955 research outputs found

    La identitat de la dona a l'Edat de Bronze

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    La igualtat i la desigualtat social sempre han estat temes de debat a les ciències socials i a les humanitats, entre elles l'arqueologia. En aquest treball s'analitzen els temes de la igualtat i la identitat de les dones de la Cultura Argàrica, que va habitar el sudest de la Península Ibèrica durant el 2n mil·lenni a.C.La igualdad y la desigualdad social siempre han sido temas de debate en las ciencias sociales y las humanidades, entre ellas la arqueología. En este trabajo se analiza los temas de la igualdad y la identidad de las mujeres de la Cultura Argárica, que habitó el sudeste de la Península Ibérica durante el 2o milenio A.C.Discussions on social equality and inequality have occupied a central position in the social sciences and the humanities, and archaeology is a good example of it. In this work, the author analyzes the topics of equality and identity of the women of the Argaric Culture,which inhabited the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula during the second millenium B.C

    La casa-obrador de Jaume Pere, platero de Tarragona

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    Els reliquiaris gòtics de la seu de Tarragona

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    The print and bookshop of Mayol’s Widow & Sons and their Theatre Masterpieces

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    En la Barcelona de mediados del siglo XIX, la viuda de Joaquín Mayol, con la ayuda de sus hijos, sostuvo la imprenta y la librería legadas por su marido tras su muerte. Consolidado su prestigio como encuadernadores, impresores y libreros, los Mayol, que se especializaron en el sistema de venta por entregas y suscripción, editaron varias colecciones de obras en la década de los cuarenta; entre las que destaca, por el número de textos publicados y el período de tiempo abarcado (1847-1853), una importante colección de piezas teatrales a la que denominaron «Joyas del Teatro», que se convertiría en una de las series dramáticas más originales y representativas de la España romántica.In the mid-nineteenth century, in Barcelona, the widow of Joaquín Mayol, with the help of her children, took forward the print and bookshop bequeathed by her husband after his death. Consolidated its prestige as bookbinders, printers and bookshellers, the Mayol, who specialized in the system of sale by delivery and subscription, edited several collections of works in the decade of the forties; among witch stands out, for the number of published texts and the period of time covered (1847-1853), an important collection of theater pieces witch they called «Joyas del Teatro», wich would become one of the most original and representative dramatic series of Romantic Spain

    El retablo de plata de la Seo de Gerona

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    B‐splines as a tool to solve constraints in a non‐hydrostatic forecast model

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    Título del pre-print: B-splines as a tool to solve constraints in non-hydrostatic forecast modelFinite elements has been proven to be an useful tool to discretize the vertical coordinate in the hydrostatic forecast models allowing to define model variables in full levels so that no staggering is needed. In the non-hydrostatic case a constraint in the vertical operators appears (called C1) that does not allow to reduce the set of semi-implicit linear equations to a single equation in one variable as in the analytic case. Recently vertical finite elements based in B-splines have been used with an iterative method to relax the C1 constraint. In this paper we want to develop properly some representations of vertical operators in terms of B-splines in order to keep the C1-constraint. An invertibility relation between integral and derivative operators between vertical velocity and vertical divergence is also presented. The final scope of this paper is to provide a theoretical framework of development of finite element vertical operators to be implemented in the nh-Harmonie model

    "Papillonotus tricarinatus" sp. nov. from India (Acarina: Oribatida: Oppiidae)

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    Es descriu una nova espècie d'oribàtid, Papillonotus tricarinatus sp. nov., de sòls de Tripura, Índia. Aquest gènere es citat per primera vegada per a l'Índia

    Finite Element Operators in the Vertical

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    Presentación elaborada para el 25th ALADIN Workshop & HIRLAM All Staff Meeting. Helsingør, Denmark. 16 April 201