3,149 research outputs found

    Developing Students’ Entrepreneurial Spirit Through The Subject Ilmu Hitung Keuangan

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    This article was written to share the experience of teaching 'trading or doing business' in the subject of Ilmu Hitung Keuangan in 2010. Also sharing about appeared ‘kantin kejujuran’ or the honesty canteen in Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty of Yogyakarta State University in early 2011. Based on the syllabus, there is topic about trading that makes lecturer are motivated to participate in developing the entrepreneurial spirit of students. The way taken by the lecturer was giving big trust to the students to manage funds for trade. Before trading begins, students should discuss about what are the things that can be bought cheaply and then sold with ease so that will give them the advantage. The result is that all groups got benefit. 4 groups formed are the group of donuts, accessories, snacks, and stickers. Then groups of food division that are donuts group and snack’s one were part of the pioneers of honesty canteen. This method is in line with expectations lecturers to participate and develop entrepreneurship on campus. Keywords : Bussiness, entrepreneurship, trust

    Studying the Dynamic Characteristics to Lengthen the Operating Life for a Diesel Engine Using Frequency Response Function (Frf) Measurement

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    This research was conducted on Diesel engine single cylinder which aims to study the dynamic characteristics of Diesel engine type HATZ 1D 80 made in Germany. The test was performed by measuring the Frequency Response Function (FRF). In this study, the vibration response was measured at three points: point A which was situated below the engine shaft and in line with the stinger. Point A indicated the FRF point. Point B was located in the valve train component, while point C was situated above the cap of the valve train component. The range of frequencies applied was 0 - 3200 Hz, 3200 - 6400 Hz, 6400 - 9600 Hz, and 9600 - 11200 Hz. This research indicates that the natural frequencies arose because of the global vibration mode. The global vibration mode occurred at natural frequencies of 3118, 4805, 4821, 5021, 7129, 8601, and 11107 Hz. While other natural frequencies were associated with the local vibration mode because it appears only at one point of measurement


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    Perancangan sistem penampil efisiensi kinerja mesin telah terealisasi melalui komunikasi serial RS-485 menggunakan Borland Delphi 7.0. Dalam dunia industri sistem ini dapat diaplikasikan untuk memberikan informasi kondisi mesin dan meningkatkan kinerja operator mesin saat proses produksi berlangsung. Sistem ini memantau kondisi pada mesin-mesin industri saat bekerja maupun dalam keadaan mati atau berhenti bekerja. Perangkat keras alat ini terdiri dari sebuah komputer, IC RS-485, IC ULN2003, Mikrokontroler MCS-51, dan seven segment. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan dibangun dengan menggunakan pemrograman Borland Delphi 7.0. Sistem kerja alat tersebut dimulai dengan menerima data hasil kalkulasi efisiensi mesin dalam bentuk text kemudian data tersebut ditampilkan di memo1 pada komputer yang menggunakan program Borland Delphi 7.0. Data dikirim secara otomatis ke mikrokontroler untuk mengkonversi bilangan biner ke desimal yang kemudian ditampilkan pada seven segment setelah dikuatkan arusnya oleh IC ULN2003. Pembuatan tugas akhir ini menghasilkan alat yang dapat menampilkan nilai efisiensi mesin secara otomatis yang terdiri dari tiga digit angka yang menggunakan dua kabel yaitu D- dan D+, yang pengiriman datanya melalui komunikasi serial RS-485 dengan menggunakan pemrograman borland delphi 7.0. Sistem ini setelah dilakukan pengujian dapat bekerja menampilkan efisiensi mesin dengan baik. Kata kunci: Penampil, RS-485, Delph

    Legal Certainty for Consumers of Tapak House Based on Purchase Binding Agreements with Pre Project-Selling System

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    The Purchase Binding Agreement (PBA) was born as a result of the existence of several requirements stipulated by law in the sale of houses Tapak, have not yet been fulfilled which ultimately inhibits the completion of the sale transaction. To still be able to buying and selling houses Tapak then the parties agreed to buy and sell will be done after the certificate is taken care of or after the price is paid in full and to keep the agreement, it is still implemented well while the requirements requested can still be taken care of then the parties poured the initial agreement in the PBA. However, not yet sale and purchase of houses Tapak through the Deed of Sale in front of Land Deed Making Official required by law can be detrimental the consumer, if the consumer has paid the sale price, ownership the right to housing has not yet been transferred from the agents of development because it has not been fulfilled-conditions requested by law. This research purpose was to explain the legal certainty for consumers in buying and selling houses Tapak based on the Purchase Binding Agreement with the pre project selling system after it occurs real surrender by development actors. Sale and purchase of houses Tapak based on the Purchase Binding Agreement with the pre system project selling is a solution when the provisions in the Civil Code differ from the provisions contained in the Basic Regulations Agrarian Principles, but this can cause uncertainty the law for consumers when the home buyer consumers have paid the price in full the house but the development agent did not submit proof of ownership rights to consumers of Tapak house buyers. Tapak house buyers have a Letter of Engagement Agreement for Sale and Purchase so that when the site is submitted to consumers are buyers of Tapak houses by development actors, so the position of consumers is not clear. Consumers who buy houses Tapak are not the recipients of power of attorney development not as a landlord tenant. This is what gives rise legal uncertainty


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    This research is purposed to recognize asurance are grade of Tegal people and to recognize correlation care grade. The method which is applied in this research is survai method. Collecting data is done by quesionair andinterview. To test people care in having asurance in Tegal is used index rate. While to test correlation among education and people income with asurance care grade is used chi square (l2) test. From the analysis is quoted the result that people care in asurance in Tegal is in low grade and there is significant correation in valueing for asurance based on education grade of Tegal people and also incomegrade of Tegal people. Key word : recognize asurance


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    There are three kinds of inheritance law in Indonesia, namely Islamic inheritance, Customary inheritance and BW inheritance. The scope of this writing is limited to customary inheritance law. The parts of customary law have a big influence on customary inheritance law and vice versa. Customary inheritance law has its own characteristics and characteristics that are unique to Indonesia, which is different from Islamic law and western law (BW). Because the difference lies in the natural background of the Indonesian people who have the philosophy of Pancasila with a society that is Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. The inheritance law that exists and applies in Indonesia to date is still not in the form of legal unification. The purpose of this study is to analyze the inheritance system according to the customary inheritance law related to the kinship system in Indonesia.The type of research used in this research is normative juridical research, namely research on legal systematic is research conducted on primary and secondary legal materials, the terms of reference used are the basic definitions contained in the legal system. The approach used is a conceptual approach, a statute approach and a case approach. Types of Legal Materials are primary legal materials and secondary legal materialsThe results of this study indicate that the inheritance system according to the Adat Inheritance Law does not refer to the kinship system of the customary law community. Customary law communities whose system of collective inheritance can occur are parental kinship systems. Heritage assets related to inheritance must be distinguished from the origin of the assets, because they are related to the kinship system that exists in the local customary law community, whether parental, patrilineal or matrilineal, because not all inheritance can be divided individually


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) Peran perempuan dalam pariwisata di Desa Wisata Wukirsari, 2) Alokasi waktu kerja perempuan pada kegiatan pariwisata di Desa Wisata Wukirsari, 3) Pendapatan perempuan pada kegiatan pariwisata di Desa Wisata Wukirsari. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Pendekatan yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan keruangan dengan tema analisis struktur keruangan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 91 perempuan. Tempat penelitian di Desa Wukirsari, Kecamatan Imogiri, Kabupaten Bantul. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan tabel frekuensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1) Peran perempuan terdapat pada tiga kegiatan wisata yaitu wisata religi, wisata batik dan wisata wayang, 2) Alokasi waktu kerja perempuan memiliki rata-rata yaitu dari peran perempuan sebagai instruktur/guide dengan angka 7 jam per bulan, 3) Pendapatan perempuan dari kegiatan pariwisata memiliki rata-rata yaitu Rp. 683.392,00 per bulan. Kata kunci: alokasi waktu kerja, pariwisata, pendapatan perempuan

    Analisis Tingkat Efisiensi Penggunaan Modal Kerja dan Prediksi Efisiensi Lanjutan Penggunaan Modal Kerja

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat efisiensi penggunaan modal kerja dan untuk mengetahui prediksi efisiensi lanjutan penggunaan modal pada tahun 2010-2011.Penelitian ini menggunakan data skunder yang terdiri dari laporan keuangan tahun 2007 sampai dengan tahun 2009 yang terdiri dari Neraca dan Laporan Perhitungan Laba Rugi pada persahaan CV. Mitra Jaya Kabupaten Tegal. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ada dua analisis yaitu: (1) analisis efisiensi penggunaan modal kerja terdiri dari perhitungan rasio likuiditas dengan menghitung rasio lancar dan rasio cepat, rasio aktivitas dan rasio rentabilitas.(2) analisis metode Least Square's yaitu untuk memprediksi tingkat efisiensi penggunaan modal. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa hasil perhitungan rasio lancar selama tahun 2007 – 2009 selalu mengalami peningkatan dimana perhitungan rasio lancarnya diatas 200 % yang termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Rasio cepat (quick ratio) adalah kemampuan untuk membayar utang yang harus segera dipenuhi dengan aktiva lancar yang lebih. Pada rasio cepat menunjukkan posisi likuiditas Perusahaan baik karena mendekati 100%. Dari hasil perhitungan perputaran modal kerja selama tahun 2007 – 2009 selalu mengalami penurunan. Rasio laba bersih sebelum pajak dengan total aktiva (Rate of ROA) selama tahun 2007 – 2009 selalu mengalami penurunan dimana rasio rentabilitas tahun 2007 sebesar 10,29 tahun 2008 sebesar 8,42 dan tahun 2009 sebesar 8,23. Berdasarkan perhitungan prediksi dengan metode least square dapat diketahui bahwa untuk tahun 2010, diprediksikan rasio lancar sebesar 599 %, rasio cepat 162 %, perputaran modal kerja 3,51 kali, rate of ROA 6,40 %, dan rentabilitas 7,20 %. Sedangkan prediksi untuk tahun 2011 adalah rasio lancar sebesar 895 %, rasio cepat 245 %, perputaran modal kerja 2,98 kali, rate of ROA 5,99 %, dan rentabilitas 6,50 % yang menunjukan keadaan modal kerja cukup efisien
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