52 research outputs found

    Kelayakan USAhatani Jagung Hibrida di Kabupaten Muna Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara

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    Feasibility Study of Hybrid Maize Farming in Muna District Southeast Sulawesi Province. Maize harvest area in 2015 in Muna District was 13,159 ha with the production by 32,007 tonnes and the productivity by 2.43 t/ha. This maize productivity is still considered low, due to the results of the study AIAT Southeast Sulawesi on 2014, wich able to obtain productivity by 5 tonnes of dry seed/ha. To increase the production of maize, advocacy anddissemination of technological innovations maize using hybrid varieties had been carried out. A research was applied to investigate the production of maize as well as the income of the farmers. Research was conducted using a structured interview with questionair to 30 maize hybrids farmers and 30 local maize farmers in the Wakobalu Agung Village,Kabangka Sub District, and Bente Village, Kabawo Sub District, Muna District in October to December 2015. The results showed that based on t test, the productivity of hybrid maize was significantly higher than the local variety, so the hybrid maize planting could increase of maize productivity. Hybrid farmers applied urea and NPK while the local maize growers did not use inorganic fertilizers. Organic fertilizer was applied both by hybrid maize and local maize group, yet dose of both groups respectively was varied. Hybrid maize farming with Bima 19 URI variety and local maize was feasible, each B/C 1.07 and 1.17. However the productivity and farmers' income of the hybrid maize was higher than the local maize. The productivity of the hybrid maize by Bima 19 URI was 4,744 kg dry grain/ha and thefarmers' income was IDR8,596,000. The productivity of the local maize was 1,404 kg dry grain/ha as well as farmers' income was IRD4,666,000

    Rantai Pasok Brokoli Di Kecamatan Lembang Kabupaten Bandung Barat Dengan Pendekatan Food Supply Chain Networks

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    This study aims to determine the condition of the supply chain broccoli in the district ofBandung Lembang district west to approach food supply chain networks ( FSCN ). Thisresearch will be carried out in the CV . Yan's Fruits and Vegetable in Lembang district ,West Bandung regency, West Java. This study requires an approach to qualitative andquantitative methods for treating primary and secondary data . To analyze the supply chainqualitative and quantitative data required by the framework of the Food Supply ChainNetworking (FSCN) of Lambert and Cooper (2000) as modified by Vorst (2006).Results from this study is the condition of supply chain broccoli in Lembang district WestBandung regency based approach is the Food Supply Chain Networks as seen from thetarget supply chain, the structure of the supply chain, the entity supply chain, supply chainmanagement, resource supply chain, and business processes of supply chain is alreadyintegrated well

    Analisis Efisiensi Teknis USAhatani Padi di Jawa dan Luar Jawa : Pendekatan Data Envelopment Analysis (Dea)

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    Efficiency is an important aspect for farmer that can be used as a measuring tools to make a decision regarding production among available options. The objectives of this research is to evaluate the technical efficiency of paddy farming, and to identify the factors that influence the technical efficiency of paddyfarms in Jawa and outside Jawa. To analyzed the data, data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach and tobit regression were applied. Farmers were not use the the right amount of inputs as being recommended by the instructor, such as the use of seed, fertilizer NPK and urea. The use of Urea, NPK, and labor had the largest percentage of input slacks when compared to the other production inputs. Farmers in Jawa could reduce the use of urea by 6.75 kg, NPK by 14.96 kg, and labor by 7.45 HOK and farmers in outside Jawa could reduce the use of urea by 32.37 kg, NPK by 6.01 kg, and labor by 15.93 HOK to make the paddy farm technically efficient. One of the factors that can greatly influence the improvement of farming technical efficiency is the socio-economic factors. Factors that affecting the technical efficiency of paddy farm in Jawa were the age, the level of formal education, member of Farming group and the number of members in the household, and do not significantly affect the technical efficiency of paddy farm is acces formal finance, and ectention. Factors that affecting the technical efficiency of paddy farm in outside Jawa were the age, the level of formal education, and member of Farming group and, and do not significantly affect the technical efficiency is the number of members in the household, acces formal finance, and ectention

    Pengaruh Karakteristik Pribadi dan Dimensi Sosial terhadap Kemampuan Wirausaha Perempuan

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    This research aimed to (1) identify the personal characteristics and social dimensions of women entrepreneur, and (2) to analyze the influence of personal characteristics and social dimensions to women\u27s entrepeurial skills. The analysis used in this research are descriptive and quantitative by using Partial Least Square (PLS) modelling. Result found that both characteristics and social dimension positively and significantly influence entrepreneurial skills of women. Social dimensions is a strong predictor which positively and significantly influence the entrepreneurial skills

    New Record of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) Association with Kebar Grass (Biophytum petersianum Klotzsch.) in the Grassland Area of Kebar, Tambrauw Regency, West Papua, Indonesia

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    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are an important form of symbiosis between fungi and plants in an ecosystem. One of the medicinal plants used by the people in West Papua is kebar grass (Biophytum petersianum Klotzsch.). This study aims to determine the AMF association in the rhizosphere of B. petersianum in grasslands. Survey method was used in this study. The presence of AMF was observed by examining root colonization and spore diversity. The results showed that the percentage of AMF colonization in roots was between 46.7–90.0% with an average of 71.66%. Meanwhile, the number of spores found in the plant rhizosphere averaged 119.8 spores per 10 grams of soil sample. There were 18 species of AMF dominated by the genus Glomus (7 species), Acaulospora (3 species), while the genus Claroideoglomus, Entrophospora, Gigaspora, and Scutellospora were dominated each with 2 species. This finding is the first record on the presence of AMF on B. petersianum in West Papua

    Implementasi Nilai-Nilai Pancasila dalam Buku Wasiat Renungan Masa Pengalaman Baru Karya Tuan Guru Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Madjid.

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui: (1) nilai-nilai Pancasila yang terkandung dalam buku Wasiat Renungan Masa Pengalaman Baru karya Tuan Guru Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Madjid, dan (2) implementasi nilai-nilai Pancasila di organisasi Nahdlatul Wathan (NW). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek penelitian dipilih dengan teknik purposive, yakni Pengurus Besar NW Pancor dan Anjani. Penelitian dilaksanakan di NW Pancor dan NW Anjani, NTB. Data dikumpulkan melalui dokumentasi, wawancara, dan observasi. Pemeriksaan keabsahan data dilakukan dengan teknik triangulasi. Analisis data menggunakan model analisis interaktif Miles dan Huberman yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan/verifikasi. Hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut; (1) Kandungan nilai-nilai Pancasila yang terdapat di dalam buku Wasiat Renungan Masa Pengalaman Baru antara lain: a) Nilai ketuhanan: toleransi, kebebasan beribadah, cinta terhadap agama, dan hubungan saling mengisi antara agama dan negara, b) Nilai kemanusiaan: pemenuhan hak masyarakat, pemerataan, dan egaliter, c) Nilai persatuan: memupuk persatuan, nasionalisme, dan menghilangkan sifat sukuisme, d) Nilai kerakyatan: menjunjung tinggi nilai musyawarah dan ikut berpartisipasi di bidang politik, dan (5) Nilai keadilan: pemerataan keadilan dalam perwujudan hak-hak individu dalam bidang ekonomi, pendidikan, dan sosial. (2) Implementasi nilai-nilai Pancasila yakni: a) NW Pancor, 1) Nilai ketuhanan: mendirikan Majelis Ta’lim NW dan Hamzanwadi, serta integrasi nilai-nilai syiar Islam melalui madrasah. 2) Nilai kemanusiaan: membangun madrasah, panti asuhan, bantuan beasiswa, Poskestren, dan koperasi pesantren. 3) Nilai persatuan: integrasi antar kader melalui pengajian, gotong royong, dan ikut serta program pemerintah sebagai upaya cinta tanah air. 4) Nilai kerakyatan: musyawarah mufakat dan ikut serta dalam pertarungan politik. 5) Nilai keadilan: penyelenggaraan kegiatan di bidang pendidikan, sosial, dan dakwah. (b) NW Anjani, 1) Nilai ketuhanan: mendirikan Majelis Ta’lim NW dan Hamzanwadi II, integrasi syiar Islam dengan mendirikan madrasah, dan toleransi. 2) Nilai kemanusiaan: mendirikan madrasah, panti asuhan, Klinik Kesehatan Syaikh Zainuddin, dan bantuan beasiswa. 3) Nilai persatuan: integrasi antar kader melalui kegiatan pengajian, gotong royong, pencegahan radikalisme, dan ikut dalam program pemerintah. 4) Nilai kerakyatan: musyawarah mufakat dan ikut aktif dalam kegiatan politik; 5) Nilai keadilan: perwujudan keadilan sosial melalui pembangunan panti asuhan, klinik, dan toleransi umat beragama

    Teknologi Penerbangan Inovasi Black Box Secondary sebagai Solusi dalam Proses Pencarian dan Evakuasi Pesawat yang Hilang

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    Di dunia penerbangan istilah black box ( Kotak hitam ) sudah di kenal bahkan masyarakat umum juga mengenal istilah ini, black box merupakan alat yang merekam data penerbangan berupa komunikasi pilot , copilot dan pemandu penerbangan yang kemudian terekam di alat ini, fungsi dari alat ini tidak hanya itutetapi juga merekam semua aktifitas dan informasi baik ketinggian pesawat, navigasi pesawat, jalur lalu lintas dan set mekanik pada saat terbang alat ini di rancang dengan berwarna oranye, dalam perkembangannya produksi kotak hitam pertama berwarna hitam dan media penyimpananya menggunakan pita mahgnetik yang mudah terbakar, alat ini pertama kali di temukan hanya sebagai perrekam rotasi Baling-Baling. Dan pada saat perang Dunia II lalu meluaskan penggunaannya untuk merekam penerbangan. Dengan perkembangan tersebut kotak hitam sekarang berwarna mencolok ini dimaksudkan untuk memudahkan saat pencarian saat terjadi kecelakaan misalnya tenggelam di laut namun demikian desain yang sudah di rancang black box sulit di cari ketika pesawat jatuh di dasar laut sehingga hal ini menyulitkan Tim SAR untuk mencari informasi tentang keberadaan pesawat dan kondisinya, dari hal tersebut scondary blakbox yang berada di darat ( Ruang server) adalah solusi yang cukup baik dan canggih untuk di implementasikan didunia penerbangan khususnya untuk proses pencarian pesawat. Sehingga keluarga korban kecelakaan dapat cepat mengetahui informasi penyebab dan lokasi terjadinya kecelakaan. Dengan demikian efesiensi biaya yang di keluarkan untuk mencari lokasi dan awak pesawat yang hilang dapat di minimalisasi

    Lipid-soluble Vitamins A, D, and E in HIV-Infected Pregnant women in Tanzania.

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    There is limited published research examining lipid-soluble vitamins in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected pregnant women, particularly in resource-limited settings. This is an observational analysis of 1078 HIV-infected pregnant women enrolled in a trial of vitamin supplementation in Tanzania. Baseline data on sociodemographic and anthropometric characteristics, clinical signs and symptoms, and laboratory parameters were used to identify correlates of low plasma vitamin A (<0.7 micromol/l), vitamin D (<80 nmol/l) and vitamin E (<9.7 micromol/l) status. Binomial regression was used to estimate risk ratios and 95% confidence intervals. Approximately 35, 39 and 51% of the women had low levels of vitamins A, D and E, respectively. Severe anemia (hemoglobin <85 g/l; P<0.01), plasma vitamin E (P=0.02), selenium (P=0.01) and vitamin D (P=0.02) concentrations were significant correlates of low vitamin A status in multivariate models. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) was independently related to low vitamin A status in a nonlinear manner (P=0.01). The correlates of low vitamin D status were CD8 cell count (P=0.01), high ESR (ESR >81 mm/h; P<0.01), gestational age at enrollment (nonlinear; P=0.03) and plasma vitamins A (P=0.02) and E (P=0.01). For low vitamin E status, the correlates were money spent on food per household per day (P<0.01), plasma vitamin A concentration (nonlinear; P<0.01) and a gestational age <16 weeks at enrollment (P<0.01). Low concentrations of lipid-soluble vitamins are widely prevalent among HIV-infected women in Tanzania and are correlated with other nutritional insufficiencies. Identifying HIV-infected persons at greater risk of poor nutritional status and infections may help inform design and implementation of appropriate interventions
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