214 research outputs found

    Kemampuan Guru dalam Mengelola Kelas untuk Siswa yang Berkebutuhan Khusus di Sdn 16 Banda Aceh

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    Dalam konteks persoalan siswa yang berkebutuhan khusus, yang dapat dilakukan oleh guru adalah kemampuan guru dalam mengelola kelasuntuk siswa yang bekebutuhan khusus.Penelitian ini berupaya mengungkapkan Kemampuan guru dalam mengelola kelas untuk siswa yang bekebutuhan khusus di SDN 16 Banda Aceh.Secara khusus penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui untuk mengetahuikemampuan guru dalam mengelola kelas untuk siswa yang berkebutuhan khusus di SDN 16 Banda Aceh Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dan jenis penelitian deskriptif.Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi danwawancara.Teknik observasi (pengamatan) yang diterapkan adalah teknik berpartisipasi (non-participant observation).Selain itu didukung dengan teknik wawancara, teknik wawancara adalah dengan mewawancarai 7 orang guru kelas.Selanjutnya seluruh datadiolah dengan tahapan anlisis data kualitatif yaitu mereduksi data, penyajian data, dan menarik kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, temuan peneliti ini dapat dikemukakan sebagai berikut: Pertama, hampir semua guru mengelola kelas dengan sangat baik tetapi ada sebagian guru yang kurang baik dalam mengelola kelas, hal ini dapat dilihat pada membantu anak memfokuskan perhatian pada saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung. Kedua, Kendala guru dalam proses pembelajaran, anak yang berkebutuhan khusus berbeda pemahamannya dengan siswa reguler. Sehingga ABK sulit dalam menerima pembelajaran, karena ada sebagian pembelajaran tidak sesuai dengan kemampuannya. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah Semua guru (7 orang guru) mampu mengelola kelas dengan sangat baik, dapat dilihat dari aspek membuat RPP, menguasai dalam mengelola kelas dalam menangani anak berkebutuhan khusus, memiliki kemampuan dalam melaksanakan proses pengajaran, memiliki kemampuan untuk mengukur hasil belajar anak didik dengan teknik yang tepat, menunjukkan perasaan positif, serta membuat pengalaman anak menjadi bermakna.Ada sebagian guru (6-5) mengelola kelas dengan kurang baik, dapat dilihat dari aspek beradaptasi dengan anak, berbicara dengan anak, memberikan pujian dan penghargaan. Kurangnya guru dalam melaksanakan aspek tersebut sehingga dalam proses pembelajaran menjadi kurang efektif dan menyebabkan beberapa kendala dalam mengelola kelas. Kendala guru dalam proses pembelajaran, anak yang berkebutuhan khusus berbeda pemahamannya dengan siswa reguler. Sehingga ABK sulit dalam menerima pembelajaran, karena ada sebagian pembelajaran tidak sesuai dengan kemampuannya


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui secara signifikan tentang manfaat bimbingan pada siswa  , dengan melakukan wawancara langsung pada siswa yang telah mendapatkan bimbingan konseling,sehingga penulis dapat mengukur tingkat manfaatnya bagi siswa yang bersangkutan.Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif studi kasus, dan sesuai dengan yang diteliti yaitu sebuah kasus yang ada masyarakat,sehingga dapat secara langsung mengetahui,mengukur sejauh mana tingkat manfaarnya.Setelah dilakukan penelitian secara konprehensif kepada 12 orang siswa sebagai partisipan dan informan,penulis melihat masih adanya beberapa hal yang harus perlu pembenahan,agar system pelayanan bimbingan dapat berjalan sesuai dengan hasil yang diharapkan,kesimpulannya seperti hasil temuan dalam penelitian ini,bahwasanya bagian bimbingan ini selain perlu pembenahan juga perlu perhatian dari pemerintah,dan partisipasi masyarakat (orangtua),agar hasil bimbingan   mampu meciptakan sebuah kedisipilinan bagi sisw

    Implementation Strategies for Teaching And Learning Early Childhood In Education

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    The goal of research Implementation of Teaching and Learning Strategies in Early Childhood Education is a Government program in an effort to improve the quality of human resources with the development of long-term investment through education activities as early as possible. Fundamentally, the Indonesian government has listed this program, as outlined in the Medium Term Strategic  .Related to that, this research is aimed to see how far the effectiveness and efficiency of the process of implementing the activity specifically in the area of study. As an effort to improve the implementation of the form of activities of Early Childhood Education Implementation, the implementation process is carried out in order to obtain information as big as possible and high relevance, thus forming a focused discussion and sharpen the discussion undertaken. The problem of implementation of the strategy that runs systematically and projected is measured on the basis of the process of implementation and scope of activities in the implementation.  &nbsp

    Human Resources Quality as a Main Elements of Excellent and Competitive Education Management

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    Excellent and competitiveness of education management is not a mere slogan of formality, every school must use the essence of “quality and competitive education” in each of its visions even with different editors. The process of education, in addition to directed to the formation of spirit, motivation, creativity, resilience, and confidence, is also emphasized on the formation of awareness, discipline, responsibility, and a good learning culture. The vision of national education based on Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 Year 2003 on the National Education System is “to realize the educational system as a strong and authoritative social institution to empower all Indonesian citizens to develop into qualified human beings so as to be able and proactive to answer the ever changing challenges of the age”. Then the mandate of the Law of National Education System in its implementation is described in Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 Year 2005 which stipulates that the scope of the National Education Standards includes content standards, process standards, graduate competency standards, educator standards and education personnel, equipment and infrastructure standards, management standards, financing standards, and educational assessment standards. In addition, the National Education Standards are also intended as a tool to encourage the realization of transparency and public accountability in the implementation of the national education system. This suggests that the main element of education management is the quality of human resources, because without the support of the quality of human resources, then it will certainly be in vain. Thus, each school is encouraged to improve its educational performance so that the pattern of quality education and competitiveness can be realized. Keywords: human resources, quality, education management, excellent and competitive.

    Behavioral Aspects of Organizational Team Performance and Commitment

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the culture, team performance and job satisfaction and how it affects the level of organizational commitment. Also examined was the influence of relationship of organizational commitment to demographic variables such as age, nationality, gender, marital status, education qualification, position, length of service and salary. Questionnaires contain of five sections-demographic factor; culture; job satisfaction; team performance and organizational commitment were used to collect data. In the demographic section, data solicited include age, nationality, gender, marital status, education qualification, position, length of service and salary. In thc culture section, data collection was based on Hofstede instruments; individualism/collectivism; uncertainty avoidance; masculinity and power distance. The questionnaires on the other two constructs, job satisfaction and team performance were adapted from original authors. In organizational commitment section, the instrument used was based on three themes identified by Allen and Meyer; affective organizational, continuance organizational and normative organizational. The data were analyzed using SPSS 11.5. Five main hypotheses were tested using T-test, one-way ANOVA and regression analysis. From the result it was found that culture and job satisfaction has significant difference to organizational commitment

    Kemampuan Guru Memanfaatkan Lingkungan sebagai Sumber Belajar di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 29 Banda Aceh

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    Dalam mengajarkan materi yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan, guru dapat mengupayakan pemanfaatan lingkungan sebagai sumber belajar. Penelitian ini berupaya mengungkapkan bagaimanakah kemampuan guru dalam memanfaatkan lingkungan sebagai sumber belajar di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 29 Banda Aceh? Secara khusus penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan guru dalam memanfaatkan lingkungan sebagai sumber belajar di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 29 Banda Aceh.Pendekatan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif yaitu penelitian yang berusaha mendeskripsikan suatu kejadian pada saat sekarang. Data penelitian ini bersumber dari wawancara dengan 6 orang guru SD Negeri 29 Banda Aceh yang terdiri dari 2 guru kelas IV, 2 guru kelas V, dan 2 guru kelas VI. Sumber data juga didapatkan dari hasil observasi lingkungan sekitar sekolah.Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara dan observasi. Pada teknik wawancara peneliti menggunakan alat bantu perekam berupa media eletronik tape recorder. Dan pada observasi, peneliti bertindak sebagai pengamat penuh tanpa terlibat dalam interaksi belajar-mengajar. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini: (1) reduksi data, (2) penyajian data, (3) serta menarik kesimpulan dan verifikasi.Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa guru di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 29 Banda Aceh belum maksimal, karena hanya sebagian guru kelas yang memanfaatkan lingkungan didalam pembelajaran. Sedangkan sebagian guru lainnya tidak memanfaatkan lingkungan sebagai sumber belajar di dalam proses pembelajaran dan hanya menggunakan buku dan gambar visual sebagai sumber belajar

    Electrical Properties of High Voltage Rectifier Diodes Simulated Using Athena and Atlas

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    As the title for this project, this fmal report for FYP 2 will include and conclude all the work and research that I have done regarding the Electrical properties of High Voltage Rectifier diodes simulated using Athena and Atlas. The objective of this project is to simulate the fabrication process of the High Voltage Rectifier based on the curve trace data gain during my internship in a semiconductor company. This report will summarize the work done on of the project. First chapter will give a brief description about the background of the project. There is also problem statement and some objectives included in this chapter. Second chapter will concentrate more on the study on the theory of High Voltage Rectifier diodes. Three important part of the High Voltage p-n junction will be discussed which is; the structure of a high voltage p-n junction, comparison between available structure and the electrical characteristics of each structure. The latest progress is on the research for the most suitable material for the high voltage diodes. In third chapter, there is a chart describing a methodology on how this project to be carried on. The chart has been followed to avoid any disturbance so that this project can be completed as planned


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    TEACHING METHODS USING THE TELEVISION TALENT SEARCH AUDITION MODELThe  main purpose of this study was to answer the five (5) questions the research on: Motivation, Achievement, competition, prestige (esteem) and orderly time, will be missed on the research results, in addition to the collaboration between the teaching style audition with, the development of a model audition   that of the entertainment program on television. This research study is to do a collaboration between teaching style audition to audition models program  television.The study the authors chose a model using fenomenology, in an effort to further explore the internal factors and external factors of the participants individually, so not just displaying figures on the above calculation paper. Findings   From the results obtained from processing of data and calculation of the amount of value as well as the interview shows the results of the acquisition value the better of each meeting seen this from the value that was obtained, at a meeting of the audition stage three (3), already visible once the values are moving fluctuating. Significance  those who scored high and moderate increased while the low score decreased, indicating a significant change, after combining teaching methods and audition models such as television programs (talent shows)., There was a significant increase


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    The background of this research starts from seeing and analyzing the importance of skills for Education Technology students, especially talent in the field of entrepreneurship. The purpose of this study is for them to gain learning and experience in the field of entrepreneurship as well as in the effort to create independence in finding employment opportunities or creating work. The main problem in this study is to provide experience and knowledge to students of Education Technology in terms of entrepreneurship. The method used in this study is a qualitative perspective approach with the phenomenological model, because the subject of this problem is a phenomenon that often occurs, when students have already finished college and then returned to the community, and the job opportunities they have not obtained. This research requires about 15 weeks, with  the  students as participants of 8 students. The results of this study indicate a positive level of progress and nature of efforts to increase motivation in entrepreneurship, and this is a finding, novelty (novelty) in increasing learning motivation, business motivation for students. .Bu araştırmanın arka planı Eğitim Teknolojisi öğrencileri için becerilerin, özellikle girişimcilik alanındaki yeteneklerin önemini görmek ve analiz etmekten başlamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, girişimcilik alanında öğrenme ve deneyim kazanmanın yanı sıra istihdam olanakları bulma veya iş yaratma konusunda bağımsızlık yaratma çabasıdır. Bu çalışmanın temel sorunu, Eğitim Teknolojisi öğrencilerine girişimcilik konusunda deneyim ve bilgi sağlamaktır. Bu çalışmada kullanılan yöntem fenomenolojik model ile nitel bir perspektif yaklaşımıdır, çünkü bu sorunun konusu, öğrenciler üniversiteyi bitirip topluma geri döndüklerinde ve elde etmedikleri iş fırsatlarında sıklıkla ortaya çıkan bir olgudur. . Bu araştırma yaklaşık 15 hafta sürmektedir ve öğrenciler 8 öğrencinin katılımcısıdır. Bu çalışmanın sonuçları, girişimcilikte motivasyonu artırma çabalarının olumlu bir ilerleme düzeyini ve doğasını göstermektedir ve bu, öğrenme motivasyonunu, öğrenciler için iş motivasyonunu arttıran bir yeniliktir (yenilik). . &nbsp