358 research outputs found

    Predictor Variables Of Academic Success In Mathematics Under A Binary Logistic Regression Model

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    In recent years, many investigations have been carried out to identify the different factors that influence academic achievement in mathematics. Although the list is extensive and diverse, this paper focuses on determining whether the affective domain, mathematical processes and pedagogical practices influence academic achievement in mathematics. The research considers a quantitative approach at a cross-sectional descriptive level. The sample consisted of 2,450 students from a Colombian department from fourth to eleventh grade (ages 8 to 20 years). The instrument was composed of 90 items that evaluated the affective domain, mathematical processes, pedagogical practices and academic performance, with responses on a five-level Likert scale. The independent variables considered were affective domain, mathematical processes and pedagogical practices, and the dependent variable was academic performance. The adjustment obtained resulted in a binary logistic model, where the categories considered were pass or fail, which allowed 95% of those who passed to be correctly classified, although, at a global level, its effectiveness was close to l 87%. It should be noted that none of the aspects associated with teachers’ pedagogical competencies in their classroom work was significant in constructing the model.&nbsp

    English as a foreign language (EFL) homework diaries: Evaluating gains and constraints for selfregulated learning and achievement

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    A pesar de la importancia de la realización de los deberes escolares (tareas para casa, TPC) en el aprovechamiento académico, hoy en día existe una enorme preocupación por la baja implicación de muchos alumnos en la realización de las TPC y su efecto en el alto fracaso escolar. En este estudio, centrado en el área académica del inglés (lengua extranjera), y en base a una muestra de 591 alumnos de 5º y 6º de Educación Primaria, se analiza el rol de diferentes variables relativas a las TPC en la determinación del rendimiento académico de los estudiantes (proximal y distal), teniendo en cuenta el papel potencialmente mediador de dicha relación del uso de estrategias de autorregulación del aprendizaje y la efi cacia percibida. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el efecto de las TPC sobre el rendimiento es indirecto, a través de las variables cognitivo-motivacionales consideradas (uso de estrategias de autorregulación del aprendizaje y la autoefi cacia). Estos resultados son discutidos en la línea de convertir la realización de las TPC como elemento clave para afrontar el elevado fracaso escolar.English as a foreign language (EFL) homework diaries: Evaluating gains and constraints for selfregulated learning and achievement. Although homework completion is said to be rather important to achievement, nowadays there is a growing concern of educators about the increasing number of students who do not engage properly on doing the homework tasks and the subsequent impact on school failure rates. Focusing on English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and using a sample of 591 Portuguese fi fth and sixth graders, the present study analyses the role played by a number of homework variables on students’ achievement (proximal and distal), and their mediating role on the use of self-regulated learning strategies and perceived self-effi cacy in the domain. Data confi rm the indirect effect of homework on school achievement, by means of the referred cognitive and motivational variables (use of self-regulated learning strategies and self-effi cacy). These fi ndings are further discussed in order to highlight the signifi cant role homework completion can play on fi ghting school failure

    Individual precursors of student homework behavioral engagement: The role of intrinsic motivation, perceived homework utility and homework attitude

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    Currently, the concept of engagement is crucial in the field of learning and school achievement. It is a multidimensional concept (e.g., behavioral, emotional, and cognitive dimensions) that has been widely used as a theoretical framework to explain the processes of school engagement and dropout. However, this conceptual framework has been scarcely used in the field of homework. The aim of the present study was to analyze the role of intrinsic motivation, perceived homework utility, and personal homework attitude as precursors of student homework engagement (behavioral engagement) and, at the same time, how such engagement is the precursor of academic achievement. Seven hundred and thirty students of Compulsory Secondary Education (CSE) (7th to 10th grade) from fourteen schools northern Spain participated. A structural equation model was elaborated on which intrinsic motivation, perceived utility and attitude were observed variables, and student engagement (time spent on homework, time management, and amount of teacher-assigned homework done) and academic achievement (Mathematics, Spanish Language, English Language, and Social Science) were latent variables. The results reveal that (i) intrinsic motivation is a powerful precursor of student behavioral engagement (also perceived utility and attitude, although to a lesser extent), and (ii) academic achievement is closely linked to the level of student engagement, qualifying the results of many of the previous studies conducted from a task-centered perspective (as opposed to a person-centered perspective)This work was developed with the financing of the research projects EDU2013-44062-P (MINECO), EDU2017-82984-P (MEIC), and Government of the Principality of Asturias, Spain. European Regional Development Fund (Research Groups Program 2018–2020 FC-GRUPIN-IDI/2018/000199)S

    Implementation of training programs in self-regulated learning strategies in Moodle format: results of a experience in higher education

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    This paper tests the effi cacy of an intervention program in virtual format intended to train studying and self-regulation strategies in university students. The aim of this intervention is to promote a series of strategies which allow students to manage their learning processes in a more profi cient and autonomous way. The program has been developed in Moodle format and hosted by the Virtual Campus of the University of Oviedo. The present study had a semi-experimental design, included an experimental group (n=167) and a control one (n=206), and used pretest and posttest measures (selfregulated learning strategies’ declarative knowledge, self-regulated learning macro-strategy planningexecution- assessment, self-regulated learning strategies on text, surface and deep learning approaches, and academic achievement). Data suggest that the students enrolled in the training program, comparing with students in the control group, showed a signifi cant improvement in their declarative knowledge, general and on text use of learning strategies, increased their deep approach to learning, decreased their use of a surface approach and, in what concerns to academic achievement, statistically signifi cant differences have been found in favour of the experimental group.Implementación de programas de entrenamiento en estrategias de autorregulación del aprendizaje en formato Moodle: resultados de una experiencia en enseñanza superior. En este trabajo se contrasta la efi cacia de un programa de intervención en soporte virtual para el entrenamiento de estrategias de estudio y autorregulación en estudiantes universitarios. El objetivo de la intervención es dotar a los alumnos de un conjunto de estrategias que les permitan abordar sus procesos de aprendizaje de una forma más competente y autónoma. El programa se implementó en formato Moodle a través del Campus Virtual de la Universidad de Oviedo. El diseño utilizado fue cuasi-experimental, con grupo experimental (n= 167) y grupo control (n= 206), y medidas pre y postest (conocimiento declarativo de estrategias de autorregulación del aprendizaje, uso de la macroestrategia de aprendizaje autorregulado planifi cación-ejecución-evaluación, uso de estrategias de aprendizaje autorregulado a través de textos, enfoques de aprendizaje superfi cial y profundo y rendimiento académico). Los datos obtenidos muestran que los alumnos que participan en el programa de entrenamiento, en relación a sus compañeros del grupo control, mejoran signifi cativamente en cuanto al dominio de conocimiento declarativo, uso general y a través de textos de las estrategias de aprendizaje, se incrementa el uso de un enfoque de estudio profundo, disminuye el uso de un enfoque superfi cial y se obtienen mejoras estadísticamente signifi cativas en el rendimiento académico

    Factores de riesgo y resiliencia durante el aislamiento obligatorio de la pandemia de Covid-19: Una experiencia en docentes de Educación Superior

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    The present study aimed to examine whether certain risk factors (reduced income, job insecurity, anxiety, loss of confidence, among others) and resilience factors (family functioning, family and social support, trust, among others) are associated with mental health and well-being outcomes. A quantitative approach was adopted at a descriptive level. An online questionnaire, containing scales of well-being, risk factors and resilience, was administered to teachers from the Faculty of Education of a public university located in the north-eastern region of Colombia during the 2020 mandatory isolation period. The findings show that the crisis generated by COVID-19 includes stress factors, and impact on the social, labor, and economic level of teachers, which puts people at risk as their well-being was negatively affected. Their level of resilience is positive. Teachers experienced high levels of stress due to the high incidence of risk factors on their mental health. Nevertheless, their level of resilience is positive, but it is not enough to counteract the negative effects of this time of crisis due to the many life changes brought about by the isolation and social distancing generated by COVID-19. Teachers' mental health was affected during the confinement caused by COVID-19, as judged by risk and resilience factors. Their care needs to be promoted to counteract the effects of this situation.El presente estudio pretendió examinar si ciertos factores de riesgo (reducción de ingresos, inseguridad laboral, ansiedad, pérdida de confianza, entre otros) y factores de resiliencia (funcionamiento de la familia, apoyo familiar y social, confianza, entre otros) están asociados con los resultados de salud mental y bienestar. Se adoptó un enfoque cuantitativo a nivel descriptivo. Se aplicó un cuestionario en línea, que contenía escalas de bienestar, factores de riesgo y resiliencia, a los docentes de la Facultad de Educación de una universidad pública ubicada en la región nororiental de Colombia durante el periodo de aislamiento obligatorio del año 2020. Los hallazgos evidencian que la crisis generada por el COVID-19 abarca factores de estrés, e impacto a nivel social, laboral y económico de los docentes, lo que pone a las personas en riesgo ya que su bienestar se vio afectado negativamente. Su nivel de resiliencia es positivo. Los docentes experimentaron altos niveles de estrés por la alta incidencia de los factores de riesgo sobre su salud mental. A pesar de todo, su nivel de resiliencia es positivo, pero no es suficiente para contrarrestar los efectos negativos de este tiempo de crisis debido a los numerosos cambios de vida que planteó el aislamiento y distanciamiento social generado por el COVID-19. La salud mental de los docentes se vio afectada durante el confinamiento causado por la COVID-19, a juzgar por los factores de riesgo y resiliencia. Es necesario fomentar su cuidado para contrarrestar los efectos de esta situación

    Deberes escolares y rendimiento académico: un estudio comparativo entre el alumnado inmigrante y nativo

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    Título, resumen, palabras clave en español e inglesResumen basado en el de la publicaciónSe examina si la relación entre implicación escolar y rendimiento académico varía en función del hecho de ser inmigrante o no. La muestra se compone de 502 estudiantes (310 nativos y 192 inmigrantes) con edades comprendidas entre los 10 y 16 años que participaron en el estudio. Se indica a través de la prueba t de Student para muestras independientes que existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las dos poblaciones en la mayoría de las variables estudiadas, a favor del alumnado nativo. Se concluye, por tanto, que los estudiantes nativos aprovechan mejor el tiempo que dedican a la realización de los deberes escolares, llevan al colegio los deben realizar con una mayor calidad, se benefician más de los mismos y, además, su rendimiento es mayor que los estudiantes inmigrantes.ES

    Rendimento acadêmico, enfoques de trabalho e implicação nos deveres de casa

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    El objetivo de este artículo de investigación fue analizar la relación entre enfoque de trabajo, implicación en los deberes escolares y rendimiento académico en matemáticas. Partici­paron 897 estudiantes de 5º y 6º curso de Educación Prima­ria (50,2% chicos y 49,8% chicas). Los resultados indican que a mayor rendimiento académico mayor enfoque profundo en la realización de los deberes escolares, mayor cantidad de deberes realizados y mejor aprovechamiento del tiempo. No obstante, el tiempo que los estudiantes dedican a realizar los deberes es mayor cuando el rendimiento es bajo o medio. Se discuten implicaciones educativas.The main objective of this article was to analyze the relationship between work approach, homework involvement and academic performance in mathematics. 897 students from 5th and 6th grades participated (50.2% boys and 49.8% girls). Results indicate that the higher the academic achievement, the greater the focus on doing a homework, the greater the number of homeworks done and the better use of time. However, the time students spend doing a homework is greater when their academic performance is low or medium. Educational implications are discussed

    Predictive score and probability of CTX-like toxicity in fish samples from the official control of ciguatera in the Canary Islands

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    This research identifies factors associated with the contamination by ciguatoxins (CTXs) in a population of fish and proposes a predictive score of the presence of CTX-like toxicity in amberjack samples from the official control program of ciguatera in the Canary Islands of the Directorate-General (DG) Fisheries (Canary Government). Out of the 970 samples of fish studied, 177 (18.2%) samples showed CTX-like toxicity. The fish were classified according to the species, amberjack (Seriola dumerili and S. rivoliana) (n = 793), dusky grouper (Epinephelus marginatus) (n = 145) and wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri) (n = 32). The data were separated by species category and statistically examined, resulting in 137 (17.3%) amberjack and 39 (26.9%) grouper samples showing CTX-like toxicity; regarding wahoo species, only 1 toxic sample (3.1%) was found. According to fishing location the contamination rates suggested grouping the islands in four clusters; namely: {El Hierro: HI; La Gomera: LG; La Palma: LP}, {Gran Canaria: GC; Tenerife: TF}, {Fuerteventura: FU} and {Lanzarote: LZ}. For the amberjack species, the multivariate logistic regression showed the factors that maintained independent association with the outcome, which were the warm season (OR = 3.617; 95% CI = 1.249–10.474), the weight (per kg, 1.102; 95% CI = 1.069–1.136) and the island of fish catching. A prediction score was obtained for the probability of contamination by CTX in amberjack fish samples. The area under de curve (AUC) obtained using the validation data was 0.747 (95% CI = 0.662–0.833). Regarding grouper species, the island of fishing was the only factor that showed significant differences associated with the presence of CTX-like toxicity. We provide herein data for a better management and prediction of ciguatera in the Canary Islands, suggesting a review of the minimum limits of fish weight established by the Canary Government for the control program.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Guía de Práctica Clínica para el manejo nutricional de personas con Fibrosis Quística (GPC-FQ)

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a multiorgan, hereditary, autosomal and recessive disease whose most frequent problems are related to alterations of the lungs and exocrine pancreas. The objective of this guide is to establish guidelines in clinical practice for the nutritional management of people with CF. Recommendations on the evaluation of clinical and nutritional status (anamnesis, physical examination, body composition, biochemistry, lung function, nutritional nutrition and Weight loss, nutritional nutrition, vitamin and mineral supplementation, treatment of pancreatic insufficiency, diabetes, and liver disease) and other circumstances (pregnancy, lactation, and lung transplantation) also can be found in this guide. The guideline has been developed through a simple review by a group of experts who made decisions by consensus to assist in the decision making of professionals involved in patient care. This guide has been reviewed and approved by the Scientific Committee of the Spanish Foundation of Dieticians and Nutritionists (FEDN). This guide is not intended to be mandatory nor to replace the clinical judgment of health personnel.La fibrosis quística (FQ) es una enfermedad multiorgánica, hereditaria, autosómica y recesiva cuyos problemas más frecuentes están relacionados con las alteraciones de los pulmones y del páncreas exocrino. El objetivo de esta guía es establecer unas pautas en la práctica clínica para el manejo nutricional de personas con FQ, pudiéndose encontrar recomendaciones sobre la evaluación del estado clínico-nutricional (anamnesis, exploración física, composición corporal, bioquímica, función pulmonar, valoración dietético-nutricional, función del páncreas y malabsorción intestinal, y valoración de enfermedades asociadas), tratamiento nutricional de la enfermedad y sus síntomas (estado nutricional y pérdida de peso, intervención nutricional, suplementación con vitaminas y minerales, tratamiento de insuficiencia pancreática, diabetes, y enfermedad hepática), y otras circunstancias (embarazo, lactancia, y trasplante pulmonar). La guía ha sido elaborada mediante revisión simple por un grupo de expertos/as que tomó decisiones a través del consenso para ayudar en la toma de decisiones de los profesionales implicados en la atención de pacientes. Esta guía ha sido revisada y aprobada por el Comité Científico de la Fundación Española de Dietistas-Nutricionistas (FEDN). La guía no pretende ser de obligado cumplimiento ni sustituye el juicio clínico del personal sanitario