142 research outputs found

    Understanding pit sites: storage, surplus and social complexity in Prehistoric Western Europe.

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    This is a pre-print of an article published in Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory. The final authenticated, peer-reviewed version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10816-019-09429-7The importance of pits for archaeological inference can hardly be overstated, given their virtual omnipresence in the archaeological record. In Prehistoric Europe pits occasionally form large concentrations known as ‘pit sites’, where they are the most visible, sometimes the sole, remnants of past human activity. If we follow the generally accepted view of pits as grain storage containers, how can we interpret the social role played by places comprising hundreds or even thousands of pits? This paper is an attempt to shed light on this topic by summarising and critically analysing much of the current knowledge on storage of grain in non-industrial societies. We will start by gathering relevant and up-to-date experimental, ethnographic and historical data about the challenges that the storage of grain poses and how pits may have helped Prehistoric communities to overcome them. This will be followed by a discussion of their advantages and disadvantages relative to other methods: why would anybody use airtight pits instead of, for instance, weather-proofed raised granaries? Next, we will undertake an examination of the social and economic contexts in which storage pits are an effective solution as opposed to those in which their performance is far from optimal. The conclusions drawn will serve as a background against which to evaluate current interpretations concerning three selected case studies in Prehistoric Western Europe.The research leading to these results has received funding from the PEOPLE Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under REA grant agreement nº 2012-326129

    Comunidades autóctonas y expansión fenicia a las puertas del Estrecho de Gibraltar (2.200 A.C.-600 A.C.)

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    La relevancia del descubrimiento de la presencia de asentamientos fenicios en el entorno del Estrecho de Gibraltar, hace ya más de medio siglo, convirtió esta región del Extremo occidental del Mediterráneo en uno de los ámbitos de referencia para el estudio de la colonización fenicia. De este modo, la investigación de la protohistoria del sur de la Península Ibérica se volcó durante décadas en el conocimiento de la cronología y naturaleza de estos asentamientos ubicados en la costa oriental malagueña. Sin embargo, el estudio de las sociedades autóctonas coetáneas al fenómeno colonial no mereció la misma atención para los investigadores, llegando incluso a plantearse que una de las causas de la propia presencia de los fenicios en la región era resultado de la existencia de un vacío poblacional previo. En las últimas décadas este panorama empieza a cambiar. El interés, tanto a nivel teórico como empírico por el conocimiento de las comunidades locales y las relaciones establecidas entre estas y los fenicios está en auge. El estudio que aquí se presenta tiene por objetivo particular el conocimiento de los inicios de la Edad del Hierro (primeros siglos del I milenio a.C.) a las puertas del Estrecho de Gibraltar, y se enmarca dentro de un Proyecto General de Investigación más amplio, entre cuyos objetivos se encuentran las investigaciones en el yacimiento de Los Castillejos de Alcorrín (Manilva, Málaga) y su territorio (Proyecto ARCHEOSTRATIS). El punto de partida ha consistido en la revisión de un número significativo de hallazgos arqueológicos de la región procedentes de actividades arqueológicas de urgencia o de hallazgos casuales realizados en los últimos años. En paralelo, se ha utilizado la información procedente de prospecciones sistemáticas, aún en curso. Como resultado de ello, ha sido posible llevar a cabo una primera propuesta de fasificación temporal de los procesos históricos acontecidos entre la Edad del Bronce y la Edad del Hierro a nivel comarcal, que luego ha sido comparada con las propuestas para marcos territoriales más amplios. Junto con ello, la posibilidad de disponer de un número que para algunos periodos empieza a ser significativo de dataciones radiocarbónicas en el ámbito del Estrecho ha posibilitado ajustar la temporalidad del fenómeno colonial con las transformaciones acontecidas en las comunidades autóctonas..

    Traslados de población entre el Norte de África y el sur de la Península Ibérica en los contextos coloniales fenicio y púnico

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    Les Carthaginois ont déplacé des populations libyens plus au moins punicicés vers le sud d´Espagne dans le cadre de sa présence hégémonique dans le territoire a partir de la seconde moitié du Vléme siècle av. J-C. Ont trouve des precedents dans la colonie phénicienne de Lixus, ou ont peut suirve les traces de population dépendant provenant de la côte de Malaga

    Absolute dates from ditch 1 at Perdigões (Reguengos de Monsaraz, Portugal). Some thoughts about its chronology and temporality

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    En el presente artículo se da a conocer una serie de fechas radiocarbónicas correspondientes, todas ellas, al relleno del foso 1 del yacimiento portugués de perdigóes. La ocasión se aprovecha además para discutir sobre la cronología y la temporalidad de eThis article aims to report the results of a radiocarbon dating programme executed using samples from the filling of ditch 1 at the portuguese site of perdigões. We also discuss the temporality and chronology of the site, where, in collaboration with oth

    El Complexo Arqueológico dos Perdigões (Reguengos de Monsaraz, Portugal). Prospecciones Geofísicas - Campañas 2008-09

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    In 1997, under the coordination of Era-Arqueología, aerial photographs, surface prospections and archaeological excavations were carried out at the Neolithic-Calcolithic site at Perdigões (Reguengos de Monsaraz, Portugal). As a result, a quite accurate idea of the general layout of the site was achieved, allowing archaeologists to continue working there for more than ten years. In 2006, a new collaboration project was started to boost research at Perdigões, with the participation of several international public and private institutions, amongst which is the University of Málaga. The earliest contribution of the Spanish-Portuguese cooperation is the geophysical prospections performed in 2008 and 2009, which show Perdigões as a juxtaposition of several subcircular ditched enclosures, articulated with a funerary area and a cromlec

    Researchs in Sector L1 of the Complexo Arqueológico dos Perdigões (Reguengos de Monsaraz, Portugal): Chronology and Temporality of two Chalcolithic Pit Enclosures (F1 and F2)

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    The University of Malaga –uma– has from 2008 to 2016 carried out a number of archaeological activities at the Complexo Arqueológico dos Perdigões, Reguengos de Monsaraz, in the Portuguese Alentejo. These include geophysical surveys, extension excavations and several trial trenches in Sector l1. The present paper aims at discerning spatio-temporal relationships between two large Prehistoric ditched enclosures –f1 y f2–. Methodologically, we first distinguish between chronology –longue durée doxa Braudel– and temporality –series b of events in time doxa McTaggart/Ingold–, two different but complementary concepts for a correct historical approach to the phenomenon of ditched enclosures. Then, based on an extensive radiometric series, a detailed examination of their fills and stratigraphic relationships between neighbouring structures, we identify a late construction phase of this monumental ditched architecture in the 3rd quarter of the 3rd millennium bc. We reflect on the use of radiocarbon dating and statistical programs in contexts as complex as ditched enclosures and their particular conditions of filling.La Universidad de Málaga –UMA– ha llevado a cabo actividades arqueológicas en el Complexo Arqueológico dos Perdigões, Reguengos de Monsaraz, en el Alentejo portugués desde 2008 a 2016. Se han realizado prospecciones geofísicas, excavaciones en extensión y sondeos en diversas estructuras en el Sector L1. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo discernir las relaciones espacio-temporales entre dos grandes recintos de fosos prehistóricos –F1 y F2–. Metodológicamente, en primer lugar, distinguimos entre cronología –longue durée doxa Braudel– y temporalidad –series B of events in time doxa McTaggart/Ingold–, dos conceptos diferentes pero complementarios para realizar una correcta aproximación histórica al fenómeno de los recintos de fosos. A continuación, basándonos en una extensa serie radiométrica, un examen de sus rellenos y las relaciones entre las estructuras vecinas, identificamos una fase de construcción tardía de esta arquitectura monumental en el tercer cuarto del III milenio a. C. Se reflexiona sobre el empleo de las dataciones radiocarbónicas y los programas estadísticos en contextos tan complejos como los fosos prehistóricos y sus particulares condiciones de colmatación

    The Phoenician diaspora in the westernmost Mediterranean: recent discoveries

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    Antiquity 2021. This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Important discoveries over the past 15 years in the coastal area between Huelva and Málaga in Spain have illuminated the beginnings of the eighth-century BC Phoenician diaspora into the Western Mediterranean. Here, the authors combine Bayesian modelling of recently published radiocarbon dates with the latest archaeological data to investigate the Phoenician presence in southern Iberia. Their assessment of its significance for the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages in the Western Mediterranean contributes not only to understanding the integration of the Phoenicians into local communities, but also to apprehending the mechanisms of colonisation and pre-colonial situations elsewhere in protohistoric Europe and other world contextsFunding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Late monumental architecture (2500-2250 cal BC) at Perdigões site (Portugal): form and chronology based on the study on Ditch 2

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    La investigación de los recintos de fosos de la Prehistoria de la península ibérica ha vivido un gran avance en las últimas dos décadas. Uno de los casos más importantes del sur peninsular es el conocido yacimiento arqueológico de Perdigões (Portugal). Presentamos aquí el estudio del denominado Foso 2, dando a conocer su morfología, la dinámica estratigráfica de su relleno y su cronología, para la que se cuenta con 12 dataciones radiocarbónicas inéditas. Los resultados de estas últimas han puesto de manifiesto que, junto al Foso 1, estos dos grandes recintos configuran una fase monumental tardía del yacimiento, acontecida entre el 2500 - 2250 cal AC. Por último, el estudio cronológico confirma la importancia que tuvo la presencia de un grupo de sepulcros tipo tholos más antiguos para el trazado de dichos fosos.Research on Iberian Prehistoric ditched enclosures has seen a significant progress in the last two decades. One of the best-known sites of Southern Iberia is Perdigões (Portugal). We present the study of the so-called Ditch 2, describing in detail its morphology, the stratigraphic sequence of its filling and its chronology, on the basis of 12 unpublished radiocarbon dates. Results confirm that this feature, together with Ditch 1, represents the last monumental phase of the site, dated in the third quarter of the 3rd millennium. They also confirm the importance that a group of pre-existing tombs had in the layout of the ditches

    Effectiveness of “Escape Room” Educational Technology in Nurses’ Education: A Systematic Review

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    Escape room games are educational gamification technologies that consist of introducing a team of players into a physical or digital space in search of clues to answer puzzles, riddles or enigmas and solve a mystery or problem. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of escape room games on the training of nursing students in an international context. A systematic review was carried out in MEDLINE, WOS, SCOPUS, CINAHL and LILACS databases using the MeSH terms “Education, Nursing” and “Educational Technology”, and the free term “Escape room”, combined with Boolean operators AND/OR. Intervention studies in Spanish, English and Portuguese were included, without limitation for the year of publication. Selection and critical appraisal were conducted by two independent reviewers. A total of n = 13 interventional studies were included (n = 2 Randomized Clinical Trials and n = 11 quasi-experimental design). Escape rooms are a recent and growing educational methodology, increasingly used in academia and in the training of nurses and nursing students. However, it is necessary to expand their use and the quality of the studies in a greater number of contexts. Furthermore, it is necessary to homogenize and standardize validated instruments to evaluate the effectiveness of escape rooms in the nursing education area