21 research outputs found

    Relationship between Sanitation Hygiene and Health Care with Healthy Family Security of the Family of Smokers at Berastagi Subdistrict

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    BACKGROUND: Healthy family security means the strength and the ability of a family to meet health needs and to be free from health problems. The health problem itself is various and numerous, especially related to sanitation hygiene and health care. AIM: This research aims at analysing the relationship between sanitation hygiene and health care with healthy family security of the family of smokers. METHODS: It involved 120 families of smokers living at Berastagi Subdistrict, North Sumatera Province, Indonesia, as the sample of the research. Data collection was done by doing observation and interview with a structured questionnaire instrument. Weight and height of the family members of the smokers were recorded as the measurement of nutrition status as well as health status for the measurement of healthy family security. RESULTS: The research found that there was a significant relationship between sanitation hygiene and health care with healthy family security. CONCLUSION: The research concluded that sanitation hygiene and health care performed by the family of smokers could increase healthy family security

    Improving the nutritional status of school children through the formation of a group of children caring for nutrition in SD Az- Zakiyah Islamic School

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    This service activity is a training for school children to care about their food consumption and nutritional status.. This service activity carried out at SD Az-Zakiyah Islamic School Medan aims to provide understanding to school children about healthy, nutritious, and balanced food, as well as weight and height measurement skills. The methods used are lectures, practice of measuring body weight and height using microtoas and digital scales, and the practice of introducing food ingredients that contain nutrients using a food model. The t test results showed that there was a significant difference (p = 0.005) in children's knowledge before and after providing information. This shows that this training provides increased knowledge of school children. It is hoped that the training participants will later become nutritional ambassadors who can disseminate information about healthy, nutritious, and balanced food and the importance of monitoring nutritional status from an early age to their friends, especially at school and in the environment around their homes in an effort to improve nutritional status in school children. In addition, I hope this program will be sustainable and will raise awareness among school foundations and health centers to support this activity which has been initiated in college

    Ketersediaan APD (Alat Pelindung Diri) dan Pengawasan IPCLN (Infection Prevention and Control Link Nurse) terhadap Pelaksanaan Kewaspadaan Standar Rumah Sakit

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    This study aims to analyze the relationship between the availability of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and IPCLN (Infection Prevention and Control Link Nurse) supervision in the implementation of hospital standards. This type of quantitative research uses a descriptive correlation and observational design with cross-sectional observations. The results showed that the availability of PPE and IPCLN supervision were significantly related to standard precautions. The variable of PPE availability is 24,363, while the IPCLN supervision variable is the regression coefficient value of OR 27,904. In conclusion, there is a significant relationship between the availability of PPE and IPCLN in implementing standard precautions in private hospitals in the city of Medan.   Keywords: Availability of PPE, Standard Precautions, IPCLN Supervisio

    Hubungan Pemberian ASI dengan Status Gizi Berdasarkan Indeks BB/PB Bayi (Usia 6-11 Bulan) di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Siborong-borong Tahun 2017

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    Breast milk is a fluid that contains immunity or endurance so that it can be the protection of infants from various diseases of bacterial, viral and fungal infections so breastfeeding can reduce the risk of death in infants. Toddlers should be breastfed only for breast milk for at least 6 months and after six months can be fed other supplements and breast milk can continue until the child is 2 years old. This study aims to analyze the relationship between breastfeeding history and infant nutritional status (age 6-11 months) at Siborong-Borong Public Health Center. This research type is quantitative with cross sectional research design. Breastfeeding data were obtained from interviews in infant mothers using the anthropometric measurements (BB and PB) questionnaires and long-term measurements on non-standing respondents. The sample in this study amounted to 97 people who are infants aged 6-11 months. Data analysis is univariate, bivariate with Chi Square Test. The result of bivariate test showed that there was a correlation between breastfeeding duration (p = 0,007), exclusive breastfeeding (p = 0,020) with index of BB / PB. Health workers, is expected to further improve the health promotion of children under five, through the provision of health education in the form of counseling about the importance of Exclusive breastfeeding for toddlers. For mothers, it is expected to pay moreattention to the nutritional intake for babies and to breastfeed their babies. Exclusively and continued until the age of 2 (two) years


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    Beras merah dan jagung sudah lama diketahui bermanfaat bagi kesehatan, selain sebagaipangan pokok. Namun beras merah dan jagung kurang populer sebagai makanan pokok masyarakatpadahal kedua jenis pangan ini merupakan pangan fungsional yang sangat berguna. Maka dikenalkancara lain untuk pemanfaatan kedua bahan ini dengan mengolahnya menjadi tepung beras merah dantepung jagung untuk pembuatan mi

    Gaya Kepemimpinan Kepala Ruangan terhadap Penerapan Prinsip Etik Keperawatan dalam Pemberian Asuhan Keperawatan

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    This study aims to see the effect of the situational leadership style of the head of the room on the application of nursing ethical principles. This research method is quantitative research with a correlation design. The results showed that the situational leadership style of the head of the room in the inpatient room that dominated more was consultation, namely 35 nurses (33.3%), and the principles of nursing ethics showed a suitable category, as many as 84 (80%). In conclusion, there is an influence of the situational leadership style of the head of the room on the application of nursing ethical principles in providing nursing care at the University Hospital of North Sumatra.   Keywords: Leadership Style, Nursing Ethical Principle

    Training of Trainers (ToT) youth in improving healthy quality of healthy livingin the city of Medan

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    The problems faced by partners in community service locations are teenagers in the majority of research sites who are obese, and students in schools do not understand how to behave in a healthy life. During adolescence there is rapid growth and development both in terms of physical, psychological and intellectual. In supporting adolescent growth, nutritional adequacy is needed. Nutrient component requirements include: energy, protein, and other micronutrients which have increased significantly. Adolescent life is not only centered on one thing, the challenges currently faced by adolescents today range from relationships, physical health, mental health, child marriage and others. This dedication activity aims to create youth cadres who understand health, later after this activity is carried out, young people are expected to be agents of change in their environment both within the school, home and community. This Training of Trainers activity is held for 2 days with reference to modules that have been prepared specifically for adolescents. This activity is formulated with games that have objectives in accordance with the material presented. The number of participants who attended the training were 30 participants who were in high school. The training of trainers is expected to increase knowledge, raise awareness and be able to inform health in the school, family and community environment


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    The importance of consuming fruit and vegetables is commonly neglected by the Indonesian people. Only 6.4% of adolescents at the age of 10-14 consume fruit and vegetables about 5 portions or more per day while the remaining 93.6% fewer than 5 portions. It is probably caused by their lack of knowledge and negative attitude toward it so that health promotion, using audiovisual, is needed. The research method used quasi experimental method with group pretest-posttest design. It was conducted at SMPIT AL Musabbihin and  Namira Medan. The population was 58 students consisted of 28 at SMPIT Al Musabbihin and 30at SMPIT Namira. The data were analyzed by using univariate and bivariate analysis with paired-sample t-test at significance level of 95% (α=0.05).The result of statistic test showed that there was significant difference in attitude between the students at SMPIT Al Musabbihin and SMPIT Namira about the importance of consuming fruit and vegetables.The conclusion of the research is that audio visual media is more effective to change students' attitudes become more positive about the importance of vegetable and fruit consumption in SMPIT Al Musabbihin and lecturer method is effective at SMPIT Namira Medan.

    Effect of Nutrition Education and Supplementary Food on the Weight of Wasting Toddlers in Percut Sei Tuan

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    The aim of the study was to analyze changes in body weight after an intervention. The research design was a quasi-experimental pre- and post-test with a sample of 40 wasting toddlers divided into a group that received tuna meatballs mixed with moringa leaves supplemented with nutrition education and a group that received nutrition education only for 4 weeks. The test results obtained an average weight gain in the first group was 0.79 kg and in the second group was 0.37 kg. The study conclude that meatballs consumption and nutrition education can increase nutritional intake and weight gain in wasted toddlers