1,631 research outputs found

    A multivariate dispersion ordering based on quantiles more widely separated

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    AbstractA multivariate dispersion ordering based on quantiles more widely separated is defined. This new multivariate dispersion ordering is a generalization of the classic univariate version. If we vary the ordering of the components in the multivariate random variable then the comparison could not be possible. We provide a characterization using a multivariate expansion function. The relationship among various multivariate orderings is also considered. Finally, several examples illustrate the method of this paper

    Eficacia del rimadyl® en el control del dolor y la recuperación postquirúrgica después de una cirugía por dislocación abomasal

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    Se han estudiado los efectos de la aplicación de Rimadyl® (carprofeno 50 mg/ml) sobre la concentración de cortisol, temperatura rectal, frecuencia respiratoria, frecuencia cardiaca y motilidad ruminal, con el objetivo evaluar su eficacia en el control del dolor y la recuperación postquirúrgica, al aplicarlo antes de la cirugía por dislocación abomasal. Se seleccionaron 24 vacas de características similares que iban a someterse a cirugía por dislocación abomasal y se asignaron al azar a uno de los dos tratamientos experimentales: Rimadyl® o suero salino fisiológico. La aplicación de Rimadyl® disminuye (P=0,006) la concentración plasmática de cortisol (11,3 ng/mL vs 22,13 ng/mL). Con el tiempo se reducen (P=0,024) los niveles de cortisol plasmático. Esta reducción es más acusada (P=0,0003) con Rimadyl® a las 6 horas de su aplicación. La producción de leche postcirugía fue mayor en los animales que recibieron Rimadyl® en comparación con los que se les aplicó suero salino fisiológic

    Thermal comfort levels in a conditioned environment with displacement ventilation and radiant cooling floor calculated using computational fluid dynamics

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    In a society in continuous development, the requirements for thermal comfort and indoor air quality are increasing. However, these should be achieved by rational energy consumption. With this in mind, the combined use of displacement ventilation (DV) and radiant cooling floor (RCF) is an innovative concept that has become popular as a cooling system in high-rise public enclosures. To provide a high thermal comfort, the effects of buoyancy, supplied air temperature, air discharge angle and surface floor temperature should be treated with special care. Therefore, this paper presents a sensitivity analysis considering these critical parameters in different numerical simulations. The results of the simulations are used to calculate the thermal comfort index, according to ISO 7730 standard, in high ceiling enclosures using a DV + RCF system. The general thermal sensation has been predicted using the PMV (Predicted Mean Vote) and PPD (Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied) indices. The local thermal discomfort has been evaluated by radiant temperature asymmetry, draught, vertical air temperature differences and floor surface temperatures. According to these indices, the classification of Category A is reached using DV + RCF system, exception of the radiant temperature asymmetry index. That fact will be discussed in detail, analyzed the suitability of the calculation indicates in ISO 7730 for systems involved in radiating surfaces.Papers presented to the 12th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Costa de Sol, Spain on 11-13 July 2016

    Understanding the pain experience in hip and knee osteoarthritis – an OARSI/OMERACT initiative

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    SummaryObjectiveTo examine the pain experience of people with hip or knee osteoarthritis (OA), particularly changes over time and most distressing features.MethodFocus groups in individuals aged 40+ years with painful hip or knee OA obtained detailed descriptions of OA pain from early to late disease. A modified Patient Generated Index (PGI) was used to assess the features of OA pain that participants found most distressing. Content analysis was performed to examine response patterns; descriptive statistics were used to summarize PGI responses.ResultsMean age of the 143 participants (52 hip OA; 91 knee OA) was 69.5 years (47–92 years); 60.8% were female and 93.7% Caucasian. Participants described two distinct types of pain – a dull, aching pain, which became more constant over time, punctuated increasingly with short episodes of a more intense, often unpredictable, emotionally draining pain. The latter, but not the former, resulted in significant avoidance of social and recreational activities. From PGI responses, distressing pain features were: the pain itself (particularly intense and unpredictable pain) and the pain's impact on mobility, mood and sleep.ConclusionsTwo distinct pain types were identified. Intermittent intense pain, particularly when unpredictable, had the greatest impact on quality of life

    Comparative evaluation of three semi-quantitative radiographic grading techniques for knee osteoarthritis in terms of validity and reproducibility in 1759 X-rays: report of the OARSI–OMERACT task force

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this work was to compare the measurement properties of three categorical X-ray scoring methods of knee osteoarthritis (OA), both on semiflexed and extended views. METHODS: In data obtained from trials and cohorts, X-rays were graded using Kellgren and Lawrence (KL), the OA Research Society International (OARSI) joint space narrowing score, and measurement of joint space width (JSW). JSW was analyzed as a categorical variable. Construct validity was assessed through logistic regression between X-ray stages and Western Ontario and McMaster Universities OA Index. Inter-observer reliability was assessed in 50 subjects for extended views by weighted kappa. Intra-observer reliability and sensitivity to change were assessed separately for extended and semiflexed views in 50 patients who had both views performed, over a 30-month interval, by weighted kappa and standardized response mean (SRM). RESULTS: Extended views were available from three trials and two cohorts (1759 X-rays), including one trial in which both extended and semiflexed views (antero-posterior) were obtained. Correlation with clinical parameters was low for the three scoring methods, except for the single community-based cohort. Inter-rater reliability was higher for categorical JSW in extended views (kappa, 0.86 vs 0.56 and 0.48 for KL and OARSI, respectively). Intra-rater reliability was higher for categorical JSW, both in extended views (0.83 vs 0.61 and 0.71) and in semiflexed views (0.89 vs 0.50 and 0.67). Sensitivity to change was also higher for categorical JSW, particularly in semiflexed views (SRM, 0.49 vs 0.22 and 0.34). CONCLUSION: These results indicate categorical JSW, in particular on semiflexed views, may be the preferred method to evaluate structural severity in knee OA clinical trials

    Variations in water use by a mature mangrove of Avicennia germinans, French Guiana

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    In the tropical intertidal zones, little is known on water uptake by mangroves. Transpiration rates are generally measured at leaf level, but few studies exist on water use at tree or stand levels. The objective of this study was to measure sap flow in trees of different sizes to appreciate the range of variation in water use that may exist in a site dominated by 80% mature Avicennia germinans. The results showed that from the dry to the wet season the mean water use increased from 3.2 to 5.3 dm3 d−1 in small trees (DBH ∼ 13 cm), from 11.5 to 30.8 dm3 d−1 in medium trees (∼24 cm) and from 40.8 to 64.1 dm3 d−1 in large ones (∼45 cm). Sapwood remained active up to a depth of 8 cm with radial variations within the stem. Weak correlations were obtained with VPD and net radiation. This study confirmed that transpiration was larger under low levels of salinity. Water use at stand level (∼1900 living stems ha−1) was estimated to be in the range of 5.8 to 11.8 m3 ha−1 d−1 according to the season

    Análisis de diagnóstico de situación de prioridades de desarrollo y dinámicas del sistema agroalimentario de las zonas altoandinas en contexto de una agricultura con bajas emisiones

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    El estudio se centra en el análisis diagnóstico de la situación de las prioridades de desarrollo y las dinámicas del sistema agroalimentario de las zonas altoandinas en el contexto de una agricultura con bajas emisiones. La agricultura es el principal impulsor de la deforestación tropical y contribuye significativamente a las emisiones antropogénicas totales de gases de efecto invernadero. En la región andina, la actividad agrícola en condiciones de secano, que es la que practican la mayoría de pequeños productores, es una de las más sensibles a los cambios climáticos. El estudio tiene como objetivo realizar un mapeo de actores e identificar las prioridades de desarrollo sostenible a nivel local en distritos agrícolas de los Andes peruanos. También busca identificar las necesidades y desafíos que representa el cambio climático para los productores agrícolas en dichas zonas y analizar las dinámicas del sistema agroalimentario para identificar puntos de intervención para mejorar la competitividad con bajas emisiones. El estudio se centra en los Andes del Norte y los Andes Centrales del Perú. En los Andes del Norte, se examinan los distritos de Chugay y Pataz, que forman parte de la provincia de Sánchez Carrión en el departamento de La Libertad. En los Andes Centrales, se analizan los distritos de Quilcas y Yauli. El estudio utiliza una combinación de grupos focales y encuestas a productores para recopilar datos. También se realiza un análisis de actores de sistemas agroalimentarios locales y se priorizan los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible a nivel local. El estudio proporciona una caracterización de los productores encuestados en los Andes del Norte y del Centro, así como un análisis de los actores en los distritos de estudio. También se realiza una descripción de los sistemas agroalimentarios y un análisis de las dinámicas de estos sistemas. Discusiones y conclusiones: El estudio concluye que es importante entender las opciones de desarrollo con bajas emisiones para el desarrollo sostenible del país, desde el punto de vista de actores a diferentes escalas. Se sugiere que las iniciativas para combinar instrumentos de política pueden contribuir a la conservación de los pastizales y bofedales en la zona Andina y reducir las emisiones no solo en la zona altoandina sino evitar la migración a bosques amazónicos donde las emisiones son más altas

    Documento de consenso: importancia nutricional y metabólica de la leche

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    La leche de vaca es un alimento básico en la alimentación humana en todas las etapas de la vida. Su procesamiento industrial ha permitido el acceso generalizado a su consumo por parte de la población, lo que ha contribuido a mejorar notablemente su nivel de salud. Desde el punto de vista de su composición, la leche es un alimento completo y equilibrado, que proporciona un elevado contenido de nutrientes en relación con su contenido calórico, por lo que su consumo debe considerarse necesario desde la infancia a la tercera edad. Los beneficios de la leche de vaca no se limitan exclusivamente a su valor nutricional, sino que se extienden más allá y constituyen un factor de prevención en determinadas patologías afluentes como son la enfermedad cardiovascular, algunos tipos de cáncer, la hipertensión arterial o en patología ósea o dental. Puede contribuir también en la lucha frente al sobrepeso y la obesidad infantil. En los últimos años hemos asistido a un descenso preocupante en el consumo de leche entre la población española, condicionado al menos en parte por ideas equivocadas sobre su consumo y el de otros derivados lácteos. Este documento de consenso pretende revisar el estado actual de la cuestión en relación con los efectos del consumo de leche sobre la salud, al tiempo que hace una llamada a las instituciones y a las sociedades científicas para elaborar programas y campañas divulgativas sobre los beneficios del consumo de leche y derivados lácteos.Cow’s milk is a staple food for human consumption at all stages of life. Industrial processing has allowed widespread access to its consumption by the population, which has helped to significantly improve their health. From its composition point of view, milk is a complete and balanced food that provides high nutrient content in relation to its calorie content, so its consumption should be considered necessary from childhood to elderly. The benefits of cow’s milk are not limited to its nutritional value, but extend beyond and are a factor of prevention in certain non communicable pathologies as cardiovascular disease, some cancers, high blood pressure or bone or dental pathology. It can also help in the fight against childhood overweight and obesity. In recent years we have seen a worrying decline in milk consumption among the Spanish population, at least in part influenced by misconceptions about its consumption and of other dairy products. This consensus document aims to review the current state of the topic regarding the effects of milk consumption on health, while making a call to the institutions and scientific societies to develop programs and information campaigns about the benefits of milk and dairy products consumption

    Efeito de fertilizantes nitrogenados na produtividade de melão

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    Em Petrolina, PE, foi realizado um estudo com a cultura do melão (Cucumis melo L.), Valenciano Amarelo, num Latossolo, para avaliar o efeito de fontes de fertilizantes nitrogenados e de suas combinações. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados com arranjo em faixa, com quatro repetições e nove tratamentos englobando a testemunha e os fertilizantes nitrogenados na dose de 80 kg/ha de N, aplicados no solo e, ou, via água de irrigação, por um período de 42 dias após a germinação. Esses tratamentos foram: Uréia e Sulfato de Amônio isolados; Uréia (15 dias) + Nitrato de Potássio (16-42 dias); Uréia (15 dias) + Sulfato de Amônio (16-42 dias); Uréia (30 dias) + Nitrato de Potássio (31-42 dias); Uréia (15 dias) + Sulfato de Amônio (16-30 dias) + Nitrato de Potássio (31-42 dias). A uréia aplicada via fertirrigação até 42 dias proporcionou maior rendimento (31,14 t/ha), embora não estatisticamente diferente dos demais tratamentos. A testemunha e o sulfato de amônio mostraram-se menos produtivos, com rendimentos de 25,06 e 24,65 t/ha, respectivamente. O peso médio do fruto variou de 1,63 a 1,84 kg/fruto, e o teor de sólidos solúveis totais, de 12,1 a 13,1 ºBrix; não se verificaram diferenças estatísticas