97 research outputs found

    Tata Bahasa Deskriptif Bahasa Jawa

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    Untuk mengatasi banjir di Jakarta, Dinas Sumber Daya Air DKI Jakarta menyiagakan144(seratus empat puluh empat) rumah pompa yang melintasi kali Ciliwung. Selain menyiagakanrumah-rumah pompa, DKI Jakarta juga menyiapkan 133 (seratus tiga puluh tiga) pompa portable(mobile) yang tersebar di 5 (lima) wilayah kota administratif. Dari informasi yang diperolehdiketahui bahwa bulan Januari 2018 telah terjadi kerusakan pada piston mesin diesel 1103 Series,penggerak Generator 50 kVA, 36 kW yang beroperasi di pompa banjir wilayah Jakarta.Diidentifikasi faktor penyebab kerusakan adalah diawali adanya indikasi temperatur tinggi padadinding silinder yang mengakibatkan piston tidak bergerak (stuck) akbat dari kurangnyapelumasan dalam cylinder block. Selanjutnya penelitian ini akan mengidentifikasi faktor penyebabkerusakan yang terjadi pada mesin diesel pompa banjir di Jakarta Barat. Penelitian inimenggunakan metodologi penelitian yang memiliki proses tahapan pengujian, yaitu: pengujianmakroskopik, pengujian metalografi, analisa komposisi kimia, pengujian kekerasan, pengujianSEM (Scaning Electron Macroscopy) yang dilengkapi dengan analisa EDXS (Energy DispersiveX-ray Spectroscopy), pengujian oli bekas (Schedule Oil Sampling). Dari hasil pembahasan,diperoleh akibat dari kerusakan piston mesin diesel pompa banjir yaitu dengan dilakukannya:pengujian metalografi dimana diperoleh struktur mikro piston berupa aluminium dendrite yangmenandakan piston mengalami local melting yang mengakibatkan local overheating, pengujianviskositas (kekentalan) oli bekas didapat: TBN (Total Base Number) pada oli sedikit rendah,oksidasi sedikit di atas normal karena pembakaran yang kurang sempurna, adanya kenaikan(selisih) pada unsur Fe dan Cu pada oli bekas yaitu sebesar 9 ppm dan 3 ppm. Jika kandungan Felebih besar akan mengakibatkan kerusakan Liner Cylinder Block dan piston dan apabila Cu lebihbesar maka akan mengakibatkan kerusakan pada bearing. Dari hasil penelitian ini perlu adanyaoptimasi sistem manajemen pemeliharaan yaitu: melaksanakan Standard Operation Procedure(SOP), melakukan pemeliharaan prediktif terhadap komponen mesin diesel, melakukanpemeliharaan preventif terhadap komponen mesin diesel.Kata Kunci: kerusakan, pompa, piston, pelumasasan, local melting, local overheating, manajemen pemeliharaanFAILURE ANALYSIS OF PISTON DIESEL ENGINE FLOOD PUMP ANDOPTIMIZATION OF MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMTo deal with floods in Jakarta, the DKI Jakarta Water Resources Office has alerted 144 (onehundred and forty four) pump houses across the Ciliwung River. In addition to alerting pumphouses, DKI Jakarta is also preparing 133 (one hundred thirty-three) portable (mobile) pumpsspread across 5 (five) administrative city areas. From the information obtained it is known that inJanuary 2018 there has been damage to the 1103 Series diesel engine pistons, 50 kVA, 36 kWgenerator drivers operating in the Jakarta area flood pump. The cause of the damage was identifiedas a high temperature indication on the cylinder wall which caused the piston to be stuck (stuck)due to lack of lubrication in the cylinder block. Furthermore, this study will identify the causes ofdamage that occurs in flood pump diesel engines in West Jakarta. This study uses a researchmethodology that has a process of testing phases, namely: macroscopic testing, metallographictesting, chemical composition analysis, hardness testing, SEM (Scaning Electron Macroscopy)testing which is equipped with EDXS (Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy) analysis, used oiltesting (Schedule Oil Sampling). From the results of the discussion, it is obtained as a result of damage to the diesel engine piston pump flooding, namely by doing: metallographic testing in which the micro piston structure is obtained in the form of aluminum dendrite which indicates the piston has local melting resulting in local overheating, viscosity testing (viscosity) of used oil obtained: TBN (Total Base Number) in oil is slightly low, oxidation is slightly above normal due to incomplete combustion, there is an increase (difference) in the elements of Fe and Cu in used oil that is equal to 9 ppm and 3 ppm. If the Fe content is greater it will cause damage to the Liner Cylinder Block and piston and if Cu is greater then it will cause damage to the bearing. From the results of this study there needs to be an optimization of the maintenance management system, namely: implementing Standard Operation Procedure (SOP), perform predictive maintenance of diesel engine components, preventive maintenance of diesel engine components.Keywords: failure, pump, piston, lubrication, local melting, local overheating, maintenance managemen

    Berbagai Faktor yang Berpengaruh terhadap Kejadian Rawat Inap Jemaah Diabetes Melitus di Arab Saudi (Studi Kasus Kontrol di Embarkasi Adisumarmo)

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    Background : Given the magnitude of high-risk DM throughout Hajj embarkation and pilgrims hospitalization in Saudi Arabia, we need for prevention and control of DM pilgrims hospitalization case in Saudi Arabia. To prevent and control the incidence of hospitalization, public and the government needs to know the various factors that influence the incidence of hospitalization.Methods : The study was observational with case control study design. The study population is the assembly of DM in Adisumarmo Hajj embarkation. Number of samples of 135 people with 45 cases and 90 controls. The dependent variable is inpatient diabetic in Saudi Arabia , the independent variable is demographics (age, gender, education level), comorbidities (hypertension, heart disease, dyslipidemia, stroke, obesity), behavior (compliance with diet and medication), the knowledge, long suffered diabetic, environment (temperature and duration in Saudi Arabia.Results : Most respondents had long suffered from diabetes. The level of compliance of respondents to the diet DM and DM medication adherence is good. Multivariate factors that influence the incidence of hospitalization DM pilgrims in Saudi Arabia is a dietary adherence (p=0.001, OR=14,95% CI= 2.78 to 70.97 ) and knowledge (p = 0.003, OR = 6.5; 95% CI=0.59 to 4.51).Conclusion : Factors that influence the incidence of DM pilgrims hospitalization in Saudi Arabia is a dietary adherence and knowledge

    Sunan Kalijagaa Dalam Seni Tradisional Jawa:Kajian Etnografi Dan Fungsi

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    Judul penelitian ini adalah "Sunan Kalijaga dalam Seni Tradisional Jawa Kajian Etnografi dan Fungsi". Daerah penelitian ini meliputi Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan dan mendokumentasikan seni tradisional Jawa yang berkaitan dengan tokoh Sunan KaliJaga, mengungkapkan peran pencerita, pertunjukan, dan konteks dalam seni tradisional Jawa yang berkaitan dengan tokoh Sunan Kalijaga. Di samping itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan rnengungkapkan fungsi seni tradisional Jawa yang berkaitan dengan tokoh Sunan Kalijaga bagi masyarakat. Data penelitian ini berupa seni-seni tradisional yang menceritakan tokoh Sunan Kalijaga, dan seni tradisional ciptaan Sunan Kalijaga

    Neighbourhood greenness and income of occupants in four German areas: GINIplus and LISAplus

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    Objective We investigated whether families with lower individual-level socioeconomic status (SES) reside in less green neighbourhoods in four areas in Germany. Methods Data were collected within two German birth cohorts – GINIplus and LISAplus. Net equivalent household income was categorized into study area-specific tertiles and used as a proxy for individual-level SES. Neighbourhood greenness was calculated in 500-m buffers around home addresses as: 1) the mean normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI); 2) percent tree cover. Associations between income and neighbourhood greenness were assessed per study area using adjusted linear regression models. Results In the Munich and Leipzig areas, families in the low and medium income tertiles resided in neighbourhoods with lower NDVI compared to those in the high income tertile (mean percent change in NDVI: −4.0 (95% confidence interval = −6.7 to −1.3) and −5.5 (−10.9 to −0.2), respectively). In contrast, in the Wesel area, families in the low income tertile resided in neighbourhoods with higher NDVI (2.9 (0.5–5.3)). Only the association in the Munich area was replicated when using tree cover instead of the NDVI. Conclusions This study provides suggestive evidence that the presence and direction of associations between greenness and SES is region-specific in Germany. The degree of urbanization did not clarify this heterogeneity completely

    Cross-sectional associations between air pollution and chronic bronchitis: an ESCAPE meta-analysis across five cohorts

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    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to assess associations of outdoor air pollution on prevalence of chronic bronchitis symptoms in adults in five cohort studies (Asthma-E3N, ECRHS, NSHD, SALIA, SAPALDIA) participating in the European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE) project. METHODS: Annual average particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5, PMabsorbance, PMcoarse), NO2, nitrogen oxides (NOx) and road traffic measures modelled from ESCAPE measurement campaigns 2008-2011 were assigned to home address at most recent assessments (1998-2011). Symptoms examined were chronic bronchitis (cough and phlegm for ≥3 months of the year for ≥2 years), chronic cough (with/without phlegm) and chronic phlegm (with/without cough). Cohort-specific cross-sectional multivariable logistic regression analyses were conducted using common confounder sets (age, sex, smoking, interview season, education), followed by meta-analysis. RESULTS: 15 279 and 10 537 participants respectively were included in the main NO2 and PM analyses at assessments in 1998-2011. Overall, there were no statistically significant associations with any air pollutant or traffic exposure. Sensitivity analyses including in asthmatics only, females only or using back-extrapolated NO2 and PM10 for assessments in 1985-2002 (ECRHS, NSHD, SALIA, SAPALDIA) did not alter conclusions. In never-smokers, all associations were positive, but reached statistical significance only for chronic phlegm with PMcoarse OR 1.31 (1.05 to 1.64) per 5 µg/m(3) increase and PM10 with similar effect size. Sensitivity analyses of older cohorts showed increased risk of chronic cough with PM2.5abs (black carbon) exposures. CONCLUSIONS: Results do not show consistent associations between chronic bronchitis symptoms and current traffic-related air pollution in adult European populations

    Traffic-related air pollution and hyperactivity/inattention, dyslexia and dyscalculia in adolescents of the German GINIplus and LISAplus birth cohorts

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    Background Few studies have examined the link between air pollution exposure and behavioural problems and learning disorders during late childhood and adolescence. Objectives To determine whether traffic-related air pollution exposure is associated with hyperactivity/inattention, dyslexia and dyscalculia up to age 15 years using the German GINIplus and LISAplus birth cohorts (recruitment 1995–1999). Methods Hyperactivity/inattention was assessed using the German parent-completed (10 years) and self-completed (15 years) Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. Responses were categorized into normal versus borderline/abnormal. Parent-reported dyslexia and dyscalculia (yes/no) at age 10 and 15 years were defined using parent-completed questionnaires. Individual-level annual average estimates of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), particulate matter (PM)10 mass, PM2.5 mass and PM2.5 absorbance concentrations were assigned to each participant's birth, 10 year and 15 year home address. Longitudinal associations between the air pollutants and the neurodevelopmental outcomes were assessed using generalized estimation equations, separately for both study areas, and combined in a random-effects meta-analysis. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals are given per interquartile range increase in pollutant concentration. Results The prevalence of abnormal/borderline hyperactivity/inattention scores and parental-reported dyslexia and dyscalculia at 15 years of age was 12.9%, 10.5% and 3.4%, respectively, in the combined population (N = 4745). In the meta- analysis, hyperactivity/inattention was associated with PM2.5 mass estimated to the 10 and 15 year addresses (1.12 [1.01, 1.23] and 1.11 [1.01, 1.22]) and PM2.5 absorbance estimated to the 10 and 15 year addresses (1.14 [1.05, 1.25] and 1.13 [1.04, 1.23], respectively). Conclusions We report associations suggesting a potential link between air pollution exposure and hyperactivity/inattention scores, although these findings require replication

    Residential greenness is differentially associated with childhood allergic rhinitis and aeroallergen sensitization in seven birth cohorts

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    Background The prevalence of allergic rhinitis is high, but the role of environmental factors remains unclear. We examined cohort‐specific and combined associations of residential greenness with allergic rhinitis and aeroallergen sensitization based on individual data from Swedish (BAMSE), Australian (MACS), Dutch (PIAMA), Canadian (CAPPS and SAGE), and German (GINIplus and LISAplus) birth cohorts (n = 13 016). Methods Allergic rhinitis (doctor diagnosis/symptoms) and aeroallergen sensitization were assessed in children aged 6–8 years in six cohorts and 10–12 years in five cohorts. Residential greenness was defined as the mean Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in a 500‐m buffer around the home address at the time of health assessment. Cohort‐specific associations per 0.2 unit increase in NDVI were assessed using logistic regression models and combined in a random‐effects meta‐analysis. Results Greenness in a 500‐m buffer was positively associated with allergic rhinitis at 6–8 years in BAMSE (odds ratio = 1.42, 95% confidence interval [1.13, 1.79]) and GINI/LISA South (1.69 [1.19, 2.41]) but inversely associated in GINI/LISA North (0.61 [0.36, 1.01]) and PIAMA (0.67 [0.47, 0.95]). Effect estimates in CAPPS and SAGE were also conflicting but not significant (0.63 [0.32, 1.24] and 1.31 [0.81, 2.12], respectively). All meta‐analyses were nonsignificant. Results were similar for aeroallergen sensitization at 6–8 years and both outcomes at 10–12 years. Stratification by NO2 concentrations, population density, an urban vs rural marker, and moving did not reveal consistent trends within subgroups. Conclusion Although residential greenness appears to be associated with childhood allergic rhinitis and aeroallergen sensitization, the effect direction varies by location

    Adult lung function and long-term air pollution exposure. ESCAPE: a multicentre cohort study and meta-analysis.

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    The chronic impact of ambient air pollutants on lung function in adults is not fully understood. The objective of this study was to investigate the association of long-term exposure to ambient air pollution with lung function in adult participants from five cohorts in the European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE). Residential exposure to nitrogen oxides (NO\u2082, NOx) and particulate matter (PM) was modelled and traffic indicators were assessed in a standardised manner. The spirometric parameters forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV\u2081) and forced vital capacity (FVC) from 7613 subjects were considered as outcomes. Cohort-specific results were combined using meta-analysis. We did not observe an association of air pollution with longitudinal change in lung function, but we observed that a 10 \u3bcg\ub7m(-3) increase in NO\u2082 exposure was associated with lower levels of FEV\u2081 (-14.0 mL, 95% CI -25.8 to -2.1) and FVC (-14.9 mL, 95% CI -28.7 to -1.1). An increase of 10 \u3bcg\ub7m(-3) in PM10, but not other PM metrics (PM2.5, coarse fraction of PM, PM absorbance), was associated with a lower level of FEV\u2081 (-44.6 mL, 95% CI -85.4 to -3.8) and FVC (-59.0 mL, 95% CI -112.3 to -5.6). The associations were particularly strong in obese persons. This study adds to the evidence for an adverse association of ambient air pollution with lung function in adults at very low levels in Europe
