497 research outputs found

    Hubungan Antara Pengetahuan Pelestarian Lingkungan Dan Intensi Siswa Terhadap Output Sekolah Dengan Partisipasi Siswa Dalam Kebersihan Lingkungan

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    The objective of this research is to analuyze the relationship of knowledge and enviromental conservation intention output of school students with students participation in the clean enviroment. The methode used was a survey and correlational techniques in One Senior High School, Depok.. The sampel of this research were 70 students wich proporsional random sampling. The results showed as follow: (1) The relationship between the Environmental Protection Knowledge with Students Participation in Environmental Hygiene showed a negative relationship. (2) The relationship between the intentions of the Output School Students with Student Participation in Environmental Hygiene showed a positive relationship. (3) The relationship between knowledge and intention of Environmental Protection against Output School Students together with Student Participation in Environmental Hygiene showed a positive relationship. From the research, the conclusion is that most of the students were able to understand the concepts, facts and procedures related to conservation of the environment, so most students have a strong intention to academic and non-academic

    The efficacy of using intraoperative compared with postoperative topical 0.04% Mitomycin-C drops to the recurrence of Pterygium

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    ABSTRACT Background: The major problem in the treatment of pterygium is to prevent recurrences after surgical excision. To prevent the neovascularization and recurrence, variable doses and administration of mitomycin C installation had been used. However no single treatment has been universally effective yet. Objective: The purpose of this studies is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of two different methods of 0.04% Mitomycin - C application as adjunctive chemotherapy to the recurrence of pterygium. Methods: The research had been conducted at the Dr. Sardjito Central Hospital, Wates Central Hospital Gombong PKU Hospital, and Purworejo Aisyiah Hospital from January 1995 to December 1998. Eighty eight patients underwent pterygium excision were involved in this study, and divided into two groups. Group I or intraoperative 0.04% MMC group of 44 cases receiving 0.04% MMC drops applied to the bare sclera for 4 minutes intraoperatively. Group II or post operative group of 44 cases receiving 0.04% MMC eye drops one day after excision once daily during the first postoperatively week and continued with a dosage of one drop 3 times a day during the second postoperative week. Observations were done daily during the first postoperative week, weekly during the first postoperative month, and monthly up to 6 months. Observations were done including of the symptoms of recurrence and side effects of the treatment. The data were analyzed using the Student\u27s test and chi square technique. Results: In the intraoperative group, 6 cases (13.67%) recurred, 2 cases of superficial punctate keratitis. In the postoperative group,. 7 cases (15.95%), and 3 cases superficial punctate keratitis. There was no statistical difference in the rates of recurrence (x2 ---- 0,0902, p>0,05). Most of the cases of pain, tearing and lid edema occurred in the group intra-operative. No other complication was observed in the course of the study. Conclussion: A single dose intraoperative application of MMC is a simple, economic, affective alternative adjunctive treatment for pterygium. Key words : Intraoperative mitomycin-C - pterygium excision - recurrence Latar Belakang penelitian: Masalah utama pada pembedahan. Terdapat beberapa cara maupun timbulnya neovaskutarisasi dan kekambuhan pengobatan yang seragam. Tujuan penelitian: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi daya guna dua cara penggunaan mitomycin-C 0,04% sebagai kemoterapi tambahan terhadap kekambuhan pterigium. Bahan dan cara penelitian: Penelitian dilakukan di RSUP. Dr. Sardjito, RSU. Wates, RS. PKU. Gombong, RS. Aisyiah Purworejo, antara bulan Januari 1995 sampai Desember 1998. Dilakukan eksisi pterigium pada 88 pasien, dan dibagi dua kelompok menjadi kelompok I dan II. Kelompok I mendapat mitomycin-C durante pembedahan sebanyak 44 pasien. Kelompok II dengan jumlah yang sama, diberikan mitomycin-C tetes mata 0,04% sehari pasca operasi sebanyak satu kali sampai 1 minggu dan dilanjutkan 3 kali sehari sampai 2 minggu. Pengamatan dilakukan tiap hari selama 1 minggu, seminggu sekali sampai satu bulan, dan sebulan sekali sampai 6 bulan. Diamati tanda-tanda kekambuhan dan efek samping pengobatan. Terhadap data-data yang didapat dilakukan analisis statistik dengan uji t Student dan chi kuadrat..

    Dampak Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Langsung dalam Pembinaan Aparatur Sipil Negara (Studi Kasus pada Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan)

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    Direct Regional Head Elections that occur in Indonesia are based on Law Number 1 of 2015 concerning the Establishment of Government Regulations in Lieu of Law Number 1 of 2014 concerning the Election of Governors, Regents, and Mayors Becoming Laws, which are in the legislation regulating the procedure for the election of Governors, Regents, and Mayors, as well as this,  has occurred the South Kalimantan Province post-conflict local election held on 9 December 2015 to elect the Governor of South Kalimantan for the 2016-2021 period. In this study, researchers chose to use a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection techniques by means of interviews and observation and documentation. The results of this study are The Impact of the Election of Direct Regional Heads in the Development of State Civil Apparatus Careers in the South Kalimantan Provincial Government in terms of State Civil Apparatus Social is the impression/perception for the State Civil Apparatus that the Regional Head is elected from the election directly as if there is always a connection with supporting the support of the State Civil Apparatus to candidates for Regional Head Candidates when they start the campaign process until the election. (b) Judging from the Economic aspects of the State Civil Apparatus, particularly the South Kalimantan Provincial Government, those in income as long as those originating from Salaries and allowances are relatively still in accordance with the provisions of the legislation concerning inherent Salary and Job Allowances, and the reference to Regional Allowances

    Beberapa komplikasi pasca bedah katarak dengan pemasangan pseudofakos di RSUP Dr.Sardjito

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    Suhardjo -- Post-operative complications after cataract surgery with pseudophakos implantation at Dr Sardjito hospital Principally, complications of post operative cataract surgery with pseudophakos implantation cover those complications due to the operation, and those due to the existence of pseudophakos within the eye ball. In Dr. Sardjito hospital, this operation has been done since 1988. There are many kinds of complication of this operation. This retrospective study is limited to those complications in the form of anterior uveitis, endophthalmitis, secondary glaucoma, and endothelial decompensation which occurred within 1992-1994 period. A study has been performed on 405 cases, consisting of 397 cases with posterior chamber pseudophakos implantation and 8 cases with posterior chamber pseudophakos implantation. In the same period, a study on 432 cases with extra capsular cataract extraction without pseudophakos implantation was performed. The complication in the group with pseudophakos implantation were: anterior uveitis (2.96%), secondary glaucoma (1,48%), endhopthalmitis (0,99%), endothelial decompensation (0.74%) and other complications such as iris prolapse and subluxation of pseudophakos. The complication in the group without pseudophakos implantation were anterior uveitis (0.23%), endothelial decompensation (0.23%), and prolapse of iris 0.46%. In this study, the complication in the form of endophthalmitis occurred 1 week after surgery in 3 cases, and 2 weeks after surgery in one case. One case was caused by fungi infection. The complication in the form of secondary glaucoma mostly related with the occurence of post anterior uveitis surgery. The anterior uveitis in post cataract surgery with pseudophakos implantation was considered to be related with the kind of l ens implanted. Key words : post operative complications -- cataract surgery -- pseudophakos implantation -- anterior uveitis -- kind bf lens implante

    Relasi Kompetensi Guru Produktif Program Keahlian Mekanik Otomotif Terhadap Relevansi Praktek Kerja Industri Siswa Kelas III TMO SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Blora Tahun 2010/2011.

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    Penelitian bertujuan (1) mendiskripsikan hubungan antara kompetensi guru produktif Teknik Mekanik Otomotif terhadap kompetensi praktek kerja industri siswa kelas III TMO SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Blora tahun 2010/2011. (2). menganalisis relasi antara kompetensi guru produktif Teknik Mekanik Otomotif terhadap kompetensi praktek kerja industri siswa kelas III TMO SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Blora tahun 2010/2011. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan analisis statistik uji t.� Mengambil sampel secara acak siswa kelas III Teknik Mekanik Otomotif SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Blora tahun 2011 berjumlah 100 siswa (31% dari populasi). Hasil analisis sederhana regresi berganda menunjukkan nilai koefisien regresi berganda berturut-turut untuk kompetensi pedagogik, kompetensi kepribadian, kompetensi sosial, dan kompetensi profesional guru adalah : 0,141, 0,212, 0,444, 0,276. Hal ini menunjukkan adanya hubungan positif dan signifikan antara kompetensi guru (kompetensi pedagogik, kompetensi kepribadian, kompetensi sosial, dan kompetensi profesional) dengan kompetensi prakerin siswa. Dengan koefisien diterminasi R square 0,743 dan nilai F = 68,489 terbukti: (1) ada relasi yang signifikan antara kompetensi guru produktif Teknik Mekanik Otomotif terhadap kompetensi praktek kerja industri (prakerin) siswa kelas III TMO SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Blora pada tahun pelajaran 2010/2011. 74,3 % kompetensi prakerin siswa kelas III TMO SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Blora pada tahun pelajaran 2010–2011 dipengaruhi oleh kompetensi guru produktifnya, sedang 25,7 % nya ditentukan oleh faktor lain yang tidak di bahas dalam penelitian ini. (2) ada pengaruh langsung antara kompetensi pedagogik guru terhadap relevansi praktek kerja industri siswa kelas III TMO SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Blora. (3) ada pengaruh langsung antara kompetensi kepribadian guru terhadap relevansi praktek kerja industri siswa kelas III TMO SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Blora. (4) ada pengaruh langsung antara kompetensi sosial guru terhadap relevansi praktek kerja industri siswa kelas III TMO SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Blora. (5) ada pengaruh langsung antara kompetensi profesional guru terhadap relevansi praktek kerja industri siswa kelas III TMO SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Blora

    Stratifikasi Kemisikinan Dan Distribusi Pendapatan Di Wilayah Perdesaan: Kasus Tiga Dusun Wilayah Lereng Selatan Gunung Merapi Jawa Tengah

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    INTISARI Masalah kemiskinan dan distribusi pendapatan masih tetap merupakan perhatian utama dalam pembangunan nasional. Stratifikasi kemiskinan diperlukan selain untuk mengetahui lebih mendalam mengenai intensitas kemiskinan juga untuk memantau kemajuan yang telah dicapai dalam mengatasi kemiskinan dart waktu ke waktu. Adapun distribusi pendapatan berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap tingkat kecemburuan sosial, makin tinggi ketimpangan distribusi pendapatan makin tinggi pula tingkat kecemburuan sosial yang terjadi. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikai penduduk miskin atas dasar stratifikasi pendapatan setara beras (Sayogyo, 1982), serta variasi distribusi pendapatan pada wilayah perdesaan yang berbeda Kandungan sumberdaya dan aksesibilitasnya. Survei dilakukan pada tiga dusun (Turgo, Ngepring dan Watuadeg), Desa Purwobinangun, Kecamatan Pakem, Kabupaten Sleman, DIY. Tiga dusun tersebut terletak pada sisi selaian Gunungapi Merapi, masing-masing pada ketinggian antara 900-1.000 meter, 600-700 meter dan 400-500 meter dart permukaan air lout. Kandungan sumberdaya alam dan aksesibilitas antardusun penelitian juga berbeda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kemiskinan tidak hanya ditentukan oleh ketersediaan sumberdaya alam maupun tingkat aksesibilitas, melainkan juga tergantung kemampuan penduduk untuk memanfaatkan keunggulan komparatif sumberdaya setempat untuk berbagai kegiatan ekonomi. Tidaklah mengherankan bahwa Dusun Watuadeg proporsi penduduk miskin terendah, karena selain memiliki persawahan yang teririgasi dengan balk juga aksesibilitas balktetapi distribusi pendapatan di dusun ini paling timpang. Makin kuatnya tingkat integrasi pada pusa

    Pengaruh pengalaman audit dan tingkat kesulitan penugasan terhadap keakuratan dan keyakinan penentuan auditor pada KAP “Big Four” di Jakarta, Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of audit experience and difficulty level of assignment on the accuracy and confidence of auditor determination at KAP "Big Four" in Jakarta, Indonesia. The research showed no positive correlation between audit experience and accuracy and confidence assessments, a negative correlation between task difficulty and accuracy and confidence assessments on control risk evaluation. Additionally, there is a strong and real relationship between confidence assessments and accuracy assessments on control risk evaluation, and there is no strong and real relationship between audit experience and task difficulty. This result is not consistent with two previous research conducted in United States and Australia. It may be caused by the number of respondents were close to 40% junior auditor level, non-response bias, and possibility of other factors influence accuracy and confidence assessments on control risk evaluation in Indonesia


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    Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap dan mengetahui seberapa besar pemanfaatan peta sebagai media pembelajaran IPS bagi Guru-guru SD. Penelitian dilaksanakan di beberapa Sekolah Dasar di wilayah  Kota Depok pada bulan Juli - Agustus 2021. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan survei melalui teknik sampling adalah random sampling terhadap guru-guru Sekolah Dasar sejumlah sampel 35 orang.         Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari kegiatan pembelajaran IPS berbasis peta dari membuat peta, membaca peta, menganalisis peta maupun menginterpretasi dan pemanfaatan peta dengan sebagian besar guru telah melaksanakan tugasnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : 1) pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media peta, guru telah menciptakan lingkungan belajar dan strategi yang membangkitkan keterlibatan siswa secara fisik, mental dan emosional, 2) pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial di Sekolah Dasar dengan menggunakan media peta, peran serta siswa menjadi lebih meningkat, 3) penggunaan media peta secara efektif dapat meningkatkan kebermaknaan dalam proses pembelajaran IPS di Sekolah Dasar