89 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Model Membangun Keunggulan Bersaing Berbasis Budaya pada Industri Mebel Skala Menengah di Jepara

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    The long term of this study is to develop a conceptual model of marketing on customer orientation and strategic pathways that can improve company performance. Specific target of this study empirically tests the effects of customer knowledge management for competitive advantage culture basic, product differentiation effects of competitive excellence, and influence competitive advantage culture basic of marketing performance. Sampling techniques based on simple random sampling, sample used was the director of 110 medium-scale furniture industry in Jepara. Data obtained in this study obtained by interview. The collection of data done by using a combination of open questions and closed questions, which is given to the respondent. The data collected then analyzed with a technique using Structural Equation Modeling. Theoretical findings in this study were to enrich the role of creating superior value can increase a company's performance. While managerial findings in this study is to model the development built of competitive advantage culture basic of medium-scale furniture industry in Jepara

    Peranan Lulusan Progsam S-1 Pendidikan Guru SD dalam Peningkatan Mutu Guru Sekolah Dasar

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    Membicarakan masalah mutu pendidikan tidak lepas dengan membicarakan masalah mutu guru. Bahkan mutu guru menjadi wacana dan fokus perhatian. Hal ini dikarenakan dalam seluruh perangkat tenaga kependidikan, guru mempunyai peran yang sangat strategis. Walaupun rendahnya mutu pendidikan merupakan masalah yang komplek, namun demikian perlu dicarikan jalan keluar. Benang merah permasalahan yang ditemukan dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu formula dalam menjawab permasalahan tersebut. Permasalahan pengelolaan kurikulum sarana prasarana dan biaya, pengelolaan SDM dan SPL, serta pemanfaatan berbagai potensi lainnya, akan bermuara kepada bagaimana kemampuan dalam mengelola dan memberdayakan potensi sekolah. Pendidikan bermutu tidak akan terwujud tanpa adanya guru berkualitas. Sejalan dengan Kenyataan tersebut, upaya awal yang harus dilakukan untuk mewujudkan pendidikan bermutu adalah meningkatkan kualitas guru. Melalui peningkatan mutu guru, guru akan mampu mengembangkan mutu pembelajaran yang dilaksanakannya. Peningkatan mutu pembelajaran ini akan berdampak pada peningkatan mutu lulusan. Pada akhirnya kepemilikan karakter guru yang efektif akan berdampak pada peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Melalui guru yang berkualitas, pendidikan bermutu bukan sebuah keniscayaan

    Plant microbial fuel cell in paddy field : A power source for rural area

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    As an energy carrier, electricity access is one of important aspect for human development. There is a positive correlation between electricity consumption per capita and human development index (HDI) and also gross domestic product (GDP).  However, the world electrification is not equally distributed. Most of those who do not have electricity access live in rural areas and located in developing countries. In these area, some people use polluted kerosene lamps as their light source or expensive gasoline generator as their electricity source. Other than that, battery is also widely used as a power source. In addition to the unequal electrification, the world electricity generation is still dominated by fossil fuel sources that have a negative impact on the environment, increased health risk and global climate change. Therefore, it is important to shift from conventional energy source to low-carbon renewable electricity sources. This thesis “Plant Microbial Fuel Cell in Paddy Field: a power source for rural area“ aims to assess the applicability of the plant  microbial fuel cell (Plant-MFC) as a low power off-grid power source in a rural area for a theoretical Indonesian case. To achieve this, a technical design was made for a household in rural area of Indonesia based on the latest research developments. Then, the applicability was assessed on technical, social, and environmental safety and health criteria as well as economics and some scenarios were suggested which could improve the real application. Values for a plant-MFC system to fulfil basic electricity needs were calculated. The main highlights and findings on this work are summarized in accordance with the chapters outlined in this thesis as following. Chapter 2 “Marine Sediment Mixed with Activated Carbon Allows Electricity Production and Storage from Internal and External Energy Sources: A New Rechargeable Bio-Battery with Bi-Directional Electron Transfer Properties” investigates the abilities of marine sediment and activated carbon to store and generate electricity in a bio-battery. In this work, several mixture of marine sediment and activated carbon were studied in a bio electrochemical system (BES). When operated in the MFC mode, the system generated electricity with solely marine sediment as the anode electron donor, resulted in the creation of a bio-battery. The results show that by usage of marine sediment and activated carbon (AC) electricity was generated and stored. The internal electrical storage density is 0.3 mWh/kg AC marine anode.  These insights give opportunities to apply such BES systems as e.g. ex-situ bio-battery to store and use electricity for off-grid purpose in remote areas. Chapter 3 “Activated Carbon Mixed with Marine Sediment is Suitable as Bioanode Material for Spartina anglica Sediment/Plant Microbial Fuel Cell: Plant Growth, Electricity Generation, and Spatial Microbial Community Diversity” aims to investigate the suitability of a mixture of activated carbon and marine sediment as a bioanode in a plant-MFC system with Spartina anglica. This work focused on study how different mixtures of the activated carbon (AC) and the marine sediment (MS) as an anode material affected the plant vitality, electricity generation and spatial microbial community. Results show that Spartina anglica grew in all of the plant-MFCs, although the growth was less fertile in the 100% activated carbon Plant-MFC. On long-term (2 weeks) performance, mixture of 33% and 67% marine sediment outperformed other Plant-MFCs in terms of current density (16.1 mA/m2 plant growth area) and power density (1.04 mW/m2 plant growth area). Results also show a high diversity of microbial communities dominated by Proteobacteria and indicates that the bacterial communities were affected by the anode composition. These findings show that the mixture of activated carbon and marine sediment are suitable material for bioanodes and could be useful for the application of Plant-MFC in a real wetland. Chapter 4 “Performance and Long Distance Data Acquisition via LoRa Technology of a Tubular Plant Microbial Fuel Cell Located in a Paddy Field in West Kalimantan, Indonesia” provide an insight about the field performance of tubular Plant-MFC. In this study, one-meter tubular Plant-MFC with graphite felt anode and cathode were installed in triplicates in a paddy field for four rice growth seasons. An online data acquisition using LoRa technology was developed to investigate the performance of the tubular Plant-MFC over the final whole rice paddy growing season. The result revealed that the Plant-MFC do not negatively affect the rice growth. A continuous electricity generation was achieved during a wet period in the crop season. On average the Plant-MFC generated power of 6.6 mW/m2 plant growth area (0.4mW per meter tube). The Plant-MFC also shows a potential to be used as a bio sensor, e.g. rain event indicator, during a dry period between the crop seasons. Chapter 5 “A Thin Layer of Activated Carbon Deposited on Polyurethane Cube Leads to New Conductive Bioanode for (Plant) Microbial Fuel Cell” exploits the potential of electrochemically active self-assembled biofilms to fabricate three-dimensional bio electrodes for of (plant) microbial fuel cells with minimum use of electrode materials. For this purpose, polyurethane foams coated with activated carbon was prepared and studied as platform bio anodes for harvesting electric current in lab microbial fuel cells (MFCs) and field Plant-MFCs. Results show that electric conductivity of the PU/AC electrode enhance over time during bioanode development. The maximum current and power density of an acetate fed MFC reached 3mA/m2 projected surface area of anode compartment and 22mW/m3 anode compartment. The field test of the Plant-MFC reached a maximum performance of 0.9 mW/m2 plant growth area at a current density of 5.6 mA/ m2 PGA. A rice paddy field test showed that the PU/AC electrode was suitable as anode material in combination with a graphite felt cathode.  Finally, the main findings of this thesis are summarized and discussed in Chapter 6, “General Discussion”. In this chapter, a theoretical available power for Plant-MFC system from a paddy field is presented to give an insight how far performance of current Plant-MFC meets theoretical understanding. Based on the experimental results, this chapter answers the thesis goal to discuss the applicability of the Plant-MFC as an off-grid power source in a rural area by assessing its technical, economic, social, and environmental safety and health criteria. Finally, an outlook for future Plant-MFC application is provided

    Social Media, Consumer Motivation, And Consumer Purchase Decision For Fashion Consumers In Semarang District

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    Abstract: This study aims to analyze the influence of social media on purchasing decisions through consumer motivation in fast fashion consumers in Semarang Regency. This study uses quantitative methods as many as 100 respondents were determined using a census. Data were collected using a questionnaire and processed using partial least squares. The results showed that social media had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, consumer motivation had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions and social media had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions

    The Effects of R&D Intensity and Product Orientation On Innovativeness and Competitive Advantage of The Woodcraft Industry

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    The ever-evolving business environment demands companies to adopt a customer-focused culture, continuously develop and sustain growth. Marketing is seen as a fundamental aspect of corporate culture, with market orientation as its practical application. The purpose of this study is to identify product innovation influencing marketing performance in the woodcraft industry in Central Java, Indonesia by adding competitive advantage as a mediator variable. Factors leading to product innovation, such as environmental uncertainty and R&D intensity, as well as factors leading to competitive advantage, such as product orientation and customer orientation, are identified in this study. The population in this study were 214 timber companies in Central Java Province. By using simple random sampling, the number of samples used in this study were 110 samples. The analysis in this study uses the SEM analysis method with SmartPLS 3. The results of this study indicate that environmental uncertainty and R&D intensity affect product innovation. In addition, product innovation and competitive advantage also have an influence on marketing performance. Therefore, this study supports the contingency theory which states that environmental uncertainty and research and development intensity can affect product innovation. Companies can foster a culture of innovation that enables them to foresee and respond to customer needs more effectively by focusing on research and adapting to changes in the external environment. Keywords: competitive advantage, environmental uncertainty, marketing performance, product orientation, R&D intensit

    Model Pembelajaran Inovatif Berbasis Konsep Sekolah Ramah Anak

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    Anak yang belajar dengan dimensi sekolah ramah anak selain anak merasa senang, potensinya tergali dan terkembangkan. Dengan model pembelajaran yang lebih mengutamakan aktifitas siswa, sekolah juga menyediakan lingkungan dan fasilitas yang mengakomodir apa yang diinginkan siswa sehingga siswa menjadi senang belajarnya. Siswa dilibatkan dalam berbagai aktifitas yang dapat mengembangkan kemampuannya (learning by doing). Siswa diberi kesempatan untuk menyampaikan gagasannya, memajangkan hasil karyanya diikutsertakan dalam pemeliharaan fasilitas sekolah. Dengan memperhatikan hal-hal tersebut akan memungkinkan menghasilkan lulusan yang berkualitas. Dengan demikian untuk tercapainya kualitas lulusan, pendidikan tidak harus dilakukan dengan kekerasan. Malahan kekerasan dapat menghambat bahkan hilangnya potensi yang dimiliki anak. Jadi betapa pentingnya sekolah ramah anak dimunculkan dalam pengembangan pendidikan dasar

    Strategi Inovasi Produk untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Pemasaran pada Industri Mebel Skala Menengah di Jepara

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    The main purpose of this study is to develop a conceptual model of marketing on R & D orientation and strategic pathways that can improve company performances. Specific target of this study empirically test the influence of R & D intensity of product innovation, knowledge management influence the competition for product innovation, and product innovation influence on marketing performance.Sampling technique based on simple random sampling, sampel used was the director of 110 medium-scale furniture industry in Jepara. Data obtained in this study obtained by interview. The collection of data done by using a combination of open questions and closed questions, which is given to the respondent. The data collected then analyzed with a technique using SEM.Theoretical findings in this study were to enrich the literature of creating innovation can improve business performance. While managerial findings in this study is to model the development of medium-scale furniture industry performance of the strategic improve performance marketing

    Information Trustworthiness and Information Adoption in Social Media Marketing: Contextualization of Ewom and Its Implications For Marketers

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    Social media platforms have exposed consumers to a large amount of either accurate information or misleading information. The quick spread of information through electronic word-of-mouth on social media networks has made it difficult for consumers to distinguish between marketer-generated content and user-generated content. This study aims to identify the factors that influence consumers when making purchasing decisions and to establish a comprehensive framework for consumers in the digital marketing. The study aimed to investigate how technology acceptance, electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM), and perceived risk affect information adoption by users in social media marketing. The study collected data from 213 social media users in Semarang via an online survey and used partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The findings showed that information trustworthiness and information adoption were intermediaries between information quality, usefulness, perceived risk, argument quality, and information adoption. The study suggests that the quality and usefulness of the information are significant factors that affect the adoption of information. For social media marketers, providing high-quality and balancing useful information can increase consumer chances of adoption, thereby leading to purchase intention. The findings highlight for the marketers to ensure that the information provided is of high quality and relevant to the target audience. Keywords: digital marketing, social media, information adoption, electronic word-of- mouth, trus


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh supervisi terhadap motivasi kerja,untuk menganalisis pengaruh kepemimpinan terhadap motivasi kerja, untuk menganalisis pengaruh supervisi terhadap kinerja guru, untuk menganalisis pengaruh kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja guru, untuk menganalisis pengaruh motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja guru. Populasi  dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pegawai di SMP N 33 Semarang yang berjumlah 107 orang sampel yang dipergunakan. Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini dengan cara pembagian kuesioner. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis regresi dua tahap (Two Stage Least Square)(2 SLS). Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Supervisi berpengaruh positif terhadap Kinerja guru SMP N 33 Semarang, Kepemimpinan mempunyai pengaruh positif terhadap Kinerja guru SMP N33 Semarang, Motivasi kerja berpengaruh positif terhadap Kinerja guru SMP N33 Semarang, Tinggi rendahnya kinerja guru dapat dipengaruhi oleh supervisi, kepemimpinan, motivasi kerja. Dengan supervisi, kepemimpinan serta motivasi kerja yang tinggi, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kinerja guru

    PERILAKU AUDITOR DALAM PELAKSANAAN PROGRAM AUDIT ( Studi Empiris pada Kantor Akuntan Publik di Semarang )

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji model perilaku audit dengan mengintegrasikan karakteristik individual auditor (focus of control dan komitmen profesional multi dimensi) dengan tekanan anggaran waktu yang dirasakan. Model perilaku audit yang diuji adalah perilaku Reduksi Kualitas Audit (RKA) dan perilaku Underreporting of Time (URT). Secara spesifik penelitian ini menguji, (1) pengaruh locus of control dan dimensi komitmen profesional terhadap tekanan anggaran waktu yang dirasakan, (2) pengaruh locus of control dan dimensi komitmen profesional terhadap perilaku audit (RKA dan URT), dan (3) pengaruh tekanan anggaran waktu yang dirasakan terhadap perilaku audit (RKA dan URT).         Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survei pada auditor yang bekerja di KAP Afiliasi dan KAP Non-Afiliasi di Semarang.Unit analisis adalah individu auditor pada semua posisi yaitu yunior, senior, supervisor, manajer, dan partner. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 110 responden yang bekerja di  KAP Semarang.  Analisis data dilakukan dengan model persamaan struktural.           Hasil penelitian menunjukkan locus of control eksternal berpengaruh positif signifikan dengan tekanan anggaran waktu yang dirasakan dan perilaku audit (RKA dan URT). Komitmen profesional afektif berhubungan terbalik dengan perilaku RKA, tetapi hubungannya dengan tekanan anggaran waktu yang dirasakan dan perilaku URT tidak signifikan. Pengaruh komitmen profesional kontinu terhadap tekanan anggaran waktu yang dirasakan dan perilaku audit (RKA dan URT) tidak signifikan. Komitmen profesional normatif berhubungan terbalik dengan tekanan anggaran waktu yang dirasakan dan perilaku audit (RKA dan URT). Tekanan anggaran waktu yang dirasakan berpengaruh positif signifikan dengan perilaku audit (RKA dan URT)
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