30 research outputs found

    Wywiad prasowy jako typ tekstu wykorzystywanego w działalności "public relations" - próba typologii

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    The author discusses the issue of adapting press interviews for the needs of PR. Whereas the basic intention of press interviews is to inform the readers about important events, the illocutionary potential of PR interviews aims to create the positive image of an institution. There are following ways of achieving this: - asking interlocutors if they buy the company’s products and/or services - provoking them to inform the readers that they buy them - choosing famous people as interlocutors (prestige effect) - choosing experts to discuss the advantages of products and services - conspicuous information that the person interviewed is connected to the company - choosing the company’s employee

    Gry prywatnością w internetowych serwisach aukcyjnych

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    The author of the article is interested in common issues on the one hand (she treats so trade exchange possible thanks to the virtual space), as well as the unusual or unique because it is how one can think of the strategies of giving opinions on a realized trade exchange by its participants, especially in the situation when one of the parties is not satisfied with it. Katarzyna Sujkowska-Sobisz analyses texts used in the final stage of selling the products in the Allegro service. The very texts are called comments by the authors of the auction services. The author is interested in above all the comments written by professional Internet sellers with a legal personality or running their own business. The author claims that this type of Allegro users have a purely official contact with buyers, while the system of comments can be a very effective tool when creating a positive image. Such bidders, as Katarzyna Sujkowska-Sobisz, shows, choose various strategies of evaluation, starting from those evidently manifesting the formality of the entrepreneur-consumer contact in the public space (it is what a widely-available virtual reality is) to those that stand with formality in clear contradiction

    Niż demograficzny a jakość kształcenia - czy dydaktyka akademicka stoi w obliczu kryzysu?

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    The study raises the problem of the functioning of the academic didactics against the backdrop of new reality, socio-economic changes, and mental changes observed in young people. Based on the previous findings concerning the crisis in the academic didactics, the author proposes a reorientation within the scope of the target group of the prospective students. In her opinion, there is a need for drawing attention to the group of mature people (40+) as candidates for studies in humanities

    O wszechobecności negocjacji - granice dyskursu handlowego

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    In the present study, the author discusses the limits of negotiations in the context of their prototype environment which, according to Katarzyna Sujkowska-Sobisz, the business discourse constitutes. The author formulates a thesis that there are genres having extremely flexible limits which, depending on social needs, may be used in various communicative situations. Negotiations are, according to the author, a genre which originates in a communicative situation characteristic of business contacts, and which currently emerges in many types of interpersonal relations. The author searches for the sources of negotiations’ expansion not only in globalization or linguistic style but mostly, in the condition of a postmodern human being who is still searching for his/her identity, constantly trying to negotiate and prove it

    Mechanizmy perswazji pośredniej w tekstach media relations

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    This article treats abo ut functions of media relations texts. lt is proved that in spite of their authors' declarations; in such texts dominates persuasive function. Mechanismsofindirect persuasion were described thanks to using methods offered by cognitive linguistic and given by R. Langacker, G. Lako ff and M. Johnson. The authorsof MR texts deliberately use the following existing in language_ methapors:THE INSTITUTION I S A WINNER, THE INSTITUTION IS A FRIEND, THEINSTITUTION IS A MAN, THE INSTITUTION'S ACTIVITY IS SPORTSCOMPETITION, THE INSTITUTION'S ACTIVITY IS WAR

    Doświadczenia lekturowe cyfrowego tubylca : na przykładzie blogowej recepcji "Ksiąg Jakubowych" Olgi Tokarczuk

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    Księgi Jakubowe (Jacob’s Scriptures) by Olga Tokarczuk, a novel that won Nike Literary Award in 2015, due to its specific narration has been referred to as a “google book”. Joanna Przyklenk and Katarzyna Sujkowska‑Sobisz contemplate the reception of the book that is full of hypertextual links, seeking material authentication in the space relevant to hypertextuality, which is virtual space. The authors have subjected to analysis the blog reviews of Księgi Jakubowe. From the point of view of the authors, especially significant have been the following features of blog reviews, as they allow for interpreting different ways of reading by the blog authors: achronology, fragmentariness, sensualism, and the multiplicity of interpretive perspectives appearing in a single text

    Współczesna literatura piękna w soczewce kultury popularnej - o recepcji książek laureatów Nagrody Literackiej Nike

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    The article is devoted to the reception of Nike Literary Award‑winning books between 2011 and 2013, and books which were awarded in the readers’ plebiscite that was run parallelly. Generically diverse texts of popular culture, functioning in public sphere (Internet), and being a form of reaction of particular audiences to the reading of and/or to the prize awarded to the literary works in the plebiscite or in the main contest, have been a subject to analysis. In the study, the attention has been paid to these elements which in the social reception were the conditions for the book to be read, i.e. the trade mark and logo of the most important literary award in Poland, one’s own and other people’s opinions, and the features typical of a book market product. Then, the textual category of a reader has been described, with all its popcultural determinants such as: searching for intensive sensations, novelties, almost sensual experiences and parallell worlds; identification with a character; reception through the prism of one’s own self or a tendency to choose a book on the basis of its practical dimension, with the readers’ particular fondness of detective stories or biographical novels (journals, biographies). The article ends with opinions of these readers who, aware of the fact that a particular book is important and popular “here and now”, express their opinion about it, though they are not familiar with its content, as they have not read it. The internal imperative to become recognisable in the world of media — mostly, on the Internet — makes WHAT and HOW one speaks about something less important than the fact that he/she SPEAKS ABOUT it at all

    Strategiczne gry gatunkami - blog i recenzja w witrynach internetowych perfumerii

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    A blog and review, dealt with in the article, are used in virtual websites of perfumeries in a different role than was traditionally ascribed to them. The blog characteristics, explicitly associated with it, are the basis of a marketing usage of the very genre, both in the case of the shop corresponding with a convention of an Internet diary, and shops which placed a handbook under the name of a “blog”. The texts classified in the Internet websites of perfumeries as reviews are the texts evaluating either perfumes or the shop itself. Extra information appears imfrequently and usually serves a deliberate objectivisation of the message. Thanks to it, the text gets closer to the realization of the review model, but it is just illusion of the closeness as the texts in question do not possess any basic genological determinants of the very genre. These are undoubtedly the opinions and calling them reviews is pragmatic in nature. The authors make an attempt to reveal certain mechanisms of playing with these genres and show their persuasive overtone and marketing entanglement

    Zapach kobiety i zapach... mężczyzny - językowo-kulturowy wizerunek kobiecości i męskości we współczesnych tekstach perswazyjnych

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    Ewa Biłas-Pleszak and Katarzyna Sujkowska-Sobisz show image of femininity and masculinity in descriptions of perfumes which were placed in mass media both for women and for men. The choice of image of femininity and masculinity in texts which are analysed depend on product and target audience. The authors divide sentences into four group: 1. The fragrance of woman (texts for women). In this kind of texts emerge portrait of businesswoman, a woman who is active and self confident. Second image in this group is beautiful, romantic and sensual woman. 2. The fragrance of woman (texts for men). In this kind of texts woman is usually introduced like a femme fatale and a sexual object. 3. The fragrance of man (texts for women). The man is introduced like a true man: strong, brave and independent. Second image in this group is romantic, sensual, spontaneous and delicate man (like a woman). 4. The fragrance of man (texts for men). In this kind of texts emerge portrait of lover or free and lonely traveler. The new type is a contemporary man - full of contrasts, undecided - like a woman

    Zapach w powieściach Gabrieli Zapolskiej - próba palimpsestowej lektury

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    The article is an attempt to accept a new perspective in the reception of works by Zapolska, a perspective deriving from the choice of conception of a palimpsest reading, that is, such reading in which deeper, repetitive and specially hidden sense are derived from the surface. Referring to theoretical knowledge established by M. Riffaterre and Genette, the authors try to look at the works by Zapolska in a non-linear way. Such a research attitude allows for answering a question on the role of smell in novels by a modernist writer. Apart from conclusions which prove an immersion of writings by Zapolska in a sensitising Young Poland element, a closer analysis of oilfactory descriptions allows for making a statement that smell in her novels fulfills a kind of epistemological function — helps to “order” the world. It also serves to characterise the main characters in Zapolska who is very much interested in the fate of “fallen” women. She draws the process of changes of their life condition skillfully and multidimensionally. A palimpsest reading, this “revelation” of subsequent “layers” of meanings, allows for noticing that mental and social changes are also accompanied by the change of aura. One can hypothetise that the characters in Zapolska are accompanied by a kind of smell screenplay (script?) subtly marked on the pages of different novels, the repetitiveness of which is possible to be read just thanks to a global perspective