61 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Sampah Organik Sebagai Pupuk Kompos Ramah Lingkungan Di Kelurahan Bhaktijaya Depok

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    Penetuan mitra dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PkM) didasarkan pada keberadaan lahan kosong yang digunakan menjadi tempat pembuangan sampah. Hal ini berdampak pada timbulnya bau yang tidak sedap dan mengganggu pemandangan. Tujuan kegiatannya pemberian pelatihan pembuatan pupuk kompos skala keluarga menggunakan metode takakura, dan pendampingan penghijauan tanaman rumah dan pekarangan berbasis kompos buatan sendiri. Sasaran kegiatan PkM adalah meningkatkan kebersihan di lingkungan warga dan meningkatkan penghijauan menggunakan pupuk kompos buatan sendiri. Alat dan bahan yang dipergunakan standar umum metode takakura. Hasil kegiatan diketahui bahwa pelatihan dengan menggunakan hasil kompos metode takakura diakui oleh warga sebagai pratik yang mudah, sedernaha, dan bermanfaat untuk penghijauan lingkungan. Diharapkan pengaruh dampaknya adalah masyarakat dapat mengaplikasikannya di rumah dan di lingkungan sekitar tempat tinggalnya secara bertahap dimulai dari skala mikro di rukun warga

    Peran Pembangunan Infrastruktur terhadap Ketimpangan Ekonomi Antarwilayah di Indonesia

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    Infrastructure disparity is considered as one of the factors that enhances economic inequality between regions. In the Indonesian context, the issue is interesting to be examined, especially the government is currently encouraging infrastructure development in various regions in Indonesia.This study aims at analyzing the dynamics of infrastructure and economic inequalities between regions (provinces) in Indonesia and examining the relationship between the two. This research employs several methods, namely Williamson Index, Klassen typology, and correlation and regression analyses. These methods are to provide an adequate scope of analysis to investigate trends and linkages of infrastructure development and economic imbalances between provinces in Indonesia. The study results find that the economic gap (in term of GRDP per capita) among the provinces in Indonesia was relatively high during the period 2011-2015. It was confirmed by the value of Williamson Index at 0.7 points. The relatively high rate of the gap was mostly associated with the infrastructure gap among the provinces. Strong positive correlation between the gap of GRDP per capita and of infrastructure among provinces. This delivers a strong message to the government to accelerate equal development programs proportionally in lagging regions in order to reduce development bias to more developed regions

    Assessment of Security, Health, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability Risk for Toll Road Construction Workers

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    Preventing accidents and work-related diseases is an important factor that must be considered in construction activities. The problem that has occurred recently is that the majority of work accidents occur due to human negligence and unsafe actions. Therefore, it is necessary to commit worker awareness in addition to safety, health, security and environmental sustainability (SHSE), where SHSE also pays attention to non-worker factors or sustainability after construction to maintenance around the construction site environment. The research aims to analyze the influence of worker behaviour on SHSE risk assessments in case studies on the Becakayu Section II-A toll road construction project—quantitative descriptive research method involving 90 workers as respondents. The research results show that SHSE is partially influenced significantly by the variables Employee Knowledge, Employee Attitude, and Employee Action. At the same time, Worker Knowledge, Worker Attitudes and Worker Actions simultaneously have a significant effect on SHSE in the construction of the Becakayu Toll Road section II-A. The research conclusions underline that workers with high knowledge are aware of SHSE behaviour, workers' attitudes towards SHSE still require strong commitment, and workers' actions regarding SHSE need to increase awareness of using personal protective equipment to reduce the risk of occupatinal accidents


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    Pertumbuhan penduduk Kota Depok rata-rata per tahun sekitar 6%. Peningkatan ini berimplikasi pada penyediaan infrastruktur terutama permukiman. Kota Depok melakukan pengembangan sistem pusat pelayanan kegiatan (SPK) kota. Wilayah SPK tersebut dibagi dalam 11 jenis penggunaan lahan yang didominasi oleh permukiman sebesar 49,77%. Tujuan kajian ini adalah menganalisis kemampuan lahan untuk alokasi pemanfaatan permukiman dan memproyeksikan perkembangan wilayah dengan daya dukung lahan terhadap variable jumlah penduduk, PDRB, kebutuhan permukiman, kenyamanan tinggal dan timbulan sampah. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis spasial dengan overlay peta untuk mengeksplorasi data dari perspektif keruangan sebagai dasar pengambilan keputusan dari kriteria klasifikasi kemampuan lahan yang dikaji. Metode sistem dinamik menggunakan data time series untuk memodelkan dan memproyeksikan variabel. Dari hasil analisis diketahui terdapat tiga sub kelas kemampuan lahan (KL) dengan faktor pembatas erosi (e), dan kelerengan (l) yaitu KL-II (63,8%,), KL-I (32,48%), dan KL-IV (3,72%). Selanjutnya hasil proyeksi 20 tahun (2010-2030) menunjukkan bahwa di Kota Depok terjadi peningkatan penduduk alami sebesar 52% dan kenaikan PDRB sebesar 80,39%. Kondisi kenyaman tinggal mengalami tren yang menurun mencapai 9 m2/orang. Sebaliknya, seiring pertambahan jumlah penduduk, tren peningkatan juga terjadi pada kebutuhan permukiman dan timbulan sampah. Secara garis besar, dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat penggunaan lahan aktual yang selaras dengan kemampuan lahan di sub-kelas IV. Hasil proyeksi daya dukung lahan menunjukkan bahwa kebutuhan permukiman lebih dinamis seiring dengan pertambahan jumlah penduduk, sedangkan luasan permukiman cenderung tidak mengalami penambahan. Rekomendasi untuk lahan yang dikategorikan sebagai kelas kemampuan lahan IV-e, dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai lahan pertanian. Selain itu arah kebijakan pemanfaatan pola ruang di Kota Depok diharapkan dapat lebih memperhatikan daya dukung lahan non permukiman


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    The economic value of Siamese Fighting fish and betta fish (Betta splendens) cultivation at the micro-business level has good potential to be developed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Considering the potential of the betta ornamental fish business, not a few parties use this as an alternative solution to the community's income crisis. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many parties engaged as ornamental fish cultivators to become a commodity of economic value, which in the past was usually only fish for complaints and not specifically cultivated to become aesthetic fish. The research objective focuses on assessing multi-dimensional sustainability in micro-business Betta splendens aquaculture during the pandemic. The data collected in this study include primary data and secondary data. Primary data was collected based on a questionnaire through interviews with micro-business actors of betta fish spread across six villages community associations, while secondary data was collected based on reports, journals, and the results of relevant studies. Data analysis used multi-dimensional scaling (MDS), leverage test, and Monte Carlo test. The analysis results show that two dimensions are categorized as less sustainable, namely business feasibility and business strategy, and three other dimensions, namely market networks, infrastructure, and maintenance and handling categorized as moderately sustainable. Ten sensitive attributes are considered unstable. The conclusion of the five dimensions assessed shows a less sustainable category. Leveraging factors in each dimension can be a key to developing a sustainable strategy for micro-business siamese fighting  fish farming in the future


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    Abripraya has implemented Business Continuity Management (BCM) as an effort to keep business processes running well under any risk conditions, including when the Covid-19 virus pandemic occurs. However, in Abipraya, there are still business risks that need to be resolved, namely violations of SOPs related to preventing Covid-19. This study aims to determine which risk groups are at high risk for applying Business Continuity Management in Abipraya during the Covid-19 pandemic. Data collection methods are used through field observations, documentation of activities, and interviews related to the object in the study. The results found six risks with a very high level, one chance with a high level, and a medium level due to violations of BCM implementation by Abipraya's external parties. The majority of breaches of the implementation of BCM by period-specific project workers such as vendors and subcontractors, visiting visitors, and online motorcycle taxi drivers. In conclusion, about 75% of the risk group with a very high-risk category for the BCM Abipraya during the Covid-19 pandemic. The managerial implication is to disseminate regulations, especially to external parties, and implement periodic mitigation plans to reduce high risk.Abripraya telah menerapkan Business Continuity Management (BCM) sebagai upaya agar proses bisnis tetap berjalan dengan baik dalam kondisi risiko apapun, termasuk saat terjadi pandemi virus Covid-19. Namun, di Abipraya, masih ada risiko bisnis yang perlu diselesaikan yaitu pelanggaran SOP terkait pencegahan Covid-19. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelompok risiko mana yang berisiko tinggi untuk menerapkan Business Continuity Management di Abipraya selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Metode pengumpulan data digunakan melalui observasi lapangan, dokumentasi kegiatan, dan wawancara yang berkaitan dengan objek dalam penelitian. Hasil penelitian menemukan enam risiko dengan level sangat tinggi, satu peluang dengan level tinggi, dan level sedang akibat pelanggaran implementasi BCM oleh pihak eksternal Abipraya. Pelanggaran pelaksanaan BCM mayoritas dilakukan oleh pekerja proyek periode tertentu seperti vendor dan subkontraktor, pengunjung yang berkunjung, dan pengemudi ojek online. Kesimpulannya, sekitar 75% kelompok risiko dengan kategori risiko sangat tinggi untuk BCM Abipraya selama pandemi Covid-19. Implikasi manajerial adalah mensosialisasikan regulasi, terutama kepada pihak eksternal, dan mengimplementasikan rencana mitigasi secara berkala untuk mengurangi risiko tinggi

    Analisis Aktor dalam Perumusan Model Kelembagaan Pengembangan Hutan Rakyat di Kabupaten Bogor

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    Bogor regency has an area of 16,945 hectares’ community-forests or 22% of the forest area in the regency. Institutional problems of community-forest management include weak interaction of actors within the organization. Since the organization is part of the institution, its existence becomes an important technical part in securing the operation of the institution. Objectives of this research on analyzing actors and the institution in the community-forest area are: (1) to determine the dominant key actors in community-forests action arena; and (2) to formulate community-forests development institutional models. Qualitative descriptive analysis of actors and institutions employs content analysis. Key actors analysis utilized ISM (Interpretive Structural Modeling) analysis methods. Results of the analysis identified seven key actors in community forest management, namely UPTD BP3K, landowners who lives outside the village, farmer landowners, land tenants, farm labors, lumbermens, and middlemen. Of the seven key actors, four key actors are the most dominant in the community-forest action arena, which are farmer landowners, farm labors, lumbermens and middlemen. There are three models of community-forest management institutions for capacity development actors, namely the institutional model related to venture capital, handling waste of resources, and coordination. This study recommends the necessity to strengthen dominant actors at site level according to the criteria of efficiency, equity, and sustainability. The policy makers need to optimize the capacity and coordination function of government agencies through the institutional coordination model

    Occupational Risks of Firefighters in Jakarta: Job Safety Analysis Approach

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    City Administration Fire and Rescue Service sub-department East Jakarta. It is one of the public organizations which, in carrying out its duties, is very wide with high risk. If this is not handled properly, events caused by unsafe actions and unsafe conditions can harm officers, organizations, and environmental safety. This study aims to analyze and determine the work risks of firefighters at the City Administration Fire and Rescue Service sub-department East Jakarta. The method in this study uses qualitative analysis and quantitative combining methods (numerical data) as well as the facts presented by research informants and then analyzed using the Job Safety Analysis (JSA) method based on the theory of use techniques JSA. The results of this study show that there are four types of work identified as risks in the field assignment section. The conclusion stipulates that the work of firefighters has many potential fire hazards with high severity and a risk rating of 40% in the High-Risk category, 50% in the Moderate Risk category, and as much as 10% risk in the Low-Risk category. Organizations are recommended to evaluate the work process of firefighters by increasing the completeness of PPE and increasing the competence of officers

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Pasar Tenaga Kerja dan Implikasi Kebijakannya terhadap Sektor Pertanian di Kabupaten Bogor

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    There has been a general concern that after the implementation of the regionalautonomy policy, the labor market performance tenfing to decline. This paper aims atanalysing various factors influencing the labour market, by making use of aneconometric model of simultaneous equation system employing a set of pooled or paneldata (combination of yearly time series and 30 subdistricts cross section in BogorRegency). The results showed that estimated parameters accord well with the theory.The estimated model is fairly good to explain the variation of labor market of BogorRegency, prior to as well as during the ongoing regional autonomy period. Among theresults, it is found that, in agricultural and service sectors, employment absorption foreducated and uneducated labours is higher during the autonomy than before theautonomy. The opposite happens in the industrial sector. In all sectors, investmentplays an important role in determining employment absorption. Together with labourproductivity, employment absorption positively affects gross domestic regionalproduct, which in turns influences a number of labour market variables


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    Penerapan Keselamatan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) pada cabang perusahaan pergudangan diyakini dapat meningkatkan kinerja pekerja, perbaikan sistem kerja terhadap perusahaan. Namun demikian, penerapannya memerlukan strategi dari manajemen dalam menentukan program prioritas agar penerapan K3 di cabang perusahaan. Kebaruan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis strategi penerapan Keselamatan Kesehatan Kerja pada cabang perusahaan pergudangan dengan menggunakan metode analisis SWOT dan AHP. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal dalam penerapan K3, serta strategi prioritas penerapan K3 pada cabang perusahaan pergudangan. Jenis penelitian ini deskriptif kualitatif menggunakan metode analisis SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) dan AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) atau AWOT. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan wawancara kepada karyawan dan pimpinan cabang perusahaan pergudangan. Analisis matriks internal dan eksternal (IE) menghasilkan, Total Weight Score (TWS) internal pada sumbu horizontal sebesar 3.42, sedangkan TWS eksternal pada sumbu vertikal yakni 3.48. Secara kondisional posisi cabang perusahaan pergudangan berada pada sel nomor I (satu) atau berkategori strategi Grow and Build. Hasil AHP menunjukkan strategi prioritas tertinggi penerapan K3 cabang perusahaan pergudangan adalah strategi pengembangan sistem K3 dan strategi integrasi horizontal sistem K3. Kondisi penerapan K3 pada cabang perusahaan pergudangan membutuhkan pengembangan secara intensif dan integrasi. Strategi prioritas untuk penerapan K3 pengembangan sistem K3 dan integrasi horizontal sistem K3. Kesimpulan penelitiannya bahwa kondisi penerapan K3 pada cabang perusahaan pergudangan membutuhkan strategi Grow and Build yaitu perlu pengembangan secara intensif dan integrasi dan strategi prioritas adalah pengembangan sistem K3 dan integrasi horizontal sistem K3
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