58 research outputs found

    GERAKAN DAKWAH ISLAM PADA MASYARAKAT ADAT ASLI BADUY ( Kasus Pesantren “SMH” Jalupang dan Kampung Muslim Cicakal Girang Leuwidamar Lebak)

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    Kehadiran pesantren tidak dapat dipisahkan dari tuntutan masyarakat. Karena itu, sebagai lembaga pendidikan ia selalu menjaga hubungan yang harmonis dengan mayarakat di sekitanya sehingga kehadirannya di tengah-tengah mereka tidak menjadi terasing. Pada waktu yang sama segala aktifitasnya juga mendapat dukungan dan apresiasi dari masyarakat. Setidaknya ada dua pola utama mengenai hubungan pesantren dengan masyarakat. Pertama, hubungan sosial-keagamaan dimana pesantren dengan fungsi pokoknya sebagai pusat pendidikan (education centre) mempersiapkan kader-kader umat yang berkiprah dalam pengembangan masyarakat. Pesantren juga merupakan jantung spiritualitas masyarakat yang mengawal keluhuran moralitas sebagai basis perilaku individu maupun komunitas. Kedua, hubungan sosial, politik, ekonomi, dan budaya. Pesantren tidak hanya menentukan peran kependidikannya, tapi lebih dari itu terlibat dalam kancah sosial, politik, ekonomi, dan budaya. Agenda penting lainnya yang dapat dimainkan oleh pesantren melalui strategi kulturnya adalah pengembangan wawasan, lingkup komitmen, dan kesadaran beragama yang melampaui sekat-sekat ideologis sehingga ajaran-ajaran luhur agama dapat menjadi milik dan dirasakan masyarakat secara luas. Kata Kunci: Dakwah, Pesantren, Masyarakat Adat Badu

    Rancang bangun Sistem Informasi Manajemen Asset berbasis WEB

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    Manajemen Asset adalah pengelolaan asset (kekayaan) dari perusahaan untuk memonitor dan menghitung juga memanfaatkannya secara optimal. Sedangkan fungsi dari manajemen asset  merupakan informasi perjalanan asset secara menyeluruh, memuat berapa banyak asset, pemanfaatan, kondisi dan pemeliharaannya. Dalam rancang bangun aplikasi ini meyajikan data asset perusahaan yang terdiri dari pengadaan barang, mutasi asset, peminjaman asset dan penghapusan asset. Penelitian manajemen asset dilakukan pada tahap perencanaan, pengadaan, penerimaan dan laporan. Penelitian ini mengahsilkan prototype system yang menghasilkan fungsionalitas perencanaan, pengadaan, penerimaan dan laporan. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan berorientasi objek dengan menggunakan UML (Unified Modeling Language) yakni use case diagram dan activity diagram serta ERD (entity relationship diagram) dan software architecture. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah prototype yang dapat di implementasikan lebih lanjut sehingga menghasilkan sebuah sistem informasi manajemen asset dengan menggunakan fitur menu aplikasi yang berguna bagi perusahaan. Aplikasi dibuat dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP, interface dikembangkan dari framework CSS serta databasenya menggunakan MySql


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    Mata kuliah PPL/Magang III merupakan mata kuliah yang wajib ditempuh oleh mahasiswa jurusan kependidikan di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Tujuan dari PPL/Magang III antara lain untuk memberikan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa dalam bidang pembelajaran di sekolah atau lembaga, dalam rangka melatih dan mengembangkan kompetensi keguruan atau kependidikan. Kegiatan PPL/Magang III dilaksanakan pada semester khusus tahun 2015 tepatnya pada tanggal 18 Juli 2016 sampai dengan 15 September 2015. Rencana kegiatan tertuang dalam matrik program kerja dengan jumlah total jam terlaksana adalah 320 jam dengan rincian 270 jam mengajar, 42 jam non mengajar dan 8 jam program tambahan. Kegiatan mengajar meliputi persiapan mengajar (administrasi), mengumpulkan materi, membuat RPP, praktik mengajar, pendampingan mengajar, dan mengoreksi tugas siswa. Kegiatan non mengajar meliputi konsultasi dengan DPL PPL, konsultasi dengan guru pembimbing, piket sekolah, apel/upacara bendera, dan menyusun laporan PPL. Kegiatan tambahan yaitu memperbarui banner kalender pendidikan, memperbarui banner struktur organisasi jurusan, pendampingan tadarus, dan penarikan PPL. Hasil kegiatan PPL terlaksana yaitu administrasi guru, praktik mengajar sebanyak 21 kali pertemuan dengan rincian 7 kali pertemuan mata diklat SIMDIG kelas X TIPTL 1, 7 kali pertemuan mata diklat SIMDIG kelas X TIPTL 3 dan 7 kali pertemuan mata diklat SIMDIG kelas X TIPTL 4. Penilaian pembelajaran yang dilakukan di kelas X TIPTL 1 diperoleh nilai kognitif maupun psikomotorik 100% memenuhi KKM. Evaluasi pembelajaran X TIPTL 3 untuk psikomotorik mencapai 100% untuk kognitif mencapai 96,7. Sedangkan untuk penilaian siswa terhadap kinerja praktikan diperoleh penilaian yang bervariasi yaitu 0% menilai kurang, 1,6% menilai cukup, 46,7% menilai baik, dan 38,2% menilai sangat baik. Penilaian tersebut dilakukan dengan cara menyebarkan angket kepada 62 sampel siswa kelas XI TIPTL


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    Insurance income is the amount of money the company receives from the sale of insurance products. Tabarru's fund is a voluntary giving of someone to another person, without compensation, which results in the transfer of ownership of the property from the giver to another person. Aside from premium income, tabaruu funds' also come from investment returns and the accumulation of surfaru underwriting reserves for tabaruu funds' which are redistributed to tabaruu funds'. Based on the background above the formulation of the problem, namely: 1). Is there an Influence between Insurance Income and Tabaruu Funds' on Sharia Life Insurance companies registered with OJK for the period 2011-2018.2). how much influence the Insurance Revenues of the Tabaruu Fund 'on Sharia Life Insurance companies registered in the OJK for the period 2011-2018. This study aims to 1). To find out the effect of insurance income on tabaruu funds' on Sharia Life Insurance companies registered with OJK for the period 2011-2018. 2). To find out how much influence Insurance Income has on Tabaruu Funds' on Sharia Life Insurance companies registered with OJK for the period 2011-2018. This research was conducted at a life insurance company registered with OJK in September to October 2019, with quantitative research methods, testing the hypothesis using simple linear regression analysis through the test (t) with the intent to determine the effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable. It can be concluded, there is a significant effect of the value of t_ (count) of 5.689 while the value of t_ (table) obtained from the distribution table t is sought at the significance of 5%: 2 = 2.5% (two-way test) degrees of freedom (df) nk-1 or 40-1-1 = 38, we get t table of 2.02439. because the value of t_ (count)> t_ (table) = 5.689> 2.02439 with a significance level of 0.005, because the significance value is much smaller than 0.005, it can be concluded that Ho is rejected Ha is accepted. The influence derived from the coefficient of determination (R-Square) of 0.760 means that the magnitude of the effect of insurance income on tabarru funds' 76.0% while the remaining 24.0% is explained by other factors not examined in this study

    The Effect of Additional Crystalline Materials on Concrete on Sulfic Acid

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    An acidic environment can be found in many situations such as acid rain, fog, acidic ground water, sewage systems and chemical plants. Acidic environments containing acidic chemicals can slowly damage concrete from the edges and corners of the concrete by releasing it granules of concrete particles so that the concrete becomes porous. The use of crystaline material or crystal material that can be used as added material in concrete to improve the watertightness and resistance of concrete to acid because it is able to fill and clog pores, capillaries, micro crevices , and other holes with crystalline form that are not soluble and are very resistant to formation, research was conducted to determine the effect of crystalline material on normal concrete using type I and type V cement against, density, concrete compressive strength and workability. Tests carried out by the use of crystalline material mix PRAH CA-1000 and mix PRAH CA-5000 with a variation of 0.5% - 1.2%. The test object used is Cylinder 10 cm x 20 cm by 60 pieces, testing is carried out at the age of concrete 3 , 7, 28 days for concrete density and 28 days for compressive strength. The results of the study note that the results of the addition of Crystalline and the use of different types of cement in normal concrete can affect the compressive strength of concrete and do not affect the traceability, optimal type of Crystalline Admixture in testing concrete specimens after exposure to sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is mix PRAH CA-5000

    Problem-based Blended Learning Using Video Tutorial in Accordance with Student Ability

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    Blended learning as a teaching methodology has been widely used in the world of education. It can be used in practicum courses by combining several models so that students can more easily understand the material. Problem-based learning can be a means for students to be able to think critically. In this study, problem-based learning is combined with a video tutorial to form a blended learning model for computer programming practicum teaching that requires instructions and tutorials on the application usage as well as case studies. This model is also combined with the dissemination of material in the form of video tutorials and problem-based questions according to students’ ability. The ability of students was then measured from the workmanship of the question given at the beginning of the study. This type of research uses a modified version of the concept of Ibrahim and Nur. Data were collected through documents and via observations. The result of this study showed that a blended learning model helped in teaching practicum courses with a programming video tutorial containing instructions was uploaded on YouTube, where it was available for the students to re-refer the material if they were unable to understand it at the first attempt. Keywords: programming, teaching, video tutorial, blended learning, practicu

    Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Penyakit Tht Berbasis Web Dengan Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor

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    In the area of East Jakarta, especially in the Medika Clinic, the public can examine the initial symptoms of ENT. With the initial inspection that must be queued, can cause a long time. As a result, many people who do not know clearly the type of illness suffered and how to treat it. Because ENT disease is very related to organs where if not treated immediately, it will be difficult to move daily, therefore, the need for diagnosis of complaints from patients. These patients can directly access the website of a website where patients can diagnose without having to go to a hospital or clinic. By comparing previous studies or literature reviews, the problem to be discussed is to add more symptoms and diseases, then a solution for the disease. So that the website to be made is more detailed and clear, the results of this research is to produce an expert system website that can easily examine the symptoms of the patient and provide the patient's illness and solutions to overcome the disease. &nbsp

    Muslim Tourists' Perceptions of Religious Tourism in Serang and Pandeglang

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    Banten Province has the potential to become a religious tourism destination; consequently, service management must be enhanced. Tourism activities will be safer and more comfortable for tourists who receive superior service. This study aims to determine and analyze the perceptions of Muslim tourists regarding the services provided by religious tourism officers in Banten Province, as well as to determine which service indicators should be the top priority in order to provide Muslim tourists with the best possible service. This research employs quantitative analysis as its method of inquiry. To answer the first research question, the Importance and Performance Analysis (IPA) method was applied to the Likert Scale responses of respondents. Based on the results of the analysis of the level of conformity between the level of perception and preference of Muslim tourists on religious tourism services, this study demonstrates an average level of conformity of 90 percent, indicating that the level of satisfaction with the quality of religious tourism services felt by Muslim tourists is quite high or that the quality of religious tourism is good. In addition, based on the results of the analysis using a Cartesian diagram, it was determined that several indicators were included in quadrant A, where the indicator had a low level of performance. These indicators included (a) officers who were able to perform their duties well, (b) clean and fragrant toilets, (c) safe and adequate parking space, and (d) the friendliness and courtesy of the staff at religious tourism sites

    Pelaksanaan Program Bantuan Stimulan Perumahan Swadaya (BSPS) dalam Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat di Kabupaten Pandeglang (Studi di Desa Ciherang Kecamatan Picung Kabupaten Pandeglang)

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    This thesis discusses the Implementation of the Self-Help Housing Stimulant Assistance Program (BSPS) in Improving the Social Welfare of the Community in Pandeglang Regency which has the aim of fulfilling the right of citizens to a decent place to live in a healthy, safe, comfortable and orderly environment. The issues and objectives discussed in this thesis is about all the Policy, Implementation, Problems and Efforts to Overcome Problems and Results in implementing of the BSPS Program in Ciherang Village. The location of this study is in Ciherang Village, Picung District, Pandeglang Regency, this research is to use a descriptive field research method with qualitative analysis, meaning that the researcher describes the reality in the field correctly. This research instrument is a researcher as a human instrument using interview guidelines and documentation. Observational data collection techniques, interviews and documentation. The data obtained are then analyzed continuously by reducing data, verifying data and testing data sensitivity. The results showed that the implementation of the BSPS Program in Ciherang Village, the community has felt the benefits, with the type of assistance for Improving the Quality of Independent Houses whose Assistance Value is Rp. 17,500,000 which is distributed through their respective accounts to buy building materials worth Rp. 15,000,000 and artisan wages worth Rp. 2,500,000. beneficiaries are required to have self-help sourced from their families, communities, governments and others.   Keywords: Self-Help Housing Stimulant Assistance Program, Community Empowerment, Community Welfare

    Efektivitas metode Al-Haya dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca Alquran pada remaja yang malu

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    The study aims to examine the differences in the ability to read the Koran between the al-Haya method and the Iqro method based on the level of adolescent confidence. The research method used was experimental research with a 2x2 factorial design. Data collection using instruments measuring adolescent self-confidence and test instruments to read the Qur'an. Data analysis techniques used were the Two-Way ANOVA technique, the N-Gain Score test, and the Independent Sample t-Test. The results showed that: 1) there was a significant difference between the ability to read the Qur'an of adolescents who used the independent method and those who used the Iqro method. The effectiveness of the al-Haya method in improving the ability to read the Qur'an in adolescents is in the medium category, while the Iqro method is in the low category; 2) there is an interaction between the learning method of reading the Qur'an and adolescent confidence, with an estimated average margin of 60–70; and 3) there is no significant difference in the ability to read the Qur'an between adolescents with high self-confidence who use the al-Haya method and those who use the Iqro method. The effectiveness of the al-Haya method and the Iqro method in improving the ability to read the Qur'an in adolescents with high confidence is in the medium category. 3). There is a significant difference in the ability to read the Qur'an between low-confidence teenagers who use the al-Haya method and those who use the Iqro method with moderate and low levels of effectiveness. Abstrak Penelitian bertujuan untuk menguji perbedaan kemampuan membaca Al-Quran antara metode al-Haya dan metode Iqro berdasar pada tingkat kepercayaan diri remaja. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan desain 2x2 faktorial. Pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen pengukuran kepercayaan diri remaja dan instrumen tes kemampuan membaca Alquran. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik Two Way Anova, uji N-Gain Score dan uji Independent Sample t Test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kemampuan membaca Alquran remaja yang menggunakan metode al-Haya dengan yang menggunakan metode Iqro. Efektivitas metode al-Haya dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca Alquran pada remaja berada pada kategori sedang, sementara metode Iqro pada kategori rendah; 2) terdapat interaksi antara metode pembelajaran membaca Alquran dengan kepercayaan diri remaja, dengan estimasi margin rata-rata pada angka 60-70; 3) terdapat perbedaan kemampuan membaca Alquran yang tidak signifikan antara remaja kepercayaan diri tinggi yang menggunakan metode al-Haya dengan yang menggunakan metode Iqro. Efektivitas metode al-Haya dan metode Iqro dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca Alquran pada remaja dengan kepercayaan diri tinggi berada pada kategori sedang. 3). Terdapat perbedaan kemampuan membaca Alquran yang signifikan antara remaja berkepercayaan diri rendah yang menggunakan metode al-Haya dengan yang menggunakan metode Iqro dengan tingkat efektivitas sedang dan rendah
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