10 research outputs found

    Coefficients of different macro-microscopic mass formulae from the AME2012 atomic mass evaluation

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    The coefficients of different possible macro-microscopic mass formulae previously proposed have been adjusted on 2264 experimental atomic masses extracted from the AME2012 atomic mass evaluation [1] assuming N,Zâ©Ÿ8 and the one standard deviation uncertainty on the mass lower than 150 keV. All the formulae include the volume and surface energies, the Coulomb energy, the diffuseness correction to the sharp radius Coulomb energy, the shell and pairing energies and take into account or not the curvature energy, different forms of the Wigner term, a free charge radius, the experimental equivalent rms charge radius or a fixed short central radius. Masses of 976 more exotic nuclei are extrapolated from the most accurate formula

    Une plateforme pour l'analyse de matériaux par faisceaux d'ions à ARRONAX : Etude de l'effet d'humidité sur les échantillons

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    International audienceQuantification of soil pollution with method based on X-ray detection like X-Ray Fluorescence(XRF) suffers of multiple bias (moisture, surface state) especially when it's used for insituanalysis using portable-XRF. In order to study the effect of moisture on the results of ananalysis performed using X-Ray, we have performed studies using high energy PIXE/PIGE atthe ARRONAX. Samples were made of sand of different type. High energy PIXE/PIGE allowsus to avoid bias from surface state and to focus on moisture effect. It also allows to assessthe chemical composition of the sample. Results show a different behavior for each elementpresent in volcanic sand.</p

    Utilisation combinée des rayons X et gamma émis lors de l'interaction avec la matiÚre d'ions légers aux énergies intermédiaires : des mécanismes primaires de réaction aux applications

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    Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) and Particle Induced Gamma-ray Emission (PIGE) are multi-elemental and non-destructives techniques. They are based on the detection of characteristic X-ray and gamma emission induced by the interaction of accelerated charged particles with matter. Elements with an atomic number Z> 11 can be quantified reaching a limit of detection in the order of ÎŒg/g (ppm). X-rays from light elements are strongly attenuate by matter. Therefore, PIXE shows little sensitivity for lights elements. Those elements are analyzed simultaneously using PIGE. One of the benefits of PIXE/PIGE is its ability to perform analysis with different requirement (elemental concentration mapping, in-depth analysis, valuable objects). Homogeneous and non-homogenous samples can be studied thanks to PIXE/PIGE. High energy PIXE (HEPIXE) has been developed at the ARRONAX cyclotron using particles beams up to 70 MeV. Thus analysis of thick samples is achievable using HEPIXE. Using high energy beams can also reduce the risk of damaging the sample. First of all, the high energy PIXE/PIGE platform develop at ARRONAX is described. Then the results given by high energy PIGE analysis and the experimental procedure for gamma emission cross section measurements are discussed. Finally, the methods developed and the results obtained during the analysis of inhomogeneous samples (multi-layer and granular samples) are presented and discussed.PIXE (Particle Induced X-ray Emission) et PIGE (Particle Induced Gamma-ray Emission) sont des mĂ©thodes d’analyse par faisceau d’ions, multiĂ©lĂ©mentaires et non destructives. Elles sont basĂ©es sur la dĂ©tection des rayons X et gamma caractĂ©ristiques Ă©mis suite Ă  l’interaction de particules chargĂ©es avec la matiĂšre. La mĂ©thode PIXE permet de quantifier les Ă©lĂ©ments de numĂ©ro atomique Z>11 avec une limite de dĂ©tection au niveau du ÎŒg/g (ppm). Les rayons X Ă©mis par les Ă©lĂ©ments lĂ©gers (Z<11) sont fortement attĂ©nuĂ©s par la matiĂšre, limitant la sensibilitĂ© de PIXE pour cette gamme de numĂ©ro atomique. Ces Ă©lĂ©ments peuvent lĂ©gers ĂȘtre analysĂ©s, simultanĂ©ment, par la mĂ©thode PIGE. Un des nombreux avantages de la mĂ©thode PIXE/PIGE est sa capacitĂ© Ă  pouvoir effectuer diffĂ©rentes analyses (cartographie des concentrations, analyse en profondeur, objets prĂ©cieux). Il est possible d’analyser des Ă©chantillons aussi bien homogĂšnes que non homogĂšnes. La mĂ©thode PIXE Ă  haute Ă©nergie a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©e au cyclotron ARRONAX avec des faisceaux de particules pouvant atteindre 70 MeV. La technique PIXE Ă  haute Ă©nergie permet, notamment, l’analyse d’échantillons Ă©pais et limite les risques d’endommagement. PremiĂšrement la plateforme PIXE/PIGE Ă  haute Ă©nergie est dĂ©crite. Ensuite une Ă©tude de la mĂ©thode PIGE Ă  haute Ă©nergie ainsi que la mise en place d’un protocole de mesure de sections efficaces sont prĂ©sentĂ©es. Pour finir les mĂ©thodes mises en place ainsi que les rĂ©sultats obtenus lors de l’analyse de plusieurs types d’échantillons non homogĂšnes (multicouches et granulaires) sont prĂ©sentĂ©s et discutĂ©s

    Combined used of X and gamma ray emission induced by the interaction of light charged ions with matter at medium energy : from primary reactions mechanisms to applications

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    PIXE (Particle Induced X-ray Emission) et PIGE (Particle Induced Gamma-ray Emission) sont des mĂ©thodes d’analyse par faisceau d’ions, multiĂ©lĂ©mentaires et non destructives. Elles sont basĂ©es sur la dĂ©tection des rayons X et gamma caractĂ©ristiques Ă©mis suite Ă  l’interaction de particules chargĂ©es avec la matiĂšre. La mĂ©thode PIXE permet de quantifier les Ă©lĂ©ments de numĂ©ro atomique Z>11 avec une limite de dĂ©tection au niveau du ÎŒg/g (ppm). Les rayons X Ă©mis par les Ă©lĂ©ments lĂ©gers (Z 11 can be quantified reaching a limit of detection in the order of ÎŒg/g (ppm). X-rays from light elements are strongly attenuate by matter. Therefore, PIXE shows little sensitivity for lights elements. Those elements are analyzed simultaneously using PIGE. One of the benefits of PIXE/PIGE is its ability to perform analysis with different requirement (elemental concentration mapping, in-depth analysis, valuable objects). Homogeneous and non-homogenous samples can be studied thanks to PIXE/PIGE. High energy PIXE (HEPIXE) has been developed at the ARRONAX cyclotron using particles beams up to 70 MeV. Thus analysis of thick samples is achievable using HEPIXE. Using high energy beams can also reduce the risk of damaging the sample. First of all, the high energy PIXE/PIGE platform develop at ARRONAX is described. Then the results given by high energy PIGE analysis and the experimental procedure for gamma emission cross section measurements are discussed. Finally, the methods developed and the results obtained during the analysis of inhomogeneous samples (multi-layer and granular samples) are presented and discussed

    Thick multi-layers analysis using high energy PIXE

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    International audienceA method for multi-layer analysis using high energy PIXE is described. It is based on the variation of the Ka Kb ratio as a function of the detection angle. Experiments have been carried out at the ARRONAX cyclotron using 70 MeV protons in order to validate this method. The thicknesses and the sequences of simple multi-layers targets and more complex targets with hidden layers have been determined using this method