9 research outputs found

    Secondary Traumatic Stress and Help-Seeking Behavior of Human Rights Officer: [Secondary Traumatic Stress dan Perilaku Mencari Bantuan Pada Human Rights Officer]

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    A human rights officer (HRO) is a human rights institution staff whose job is to receive and handle cases of alleged violations of human rights. They are at risk of experiencing secondary traumatic stress (STS) due to continuous exposure to cases of alleged violations of human rights. Left untreated, secondary traumatic stress (STS) will have an impact on the personal and professional life of the human rights officer (HRO). The qualitative-phenomenological analysis of the four human rights officers (HRO) in this study describes the secondary traumatic stress (STS) experienced and explores risk factors and help-seeking behavior which includes intentions and attitudes. The results of the study showed that the study participants showed symptoms of secondary traumatic stress (STS) in the High and Very High categories. This causes participants to become emotional, often think about work, and tend to avoid complainants. Physical reactions were also identified in human rights officers (HRO) who were still active in handling cases, such as getting tired quickly, falling asleep faster, and often having stomach ulcers. The risk factors for secondary traumatic stress (STS) for them are heavy workload, long working hours, increased frequency of case exposure and contact with complainants, handling of severe cases, complaining factors, lack of support from institutions and difficult to distance emotional involvement. All participants had the intention to seek help by informing third parties to receive support, solutions, and information when it became unbearable.   Human rights officer (HRO) adalah staf lembaga hak asasi manusia (HAM) yang bertugas menerima dan menangani kasus dugaan pelanggaran hak asasi manusia (HAM). Mereka memiliki risiko mengalami secondary traumatic stress (STS) karena paparan kasus dugaan pelanggaran hak asasi manusia (HAM) yang terus-menerus. Secondary traumatic stress (STS) yang tidak ditangani akan berdampak pada kehidupan personal dan profesional dari human rights officer (HRO). Kajian kualitatif-fenomenologis pada empat human rights officer (HRO) dalam studi ini menggambarkan secondary traumatic stress (STS) yang dialami dan menggali faktor risiko serta perilaku mencari bantuan yang meliputi intensi dan sikap. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa para partisipan studi menunjukkan gejala secondary traumatic stress (STS) dalam kategori Tinggi dan Sangat Tinggi. Hal tersebut menyebabkan partisipan menjadi emosional, sering memikirkan pekerjaan, dan cenderung menghindari pengadu. Reaksi fisik juga teridentifikasi pada human rights officer (HRO) yang masih aktif menangani kasus, seperti cepat lelah, lebih cepat mengantuk, dan sering sakit maag. Faktor risiko penyebab secondary traumatic stress (STS) pada mereka adalah beban kerja yang berat, jam kerja yang panjang, peningkatan frekuensi paparan kasus dan kontak dengan pelapor, penanganan kasus yang berat, faktor pengadu, kurangnya dukungan dari institusi dan keterlibatan emosional yang sulit berjarak. Seluruh partisipan memiliki intensi untuk mencari bantuan dengan bercerita kepada pihak ketiga untuk mendapatkan dukungan, solusi, dan informasi jika sudah tidak tertahankan

    Neurotic Trends Among Individuals in Early Adulthood Who Experience Emotional Abuse in Dating Relationships: [Tren Neurotik Pada Individu Dewasa Awal yang Mengalami Kekerasan Emosional Dalam Hubungan Berpacaran]

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    One of many issues in dating relationships is physical or emotional abuse. This issue becomes complicated as this relationship form is often not legally bound. In addition, dating violence is often associated with men as perpetrators and women as victims. Using Horney’s classical theory, the authors aim to explain the personality dynamics of individuals in early adulthood who experience emotional abuse in dating relationships. This study applied a phenomenological qualitative approach. The technique utilized to obtain data was through questionnaires, interviews, and online observations of four participants (one male perpetrator, one male victim, one female perpetrator, and one female victim), whereby each participant was unrelated to each other. A thematic analysis found that participants who were perpetrators of emotional abuse in dating relations had a tendency towards the aggressive type of neurotic trend, based on the need to control and exploit other parties. The dynamics formed in this relationship are behaviors related to controlling and excessive monitoring of partners, silent treatment and avoidance, and intimidating and threatening the partner. Meanwhile, the victims of emotional abuse in dating relationships tend have a tendency towards the compliant type of neurotic trend, that is seen from the need to receive affection, and to have a partner who is powerful and has control over themselves. The dynamics that are formed in this relationship comprise behaviors that tolerate the perpetrator's attitude to survive the relationship, as the victims do not want to lose affection, are still dependent on the perpetrator, and feel that they must concede.   Salah satu permasalahan dalam hubungan berpacaran adalah kekerasan dalam hubungan berpacaran, baik secara fisik maupun emosional. Permasalahan ini menjadi rumit karena bentuk relasi ini seringkali tidak terikat secara hukum. Selain itu, kekerasan dalam berpacaran seringkali diasosiasikan bahwa laki-laki merupakan pelaku kekerasan dan perempuan adalah korban. Dengan pendekatan teori klasik Horney, penulis ingin menjelaskan dinamika kepribadian individu dewasa awal yang memiliki pengalaman kekerasan emosional dalam hubungan berpacaran. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif fenomenologis. Teknik yang digunakan untuk memperoleh data adalah dengan menggunakan kuesioner, wawancara, observasi secara daring terhadap empat partisipan (satu laki-laki sebagai pelaku, satu laki-laki sebagai korban, satu perempuan sebagai pelaku, dan satu perempuan sebagai korban), serta setiap partisipan bukan pasangan. Hasil studi melalui analisis tematik menemukan bahwa partisipan sebagai pelaku kekerasan emosional dalam hubungan berpacaran memiliki kecenderungan tren neurotik aggressive type yang didasari kebutuhan untuk mengendalikan dan eksploitasi pihak lain. Dinamika yang terbentuk dalam relasi tersebut adalah perilaku mengontrol atau mengawasi pasangan, merendahkan dan memaki pasangan, mendiamkan dan menghindari pasangan, serta mengintimidasi dan mengancam pasangan. Sementara itu, korban kekerasan emosional dalam hubungan berpacaran memiliki kecenderungan tren neurotik compliant type yang didasari kebutuhan memperoleh afeksi, mendapatkan pasangan yang berkuasa dan memegang kendali atas dirinya. Dinamika yang terbentuk dalam relasi tersebut adalah perilaku untuk mentoleransi sikap pelaku dan bertahan dalam hubungan karena tidak ingin kehilangan kasih sayang, bergantung pada pelaku, dan merasa dirinya harus mengalah


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     A strong fear of one or more social situations where one might be subject to criticism and scrutiny from others is a sign of social anxiety disorder. Untreated social anxiety disorder symptoms have been linked to risky conduct, including risky sexual activity, abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, which peaks throughout the emerging adulthood stage. The key variables that contribute to the symptoms of social anxiety disorder are self-focused attention and negative social cognition, according to a number of cognitive theories. This study looked at the effects of self-focused attention and negative social cognition on social anxiety disorder symptoms in emerging adults in Indonesia. This study's design was a correlational study, and convenience sampling was used to choose participants who were between the ages of 18 and 25 and had at least a high school diploma. The Social Cognitions Questionnaire (SCQ), Self-Consciousness Scale (SCS), and Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN) were made available online to gather data. There were 124 people in all that took part in the study. The results of the multiple regression test reveal that while self-focused attention is not connected with social anxiety, negative social cognition significantly contributes to it. To research the connection between self-focused attention and symptoms of social anxiety disorder in Eastern nations, cultural factors like self-construal can be looked into

    An evaluation of global Chikungunya clinical management guidelines: A systematic review.

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    Background Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) has expanded its geographical reach in recent decades and is an emerging global health threat. CHIKV can cause significant morbidity and lead to chronic, debilitating arthritis/arthralgia in up to 40% of infected individuals. Prevention, early identification, and clinical management are key for improving outcomes. The aim of this review is to evaluate the quality, availability, inclusivity, and scope of evidence-based clinical management guidelines (CMG) for CHIKV globally. Methods We conducted a systematic review. Six databases were searched from Jan 1, 1989, to 14 Oct 2021 and grey literature until Sept 16, 2021, for CHIKV guidelines providing supportive care and treatment recommendations. Quality was assessed using the appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation tool. Findings are presented in a narrative synthesis. PROSPERO registration: CRD42020167361. Findings 28 CMGs were included; 54% (15/28) were produced more than 5 years ago, and most were of low-quality (median score 2 out of 7 (range 1–7)). There were variations in the CMGs’ guidance on the management of different at-risk populations, long-term sequelae, and the prevention of disease transmission. While 54% (15/28) of CMGs recommended hospitalisation for severe cases, only 39% (11/28) provided guidance for severe disease management. Further, 46% (13/28) advocated for steroids in the chronic phase, but 18% (5/28) advised against its use. Interpretation There was a lack of high-quality CMGs that provided supportive care and treatment guidance, which may impact patient care and outcomes. It is essential that existing guidelines are updated and adapted to provide detailed evidence-based treatment guidelines for different at-risk populations. This study also highlights a need for more research into the management of the acute and chronic phases of CHIKV infection to inform evidence-based care

    HIV Disclosure Experiences among Women with HIV/AIDS in Jakarta, Indonesia

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    The trend of feminization in HIV/AIDS cases in Indonesia and the critical role of disclosure for HIV/AIDS intervention programs lead to the importance of conducting research related to HIV disclosure experiences among women and how they influence social support and ART utilization. This study was carried out using a quantitative, cross-sectional approach. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with 142 HIV positive women, living in Jakarta, who already disclosed their HIV status to at least one person. This study found that women primarily disclosed to and gained support from their family members. The most common reason for the first disclosure was to have close and supportive relationships while the most common reason for the second disclosure was to catharsis. Specifically, the multiple linear regressions showed that female family member, male family member, partner and relative were four predictors of the types of instrumental support. Only female family member was the only predictor for support satisfaction. The multiple linear regressions also showed that some reasons for disclosure were predictors of all the type of support and support satisfaction. Even though this study found that there were no associations between types of support and support satisfaction with retention to HIV care, nevertheless, all the support variables were predictors of ARV adherence. In addition, female family member was the sole predictor of ARV adherence among the confidant’s categories. There are some recommendations that can be applied to HIV programs in Indonesia, such as involving the significant others on the HIV programs targeting women, psychological counselling, family-focused intervention programs and community based intervention program. Further intervention research and multi-disciplinary research should combine quantitative and qualitative methods in order to study many possible areas related to HIV disclosure and interventions

    Simplified clinical algorithm for immediate antiretroviral therapy initiation: The HATI [HIV awal (early) Test & Treat in Indonesia] implementation research in Indonesia

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    Background & objectives: Although the World Health Organization recommends same day or rapid (< seven days) antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation, delays in ART initiation remain common due to waiting for laboratory test results. This study employed a simplified clinical algorithm the HATI [HIV Awal (Early) Test & Treat Indonesia]-SAI (Simple ART Initiation) aimed to increase the proportion of ART uptake and decrease the time to ART initiation that can be used in various care settings. Methods: This study compared the percentage of ART uptake and retention, viral load (VL) suppression and time to ART initiation between the observation and intervention phases among newly diagnosed HIV patients from key populations. As part of the intervention, the newly diagnosed patients underwent screening using a simple form [consisting of data on age, height and weight (for body mass index calculation), questions on the presence of symptoms of HIV stages 1 and 2, tuberculosis, history of diabetes, hypertension and kidney disease], to determine eligibility for immediate ART initiation. Those who met the pre-defined criteria immediately received a combination of tenofovir lamivudine and efavirenz for two weeks. The baseline laboratory examination due to this was moved up to two weeks post ART. Factors significantly associated with ART uptake were also determined and their odds ratios were measured using logistic regression analysis. Results: A total of 2173 people newly diagnosed with HIV were recruited, with 1579 and 594 in the observation and intervention phases, respectively. In both phases, the majority were men who have sex with men, who were young (<30 yr old) and employed, with high levels of education. The intervention phase significantly increased the proportion of ART initiation [91%, 95% confidence interval (CI): 89-93% vs. 78%, 95% CI: 76-80%] but did not have any impact on the proportion of six months retention and VL suppression. The intervention also significantly decreased the time to ART initiation from median ± interquartile range: 9±20 days to 2±10 days. Interpretation & conclusions: The findings of this study suggest that the HATI-SAI intervention increased the uptake and decreased the time for immediate ART initiation. The HATI-SAI provides a simple and safe clinical approach that can readily be adopted in different settings without a costly investment in technology

    Simplified clinical algorithm for immediate antiretroviral therapy initiation: The HATI [HIV awal (early) Test & Treat in Indonesia] implementation research in Indonesia

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    Background & objectives: Although the World Health Organization recommends same day or rapid (< seven days) antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation, delays in ART initiation remain common due to waiting for laboratory test results. This study employed a simplified clinical algorithm the HATI [HIV Awal (Early) Test & Treat Indonesia]-SAI (Simple ART Initiation) aimed to increase the proportion of ART uptake and decrease the time to ART initiation that can be used in various care settings. Methods: This study compared the percentage of ART uptake and retention, viral load (VL) suppression and time to ART initiation between the observation and intervention phases among newly diagnosed HIV patients from key populations. As part of the intervention, the newly diagnosed patients underwent screening using a simple form [consisting of data on age, height and weight (for body mass index calculation), questions on the presence of symptoms of HIV stages 1 and 2, tuberculosis, history of diabetes, hypertension and kidney disease], to determine eligibility for immediate ART initiation. Those who met the pre-defined criteria immediately received a combination of tenofovir lamivudine and efavirenz for two weeks. The baseline laboratory examination due to this was moved up to two weeks post ART. Factors significantly associated with ART uptake were also determined and their odds ratios were measured using logistic regression analysis. Results: A total of 2173 people newly diagnosed with HIV were recruited, with 1579 and 594 in the observation and intervention phases, respectively. In both phases, the majority were men who have sex with men, who were young (<30 yr old) and employed, with high levels of education. The intervention phase significantly increased the proportion of ART initiation [91%, 95% confidence interval (CI): 89-93% vs. 78%, 95% CI: 76-80%] but did not have any impact on the proportion of six months retention and VL suppression. The intervention also significantly decreased the time to ART initiation from median ± interquartile range: 9±20 days to 2±10 days. Interpretation & conclusions: The findings of this study suggest that the HATI-SAI intervention increased the uptake and decreased the time for immediate ART initiation. The HATI-SAI provides a simple and safe clinical approach that can readily be adopted in different settings without a costly investment in technology