216 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study is 1) to determine the amount of fertilizer demand in Lahat District. 2) Analyzing the factors that influence fertilizer demand in Lahat District. The location of this study was determined purposively (Purposive), this study was conducted in the District of South Lahat and Tanjung Sakti Pumi, Lahat Regency, South Sumatra Province. The choice of these two subdistricts is based on the consideration that most farmers in this area have jobs as lowland rice farmers. Taking respondents using simple random sampling method, with a sample size of 160 farmers. The analysis used in this study is Cobb-Douglass type multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the study showed that the average use of UREA fertilizer was 119.09 Kg / Ut or 267.3 Kg / Ha / Mt and TSP fertilizer was 83.81 Kg / Ut or 183.42 Kg / Ha / Mt. The results showed that the factors of land area and seed prices significantly affected the demand for UREA fertilizer in Lahat Regency, while the price of products / rice, UREA fertilizer prices, TSP fertilizer prices and labor wages did not significantly affect the demand for UREA fertilizer in Lahat District. And that the land area factor has a significant effect on the demand for TSP fertilizer in Lahat Regency, while the price of seeds, product / rice prices, UREA fertilizer prices, TSP fertilizer prices and labor wages have no significant effect on TSP fertilizer demand in Lahat District

    Optimizing Household Economic Resource to Lessen Population Pressures on Villages around Kerinci Seblat National Park Bengkulu Province

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    Villages around Kerinci Seblat National Park (Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat, TNKS) have experienced population pressure. This condition which if not addressed immediately will encourage the community around the TNKS to enter and encroach the forest to meet their household needs. This is getting worse along with the finding that the community around TNKS also does not have many alternative sources of income. For this reason, designing strategies for optimizing household economic to lessen population pressures are noteworthy. Focus group discussion (FGD) and analysis hierarchy process (AHP) was applied to design and to determine development strategy for household economic empowerment and twenty-five key informants including fifteen farmer households were interviewed. The AHP results conclude that the production aspect is the most important that needs to be given priority in the development of plantation production. This conclusion is based on its highest relative priorities (weights), i.e., 0.298. Of the three programs identified and using weight result of AHP, community seed assistance is the most important program in the development of plantation production (weight of 0.494). The seed assistance program is the most important compared to providing soft loans (weight of 0.29) and expanding to production inputs accessibility (weight of 0.216). Meanwhile, human resource development aspects are the most attractive strategy for food crop production development, especially rice, with a weight of 0.325. Aspects of human resource development are more focused on improving farmer knowledge in cultivation than marketing and post-harvest handling aspects. Optimization of pekarangan resources is directed to the development of the chicken farm (weight = 0.274) focused on improving the production aspect (weight = 0.328). Among three priority programs, day-old chicken assistance (weight = 0.512) is more needed than access to soft loans (weight = 0.242) and feed programs (weight = 0.246)

    Forecasting Model Selection of Curly Red Chili Price at Retail Level

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    Chilli is one of strategic commodity in Indonesia due to its contribution to inflation level. For this reason, future price information is very importance for designing price policy. Future price merely can be provided by conducting a price forecasting. Various forecasting models can be applied for this purpose; the problem is which the best model for forecasting is. This study aims to select the most accurate forecasting model of curly red chili prices at the retail level. The data used are monthly data, from 2011 - 2017. Five forecasting models are applied and estimated including Moving Average, Single Exponential Smoothing, Double Exponential Smoothing, Decomposition, and ARIMA. The best model is selected based on the smallest MAPE, MSE and MAD values. The results show that the most accurate forecasting model is ARIMA (1,1,9)


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    CPO price fluctuations that occur also have an impact on the price of palm oil FFB at the National and Bengkulu Province. Because, palm oil is the raw material for making CPO. This study aims to determine the best ARIMA model for predicting the price of palm oil FFB at the National and Bengkulu Province, as well as to find out the results of forecasting palm oil prices at the National and Bengkulu Province in 2021. This study uses secondary data, namely monthly data from palm oil producer price data national and Bengkulu Province in 2011-2020. The model used for this research is ARIMA. The results of the study show that models are suitable for forecasting at the National and Bengkulu Province, namely ARIMA (2,1,8) and ARIMA (2,1,7). The results of forecasting the highest national oil palm FFB price occurred inin January 2021 of Rp. 118,075/100 kg and the lowest national palm oil FFB price occurred in December 2021 of Rp. 115,696/100 kg. while the results of forecasting the highest price of oil palm FFB in Bengkulu Province occurred in December 2021 amounting to Rp.148,653/100 kg and the lowest price of oil palm FFB in Bengkulu Province occurred in January 2021 amounting to Rp.144,798/100 kg


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    SME is the productive economic activity widely occupied by the people to sustain their household economy, community, and nation's economy. The SME sector can stand firmly as one of the economic prime-movers for many circles within the community, providing and absorbing workforce to decrease unemployment in the society. The presence of SMEs can also provide added value on farming products so that the farming commodity may increase its usefulness value.  This article aims to discuss the role of SMEs in the Indonesian economy. The research method implemented in arranging this study is a literature study by reviewing articles published by the previous writers and examining the abstract of those researches. Based on the literature study, this research concluded that SME presence, either internationally, nationally, or developing economic growth in various regions in Indonesia. The SME has the crucial meaning and roles for developing and increasing the income (PDB and PDRB), provider and employee/workforce, diminishing poverty rate, increasing investment rate, increasing foreign commerce through export, and contributing tax as the state income sources

    Transformasi Struktural Wanita Transmigran Dan Kontribusinya Terhadap Pendapatan Rumah Tangga: Kasus Di Daerah Transmigrasi Sekitar Kotamadya Bengkulu

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    This research was aimed at identifying motivation influencing off-farm economic activities of transmigrant women and studying their decision making pattern, investigating influencing factors of their structural transformation, and analyzing their contribution on family income. This research was conducted in ex-transmigration area around Kotamadya Bengkulu by interviewing 48 transmigrant women. The results showed that due to high family needs, looking for additional income, low farm income, leissure time utilizing, looking for experience, marginal farm land, small farm land, easeful transportation, transmigrant women are motivated to work out offarm. Women dominated in decision making in all aspects of off-farm woman activities. The results also showed that transmigrant women contribute 45.44 percent to the total family income


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    study aims to determine the level of adoption of haztontechnology by farmers and the factors that influence it inSemidang Alas Maras Subdistrict, Seluma Regency. Thisresearch was carried out in Gunung Kembang Village and itssurroundings, which was conducted in June - July 2019. Thisstudy used a descriptive method and direct interviewedusing a questionnaire as a data collection instrument. Datacollected in this study include areas (land area), inc (income),exp (rice farming experience), cons (counseling), tech(technology), and ol (internet). The analysis tool in this studyis multinomial logistic regression with SPSS. The resultsshowed that the Tech (technology / innovation) significantlyaffected the adoption of hazton technology in SemidangAlas Maras Subdistrict, Seluma Regency. The value of thelikelihood ratio test (sig) from Tech (technology / innovation)is less than the value of ? = 0.05 and the value of ?2 count>?2 table (0.05; 2). Meanwhile, the variable Area (land area),Inc (income), Exp (Experience), Cons (counseling) and Ol(access to information) did not significantly affect theadoption of hazton technology.


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    This study aims to determine the economic leading sectors, determine the position of the ecoomic leading sectors Agriculture sector specially and the priority sectors in the economic developement in South Tapanuli Regency. The data used is secondary data of the Gross Domestic Regional Bruto year 2011 to 2018 obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistic. Location Quotient (LQ), Dynamic Location Quotient (DLQ) , Shift-share, and Overlay analysis were applied in this research. The result of the analysis showed that the economic leading sectors in Souths Tapanuli regency are Transportation and Warehousing sector, Other Services Activities, Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing, Manufacturing, and Electricity and Gas sector. These sectors are also a priority order to be developed. The study also showed that the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries sector is one of the leading sector with description: not progressive and weak competitiveness

    Analysis of Economic Structure and Leading Sectors in Rejang Lebong District

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    This study aims to determine and analyze the economic structure and leading sectors in Rejang Lebong Regency. The data used is secondary data on Gross Regional Domestic Product from 2015 to 2019 obtained from the Central Statistics Agency. The analysis used is economy structure, Location Quotient (LQ), Dynamic Location Quotient (DLQ), Shift-share, and Overlay. The results show that the highest GRDP contributor is the Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry sectors while the lowest is the Electricity and Gas Procurement sector  with contribution of 32% and 0.15% respectively. The results of the leading economic sectors in the Rejang Lebong Regency are the sectors of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Providing Accommodation and Food and Drink; Defense and Compulsory Social Security; Education Services; Health Services and Other Services

    Economic Growth, Inflation, and Regional Minimum Wage: An Empirical Investigation of the Open Unemployment Rate in Sumatera, Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the determinants of the open unemployment rate in Sumatera island – Indonesia. We conjecture that the variation of the open unemployment rate (OUR) is the function of economic growth (EG), inflation (INF), and regional minimum wage (RMW). Using the sample of ten provinces in Sumatera island from 2006 to 2018, we further perform a panel data analysis with a random effect model (REM). The obtained empirical results show that there is a negative association between the independent variables (i.e., EG, RMW) and the dependent variable (OUR), while INF does not show any significant association with OUR. Referring to the empirical evidence, we infer that economic growth and regional minimum wage play an essential role in explaining the variation of the open unemployment rate in Sumatera island.
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