant relationship between job crafting and resilience and adaptive performance, also at a significance level of 0.05. Based on recommendations for developers in start-up environments, employees can foster personal growth independently or by enrolling in courses focused on resilience and job creation. Employees can proactively modify workplace settings to enhance their performance, increasing their performance levels and overall job satisfaction

    Correlation between Job Crafting and Employee Resilience during Pandemic Covid-19

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    This research aimed to seek the correlation of job crafting and employee resilience. This research were done on 38 employess from various industrial organization. The result of this research shows that there is a positive correlation between job crafting and employee resilence with correlation coefficient 0.453. It showed that employees who proactively modify their specific task, build more meaningful relationship at work, and change their thought about the job to be more meaningful, tend to be more resilient than employee who do not proactively redesign their job. Proactively adding meaningful task in their job has given more satisfaction and sense of reaching out while they are doing their job. They sense that they learn and improve more different competency when they do the task which actually not their responsibility. Crafting job also gives more self-efficacy in doing their job. The way they change they view their job in meaningful way has built their belief that they can overcome the problems at work, therefore making them more resilient

    The Effects of Leadership Style and Work Environment on Digital Leadership: A Literature Review

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    This paper thoroughly reviews the literature on the link between leadership style, digital leadership, and the climate of a company. As more and more organizations embrace digital developments, it’s important to know how leadership styles and digital leadership affect the environment of a company. This study aimed to combine what we already know about leadership styles with digital leadership. This will help us understand how corporate climate affects the relationship between leadership style and digital leadership. The results showed that the organizational climate, which is affected by how leaders do their jobs, significantly affects how well digital leadership practices work in a company. Different types of leadership have different effects on a company’s culture, which can help or hurt the success of digital leadership initiatives. The results also showed how important it is to understand and change the organization’s culture in order to use digital tools and lead teams well in the digital age. By creating a positive and helpful environment, organizations can make it easier for digital leadership practices to be adopted and used successfully. This will improve the effectiveness of leadership and the results of the whole organization. Keywords: Leadership Style, Digital Leadership, Organizational Climate


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan unutuk menguji apakah semakin tinggi intensitas anak bermain video games maka sernakin rendah tingkat kematangan sosialnya. Hal ini dilatarberlakangi oleh semakin populernya perrnainan vidoo games di kalangan anakanak dan telah banyak menghabiskan waktu luang anak. Sehingga anak tidak lagi mempunyai waktu untuk bersosialisasi dan bermain dengan ternan sebayanya. Proses belajar sosial anak pun menjadi terhambat. Pada akhirnya, hal ini akan mempengaruhi tingkat kematangan sosial anak. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada siswa Sekolah Dasar Santa Clara Surabaya yang berusia 6 sampai 11 tahun dengan metode pengambilan sampel simple random sampling, dimana jumlah sampel yang diambil sebanyak 10% dari jumlah populasi, yaitu 50 subyek. Hal iIi didasari pertimbangan bahwa pada jumlah populasi yang besar ( > 100 ), jumlah yang akan diambil untuk sample sebesar 10-15 % . Metode pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner. Berdasarkan uji validitas item terdapat 44 item sahih dari 50 item yang dibuat pada kuesioner kernatangan sosial. Kuesioner ini diisi oleh guru kelas yang dianggap orang yang memahami kemampuan siswa. Sedangkan pengambilan data untuk mengetahui intensitas anak berrnain video games dilakukan dengan metode wawancara. Nilai reliabilitas kuesioner kematangan sosial sebesar 0,956 dengan p<0,05 sehingga kuesioner ini dinyatakan anadal. Teknik analisa data menggunakan Korelasi Product Moment dari Pearson dimana diperoleh nilai r sebesar --0,469 dengan p=O,OOI, yang menunjukkan hasil yang signifikan. Dengan demikian hipotesa penelitian yang menyatakan bahwa sernakin tinggi intensitas anak bermain video games maka sernakin rendah tingkat kematangan sosial anak diterima

    Training on How Students Choose Their Academic Career Paths

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    The lack of knowledge that students face in choosing their careers is one of the issues for those who want to continue their education. Vocational High School (SMK) graduates hope to get a job after graduation rather than continue their study. However, it does not preclude the possibility that they will continue their studies at the higher education level. Therefore, this training aims to enhance participants’ capacity to plan their career paths, particularly for higher education. The first step in the training process is distributing the material, followed by a workshop. A lecture introduces the subject matter, and a workshop setting involves participatory action research. The evaluation’s findings demonstrate that students’ knowledge and skills improve due to the training received, and they can better comprehend the career path they will eventually pursue. Keywords: career choice, advanced studies, vocational high schoo

    Adversity Quotient dalam Sinteron: Studi Perbandingan antara Indonesia dan Korea

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    Indonesian serial drama or often called sinetron has been dominated television show in Indonesia. Most television viewers spend their most time to watch sinetron. Meanwhile, there is a serious phenomenon that the number of depression has been increased throughout the world, including in Indonesia. Therefore, Adversity Quotient, defined as one's capacity to face and overcome adversity in his/her life, which stated by Stoltz, becomes necessary to discuss. There are three types of AQ: Quitters (the ones who choose to quit and ignoring the opportunity); Campers (the ones who are afraid to take risks and choose to be satisfied with what they have gained); and Climbers (the ones who do not allow anything to stop them to move forward).&nbsp; This was a qualitative descriptive study with non-frequentive content analysis technique to analyze the data. The samples of this study were 15 of Indonesian sinetron and 15 Korean sinetron. The samples were taken by incidental sampling technique. The result of this study demonstrated that most of sinetron's characters (62%) were categorized as Campers, 31% were Quitters, and only 7% were Climbers. Meanwhile, in KOrean sinetron, there were 56% Climbers, 36% Campers, and 8% Quitters. The conclusion was Indonesian sinetron showed less climbers characteristics than Korean sinetron. In sinetron, success was associated with religious efforts, whereas in Koream sinetron success was related with hard work and optimistic attitude

    The Influence of Meaningful Work and Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Job Performance of Employees in PT X Mojokerto

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    Level of performance in a particular job is crucial because it can make a major contribution to the sustainability of the company. The purpose of this research was to examine how meaningful work and organizational citizenship behavior influence employee performance. This research used a quantitative approach and data were collected using the Individual Work Performance Questionnaire, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and Work and Meaning Inventory. The sample of this research included 86 employees who worked at PT. X in Mojokerto who were recruited using simple random sampling. The analysis techniques used in this research were the instrument test, descriptive test and classical assumption test. The results revealed that meaningful work had no significant effect on performance (p = 0.77 &gt; 0.05). However, the results showed that organizational citizenship behavior had a significant influence on performance (p &lt; 0.05). The findings on the simultaneous effect of meaningful work and organizational citizenship behavior on performance revealed significant results (p &lt; 0.05). It is recommended that future studies examine other variables that may play a role in improving performance, such as job satisfaction and leadership. Keywords: job performance, organizational citizenship behavior, meaningful wor