95 research outputs found


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    Mesin cake breaker conveyor (CBC) merupsksn mesin yang berfungsi sebagai pemisah antara nut dan juga fiber, selain untuk memisahkan, mesin cake breaker conveyor (CBC) juga berfungsi untuk mengeringkan dan menggemburkan ampas press sehingga memudahkan pemisahan antara fiber dan nut di mesin depericarper.. Adapun langkah-langkah atau metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini mulai dari mengidentifikasi mesin kritis dengan cara observasi secara langsung dilapangan dan juga dengan data historis perusahaan, menentukan pola distribusi kerusakan dengan menggunakan metode least square curve fitting dengan index of fit (r) terbesar, menghitung mean time between failure (MTBF) , mean time to repair (MTTR) dan mean time to failure (MTTF), perhitungan parameter dengan menggunakan metode maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) dengan bantuan software minitab. Untuk mesin cake breaker conveyor (CBC) nomor 1 kebijakan preventive maintenance yang meminimalkan biaya adalah melakukan preventive maintenance setiap 2 minggu sekali, dengan total biaya yang dikeluarkan sebesar Rp 1.356.467,58 per minggu untuk setiap kebijakan preventive maintenance. Kemudian untuk cake breaker conveyor (CBC) nomor 2 kebijakan preventive maintenance yang meminimalkan biaya adalah melakukan preventive maintenance setiap 3 minggu sekali, dengan total biaya yang dikeluarkan sebesar Rp 2.256.697,76 per minggu untuk setiap kebijakan preventive maintenance.Kata kunci : Least Square Curve Fitting, MTBF, MLE, Preventive Maintenanc

    Percobaan Perbaikan Campuran "Tempe Fish Rice"

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    Telah dilakukan percobaan perbaikan "Tempe Fish Rice" (TFR) sebagai sumber protein untuk anak pra sekolah, dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan yang dipakai untuk membuat TFR lama, tetapi dalam susunan yang berbeda. Mutu TFR yang dibuat dalam penelitian ini lebih baik dari pada mutu TFR lama. Susunanzat gizinya tidak banyak berubah. Mutu protein diukur dengan NPU menunjukkan nilai agak tinggi. Penyimpanan selama 10 minggu tidak mengakibatkan Perubahan dalam aroma, rasa dan warna

    Effects of Energy-Protein Balance in the Diet on Semen Characteristic of West Java Local Ducks

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    Cihateup (West Java highland) and Rambon (West Java lowland) ducksĀ  are two local ducks which are commonly raised by farmers in West Java under extensive systems. The decline of land availability as a result of increasing human population has meant that the ducks should be raised under intensive system. An experimental research was conducted to evaluate the effect of energy-protein balance in the diet on semen characteristic of Cihateup and RambonĀ  drakes under restricted water system (intensive system). The research was designed in Completely Randomized Design; there were six energy-protein balance in the diets as treatment, which were G1 ( 3000 kcal/kg ME, 20 % CP); G2 ( 3000 kcal/kg ME, 16 % CP); G3 ( 3000 kcal/kg ME, 13.5% CP); G4 (2700 kcal/kg ME, 20 % CP); G5 (2700 kcal/kg ME, 16 % CP); and G6 ( 2700 kcal/kg ME, 13.5 % CP); each treatment was replicated three times. Semen was collected when the drakes reached the age of nine months and semen evaluation for volume semen, sperm motility and sperm abnormality was conducted. The results show that semen characteristics show that the highest motility was produced by G5 (2700 kcal/kg ME, 16 % CP) for Cihateup drakes and G6 ( 2700 kcal/kg ME, 13.5 % CP) for Rambon drakes. There was no significant different effect among treatments on abnormality of Cihateup drakes semen; anyhow G5 (2700 kcal/kg ME, 16 % CP) can be considered as the best diet forĀ  Rambon drakes based on its semen abnormality. It can be concluded that at feeding diet containing similar Metabolizable Energy level, Cihateup drakes required higher protein level than Rambon drakes to produce a good quality of semen.Keywords: energy-protein balance, west java local drakes, seme

    The Effect of Role Conflict, Role Ambiguity, and Role Overload in Burnout Government Internal Supervisors with Tri Hita Karana Culture as Moderation

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    This study aims to obtain empirical evidence of Tri Hita Karana\u27s cultural abilities in moderating the effect of role conflict, role ambiguity, and the role overload in burnout experienced by the Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP) at the Inspectorate of Bali Province. The technique of determining the sample used is saturated sampling (census). The number of respondents was 47 APIP. The data used is in the form of primary data. Data collection using survey methods using questionnaires. The analysis technique used in this study is Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of the analysis show that the culture of Tri Hita Karana causes the effect of role conflict and the role of overload in reduced burnout. However, Tri Hita Karana\u27s culture does not moderate the effect of the role ambiguity on burnout experienced by the APIP at the Inspectorate of Bali Province

    Morphological and chemical components of resistance to pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera in wild relatives of pigeonpea

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    Host plant resistance is an important component for minimizing the losses due to the pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera, which is the most devastating pest of pigeonpea. An understanding of different morphological and biochemical components of resistance is essential for developing strategies to breed for resistance to insect pests. Therefore, we studied the morphological and biochemical components associated with expression of resistance to H. armigera in wild relatives of pigeonpea to identify accessions with a diverse combination of characteristics associated with resistance to this pest. Among the wild relatives, oviposition non-preference was an important component of resistance in Cajanus scarabaeoides, while heavy egg-laying was recorded on C. cajanifolius (ICPW 28) and Rhynchosia bracteata (ICPW 214). Accessions belonging to R. aurea, C. scarabaeoides, C. sericeus, C. acutifolius, and Flemingia bracteata showed high levels of resistance to H. armigera, while C. cajanifolius was as susceptible as the susceptible check, ICPL 87. Glandular trichomes (type A) on the calyxes and pods were associated with susceptibility to H. armigera, while the non-glandular trichomes (trichome type C and D) were associated with resistance to this insect. Expression of resistance to H. armigera was also associated with low amounts of sugars and high amounts of tannins and polyphenols. Accessions of wild relatives of pigeonpea with non-glandular trichomes (type C and D) or low densities of glandular trichomes (type A), and high amounts of polyphenols and tannins may be used in wide hybridization to develop pigeonpea cultivars with resistance to H. armigera

    Pod surface exudates of wild relatives of pigeonpea influence the feeding preference of the pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera

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    Wild relatives of crops are an important source of resistance genes against insect pests. However, it is important to identify the accessions of wild relatives of crops with different mechanisms of resistance to broaden the basis and increase the levels of resistance to insect pests. Therefore, we studied the feeding behavior of pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera, which is the most damaging pest of pigeonpea, in relation to biochemical characteristics of the pod surface exudates in a diverse array of germplasm accessions belonging to 12 species of pigeonpea wild relatives. Feeding by H. armigera larvae was significantly lower on the unwashed or water-, methanol-, or hexane-washed pods of Canajus sericeus, C. scarabaeoides, Flemingia bracteata, F. stricta, and Rhynchosia aurea than those of C. acutifolius, C. albicans, C. cajanifolius, C. lineatus, D. ferruginea, P. scariosa, R. bracteata, and the cultivated pigeonpea, C. cajan genotypes, ICPL 87, and ICPL 332, although there were a few exceptions. The methanol-washed pods of wild relatives were less preferred for feeding by the H. armigera larvae than the unwashed pods, but the hexane-washed pods were preferred more than the unwashed pods. The results suggested that methanol extracted the phagostimulants from the pod surface, while hexane removed the antifeedants. The high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) finger printing of methanol and hexane pod surface extracts showed qualitative and quantitative differences in compounds present on the pod surface of different wild relatives of pigeonpea. Some of the peaks in HPLC profiles were associated with feeding preference of the third-instar larvae of H. armigera. There was considerable diversity in wild relatives of pigeonpea as revealed by principal component analysis based on HPLC fingerprints of pod surface extracts in methanol and hexane, and H. armigera feeding on the pods. Wild pigeonpea accessions with low amounts of phagostimulants and high amounts of antifeedants may be used for introgression of resistance genes into the cultivated pigeonpea to develop varieties with broad-based resistance to H. armigera. There is considerable diversity among the wild relatives of pigeonpea, and the accessions with resistance to pod borer. These can be used to broaden the basis and increase the levels of resistance to H. armigera

    Antixenosis and antibiosis components of resistance to pod borer Helicoverpa armigera in wild relatives of pigeonpea.

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    The legume pod borer (Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner)) is one of the most important pests of pigeonpea. The levels of resistance to H. armigera in the cultivated germplasm are quite low, and therefore there is a need to introgress resistance genes from wild relatives into the cultigen. We evaluated a diverse array of wild relatives of pigeonpea for oviposition non-preference and antibiosis components of resistance to H. armigera. The accessions ICPW 1 (Cajanus acutifolius), ICPW 13 and 14 (C. albicans), ICPW 159 and 160 (C. sericeus), ICPW 68 (C. platycarpus), ICPW 83, 90, 94, 125, 137, 141 and 280 (C. scarabaeoides), ICPW 207 (Paracalyx scariosa) and ICPW 210 (Rhynchosia aurea) showed high levels of antixenosis for oviposition under no-choice, dual-choice and multi-choice conditions. High levels of antibiosis were observed when the larvae were reared on leaves and/or pods of C. acutifolius (ICPW 1), C. cajanifolius (ICPW 29), C. sericeus (ICPW 160), P. scariosa (ICPW 207), C. scarabaeoides and C. albicans. Lyophilized leaf or pod powder incorporated into the artificial diet can be used to assess antibiosis to H. armigera, and high levels of antibiosis to H. armigera were observed in diets with leaf and/or pod powder of some of the accessions of C. acutifolius, C. lineatus, C. sericeus, C. scarabaeoides, C. platycarpus, P. scariosa and R. aurea. Post-embryonic development period was prolonged in insects reared on leaves and pods of wild relatives of pigeonpea. The accessions showing high levels of antixenosis and antibiosis can be used to increase the levels and diversify the bases of resistance to H. armigera in pigeonpea

    Ets homologous factor (EHF) has critical roles in epithelial dysfunction in airway disease

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    The airway epithelium forms a barrier between the internal and external environments. Epithelial dysfunction is critical in the pathology of many respiratory diseases, including cystic fibrosis. Ets homologous factor (EHF) is a key member of the transcription factor network that regulates gene expression in the airway epithelium in response to endogenous and exogenous stimuli. EHF , which has altered expression in inflammatory states, maps to the 5' end of an intergenic region on Chr11p13 that is implicated as a modifier of cystic fibrosis airway disease. Here we determine the functions of EHF in primary human bronchial epithelial (HBE) cells and relevant airway cell lines. Using EHF ChIP followed by deep sequencing (ChIP-seq) and RNA sequencing after EHF depletion, we show that EHF targets in HBE cells are enriched for genes involved in inflammation and wound repair. Furthermore, changes in gene expression impact cell phenotype because EHF depletion alters epithelial secretion of a neutrophil chemokine and slows wound closure in HBE cells. EHF activates expression of the SAM pointed domain-containing ETS transcription factor, which contributes to goblet cell hyperplasia. Our data reveal a critical role for EHF in regulating epithelial function in lung disease


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    ABSTRAK Motivasi merupakan dorongan untuk mencapai tujuan pemenuhan kebutuhan atau pencapaian keseimbangan. Karakteristik pekerjaan yang dirancang dengan baik, tidak monoton dan dapat menstimulasi karyawan dalam mengembangkan keterampilan akan mendorong motivasi kerja Selain karakteristik pekerjaan, motivasi karyawan juga tidak terlepas dari gaya kepemimpinan yang diterapkan oleh pemimpin. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh karakteristik pekerjaan dan kepemimpinan transformasional terhadap motivasi kerja secara simultan dan parsial pada Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Kota Bandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode analisis deskriptif dan analisis verifikatif. Teknik sampling menggunakan teknik probability sampling. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 64 pegawai di Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Bandung yang diperoleh melalui perhitungan dengan menggunakan rumus slovin Teknik pengumpulan data adalah penelitian lapangan serta studi kepustakaan. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda, analisis korelasi berganda, ujji hipotesis dan analisis koefisien determinasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan karakteristik pekerjaan dan kepemimpinan transformasional berpengaruh secara simultan terhadap motivasi kerja dengan pengaruh sebesar 58,7%. Karakteristik pekerjaan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap motivasi kerja dengan pengaruh sebesar 22,95%. Kepemimpinan transformasional berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap motivasi kerja dengan pengaruh sebesar 35,75%. Kata Kunci : Motivasi Kerja, Karakteristik Pekerjaan dan Kepemimpinan Transformasiona

    Iridium-doping as a strategy to realize visible light absorption and p-type behavior in BaTiO3

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    BaTiO3 is typically a strong n-type material with tuneable optoelectronic properties via doping and controlling the synthesis conditions. It has a wide band gap that can only harness the ultraviolet region of the solar spectrum. Despite significant progress, achieving visible-light absorbing BTO with tuneable carrier concentration has been challenging, a crucial requirement for many applications. In this work, a p-type BTO with visible-light absorption is realized via iridium doping. Detailed analysis using advanced spectroscopy tools and computational electronic structure analysis is used to rationalize the n- to p-type transition after Ir doping. Results offered mechanistic insight into the interplay between the dopant site occupancy, the dopant position within the band gap, and the defect chemistry affecting the carrier concentration. A decrease in the Ti3+ donor levels concentration and the mutually correlated oxygen vacancies upon Ir doping is attributed to the p-type behavior. Due to the formation of Ir3+ or Ir4+ in-gap energy levels within the forbidden region, the optical transition can be elicited from or to such levels resulting in visible-light absorption. This newly developed Ir-doped BTO can be a promising p-type perovskite-oxide with imminent applications in solar fuel generation, spintronics and optoelectronics.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figure
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