171 research outputs found

    Genetic Determinants of Smoking Cessation

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    Current findings related to nicotine addiction and related physiologic-metabolic processes create a biological basis to consider the role of interindividual genetic differences governing smoking behavior. This study examined associations between smoking cessation and a set of potential risk factors measured in a group of adult cigarette smokers participating in a computed tomography (CT) lung cancer screening program. The investigation of non-genetic factors focused on the relationship between CT results and smoking cessation. The investigation of genetic factors attempted to determine genetic influences on the relationship between the dopamine pathway and smoking cessation by examining genetic variation in the dopamine receptor 2 (DRD2: TaqIA, TaqIB, C957T, -141C Ins/Del) and dopamine transporter (SLC6A3).Participants were part of the Pittsburgh Lung Screening Study (PLuSS), a research based low-dose CT screening program containing current and former cigarette smokers, ages 50 to 79. These analyses were restricted to baseline smokers who indicated their smoking status at follow-up. Non-genetic factors were assessed for all eligible members of the cohort; genetic factors were assessed for a subset. A CT scan of the lungs that resulted in a referral was significantly associated with abstinence (for more than 30 days) at one year. The relative risk of being abstinent at one year after receiving a CT referral was 1.39 (95% Confidence Interval (CI): 1.14-1.70). After controlling for the matching variables and other genotypes, the DRD2 TaqIA polymorphism was significantly associated with being abstinent at one year (p=0.01). Compared to participants with the A2A2 genotype, participants who carried at least one variant allele (A1) were less likely to be abstinent (Odds Ratio: 0.47, 95% CI: 0.24-0.94). SLC6A3 genotype was not associated with abstinence at one-year (p=0.757). No significant gene-gene interaction with TaqIA was observed.CT screening can create a "teachable moment" for smoking interventions. The association between TaqIA and abstinence at one year supports the hypothesis that genetic variation in the dopamine pathway influences smoking cessation. Public Health Significance: Smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States. Identifying genetic variations that influence smoking behaviors could enhance treatment options for smoking cessation. This dissertation identified both non-genetic and genetic influences on smoking cessation. Consideration of those influences in the selection of quitting regimens may improve success rates thereby reducing the morbidity and mortality due to continued cigarette smoking

    Reduction of entrepreneurial risk as the purpose of legislative initiatives: research results

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    Artykuł dotyczy problemu długookresowych tendencji zachodzących w procesie stanowienia prawa w Polsce. Teoretycznym uzasadnieniem występowania takich tendencji jest założenie, że człowiek zwykle działa zgodnie z gotowymi schematami, zaakceptowanymi przez zbiorowość, które obejmują normy (reguły) należące do trzech podstawowych kategorii: (1) reguły dotyczące zdobywania dóbr za pomocą wymiany towarowo-pieniężnej, (2) reguły odnoszące się do pozyskiwania dóbr poprzez powołanie się na uprawnienia wynikające z przynależności do zbiorowości oraz (3) normy prawne, których rolą jest ochrona i upowszechnienie reguł należących do dwóch pierwszych kategorii. W rezultacie popyt na sposoby zaspokajania potrzeb determinowany określonymi regułami zwiększa podaż norm prawnych związanych z określonym zagadnieniem społeczno-gospodarczym. Skutkuje to pojawianiem się tendencji długookresowych w tworzeniu źródeł prawa, które można badać metodami empirycznymi, przedstawionymi w niniejszym artykule. W opracowaniu prezentowane są wyniki analiz dotyczących jednego z pytań badawczych, odnoszącego się do ważnego problemu społeczeństwa i gospodarki, jakim jest kwestia, czy regulacja ułatwia ocenę szans na osiągnięcie zakładanego celu gospodarczego, czy służy wzmacnianiu poczucia pewności obrotu gospodarczego, zmniejszeniu ryzyka niepowodzenia w działalności gospodarczej. We wnioskach zawarta jest teza, że zmniejszanie ryzyka przedsiębiorcy (przez regulacje bezpośrednie) jako trend w prawodawstwie systematycznie się umacnia. Analiza danych z badań pozwala zauważyć delikatny długoterminowy trend wzrostowy w ustawo-dawstwie, jeśli chodzi o zmniejszanie ryzyka gospodarowania przez przedsiębiorcę (w postaci regulacji bezpośrednio dotyczących tej tematyki). Można zauważyć, iż polski ustawodawca – w ujęciu długookresowym – kładzie duży, rosnący nacisk na tworzenie warunków do zmniejszania ryzyka obrotu gospodarczego

    Sediment transport in the Schelde-estuary: a comparison between measurements, transport formula and numerical models

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    ABSTRACT The Schelde-estuary serves different estuarine functions and therefore faces managers with multiple challenges: increasing tidal propagation vs. safety against flooding; sedimentation in the navigation channel vs. port accessability; changing dynamics vs. ecology. Within the Flemish-Dutch Long Term Vision for the Schelde-estuary, a 4 year (2014)(2015)(2016)(2017) research programme was defined, in which 8 topics will be dealt with (e.g. tidal penetration, risk for regime shift, sediment strategies, valueing ecology). Two fundamental tools will be crucial in answering the different questions towards the future management of the estuary: expertise/system understanding and numerical models. At this moment (first year), several projects are ongoing trying to increase the system understanding and improving the state-of-the-art numerical models. Where the numerical models reproduce the hydrodynamics reasonably well, sediment transport and the resulting morphological changes is still a big challenge. Therefore an extensive monitoring campaign was performed in 2014, during which both hydrodynamic and sediment transport measurement were performed in the Schelde-estuary. At more than 10 locations, from the up-estuarine part (Boven-Zeeschelde) to the mouth area (Vlakte van de Raan), measurements were executed over a full tidal cycle (13h). Currents were measured using ADCP, while sediment transport was measured using both direct (Delft Bottle and pump samples) and indirect (OBS, ABS) techniques. This extensive dataset allows an in-depth analysis of the sediment transport processes occuring in the estuary. A comparison will be made with several transport formula (e.g. Bagnold, Engelund-Hansen, Van Rijn, ...). The data will also be used to validate the existing numerical models, allowing a better assesment of the possibilities and limitations of the present numerical models. KEY WORDS Sediment transport, measurements, numerical modelling, estuary THE SCHELDE-ESTUARY The Schelde-estuary is a macro-tidal estuary with a length of 180 km in Flanders and the southern part of the Netherlands The estuary is characterised by semi-diurnal tides, causing ebb and flood currents with important sediment transports of both cohesive as non-cohesive sediments. The Schelde-estuary serves different estuarine functions and therefore faces managers with multiple challenges: increasing tidal propagation vs. safety against flooding; sedimentation in the navigation channel vs. port accessability; changing dynamics vs. ecology. Within the Flemish-Dutch Long Term Vision for the Schelde-estuary, a 4 year (2014-2017) research programme was defined, in which 8 topics will be dealt with (e.g. tidal penetration, risk for regime shift, sediment strategies, valueing ecology). METHODOLOGY In order to supply managers with adequate answers, research tools (both expertise/system understanding and numerical model

    African-Americans in Standard Behavioral Treatment for Obesity, 2001-2015: What have we learned?

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    African Americans (AAs) bear a disproportionate burden of the obesity epidemic, yet have historically been underrepresented in weight loss research. We conducted a narrative review of large (N > 75) randomized prospective clinical trials of standard behavioral treatment for weight loss that reported results in the past 15 years (2001-2015) to (a) determine the rates of inclusion and reported results for AAs and (b) further identify strategies that may result in improved outcomes. Of the 23 trials reviewed, 69.6% of the studies met or exceeded population estimates for AAs in the United States. However, only 10 reported outcomes and/or considered race in the analytic approach. At 6 months, AA participants consistently lost less weight than White participants. The use of culturally tailored intervention materials and monthly personal telephone calls were reported as factors that may have enhanced treatment response. Future behavioral weight loss trials should also increase reporting of outcomes by race

    Propuesta de aprovechamiento y valorización de los residuos sólidos generados en el mercado Túpac Amaru en el Distrito de Juliaca

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    El objetivo de la investigación fue proponer alternativas para el aprovechamiento y valorización de los residuos sólidos generados en el mercado internacional Túpac Amaru de la ciudad de Juliaca. La metodología fue cuantitativa, no experimental y aplicada. La muestra fue de 70 puestos escogidos según los diferentes rubros comerciales en el mercado, que son venta de abarrotes, venta de carne, pollo y pescado, venta de comida y jugos, venta de cosméticos, venta de electrodomésticos, venta de frutas y verduras y venta de calzado, ropa y arreglos. Se aplicaron como instrumentos de recolección de datos el cuestionario y las matrices de selección de alternativas. Como resultados el 80% de los vendedores conoce la generación de residuos sólidos, el 51,5% tienen pocos conocimientos sobre aprovechamiento y valoración de residuos. La composición de residuos fue de comida 24,13%, orgánicos 17,41%, papel 16,97%, plástico 16,30%, cartón 14,11% metal 8,75%, vidrio 1,36% y tela 0,98%. Los residuos de comida y orgánicos se pueden aprovechar como alimento para animales y/o enmienda agrícola, los demás residuos por reciclaje. Las alternativas de valorización fueron para los residuos orgánicos y de comida el compostaje y/o vermicompostaje y para papel, cartón y tela la producción de briquetas combustible

    Efecto de dos enmiendas retentivas de humedad con dos frecuencias en riego por goteo para el cultivo Pimiento en invernadero

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    Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ingeniería Agrícola. Departamento Académico de Recursos HídricosEl ensayo fue realizado en las instalaciones del Centro de investigación y extensión en riego (CIER) del departamento de Recursos Hídricos de la facultad de Ingeniería Agrícola de la UNALM. El objetivo principal de la investigación fue evaluar el efecto del Residuo industrial de pañales (P1) y de la enmienda Agrando retención de humedad (P2)en el manejo del agua sobre el cultivo pimiento en invernadero. Los tratamientos consistieron en aplicar las dos enmiendas retentivas P1 y P2 en el sustrato (arena gruesa) comparado con un tratamiento testigo (sin enmienda), con dos frecuencias de riego: cada dos días y cada cuatro días. El diseño experimental consistió en parcelas divididas, en combinación de los factores de Frecuencia de riego y Enmiendas retentivas (2x2) dando un total de 4 tratamientos más 2 testigos, con tres repeticiones. Se determinó y evaluó la lámina bruta total consumida, la capacidad de retención de cada tipo de sustrato, el rendimiento total y comercial, parámetros de calidad de cosecha, el uso eficiente del agua, la conductancia estomática, el contenido de clorofila y parámetros biométricos. El sustrato P1 demostró mayor retención y conservación de humedad, por ende, menor consumo de volumen de agua y mayor eficiencia de uso del agua, 32.09 kg/m3 con relación al testigo, representando un ahorro de agua del 30 por ciento. Los resultados en rendimiento total, comercial y parámetros biométricos permitieron establecer diferencias significativas, siendo P2 que represento un efecto positivo, pero a coste de un mayor consumo de agua respecto al testigo. Para el caso del contenido de clorofila, P2 registró mayor aumento del contenido de clorofila seguido del testigo. Con respecto a la conductancia estomática, se observó que P1 amortigua en mayor medida al estrés hídrico. Por los resultados obtenidos se recomienda el uso de enmiendas retentivas de humedad ya que estas actúan notablemente en la mejora del rendimiento, calidad de fruto y en el aumento del uso eficiente del agua, lo cual estarían mitigando las condiciones de estrés hídrico, en especial el sustrato con la enmienda de residuo industrial de pañales P1

    Adherence to a behavioral weight loss treatment program enhances weight loss and improvements in biomarkers

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    Objectives: To describe participants' adherence to multiple components (attendance, energy intake, fat gram, exercise goals, and self-monitoring eating and exercise behaviors) of a standard behavioral treatment program (SBT) for weight loss and how adherence to these components may influence weight loss and biomarkers (triglycerides, low density lipoproteins [LDL], high density lipoprotein, and insulin) during the intensive and less-intensive intervention phases. Methods: A secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial consisting of a SBT with either fat-restricted standard or lacto-ovo vegetarian diet. The 12-month intervention was delivered in 33 group sessions. The first six months reflected the intensive phase; the second six months, the less-intensive intervention phase. We conducted the analysis without regard to treatment assignment. Eligible participants included overweight/obese adults (N = 176; mean body mass index = 34.0 kg/m2). The sample was 86.9% female, 70.5% White, and 44.4 ± 8.6 years old. The outcome measures included weight and biomarkers. Results: There was a significant decline in adherence to each treatment component over time (P < 0.0001). In the first six months, adherence to attendance, self-monitoring and the energy goal were significantly associated with greater weight loss (P < 0.05). Adherence to attendance and exercise remained significantly associated with weight loss in the second six months (P < 0.05). Adherence to attendance, self-monitoring and exercise had indirect effects through weight loss on LDL, triglycerides, and insulin (P < 0.05). Conclusions: We observed a decline in adherence to each treatment component as the intervention intensity was reduced. Adherence to multiple treatment components was associated with greater weight loss and improvements in biomarkers. Future research needs to focus on improving and maintaining adherence to all components of the treatment protocol to promote weight loss and maintenance. © 2009 Acharya et al

    Endoscopic Assessment and Prediction of Prostate Urethral Disintegration After Histotripsy Treatment in a Canine Model*

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    Abstract Background and Purpose: Histotripsy is a nonthermal focused ultrasound technology that uses acoustic cavitation to homogenize tissue. Previous research has demonstrated that the prostatic urethra is more resistant to histotripsy effects than prostate parenchyma, a finding that may complicate the creation of transurethral resection of the prostate-like treatment cavities. The purpose of this study was to characterize the endoscopic appearance of the prostatic urethra during and after histotripsy treatment and to identify features that are predictive of urethral disintegration. Materials and Methods: Thirty-five histotripsy treatments were delivered in a transverse plane traversing the prostatic urethra in 17 canine subjects (1?3/prostate ≥1?cm apart). Real-time endoscopy was performed in the first four subjects to characterize development of acute urethral treatment effect (UTE). Serial postprocedure endoscopy was performed in all subjects to assess subsequent evolution of UTE. Results: Endoscopy during histotripsy was feasible with observation of intraurethral cavitation, allowing characterization of the real-time progression of UTE from normal to frank urethral disintegration. While acute urethral fragmentation occurred in 3/35 (8.6%) treatments, frank urethral disintegration developed in 24/35 (68.5%) within 14 days of treatment. Treating until the appearance of hemostatic pale gray shaggy urothelium was the best predictor of achieving urethral fragmentation within 14 days of treatment with positive and negative predictive values of 0.91 and 0.89, respectively. Conclusion: Endoscopic assessment of the urethra may be a useful adjunct to prostatic histotripsy to help guide therapy to ensure urethral disintegration, allowing drainage of the homogenized adenoma and effective tissue debulking.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/98446/1/end%2E2011%2E0349.pd