16 research outputs found

    Kinerja Bundaran Bersinyal Digulis Kota Pontianak

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    Fully signalized roundabout must meet design criteria which are very different compared to the recommended design for unsignalized roundabout. When traffic flow increases, there is greater probability that traffic queue to occure, that will decrease the operation level of the roundabout and reduce the intersection capacity. In the case of the Digulis Signalized Roundabout, in Pontianak City, the high traffic volume causes problems, at the roundabout and particularly at the signalized intersection. At the roundabout, in C-D weaving direction, the degree of saturation reaches 0,933, while at signalized intersection, at leg A, major traffic direction, Ahmad Yani street, the degree saturation reaches 0,841, which causes long queues, with the length of 148 meters for leg A and 128 meters for leg B. The delay occured is 13.73 pcu.sec 10,64 pcu.sec, at directions A and B, respectively

    Pengaruh Perubahan Temperatur terhadap Kekesatan Jalan pada Perkerasan Lentur

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    Road is an important infrastructure to support transportation activities. Roads are the most commonly used transportation facilities by most people. Traffic problems that impact on the weakening of some sectors, especially the economy, so the road also affects the safety, comfort, and safety of driving. Good road planning affects the level of road performance, where the plan has the highest pavement of flexible pavement or asphalt, where the asphalt has skid resistance value. The purpose of the researcher is to find the influence of temperature against the aggression on ther road which affect the safety, comfort, and safety of the rider.In this study, the data obtained by conducting a survey on the road using a tool called BPT (Bristish Pendulum Tester) is a pendulum with a rubber under it that touches to the surface of the pavement. The appointed time is in the morning, afternoon, and evening. The road used is a road that has the same pavement that is Jl. Ahmad Yani and Jl. Tanjungpura. From the results of the survey will be calculated and analyzed so that will get the effect of temperature against the road aggression.The road aggression value is indicated by BPN (British Pendulum Number) which is the value indicated by the gauge on the BPT device when the rubber touches the frictionless surface of the pavement. Based on previous research BPN values are influenced by temperature, if the temperature is low which makes the surface of pavement also low, makes BPN value tend to be higher, and vice versa

    Evaluasi Keberadaan Trotoar di Jalan Nasional Kota Pontianak

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    One of the impact of increased traffic flow resulting in increased traffic problems. The condition of the facility equipment can be used as one of the identification problem of traffic safety in the area. Good road conditions must be balanced with the presence of sidewalks available well too, so that the conflict - traffic can occur between motorists with pedestrians crossing the road can terhindar.Tujuan this study was to determine and evaluate the presence of sidewalks on seven National roads are there in the city of Pontianak. Data were collected by direct observation that the data obtained by direct observation. From a survey of geometric and pavement where the seven-dimensional data obtained by the National road pavement, pavement conditions, and land use. Referring to the results of the survey, taken two national roads which have the densest pedestrian volume that is considered to represent for the survey and the number of pedestrian travel time to get the value of current, velocity, density, space, and value the level of service that is on the road pavement Kom.Yos . Sudarso and the Tanjung Pura. Based on the analysis get LOS A service level pavement on both the road pavement which means that the service is still good enough to accommodate pedestrian flow across the pavement dijalur thus considered to represent the condition of seven other national roads. The survey results and the geometric conditions of the existence of national road pavement, the existing pavement is still not optimal as broken pavement condition, the dimensions are not standardized, the placement is not maximized, and the improper use of a sidewalk that needs improvement, reviewing, and controlling pavement in order to meet the standards and can provide maximum service to its users


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    Abstract Fully signalized roundabout must meet design criteria which are very different compared to the recommended design for unsignalized roundabout. When traffic flow increases, there is greater probability that traffic queue to occure, that will decrease the operation level of the roundabout and reduce the intersection capacity. In the case of the Digulis Signalized Roundabout, in Pontianak City, the high traffic volume causes problems, at the roundabout and particularly at the signalized intersection. At the roundabout, in C-D weaving direction, the degree of saturation reaches 0,933, while at signalized intersection, at leg A, major traffic direction, Ahmad Yani street, the degree saturation reaches 0,841, which causes long queues, with the length of 148 meters for leg A and 128 meters for leg B. The delay occured is 13.73 pcu.sec 10,64 pcu.sec, at directions A and B, respectively. Keywords: signalized roundabout, degree of saturation, delay, queue  Abstrak Bundaran dengan pengaturan sinyal penuh harus memenuhi desain yang akan sangat berbeda dibandingkan dengan desain yang direkomendasikan untuk bundaran tanpa sinyal. Ketika arus lalulintas meningkat, semakin besar kemungkinan terjadinya antrean kendaraan yang akan menurunkan tingkat operasi bundaran dan akan menurunkan kapasitas persimpangan. Pada kasus Bundaran Bersinyal Digulis, tingginya volume lalulintas menyebabkan terjadinya permasalahan, baik pada bundaran dan pada simpang bersinyalnya. Pada bundaran, pada arah weaving C-D, derajat kejenuhan mencapai 0,933, sedangkan pada simpang bersinyal, pada lengan A, lengan mayor, Jalan Ahmad Yani, derajat kejenuhan mencapai 0,841, yang mengakibatkan antrean sepanjang 148 meter untuk lengan A dan 128 meter untuk lengan B. Tundaan yang terjadi sebesar 13,73 smp.detik pada arah A dan 10,64 smp.detik pada arah B. Kata-kata kunci: bundaran bersinyal, derajat kejenuhan, tundaan, antrea


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    The purpose of this study is to find the effect of characteristics Marshall test that use of two different aggregate in asphalt mixture HRS-WC and comparing both types of smooth aggregate on the strength of asphalt mixture. For the composition of the mixture of four types of smooth aggregate used to use the same proportions that uses as much as 55% coarse aggregate, fine aggregate by 40% and the use of filler as much as 5%.It can be seen from the results of the testing we did for smooth aggregate stone dust has the highest stability values of all types of smooth aggregate used is equal to 1440 Kg. In the asphalt content of 6%, but with consideration of the overall results of the test obtained Marshall KAO value of 7.71% with the value of 1340.10 Kg stability, flow value of 4.96 mm, MQ value of 271.10 Kg / mm, VFB the value amounted to 94.30%, the value of VIM 4.85% and for the VMA value amounted to 18.10%.For the use of smooth aggregate that comes from sand, just being grained sand that meets the general specifications of public works by KAO obtained amounted to 7.43% with a value of 1220.00 Kg stability, flow value of 4.10 mm, a value of 297 MQ , 50 Kg / mm, VFB value of 73.60%, VIM value of 5.58%, and the VMA value of21.28%. Keywords: Smooth Aggregate, Mixture composition, Marshall Tes


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    Penelitian ini menyajikan penempatan dan pemasangan rambu dan marka jalan yang sesuai standar dengan peraturan yang berlaku yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah yaitu Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia No.43 Tahun 1993 tentang Prasarana dan Lalu Lintas Jalan dan Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia No.13 Tahun 2014 tentang Rambu Lalu Lintas yang di keluarkan oleh pemerintah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan mengevaluasi kebutuhan rambu dan marka jalan lalu lintas dan mengetahui pengaruh penempatan perambuan dan pemarkaan jalan didaerah yang termasuk fungsi jalan kolektor yaitu Jalan Ahmad Dahlan, Jalan Alianyang, Jalan Dr.Wahidin Sudiruhosodo dan Jalan Putri Candramidi di kota Pontianak sebagai alat pengendali lalu lintas serta memberikan alternatif penempatan rambu sehingga dapat membantu pengaturan pergerakan lalu lintas. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa rekomendasi misalnya penempatan rambu peringatan tikungan beruntun pada suatu ruas jalan yang terdapat tikungan beruntun dengan jarak pandang kemudi terbatas serta pemasangan dan penempatan marka jalan baik marka membujur garis solid maupun garis putus-putus pada jalan yang belum terdapat marka jalan terutama pada daerah yang memiliki keterbatasan jarak pandang seperti tikungan sehingga diperlukan pemarkaan marka membujur garis solid dan pengemudi tidak di ijinkan untuk mendahului kendaraan lain pada bagian jalan ini sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku. Kata kunci: Evaluasi, rambu, marka, alternatif penempatan


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    One of the impact of increased traffic flow resulting in increased traffic problems. The condition of the facility equipment can be used as one of the identification problem of traffic safety in the area. Good road conditions must be balanced with the presence of sidewalks available well too, so that the conflict - traffic can occur between motorists with pedestrians crossing the road can terhindar.Tujuan this study was to determine and evaluate the presence of sidewalks on seven National roads are there in the city of Pontianak. Data were collected by direct observation that the data obtained by direct observation. From a survey of geometric and pavement where the seven-dimensional data obtained by the National road pavement, pavement conditions, and land use. Referring to the results of the survey, taken two national roads which have the densest pedestrian volume that is considered to represent for the survey and the number of pedestrian travel time to get the value of current, velocity, density, space, and value the level of service that is on the road pavement Kom.Yos . Sudarso and the Tanjung Pura. Based on the analysis get LOS A service level pavement on both the road pavement which means that the service is still good enough to accommodate pedestrian flow across the pavement dijalur thus considered to represent the condition of seven other national roads. The survey results and the geometric conditions of the existence of national road pavement, the existing pavement is still not optimal as broken pavement condition, the dimensions are not standardized, the placement is not maximized, and the improper use of a sidewalk that needs improvement, reviewing, and controlling pavement in order to meet the standards and can provide maximum service to its users. Keywords: Evaluation, sidewalks, pedestrian level of service

    The Inhibition of Tobamovirus by Using the Extract of Banana Flower

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    Some extract of the banana plants parts have been identified to produce a compound that has efficacy as traditional medicine and human virus inhibitor. There was no previous report on the use of the banana flower as the plants antiviral sources for plant pathogen. The objective of this study was to identify the potency of two types of the banana flower as the Tobamovirus inhibitor substance. The antiviral was prepared from the extract of Ambon banana (Musa acuminata Colla) flower and Klutuk banana (Musa balbisiana Colla) flower, as the comparison extract of Mirabilis jalapa L. leaf which is widely known to have antiviral on various plant viruses was used. This study applied the Complete Randomized Design with three replications. Collected data includes the virus incubation period and the inhibitor power upon the local necrotic symptom on indicator plant. Results of this study showed that the extract of Ambon and Klutuk banana flower was able to inhibit the Tobamovirus with inhibition levels of 86.34% and 91.22%.IntisariBeberapa ekstrak bagian tanaman pisang diketahui memiliki kandungan senyawa yang berkhasiat sebagai obat tradisional dan zat yang dapat menghambat virus manusia. Belum pernah dilaporkan penggunaan bunga pisang sebagai sumber antiviral terhadap virus tumbuhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi ekstrak bunga dua jenis pisang sebagai zat penghambat Tobamovirus. Antiviral disiapkan dari ekstrak bunga pisang Ambon (Musa acuminata Colla) dan pisang Klutuk (Musa balbisiana Colla), sebagai pembanding digunakan ekstrak daun Mirabilis jalapa L. yang sudah banyak diketahui mengandung antiviral pada berbagai virus tumbuhan. Penelitian ini dirancang menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 3 ulangan. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi masa inkubasi virus dan daya hambat gejala nekrotik lokal pada tanaman indikator. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak bunga pisang jenis Ambon dan Klutuk mampu menghambat Tobamovirus dengan tingkat penghambatan sebesar 86,34% dan 91,22%

    The Inhibition of Tobamovirus by Using the Extract of Banana Flower

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    Some extract of the banana plants parts have been identified to produce a compound that has efficacy as traditional medicine and human virus inhibitor. There was no previous report  on the use of the banana flower as the plants antiviral sources for plant pathogen. The objective of this study was to identify the potency  of two types of the banana flower as the Tobamovirus inhibitor substance. The antiviral was prepared from the extract of Ambon banana (Musa acuminata Colla) flower and Klutuk banana (Musa balbisiana Colla) flower, as the comparison extract of Mirabilis jalapa L. leaf which is widely known to have antiviral on various plant viruses was used. This study applied the Complete Randomized Design with three replications. Collected data includes the virus incubation period and the inhibitor power upon the local necrotic symptom on indicator plant. Results of this study showed that the extract of Ambon and Klutuk banana flower was able to inhibit the Tobamovirus with inhibition levels of 86.34% and 91.22%. Intisari Beberapa ekstrak bagian tanaman pisang diketahui memiliki kandungan senyawa yang berkhasiat sebagai obat tradisional dan zat yang dapat menghambat virus manusia. Belum pernah dilaporkan penggunaan bunga pisang sebagai sumber antiviral terhadap virus tumbuhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi ekstrak bunga dua jenis pisang sebagai zat penghambat Tobamovirus. Antiviral disiapkan dari ekstrak bunga pisang Ambon (Musa acuminata Colla) dan pisang Klutuk (Musa balbisiana Colla), sebagai pembanding digunakan ekstrak daun Mirabilis jalapa L. yang sudah banyak diketahui mengandung antiviral pada berbagai virus tumbuhan. Penelitian ini dirancang menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 3 ulangan. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi masa inkubasi virus dan daya hambat gejala nekrotik lokal pada tanaman indikator. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak bunga pisang jenis Ambon dan Klutuk mampu menghambat Tobamovirus dengan tingkat penghambatan sebesar 86,34% dan 91,22%

    Deteksi Virus Terbawa Umbi Benih pada Bawang Merah Kultivar Biru Bantul

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    Virus infection on shallots may cause mosaic of leaves and plant dwarf.  It is very important to know the identity of the virus as a requirement in determining viral disease management strategy.  The research is subjected to identify seed- transmitted viruses from shallot bulbs. Detection of virus from bulb was conducted by growing on test, followed by mechanical inoculation on shallot cultivar Biru Bantul, Chenopodium amaranticolor, and Nicotiana tabacum and morphological observation of virus particle by electron microscope. About 2 weeks after inoculation symptoms was observed, i.e. mosaic and dwarf on shallot cultivar Biru Bantul, local necrotic on C. amaranticolor, but symptomless on N. tabacum.  Filamentous particles of 650 nm and 800 nm in length was observed under electron microscope from plants with mosaic and dwarfing symptom, respectively.  This indicated the presence of 2 different seed-transmitted viruses on infected shallots.  Two species of shallot viruses, i.e. Shallot latent carlavirus (SLV) and Onion yellow dwarf potyvirus (OYDV) was most likely the main seedborne viruses on shallot bulb.  Identification based on nucleic acid and protein sequence analysis is necessary for further confirmatio