66 research outputs found


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    Perkuatan elemen struktur beton bertulang yang telah berdiri sering dilakukan dengan memperbesar dimensinya melalui penambahan ketebalan beton sebesar 50 sampai 80 mm. Perma-salahan yang sering dijumpai pada aplikasi metode ini adalah hasil pengecoran yang keropos se-hingga lekatannya kurang baik. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kuat lekat dari beton ba-ru SCC pada permukaan beton lama. Sebanyak sembilan buah benda uji prisma ukuran 100x100x500mm dibuat dari dua jenis beton yang berbeda yaitu beton normal (f’c = 22 MPa) dan SCC (f’c = 26,4 MPa). Ada tiga variasi sudut interface (α) yang ditinjau yaitu 60o, 70o dan 75o dengan masing-masing variasi dibuat 3 buah benda uji. Sebelum dilakukan pengecoran beton SCC, permukaan miring beton lama terlebih dahulu dikasarkan sehingga membentuk alur-alur ver-tical, horizontal dan diagonal dengan kedalaman +/- 2,5 mm. Beban konsentrik tekan dikerjakan secara menerus dengan kecepatan standar test silinder beton sampai benda uji runtuh. Tegangan normal (σ) dan tegangan geser (τ) yang dihitung dari gaya aksial maksimum masing-masin benda uji dipakai untuk menentukan nilai kohesi (c) dan sudut geser () beton. Hasil pengujian menun-jukan bahwa nilai kohesi (c) beton SCC dan beton lama adalah sebesar 1.13 MPa dengan sudut ge-ser 53,2o


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    Human resource development is one that can be implemented through the implementation of non-formal education, in this case is pasraman kilat which is expected to enhance the spiritual values. Methodologically this study is using the procedure of research and development, where the stages include: (1) A preliminary study, (2) Preparation of a conceptual model, (3) Validation and revision of the model, (4) Testing the model, (5) Revision of the model, and (6) The final model of pasraman kilat. This study managed to describe (1) The pasraman kilat has not fully follow the principles of good learning, such as planning, implementation and evaluation. (2) The conceptual model was developed using pasraman kilat participatory approach which is expected to bring about change in the planning, implementation and evaluation. (3) Implementation of pasraman kilat model is showing success. It is characterized by the achievement of such indicators; a) planning, b) implementation and c) evaluation. The effectiveness of pasraman kilat models indicated by the positive impact of both the participants and the organizers of pasraman kilat

    The Dynamics of Rejang Renteng Dance in Bali as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of the World

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    This current study is intended to interpret a Balinese cultural product which has taken root in and connected to the Hindu religious system, namely the Rejang Renteng dance. Apart from becoming a cultural product, it also functions as a social cohesion as it involves a significant number of dancers who are children, women, elderly people and the homemakers who become the members of an organisation known referred to as PKK (Family Welfare Education). They interact with one another. The growth and development of the dance have been used as the icon of every Hindu religious activity in Bali, and also as an icon of different social activities. The question is why the Rejang Renteng dance has developed more rapidly than the other dance forms. This current study is also intended to answer different matters on the Rejang Renteng dance, which cannot be separated from the dynamics of the development of the Balinese society which is changing in the current globalisation era. It is also intended to explore the shift in its meaning, function and, which has taken place from the beginning until the current times. The current study was conducted at Masceti Temple Gianyar, Karangasem and Denpasar. The qualitative method, especially the observation, interview and documentary techniques, were applied to collect the data. The data were analysed through four steps; they are reduction, classification, interpretation and conclusion drawing. The informants were determined using the purposive method as they had been determined based on their capacities. The result of the study shows that (1) the Rejang Renteng dance (Rente) can only be performed by the women attaining menopause and are appointed by what is locally referred to as Ida Betara (the God who resides at the temple where the dance is performed) and may not be replaced by others; (2) a purification ceremony is held for the dance; therefore, it is classified as a sacred dance locally referred to as Tari Wali; (3) the Rejang Renteng dance (Rerejangan), which is seasonally performed, is referred to as the Balih-balihan dance; it is a result of the creative reconstruction made by the artists who were inspired by the sacred Rejang dance (Tari Wali). It is massively performed by the women who are the members of the PKK organisation for which no purification ceremony is held. Being a sacred dance, the Rejang Renteng dance is only performed at the temples or the other holy places; however, the creatively reconstructed Rejang Renteng dance can be performed as a part of different religious and social activities. Symbolically, it is a cosmic dance which refers to the concept of the event when the angels descend from the heaven to watch the ritual performed by human beings and is performed in the formation of a circle (renteng). Its sacred meaning empties into the concept of satyam (the truth), siwam (holiness), and sundaram (beauty)


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    Abstrak: Upaya dalam pemberdayaan terhadap anak, akan sangat membutuhkan bantuan lingkungannya, sebab anak yang baru lahir berada dalam keadaan lemah, tidak berdaya, tidak bisa mengurus diri sendiri dan tidak bisa memenuhi kebutuhannya sendiri. Ia masih tergantung sepenuhnya dari lingkungan, serta membutuhkan uluran tangan dari orang lain, agar dapat melaksanakan hidupnya secara wajar. Oleh karena itu, untuk memecahkan masalah itu telah dikembangkan pembinaan kesejahteraan anak, yang merupakan segala upaya yang dilaksankan secara sadar, terencana, terarah, terpadu dan berkelanjutan dalam rangka mewujudkan kesejahteraan anak  terutama terpenuhinya kebutuhan pokok anak. Salah satu bentuk pembinaan kesejahteraan sosial anak adalah melalui Panti Asuhan Anak.Kata Kunci : Usaha Kesejahteraan Sosial, Pendidikan Agama Hindu Abstract:. Effort in enableness to child, will very requiring its environment aid, newborn child cause stay in the weak circumstance, over a barrel, cannot manage the ownself and cannot fulfill its owm requirement. He still be depended full the than environment, and also require an offer for peace from others, so that can execute is life to the manner born. Therefore to solve problem that have been developed by construction of child prosperity, representing all effort executed consciously, terencana, directional, inwrought and have continuation in order to realizing child prosperity especially fullfiling of  fundamental requirement of child. One of social prosperity construction forn child is passing Child Reformatory.Keywords: Business Social Welfare, Hindu Religious Education

    Dharmasasananing Pandita In Hindu Diversity System In Bali

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    Hindus feel disappointed and disgraced if one of their figures who should be a leader and purified does a disgraceful deed such as having an illegal wife, working as a middleman, slandering and so forth. In short, Hindus feel disappointed and disgraced if one of their figures who should be a leader and purified “deviates” from the ethical code of priesthood (dharmasasaning pandita). Just to remind again that when someone starts his priesthood, the ethical cod of priesthood (dharmasasananing pandita) should be used as the parameter of his identity as a holy person. In many Hindu literary works, the dharmasasananing pandita has been included. The reasons why a priest often ‘deviates’ from the ethical code of priesthood are as follows. From the internal dimension, the senior priest (nabe) is often used as a symbol, the impact of the symbolic capital “power” and the impact of uncontrollable sexual libido. The external dimension includes: the impact of external ‘education’, the impact of genealogical caste, and impact of the market ideology. The implications on a priest are as follows: he will become a what is called patita, he will die young, he will go to hell, and it is believed that, when he is reincarnated, he will not become a human being any longer. The implications on society are as follows: conflicts cannot be avoided, more and more people are getting poor, religious conversion cannot be avoided, and society will become psychologically depressed.</p

    Konsep Pelestarian Lingkungan Dalam Upacara Tumpek Wariga Sebagai Media Pendidikan Bagi Masyarakat Hindu Bali

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    Environment is a place close to the existence of human life, but the environment also has significance for humans. With the physical environment man can use it to meet his material needs, with the human biological environment to meet his physical needs, and with his social environment man can meet his spiritual needs. This research has found that Tumpek Wariga as the local wisdom of the Balinese Hindu community is not an offering for plants, but a ceremony made, presented to the Lord. This means the ceremony is to express God's gratitude. The implementation of the ceremony Tumpek Wariga provides education to all Hindus of the importance of conservation, especially the preservation of plants


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    Pengembangan sumber daya manusia salah satunya dapat dilaksanakan melalui penyelenggaraan pendidikan nonformal, dalam hal ini pelatihan upakara yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan perilaku kewirausahaan. Secara khusus rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut : (1) Bagaimanakah kondisi objektif pelatihan upakara di Kelurahan Peguyangan? (2) Bagaimanakah model konseptual pelatihan upakara berbasis nilai pendidikan agama Hindu untuk meningkatkan perilaku kewirausahaan remaja putus sekolah di Kelurahan Peguyangan? (3) Bagaimanakah implementasi model pelatihan upakara berbasis nilai pendidikan agama Hindu untuk meningkatkan perilaku kewirausahaan remaja putus sekolah di Kelurahan Peguyangan? (4) Bagaimanakah efektivitas model pelatihan upakara berbasis nilai pendidikan agama Hindu untuk meningkatkan perilaku kewirausahaan remaja putus sekolah di Kelurahan Peguyangan Kota Denpasar?. Secara metodologis penelitian ini menggunakan prosedur penelitian dan pengembangan, dimana tahapannya meliputi : (1) Studi pendahuluan, (2) Penyusunan model konseptual, (3) Validasi dan revisi model, (4) Uji coba model tahap pertama, (5) Revisi model tahap pertama, (6) Uji coba model tahap kedua, (7) Revisi model hasil uji coba tahap dua, dan (8) Model akhir pelatihan upakara. Penelitian ini berhasil mendeskripsikan (1) Pelaksanaan pelatihan upakara selama ini belum sepenuhnya mengikuti prinsip-prinsip pelatihan yang baik, seperti perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. (2) Model konseptual pelatihan upakara dikembangkan menggunakan pendekatan partisipatif. (3) Implementasi model pelatihan upakara, baik dalam uji coba model tahap pertama maupun uji coba model tahap kedua mempergunakan pembelajaran partisipatif, pemecahan masalah dan bimbingan individual. (4) Efektivitas model pelatihan upakara nampak pada peningkatan skor perilaku kewirausahaan peserta pelatihan dari sebelum dengan setelah mengikuti pelatian upakara. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah 1) Kondisi objektif pelatihan upakara menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pelatihan tidak dimanfaatkan pada penciptaan wirausaha baru berdasarkan keterampilan yang dilatihkan. 2) Model konseptual pelatihan upakara disusun dalam rangka mengatasi kondisi objektif pelatihan upakara yang diharapkan membawa perubahan, baik dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasinya. 3) Implementasi model pelatihan upakara menunjukkan keberhasilan. Hal ini ditandai oleh tercapainya indikator-indikator seperti; a) perencanaan, b) pelaksanaan, serta c) evaluasi. 4) Efektivitas model pelatihan upakara ditunjukkan dengan adanya dampak positif, baik terhadap peserta pelatihan maupun terhadap penyelenggara pelatihan. Kata Kunci : Pelatihan Upakara, Nilai Pendidikan Agama Hindu, dan Perilaku Kewirausahaan The development of human resources can be done through, among other ways, non-formal education, in this case the upakara training which is hoped to be able to improve entrepreneurship behavior. The specific research problems of this study, were 1) What was the objective condition of upakara training program in Kelurahan Peguyangan Denpasar? 2) What was the conceptual model of the upakara training based on Hinduism education values to improve the entrepreneurship behavior of school dropout teenagers in Kelurahan Peguyangan of Denpasar? 3) How to implement upakara training based on Hinduism education values to improve the entrepreneurship behavior of school dropout teenagers in Kelurahan Peguyangan of Denpasar? 4) How effective was the upakara training based on Hinduism education values in improving the entrepreneurship behavior of school dropout teenagers in Kelurahan Peguyangan of Denpasar?. This research was of the research and development method, through the steps of 1) Preliminary study, 2) Development of conceptual model, 3) Validation and revision of the model, 4) First Model try out, 5) First model revision, 6) Second model try out, 7) Second model try out, and 8) Final model of upakara training. The research managed to describe the followings 1) The implementation of the upakara training has not meet all of the good training principles such as planning, execution, and evaluation. 2) The conceptual model of upakara training was developed using participatory approach. 3) The implementation of the upakara model, both in the first and the second model try out utilized participatory learning, problem solving and individual. 4) The effectiveness of the upakara training model was shown through the improvement of before training and after training entrepreneurship behavior score. The conclusion of this research was 1) The objective condition of the upakara training showed that the training was not used to create enterpreneurs bases on the trained skill. 2) The upakara training conceptual model was developed in order to overcome the problems in the upakara training objective condition. 3) The implementation of upakara training model exhibited evidences of successful implementation. This can be seen from the achievement of success indicators such as a) planning indicators, b) execution indicators, and c) evaluation indicators. 4) The effectiveness of upakara training model was shown by positive effects to both the participant as well as the organizer of the training. Keywords: Upakara Training, Hinduism Education Values, and Entrepreneurship Behavior

    Numerical Analysis of Axial Capacity and Ductility of RC Thin-Section Columns with Various Hoop’s Configurations

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    This numerical study is done to evaluate the effect of confinement on the axial capacity and ductility of thin section columns using the plastic damage plasticity (CDP) model in Abaqus. Seven specimens of short columns with the size of 100x400x300 mm subjected to uniaxial compression loads were analyzed based on material parameters and modeling technics that were first validated using an experimental specimen. The variation in confinement was made by changes in the configurations of the column hoops giving the variation on the hoops volumetric ratios such as 1,06% (C1), 1,16% (C2), 1,25% (C3),1,34% (C4), 1,69% (C5), 1,25% (C6) and 2,02% (C7). All specimen models have longitudinal rebars of 10D13 (As = 1327 mm2) and hoops Ø5.6 with a yield strength of 437 MPa and 284 MPa, respectively. The compressive concrete strength of 21,5 MPa was considered according to the tested specimen for validation. The validated results show that the finite element analysis can predict well the behaviors of the tested column specimen in terms of stress on concrete, reinforcement, and the crack pattern. The analysis results of the hoops parameters show that increasing the hoops' volumetric ratio can increase the capacity of the concrete core but not the column's ductility. The maximum increase in the column capacity of 87.15% occurs in specimen C4 with the hoops volumetric ratio of 1,34% and the lowest of 58.14% occurs in specimen C3 with the hoops volumetric ratio of 1,25%. The specimen model C7 with the highest hoops volumetric ratio of 2.02% increases the capacity by only 65.27%. The effectiveness of confinement is not only determined by the higher values of the hoops' volumetric ratio but also by the proper configurations of the hoops to obtain effective confining effects on the concrete core

    Education Based on Ethnopedagogy in Maintaining and Conserving the Local Wisdom: A Literature Study

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    Etnopedagogy plays a role in the values-based education of culture for teaching and learning in the context of teaching as a cultural activity and the culture of teaching. The values ​​of local wisdom as a source of innovation in the field of culture-based education of local communities through social contacts that are educational-pedagogical to the communicant, namely cognitive (know about something), affective (formation attitude), and conative (behavior, act to do something). The process of attitude change takes place through three stages: attention, understanding, acceptance, the influence of social contact depending on the professionalism of the educator, leads to the three processes through communicative learning.The transformation of society in the direction of modern society needs to begin with the understanding that society as a social system in which structural, cultural, and social processes are the factors that cause change of society with the basic view that education takes place in society, with community resources, and for society facing an era of globalization filled with challenges, competition, and uncertainty, it takes a teacher who has a new paradigm, strategy, and learning model that contains the content of life skills based on the concept of broad based education, which implements Renewal-Train Strategy and Learner Centred Strategy
