108 research outputs found

    Motivations and decisive factors in women's entrepreneurship: a gender perspective in education and professional guidance

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    Ponencia de 7th International Conference on Intercultural Education “Education, Health and ICT for a Transcultural World”, EDUHEM 2016, AlmeriaPartial results of the Project R&D, Career Design and entrepreneurial talent management, of national dimension, funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness in the call for Excellence 2013 State Plan 2013 - 2016 with reference: EDU2013 - 45704 - P. Specifically we focus on (subject) describe and analyze the situation of Andalusian women confronting the entrepreneurship, their motivations and the factors that influence these processes and, all including a gender perspective. The objectives refer to: 1) Describing the situation of Andalusian women in entrepreneurship ; 2) Understanding and explain the motivations and decisions that drive them to take; 3) Identifying and describing the ( positive and negative) conditions that perceive women against undertaking; 4) Understanding from a gender analysis the positions of women on entrepreneurship related to their life projects. A descriptive and qualitative methodology is combined, collecting info rmation through various techniques such as social indicators, observational documentary sources and procedures, as well as interviews and life stories. Results and Conclusions. The findings so far point to an unequal situation regarding entrepreneurship. Relevant results are also obtained as to the incentives and decisions that drive to undertake, either obligation, because of the limited supply and possibilities of market access to paid employment , or vocation, leading us to question what barriers - internal - external and more or less subtle ones operating in these processes. On this issue we find factors that result in inequalities, such as maternity (number of children) and family and dependency (care) all for the economic and employment model that still prevails responsibilitie

    The importance of oral transmission on the creation of the female subject

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal analizar cómo se construye la identidad femenina a través de la transmisión oral, tomando como protagonista a Concha. De esta forma, asistiremos a la evolución de este personaje en una búsqueda de la identidad personal con la ayuda del propio proceso oral.This work aims to analyse how female identity is built throughout oral transmission, with Concha as main character. In this way, we will observe the evolution of this woman in a search of the personal identity with the help of the own oral process

    Barreras en el desarrollo profesional femenino

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    ABSTRACT In this paper we analyze the barriers perceived by a group of adult women with low qualification, who want to get into the labour market from the occupational vocational training. The results show how personal, academic-formative, professional and contextual aspects, that characterize the life project of women, are associated to gender stereotypes. Women felt these factors like barriers or obstacles to their access to job and to the fullfiment of their professional projects. Being aware of these barriers will help us to improve this training process to remove gender obstacle.RESUMENEn este trabajo se analizan las barreras percibidas por un grupo de mujeres que quieren incorporarse al empleo desde la formación ocupacional. Los resultados encontrados ponen de manifiesto cómo aspectos personales, académico-formativos, profesionales y contextuales se asocian a estereotipos de género los cuales son sentidos por las protagonistas como factores que obstaculizan su formación e inserción laboral. Conocer estas barreras y comprender su proceso de gestación favorecerá su eliminación de la oferta formativa y orientadora, con la que cuentan actualmente las mujeres que quieren capacitarse profesionalmente.ABSTRACTIn this paper we analyze the barriers perceived by a group of adult women with low qualification, who want to get into the labour market from the occupational vocational training. The results show how personal, academic-formative, professional and contextual aspects, that characterize the life project of women, are associated to gender stereotypes. Women felt these factors like barriers or obstacles to their access to job and to the fullfiment of their professional projects. Being aware of these barriers will help us to improve this training process to remove gender obstacle

    Design and validation of a skills assessment instrument for managing entrepreneurial career

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    Este trabajo tiene como finalidad diseñar un instrumento para evaluar las competencias que están presentes en la carrera emprendedora y que permiten gestionar los talentos conducentes al éxito en el mundo empresarial. Incluye dos escalas que evalúan respectivamente las competencias emprendedoras y las competencias generales de gestión de la carrera.Se realiza un estudio de validez de contenido mediante el juicio de 16 expertos, aplicándose a una muestra de empresarios consolidados y emprendedores en transición (n=248). Se estudia su estructura factorial (mediante análisis factoriales exploratorio y confirmatorio) confirmándose la validez del modelo obtenido y comprobando su consistencia interna (α=.868 y .905). El análisis de conglomerados identifica tres perfiles relevantes. Se concluye acerca de la idoneidad y utilidad del instrumento, y se discute sobre la caracterización e implicaciones de los perfiles competenciales hallados con relación a las variables socio demográficas.The purpose of this work is to designan instrument to assess the competencies that exist in the entrepreneurial career, which allow to manage the conducive abilities in order to be successful in the business environment. It includes two scales that evaluate respectively the entrepreneurial competences and the management general skills of the career. A validity study of content has been made with the trial of 16 experts, applying it to a sample of employers and entrepreneurs in transition (n=248). The factorial structure has been analysed(through exploratory and confirmatory factorial analysis), confirming the validity of the model obtained and checking its internal consistency (α=.868 and .905). The cluster analysis identifies three relevant profiles. The study concludes about the appropriateness and usefulness of the instrument and discusses the characterization and implications of the competence profiles found with regard to the socio-demographic variable

    Elecciones educativas y vocacionales de las chicas onubenses que finalizan la E.S.O : comparación de sus expectativas con las de sus docentes y familias

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    Este trabajo pretende conocer las elecciones educativas y vocacionales de un grupo de chicas onubenses que finalizan E.S.O., comparando sus decisiones con las que proponen para ellas sus docentes y familiares. La muestra de estudio estuvo compuesta por un total de 291 chicas, junto con sus profesores/as tutores/as y familia. Los datos fueron recogidos a través de un cuestionario (profesorado) y dos entrevistas semiestructuradas (alumnas y familias). De los resultados se destaca que cursar Bachillerato es la opción que mayoritariamente eligen las alumnas, los/as docentes y las familias, si bien existen algunas diferencias. Así, el porcentaje de alumnas que pretende cursar esta opción es mayor que el de los/as profesores/as que consideran que deberían cursarla, pero menor que el porcentaje de familias que la desean para sus hijas. Se debe destacar también que las respuestas emitidas por las familias muestran una alta valoración del trabajo, entendiendo que éste es incuestionable en el futuro de sus hijas, si bien no se manifiesta un interés especial por que éstas alcancen altos niveles de cualificación y prestigio profesional.This paper aims to identify the educational and career decisions of a sample of girls from Huelva at the end of the compulsory education. It also compares the girls´s decisions with those proposed for them by their teachers and parents. The sample of the study was a group of 291 girls, altogether with their teachers and parents. Data were collected through a questionnaire (for teachers) and two semi-structured interviews (for pupils and for parents). Results show that choosing high school is the most frequent option selected by the three groups. However, whereas the percentage of girls who select this option is higher than the percentage of teachers that think they should choose it. It is lower than the percentage of parents that selected it for their daughters. Another important result is that though parents give a high value to work as an important role in their daughters´s future. they do not show especial interest on the fact they reach high levels of qualification and career prestige

    Training and guidance for entrepreneurship: what bibliometrics and novice entrepreneurs say

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    El actual contexto socioeconómico obliga a realizar una revisión profunda del sentido del trabajo en la población. En momentos de escasez de oportunidades laborales y de redefinición del sentido y el significado del trabajo muchas personas consideran la opción del auto empleo como alternativa al desempleo y la precariedad laboral. Sin embargo, informes oficiales muestran altas tasas de abandono de los proyectos empresariales en sus primeros años. Con la intención de conocer las razones de esta situación, se centra la atención en analizar el papel que juega la orientación profesional en las fases iniciales del emprendimiento para favorecer una reflexión profunda sobre los motivos y las motivaciones que llevan a emprender. Para ello, mediante el análisis bibliométrico se analiza el tratamiento que la comunidad científica ha realizado de la orientación profesional como impulsora del emprendimiento. El método Delphi completa la investigación,que permite una aproximación a la esfera profesional, a través de las opiniones de emprendedores noveles. La triangulación de estas dos metodologías permite generar un espacio de análisis que permite redefinir el modo de actuación de la orientación profesional frente al emprendimiento. Los resultados ponen de relievel a necesidad de avanzar en el diseño de propuestas orientadoras y formativas que motiven al emprendimiento desde una visión integral.The current socioeconomic definition requires a deep revision of the meaning of work in the population. When job opportunities are limited and the meaning of work is redefining itself, many people consider the option of self-employment as an alternative to unemploymentand job insecurity. However, official reports show high rates of abandonment of business projects in their early years. To understand the reasons for this high level of business failure, we focus our attention on analysing the role that professional guidance plays in the initial phases of entrepreneur ship to encourage a deep reflection on the reasons and motivations that lead to under take a business project. We apply bibliometric analysis to analyse the scientific community’s treatment of professional orientation as a promoter of entrepreneurship. We further complete our investigation with the Delphi method, which allows us to approach the real sphere:the opinion of novice entrepreneurs. Using these two methodologies allows generating a space of analysis that permits to redefine the way of acting of the career guidance in front of the entrepreneurship. The results highlight the need to advance the design of guiding and training proposals that motivate entrepreneurship from a holistic point of view

    Impacto educativo de la experimentación en ciencias naturales: estudio de caso en la Institución Educativa Distrital Andrés Bello en Colombia

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    Results of an investigation that studies the impact of experimentation as a strategy that allows strengthening the acquisition of significant learning related to the area of Natural Sciences are presented. The case study is applied, selecting students from cycle II of the Andrés Bello District Educational Institution in Colombia. The sample had a total of 196 students and 9 teachers. To respond to the object of study, the following phases are developed. First, a diagnosis was developed by performing a pretest to the group of students, then 8 laboratory guides were applied that put the experimentation to the test; During these practices, participant observation was applied and at the end a socialization was made. Finally, a post test was carried out to analyze the learning obtained during the practices, proceeding to the triangulation of methods and test subjects. The results regarding the diagnosis show a lack of spaces and tools for experimentation; likewise, the students did not have internalized key concepts for their study cycle. However, they were motivated by the development of the guides, being able to show the understanding of the concepts worked in the laboratory. It is concluded that experimentation as an educational strategy benefits students at this age since, through exploration, it is easier for them to learn basic concepts. That is why it is suggested that the academic curriculum should give greater importance in time and space to the development of experimentation in Natural Sciences.Se presentan resultados de una investigación que estudia el impacto de la experimentación como estrategia que permite fortalecer la adquisición de aprendizajes significativos relacionados con el área de Ciencias Naturales. Se aplica el estudio de casos, seleccionando estudiantes del ciclo II de la Institución Educativa Distrital Andrés Bello en Colombia. La muestra contó con un total de 196 estudiantes y 9 docentes. Para dar respuesta al objeto de estudio, se desarrollan las siguientes fases. Primero, se desarrolló un diagnóstico mediante la realización de un pretest al grupo de estudiantes, luego se aplicaron 8 guías de laboratorio que pusieron a prueba la experimentación; durante estas prácticas se aplicó la observación participante y al finalizar se hizo una socialización. Por último, se realizó un post test para analizar el aprendizaje obtenido durante las prácticas, procediendo a la triangulación de métodos y sujetos. Los resultados en cuanto al diagnóstico evidencian una falta de espacios y herramientas para la experimentación; asimismo, los estudiantes no tenían interiorizados conceptos claves para su ciclo de estudio. Sin embargo, se mostraron motivados con el desarrollo de las guías, pudiéndose evidenciar la comprensión de los conceptos trabajados en el laboratorio. Se concluye que la experimentación como estrategia educativa beneficia a los estudiantes en esta edad ya que, a través de la exploración les resulta más sencillo aprender conceptos básicos. Es por ello que, se sugiere que el currículo académico debe dar una mayor importancia en tiempo y espacios al desarrollo de la experimentación en Ciencias Naturales