11,966 research outputs found

    FILOU oscillation code

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    The present paper provides a description of the oscillation code FILOU, its main features, type of applications it can be used for, and some representative solutions. The code is actively involved in CoRoT/ESTA exercises (this volume) for the preparation for the proper interpretation of space data from the CoRoT mission. Although CoRoT/ESTA exercises have been limited to the oscillations computations for non-rotating models, the main characteristic of FILOU is, however, the computation of radial and non-radial oscillation frequencies in presence of rotation. In particular, FILOU calculates (in a perturbative approach) adiabatic oscillation frequencies corrected for the effects of rotation (up to the second order in the rotation rate) including near degeneracy effects. Furthermore, FILOU works with either a uniform rotation or a radial differential rotation profile (shellular rotation), feature which makes the code singular in the field.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Astrophysics and Space Science (in press

    The role of rotation on Petersen Diagrams. II The influence of near-degeneracy

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    In the present work, the effect of near-degeneracy on rotational Petersen diagrams (RPD) is analysed. Seismic models are computed considering rotation effects on both equilibrium models and adiabatic oscillation frequencies (including second-order near-degeneracy effects). Contamination of coupled modes and coupling strength on the first radial modes are studied in detail. Analysis of relative intrinsic amplitudes of near-degenerate modes reveals that the identity of the fundamental radial mode and its coupled quadrupole pair are almost unaltered once near-degeneracy effects are considered. However, for the first overtone, a mixed radial/quadrupole identity is always predicted. The effect of near-degeneracy on the oscillation frequencies becomes critical for rotational velocities larger than 15-20 km/s, for which large wriggles in the evolution of the period ratios are obtained (up 10210^{-2}). Such wriggles imply uncertainties, in terms of metallicity determinations using RPD, reaching up to 0.50 dex, which can be critical for Pop. I HADS (High Amplitude \dss). In terms of mass determinations, uncertainties reaching up to 0.5 M_sun are predicted. The location of such wriggles is found to be independent of metallicity and rotational velocity, and governed mainly by the avoided-crossing phenomenon.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 1 table. (accepted for publication in A&A

    Análisis del acta de defunción del P. Rafael Landívar

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    El presente trabajo analiza el acta de defunción del P. Rafael Landívar sobre la base de los argumenta a persona. Del análisis se deduce que el acta es una funebris laudatio, en la que el autor ha utilizado los argumenta a persona no sólo para elogiar al poeta por medio de loci fundamentales, sino también para plasmar un epítome biográfico con la impronta de la retórica clásica.The present work analyzes Father Rafael Landívar's death certificate based on the argumenta a persona. It is deduced from the analysis that the death certificate is a funebris laudatio, where the author has used the argumenta a persona not only to price the poet by means of essential loci, but also to frame a biographic epitome that shows the cast of the classic rethoric

    La historia natural en el Annus Patiens del P. Peramás : el caso de la descriptio animalium

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    El saber al que se han dedicado los jesuítas con más asiduidad ha sido la historia natural. Pero no siempre las noticias relacionadas con la naturaleza aparecen como tema de una única obra. A menudo, suelen estar incorporadas en relatos de viajes, cartas o diarios. En el Annus Patiens Peramás desplaza en varias ocasiones la narratio del viaje hacia el exilio para describir la pampa (ff. 28-30), las actividades jesuíticas en la Provincia del Paraguay (ff. 49-53), las misiones guaraníes (ff. 53-87), entre otras particularidades. En esta ocasión, nos detendremos en el abordaje retórico de la descripción de los animales de la pampa. Del análisis se deduce que la descriptio animalium es, desde el punto de vista retórico, una laus animalium, por medio de la cual, el jesuíta traduce el asombro frente a la novedad, da cuenta, sin clasificaciones científicas, de su relación con la naturaleza sudamericana y suma su aporte al debate epistemológico europeo sobre el continente joven.Fil: Suárez, Marcela A.. Universidad de Buenos Aire

    Objects, Speed, and the Film within the Film: Vachel Lindsay and Classical Cinema as an Alternative Public Sphere

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    This essay reads Vachel Lindsay’s film theory as symptomatic of an oscillation, still present in the period of early classical cinema, between the ordering effect of the classical codes and the centrifugal potential of the film image. Lindsay located this potential in the dispersive effect of filmed objects and spaces. According to Lindsay, these could derail the unity of the narrative and might be actualized by audiences as alternative public spheres, that is, as sites for the articulation of dissident fantasies and desires. Hence, even though Lindsay was primarily invested in disciplining the film text and its viewers, and enlisting the cinema for the promotion of national and cultural unity, he lucidly outlined the structure of a dissident form of spectatorship that has recurred in both experimental cinema and subcultural forms of textual practice.This essay reads Vachel Lindsay’s film theory as symptomatic of an oscillation, still present in the period of early classical cinema, between the ordering effect of the classical codes and the centrifugal potential of the film image. Lindsay located this potential in the dispersive effect of filmed objects and spaces. According to Lindsay, these could derail the unity of the narrative and might be actualized by audiences as alternative public spheres, that is, as sites for the articulation of dissident fantasies and desires. Hence, even though Lindsay was primarily invested in disciplining the film text and its viewers, and enlisting the cinema for the promotion of national and cultural unity, he lucidly outlined the structure of a dissident form of spectatorship that has recurred in both experimental cinema and subcultural forms of textual practice