258 research outputs found

    Meta-Analisis: Motivasi Intrinsik dan Berbagi Pengetahuan dalam Organisasi

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    Perilaku berbagi pengetahuan diantara individu-individu dalam organisasi telah menggugah para peneliti untuk mengetahui motif dibalik aktivitas tersebut. Perilaku ini merupakan suatu interaksi interpersonal dalam memberi dan menerima pengetahuan. Hal ini memiliki nilai strategis bagi organisasi, karena merupakan dasar untuk menciptakan inovasi. Salah satu motif dalam berbagi pengetahuan adalah dorongan dari dalam diri individu, atau disebut dengan motivasi intrinsik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan motivasi intrinsik dan perilaku berbagi pengetahuan diantara individu dalam organisasi. Meta-analysis dilakukan terhadap 23 studi mengenai motivasi intrinsik dan berbagi pengetahuan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan adanya korelasi yang sedang antara motivasi intrinsik dengan aktivitas berbagi pengetahuan (ř=0.3) dengan nilai varians populasi 0.158 dan standar deviasi (SD) 0.39, dengan dampak kesalahan pengambilan sampel 2.18%

    Self-Organizing Traffic at a Malfunctioning Intersection

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    Traffic signals and traffic flow models have been studied extensively in the past and have provided valuable insights on the design of signalling systems, congestion control, and punitive policies. This paper takes a slightly different tack and describes what happens at an intersection where the traffic signals are malfunctioning and stuck in some configuration. By modelling individual vehicles as agents, we were able to replicate the surprisingly organized traffic flow that we observed at a real malfunctioning intersection in urban India. Counter-intuitively, the very lawlessness that normally causes jams was causing traffic to flow smoothly at this intersection. We situate this research in the context of other research on emergent complex phenomena in traffic, and suggest further lines of research that could benefit from the analysis and modelling of rule-breaking behaviour.Self-Organizing Systems, Complex Systems, Traffic, Emergent Behaviour, Agent-Based Modelling, Rule-Breaking

    Dampak Kebijakan Fiskal Dalam Upaya Stabilisasi Harga Komoditas Pertanian

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    Fluktuasi harga komoditas pertanian saat ini sudah mencapai kondisi serius sebagai akibat peningkatan permintaan tidak diimbangi dengan penawaran yang cukup. Selain itu kondisi iklim yang tidak menentu dan instabilitas politik global mengakibatkan pula peningkatan harga komoditas pangan Internasional. Salah satu cara Pemerintah guna meredam fluktuasi harga komoditas pertanian adalah dengan implementasi kebijakan fiskal yang tepat berupa pemberian subsidi, insentif fiskal termasuk keringanan perpajakan dan bea serta optimalisasi anggaran. Temuan pokok kajian ini adalah (a) fluktuasi harga komoditas pertanian berdampak signifikan terhadap inflasi dan menciptakan instabilitas harga dan pasokan pangan; (b) pemerintah telah menggunakan berbagai instrument kebijakan fiskal dalam upaya stabilisasi harga dan ketersediaan pasokan pangan; (c) kebijakan fiskal Pemerintah telah membuahkan hasil terbukti dengan terus turunnya inflasi di triwulan I tahun 2011 hingga mencapai 6,16 persen year on year pada bulan April 2011; (d) kebijakan fiskal berupa insentif perpajakan dan bea hanya berlaku sementara dibarengi dengan upaya peningkatan produktifitas produksi pertanian. Antisipasi kebijakan fiskal ke depan akan penuh tantangan seiring dengan semakin meningkatnya tekanan Perubahan iklim dan kondisi geopolitik Internasional. Karena itu kedepan rekomendasi kebijakan yang bisa diimplementasikan antara lain (a) kebijakan fiskal yang diambil jangan sampai merugikan petani dan menjadi disinsentif terhadap pengembangan sektor pertanian dalam negeri (b) penurunan tarif bea masuk terhadap komoditas pertanian harus bersifat temporer karena akan merugikan petani dalam negeri jika diberlakukan dalam waktu yang lama (c) pemerintah harus tetap memproteksi sektor pertanian dalam negeri untuk menciptakan ketahanan pangan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat

    The Effect of Person-Centered and Rational Emotive Therapy Group Counseling: A Comparative Study in Changing Self-Concept and Achievement Motivation of Low Achievement Secondary School Students in Pattani, Thailand

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    The sample used for this study was limited to the low achievement students in grade 9 comprising 192 secondary school students, randomly assigned into four groups of 48: a group with the person-centered group counseling: the rational emotive group therapy; group with material and group without treatment. Each student received only one type of treatment. A total of eight sessions were attended over a four-week period by the students in the person-centered group counseling and the rational emotive group therapy. The leader of each group facilitated the 8 sessions. Each session lasted 90 minutes; the total time of meeting was 12 hours. After the treatment, all subjects were again tested by the Tennessee Self-Concept Scale and the Achievement Motivation Test. The control group was also tested simultaneously allow for a comparison to be made as to which method was the most effective. The data before and after the treatment were analyzed using t-test. The statistical procedures using the SPSS/FW program in the data analysis were the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The criterion for significant difference for all analyses was set at. .05 to simplify the analysis of effectiveness for the experimental study. The findings revealed that: 1. the person-centered group counseling and the rational emotive group therapy were not significantly different in the self-concept. Within group comparison showed that the person-centered group counseling was significantly different in the scores of pretest and post test of the self-concept. 2. there was no significant difference in the mean scores of gender in the self-concept of the person-centered group counseling and the rational emotive group therapy. 3. in the person-centered group counseling and the rational emotive group therapy there were significantly different in the achievement motivation. There was significantly different in the scores of pretest and post test of the achievement motivation within group both of the person-centered group counseling and the rational emotive group therapy. 4. there was significant difference in the mean scores of gender in the achievement motivation of the person-centered group counseling and the rational emotive group therapy

    Symmetry witnesses

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    A symmetry witness is a suitable subset of the space of selfadjoint trace class operators that allows one to determine whether a linear map is a symmetry transformation, in the sense of Wigner. More precisely, such a set is invariant with respect to an injective densely defined linear operator in the Banach space of selfadjoint trace class operators (if and) only if this operator is a symmetry transformation. According to a linear version of Wigner's theorem, the set of pure states, the rank-one projections, is a symmetry witness. We show that an analogous result holds for the set of projections with a fixed rank (with some mild constraint on this rank, in the finite-dimensional case). It turns out that this result provides a complete classification of the set of projections with a fixed rank that are symmetry witnesses. These particular symmetry witnesses are projectable; i.e., reasoning in terms of quantum states, the sets of uniform density operators of corresponding fixed rank are symmetry witnesses too.Comment: 15 page

    Lancaster Stem Sammon Projective Feature Selection based Stochastic eXtreme Gradient Boost Clustering for Web Page Ranking

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    Web content mining retrieves the information from web in more structured forms. The page rank plays an essential part in web content mining process. Whenever user searches for any information on web, the relevant information is shown at top of list through page ranking. Many existing page ranking algorithms were developed and failed to rank the web pages in accurate manner through minimum time feeding. In direction to address the above mentioned issues, Lancaster Stem Sammon Projective Feature Selection based Stochastic eXtreme Gradient Boost Clustering (LSSPFS-SXGBC) Approach is introduced for page ranking based on user query. LSSPFS-SXGBC Approach has three processes for performing efficient web page ranking, namely preprocessing, feature selection and clustering. LSSPFS-SXGBC Approach in account of the numeral of operator request by way of an input. Lancaster Stemming Preprocessed Analysis is carried out in LSSPFS-SXGBC Approach for removing the noisy data from the input query. It eradicates the stem words, stop words and incomplete data for minimizing the time and space consumption. Sammon Projective Feature Selection Process is carried out in LSSPFS-SXGBC Approach to select the relevant features (i.e., keywords) based on user needs for efficient page ranking. Sammon Projection maps the high-dimensional space to lower dimensionality space to preserve the inter-point distance structure. After feature selection, Stochastic eXtreme Gradient Boost Page Rank Clustering process is carried out to cluster the similar keyword web pages based on their rank. Gradient Boost Page Rank Cluster is an ensemble of several weak clusters (i.e., X-means cluster). X-means cluster partitions the web pages into ‘x’ numeral of clusters where each reflection goes towards the cluster through adjacent mean value. For every weak cluster, selected features are considered as the training samples. Subsequently, all weak clusters are joined to form the strong cluster for attaining the webpage ranking results. By this way, an efficient page ranking is carried out through higher accurateness and minimum time consumption. The practical validation is carried out in LSSPFS-SXGBC Approach on factors such ranking accurateness, false positive rate, ranking time and space complexity with respect to numeral of user query


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    Fraud represent a deed contempt of court (illegally), conducted by individual in and also outside organization, on the basis of intention or intention, as a mean to profit organization and also individual executing the action and can result incidence of a loss materially and also non- natural material by institution or company of banking specially. Categorize collision (such fraud) here conducted collision intentionally to procedure and also standard and or code of ethics, including but do not limited to collision having the character of criminal like transgression of crime and or regulation of banking of which can cause, almost cause or have caused loss of material and non-material to client or bank and or either through indirect or direct able to give advantage to worker, worker family or other third party. Application of number code/law 10 of 1998 as change of number code/law 7 on 1992 on banking expected to be able to give rule of law to itself bank and also client. To depositor client and also lender to get protection of adequate law and to bank alone is to realize stable and healthy banking system. Mentioned in Chapter of V number code/law 10 of 1998 about Construction and Observation, section 29 sentence (4) in giving credit and conduct other business activity, bank is obliged to go through the way of harmless of bank and importance of client entrusting its fund to bank

    959 Nematode Genomes: a semantic wiki for coordinating sequencing projects

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    Genome sequencing has been democratized by second-generation technologies, and even small labs can sequence metazoan genomes now. In this article, we describe ‘959 Nematode Genomes’—a community-curated semantic wiki to coordinate the sequencing efforts of individual labs to collectively sequence 959 genomes spanning the phylum Nematoda. The main goal of the wiki is to track sequencing projects that have been proposed, are in progress, or have been completed. Wiki pages for species and strains are linked to pages for people and organizations, using machine- and human-readable metadata that users can query to see the status of their favourite worm. The site is based on the same platform that runs Wikipedia, with semantic extensions that allow the underlying taxonomy and data storage models to be maintained and updated with ease compared with a conventional database-driven web site. The wiki also provides a way to track and share preliminary data if those data are not polished enough to be submitted to the official sequence repositories. In just over a year, this wiki has already fostered new international collaborations and attracted newcomers to the enthusiastic community of nematode genomicists. www.nematodegenomes.org