535 research outputs found


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    Diskresi yang dikeluarkan oleh Kementerian Hukum dan HAM melalui Surat Keputusan Menteri Hukum dan HAM nomor AHU-1 AH.10.01 Tahun 2016 tentang Kewarganegaraan Republik Indonesia atas nama Arcandra Tahar menimbulkan pro dan kontra di kalangan masyarakat karena dinilai bertentangan dengan peraturan perundang-undangan kewarganegaraan Indonesia. Menteri Hukum dan HAM memberikan status kewarganegaraan kepada Arcandra Tahar yang berstatus sebagai stateless dengan alasan untuk memberikan perlindungan maksimum, namun diskresi tersebut justru tidak mengindahkan ketentuan perundang-undangan sebagai payung hukum bagi penyelenggara negara dalam mengambil keputusan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis diskresi Menteri Hukum dan HAM tersebut dengan menggunakan siyasah dusturiyyah. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian pustaka dengan metode deskriptif analitis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Surat Keputusan Menteri Hukum dan HAM bernomor AHU1 AH.10.01 Tahun 2016 tentang Kewarganegaraan Republik Indonesia atas nama Arcandra Tahar telah melanggar prinsipprinsip dalam siyasah dusturiyyah

    Penentuan Leading Sektor Pembangunan Daerah Kabupaten/kota di Jawa Timur

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    This study aimed to find out how big the contribution of primary sector, secondary and tertiaryto the GDP in each regency / city in East Java, and which became the leading sector in each district/ city in East Java. How the regional economic growth in each district / city in East Java; howstructure and pattern of economic pertiumbuhan between districts and municipalities in East Java.The conclusion of this research are each regency / city in East Java has the potential leadingsectors in accordance with their respective regions. Sectors are said key sectors for growth in thesesectors is higher than the same sector growth in East Java as the reference area. Based on the resultsof the analysis indicate that the economic potential of Blitar City is an area that most sub-sectors ofthe economy has the potential or to the typology "of fast-growing fast forward". Blitar city has 9(nine) sub-sector with a typology of "fast-growing fast forward", the nine sub-sectors include: 1)animal husbandry; 2) railway transport; 3) services allied to transport; 4) post andtelecommunications; 5) the bank; 6) corporate services; 7) general government; 8) private; and 9)social services


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    ABSTRAK Penulis dalam penelitian ini hendak melihat ketentuan tindak pidana perzinaan sebagaimana yang terdapat dalam ketentuan Enakmen Jenayah Syariah Selangor Nomor 9 Tahun 1995. Kemudian menganalisisnya dengan menggunakan maqa>s{id asy-syari>’ah. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian pustaka (library research) dengan pendekatan yuridis-normatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan analisis maqa>s{id asy-syari>’ah, hukuman bagi pelaku zina dalam Enakmen Jenayah Syariah Selangor Nomor 9 Tahun 1995 yaitu terdapat aspek d{aru>ri>yyat yang berkenaan dengan hukuman bagi pelaku zina yaitu aspek pemeliharaan keturunan (h{ifż al-nasl). Aspek ini merupakan aspek yang berkaitan dengan hak-hak anak dan hubungan keperdataan seorang anak dengan orangtua kandungnya, dalam hal ini adalah ayah biologisnya. Jika pelaku zina tidak diancam dengan hukuman yang berat, tentu para pelakunya akan mengulangi perbuatannya lagi. Kata kunci: maqa>s{id asy-syari>’ah, tindak pidana perzinaan, Enakmen Jenayah Syariah Selangor Nomor 9 Tahun 1995. ABSTRACT The author in this study wants to see the provisions of the crime of adultery as contained in the provisions of the Selangor Sharia Jenayah Enakmen Number 9 of 1995. Then analyze it by using maqa>s{id asy-syari>’ah. The type of research used is library research with a juridical-normative approach. The results showed that based on the analysis of maqa>s{id asy-syari>’ah, the punishment for adultery offenders in the Selangor Sharia Jenayah Enakmen Number 9 of 1995, namely there are aspects of d{aru>ri>yyat relating to the punishment for adultery, namely the maintenance of offspring (h{ifż al-nasl). This aspect is an aspect that relates to children's rights and the civil relationship between a child and its biological parents, in this case the biological father. If the adulterer is not threatened with a harsh penalty, of course the perpetrators will repeat the act again. Keywords: maqa>s{id asy-syari>’ah, the crime of adultery, Enakmen Jenayah Syariah Selangor Number 9 of 1995

    Relasi Agama Dan Negara: Telaah Pemikiran Politik Soekarno Dan Fazlur Rahman

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    The author in this study wanted to see the similarities and differences in the political thoughts of Soekarno and Fazlur Rahman about the relationship between religion and the state. The type of research used is library research with a descriptive-comparative method. The results showed that Soekarno and Fazlur Rahman had a different paradigm in viewing the relationship between religion and state. Soekarno has a secularistic paradigm that separates religion and state to be implemented in Indonesia, while Fazlur Rahman has an Integralistic paradigm in which religion (Islam) and the state cannot be separated (integrated). However, these two figures agree that the sovereignty of a country is in the hands of the people and do not agree with the theory of God's sovereignty because God has never acted as politically sovereign nor as a maker of laws or laws. Keywords: Secularistic Paradigm, Integralistic Paradigm, God's Sovereignty. &nbsp


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    Abstract: Interfaith marriage has always been becoming a polemic, especially because of there is not yet awareness to impact long time toward own household and in society. Furthermore, it is so important to understand philosophically mean of forbidden interfaith marriage in perspective of maqasid ash-shari’ah. This study explains about interfaith marriage in perspective of maqasid ash-shari’ah as reflection efforts to consider benefits and damage, possibility bigger damage. There are two focus which is researched it. Firth, how is interfaith marriage in Islamic law and positive law in Indonesia. Second, how is reflection-analysis of maqasid ash-shari’ah to respond Islamic law and positive law.The results show that interfaith marriage, according to Islamic law and positive law, has been banned by them which is in line-relevant principles of maqasid ash-shari’ah on reflection-analysis. Base on reflection-analysis maqasid ash-shari’ah show that interfaith marriage, in side dharuriyah that will threaten the existence of priority descent-religion and soul, property and mind. Hajiyyah is to support and strengthen pro-Islamic law and positive law. Tahsiniyah is to educate people and society as preventive and participation to realize building a household which will become sakinah mawaddah warahmah finally.   Keywords: Reflection; Interfaith marriage; Maqasid ash-shari’ah

    Pengelolaan Pembelajaran IPA melalui Penerapan Metode Demonstrasi pada Siswa Kelas IV SD

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the increased understanding of the concept of sound energy sources in the fourth grade students of State Elementary School 09 Kepahiang through the management imposed a method of learning science by demonstration. This type of research is a classroom action research. The results show that efforts to guide students seek remedy science concepts through demonstrations and group work method makes students more active in learning activities. Students can demonstrate props so it is easy to understand the concept of sound energy source. Final test results indicate an increase, which is the first cycle of the average value of students 45 with mastery learning 45%, the second cycle the average value of students 75 with mastery learning 75%, and the third cycle the value of the average student 95 with learning completeness 95%

    Pengambilan Paksa Kendaraan Bermotor dan Upaya Hukum Konsumen

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    Salah satu instrumen yang dapat digunakan oleh lembaga pebiayaan untuk melindungi kepentinganya adalah dengan menggunakan ikatan perjanjian pembiayaan konsumen. Perjanjian baku ini sebenarnya kurang memberikan jaminan perlindungan hukum terhadap konsumen, dan justru lebih banyak dipergunakan sebagai sarana hukum bagi lembaga konsumen untuk mengalihkan resiko bagi kemungkinan terjadinya kerugian yang diderita oleh lembaga pembiayaan konsumen kendaraan bermotor manakala konsumen melakukan wanprestasi. Seorang pembeli sepeda motor secara kredit adalah debitur yang melakukan perjanjian jual-beli dengan dealernya sebagai kreditur. Jika debitur wanprestasi atau tidak melaksanakan kewajibannya melunasi kredit, maka berdasarkan alasan syarat batal kreditur dapat membatalkan perjanjian. Dengan batalnya perjanjian maka kreditur dapat menarik kembali barang-barang yang telah diserahkannya kepada debitur. Kreditur tidak akan dengan cara paksa dan kekerasan menarik kendaraan dari debitur yang menunggak angsuran. Tujuan penelitian ini, untuk menganalisa perampasan paksa kendaraan bermotor dalam perspektif yuridis
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