44 research outputs found


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    This article discusses Islam and Halal products. Specifically, this article highlights a number of commercial advertisements for halal products that use religious norms as branding in Indonesia. The ad is seen as commodification of religion and consolidation of religious identity, as well as showing the lifestyle of middle-class Muslims. This article also explores the perceptions of young rural Muslim women who are members of the Parit Baru Village Mosque Youth Association regarding Islamic phenomena and halal products. Methodologically, this article is descriptive qualitative research. The data in this study were obtained from the field through direct interviews with a number of Muslim women at the Parit Baru Village Mosque, and also from searching data by collecting various related literature, books, magazines, and data available on the internet, as well as participating in a number of activities in online space such as watching live streaming, online videos and other data related to this research. The results of the study show that Islam is a broad religion, marked by Islamic attention and regulations regarding halal products for consumption by Muslims in their daily lives, which is also an aspect of Islamic teachings. This article also concludes that advertisements for halal products in Indonesia use religious norms as branding to gain profit on the one hand, and indirectly educate middle-class Muslims, especially women, to maintain the use of the hijab as a form of representation of religious identity on the other hand. This can be seen as a form of consolidation of religious identity on the one hand and the commodification of religion on the other.Keywords: Islam, Halal Products, Commodification of Religion, Religious Identit


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    This study aims to determine the prediction of the number of deaths due to traffic accidents in the city of Medan in 2009 - 2018. This study was conducted with quantitative forecasting, namely forecasting based on quantitative data in the past. The data of this study is data on the number of deaths due to traffic accidents in the city of Medan in 2009 - 2018 with a total of 10 years. Data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel with Exponential Smoothing method. The number of deaths due to traffic accidents in Medan City in 2019 was 244 people, in 2020 it was 219 people, and in 2021 it was 197 people with a MAPE of 0.1536659 or 15.36% with an alpha constant (α = 0.1). This shows that the level of accuracy at MAPE <20, meaning that the forecasting ability is good using the Exponential Smoothing method while the MAD value is 41.02 and the MSE value is 2677.5


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    This study is conducted to analyze the context of toxic relationships and find out the characteristics and negative impacts of toxic relationships in a story, After, written by Anna Todd, published in 2013. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method because the process of the results and discussion are accomplished descriptively. One of the significant theories used in this research is proposed by Glass (1995) who claims that toxic relationship is any relationship between people who do not support each other, there is conflict and one seeks to undermine the other, a competition, and   disrespect and a lack of cohesiveness. The characteristics of toxic relationships which are analyzed are excessive romantic jealousy, egoism (selfishness) of the partner, and lack of honesty. The negative impacts which are analyzed are disrespect and abuse. The results of this study are that toxic relationships are dangerous and should be avoided by a couple to get a harmony


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    The research,  aiming  to analyze the forms of moral values in Danny, the Champion of the World novel,  is supported by respective theory proposed by  Schwartz and Boehnke. The writers use descriptive qualitative method to identify and analyze moral values of the characters in the novel. Moral is related to the differences between right or wrong behaviors  to be adjusted to standard manners in social life. Value is a core of social standard held by an individual or a group. Moral values are defined as guidelines that assist a person to decide something to be right or wrong.The moral values which are analyzed in this study are honesty, responsibility, modesty, and bravery. Honesty means one explains how a situation really happens. Responsibility is an obligation of an individual to perform the duty or task assigned. Modesty is quality of not being too proud or confident about oneself or one’s abilities. Bravery is having the courage to stand out in any situation based on the principle of truth. The results show  that the major characters in the novel show their moral values in the whole course of the plot


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    The research deals with an analysis of conflict in Jennifer Lee's movie script, Frozen I, focusing on two topics, the types of conflict and exposing the causes of the conflict.  The researchers apply the theory of conflict proposed by Sayuti and Whitfield. This study uses the qualitative method, and the data are analyzed descriptively. Based on the research analysis, the researchers find three results. First, the Frozen I movie script by Jennifer Lee illustrates conflicts and their causes. Second, there are two kinds of conflict in this movie script: internal and external conflict. Internal conflict contains character vs self-conflict. It can be seen in Elsa’s inner turmoil over the power she has, in Elsa's struggle to control her power, and in Elsa's struggle to lower her ego and not hurting the people she loves and the people of Arandelle. External conflict contains character vs character and character vs society. Third, the causes of conflict can be seen when Elsa hurts Anna, when Elsa’s parents die, and when Elsa's power is exposed


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    This study constitutes an identification of the protagonist’s struggle in H. G. Wells’ novel The Island of Doctor Moreau. This study discusses the story of an English shipwreck survivor named Edward Prendick who is rescued from an accident and taken to an unnamed island to be mended by Montgomery. He is a man of science who works for Doctor Moreau in the island. The story deals with Prendick’s struggle to maintain his sanity due to Doctor Moreau terrifyingly peculiar works of vivisection practices. This study focuses on Doctor Moreau through Prendick’s point of view. Prendick, as the protagonist, experiences both internal and external struggle. He has to choose between saving his life or to obey Dr. Moreau to do his evil bidding. Otherwise, he has to keep his composure to blend with the island people. This study adopts descriptive qualitative method to characterise the mental struggle experienced by the protagonist. The study concludes that the protagonist experiences significant amount of both internal and external struggle throughout the story. The recommendation of this story is a moral lesson. The lesson is to face struggle head-on so you can defeat it. Hopefully, this study can be of relevance in future studies regarding the topic discussed in this study


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    This research is entitled Courage in R. J. Palacio's Novel Wonder. This study focuses on the types of courage and the factors behind the courageous actions taken by August Pullman as a protagonist in the novel. It examines what actions are considered courageous actions and what factors affect the courageous actions. This study used the qualitative method as the research method because the data is not numerical. The type of data in the study is the text from two data sources, i.e., primary data and secondary data. The primary data source is the novel, and the secondary data source is the related information. The aim of this study is to find out what types of courage are given by the protagonist and what factors cause him to be courageous in the novel. The writers used Dungate’s theory of the six types of courage to classify the types. The study also applied the study conducted by Rate et al. in implicit theories of courage to classify the factors of courageous actions. The result of the study shows that first, the types of courage found in the protagonist are physical courage, social courage, intellectual courage, and emotional courage; second, the factors that can be found in the protagonist are external circumstances, affective, and motivational factors

    Pembuatan Alat Praktikum Termoskop Menggunakan Teknologi Sederhana Untuk Pembelajaran Fisika Materi Radiasi Kalor

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    The background of this research is physics is a collection of facts, concepts, laws/principles, formulas and theories, one of which is the concept of heat. Heat is transferred from one place to another in three ways, namely by conduction, convection and radiation. Radiation heat transfer can be taught using practical or demonstration methods using a simple, inexpensive, and easy-to-obtain technology-based thermoscope. The method in this study is an experimental method used to find the effect of certain treatments on others under controlled conditions. The results of making a thermoscope practicum tool are in accordance with the reference, which is to distinguish the color absorption of the material against heat. In the first experiment, a black bulb absorbs heat as much as 45℃ with an absorption rate of 6.92 watts per second and a white bulb absorbs heat up to 34℃ with an absorption rate of 6.68 watts per second. The results showed that black light bulbs absorb heat faster than clear light bulbs. Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi fisika merupakan sekumpulan fakta, konsep, hukum/prinsip, rumus dan teori, salah satunya adalah konsep kalor. Kalor  berpindah dari satu tempat satu ke tempat lainnya melalui tiga cara, yaitu dengan konduksi, konveksi dan radiasi. Perpindahan kalor secara radiasi dapat diajarkan menggunakan metode praktikum atau demonstrasi dengan alat termoskop berbasis teknologi sederhana, murah, dan mudah didapat. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah metode ekperimen yang digunakan untuk mencari pengaruh perlakuan tertentu terhadap yang lain dalam kondisi yang terkendalikan. Hasil dari pembuatan alat praktikum termoskop sesuai dengan referensi yaitu membedakan daya serap warna bahan terhadap kalor. Pada percobaan pertama bohlam hitam menyerap kalor sebanyak  45℃ dengan laju penyerapan 6,92 watt perdetiknya dan bohlam putih menyerap kalor hingga 34℃ dengan laju penyerapan  6,68 watt perdetik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bola lampu hitam lebih cepat menyerap panas dibandingkan dengan bola lampu bening

    Towards Shangri-La Marriage Through Louisa Alcott’s Novel Good Wives

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    The marriage vows spoken out through the wedding have existed for a long time. Even the first expression of love should always be remembered. The married couple, when undergoing problems in the household, must always remember the beautiful moments during the loving relationship to relieve conflicts between them. This is because people cannot erase mistakes, either intentionally done or not. This is the essence of this research, which focused on the ways to the Shangri-La marriage. Qualitative descriptive research methods were applied in this study by analyzing words, phrases and sentences in the novel Good Wives. The research found that the elements that must be owned by the couple are: phlegmatic attitude and anti-violence; responsibility and awareness of realizing their obligation; forgiving, implemented on the basis of the consideration that every human makes mistakes; and a sense of humor, an effort to cheer up life with the thought that there must be a balance in life, between tragedy and comedy, or sadness and happiness. Keywords: Shangri-La, Phlegmatic Attitude, Responsibility, Forgiving, Humo

    Pengaruh Penambahan Serat Kawat Bendrat Terhadap Kuat Lentur Beton Geopolimer

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    Currently, innovation continues to be developed to replace cement with other materials so that the use of cement as a building material can be reduced. Utilization of coal waste (fly ash) is an alternative to subtitude cement. From previous studies, fly ash mixed with alkaline materials in the form of NaOH and Na2SiO3 in a ratio of 1:5 can produce geopolymer concrete. This geopolymer concrete research was continued by adding bendrat wire fibers into the geopolymer concrete mixture. The method used in testing the aggregate, testing the compressive strength of normal concrete K225, testing the flexural strength of normal concrete and geopolymer concrete refers to SNI. Another additional material that is mixed is bendrat wire fiber. The research was carried out in the form of making flexible beams of 10 cm x 10 cm x 50 cm with fiber variations of 0%, 0.5%, and 1,0% at the age of 14 and 28 days. The results of the flexural strength test of the BN beam at the age of 28 days can withstand loads than BG. The average flexural strength obtained with variations of BN, BN+SB 0.5% and BN+SB 1.0% respectively were 2.796 MPa, 3.113 MPa, and 3.879 MPa. The results of testing the average flexural strength of geopolymer concrete beams at 28 days, obtained variations of BG, BG+SB 0.5%, and BG+SB 1.0% respectively were 0 MPa, 0.055 MPa and 0.104 MPa. In addition, geopolymer concrete cannot be used as a beam and the addition of bendrat wire fiber to geopolymer concrete cannot withstand the tensile load on the concrete.Currently, innovation continues to be developed to replace cement with other materials so that the use of cement as a building material can be reduced. Utilization of coal waste (fly ash) is an alternative to subtitude cement. From previous studies, fly ash mixed with alkaline materials in the form of NaOH and Na2SiO3 in a ratio of 1:5 can produce geopolymer concrete. This geopolymer concrete research was continued by adding bendrat wire fibers into the geopolymer concrete mixture. The method used in testing the aggregate, testing the compressive strength of normal concrete K225, testing the flexural strength of normal concrete and geopolymer concrete refers to SNI. Another additional material that is mixed is bendrat wire fiber. The research was carried out in the form of making flexible beams of 10 cm x 10 cm x 50 cm with fiber variations of 0%, 0.5%, and 1,0% at the age of 14 and 28 days. The results of the flexural strength test of the BN beam at the age of 28 days can withstand loads than BG. The average flexural strength obtained with variations of BN, BN+SB 0.5% and BN+SB 1.0% respectively were 2.796 MPa, 3.113 MPa, and 3.879 MPa. The results of testing the average flexural strength of geopolymer concrete beams at 28 days, obtained variations of BG, BG+SB 0.5%, and BG+SB 1.0% respectively were 0 MPa, 0.055 MPa and 0.104 MPa. In addition, geopolymer concrete cannot be used as a beam and the addition of bendrat wire fiber to geopolymer concrete cannot withstand the tensile load on the concrete