1,291 research outputs found

    Anomaluos RR Lyrae (V-I)_0 colors in Baade's Window

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    We compare (V-I)_0-(V-K)_0 color-color and (V-I)_0-log P period-color diagrams for Baade's Window and local RRab Lyrae stars. We find that for a fixed log P the Baade's Window RR Lyrae stars are ~0.17 magnitudes redder in (V-I)_0 than the local RR Lyrae stars. We also show that there is no such effect observed in (V-K)_0. We argue that an extinction misestimate towards Baade's Window is not a plausible explanation of the discrepancy. Unlike Baade's Window RR Lyrae stars, the local ones follow a black-body color-color relation and are well approximated by theoretical models. We test two parameters, metallicity and surface gravity, and find that their effects are too small to explain the (V-I)_0 discrepancy between the two groups of stars. We do not provide any explanation for the anomalous (V-I)_0 behavior of the Baade's Window RR Lyrae stars. We note that a similar effect for clump giant stars has been recently reported by Paczynski and we caution that RR Lyrae stars and clump giants, often used as standard candles, can be subject to the same type of systematics.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Ap

    Dust-temperature of an isolated star-forming cloud: Herschel observations of the Bok globule CB244

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    We present Herschel observations of the isolated, low-mass star-forming Bok globule CB244. It contains two cold sources, a low-mass Class 0 protostar and a starless core, which is likely to be prestellar in nature, separated by 90 arcsec (~ 18000 AU). The Herschel data sample the peak of the Planck spectrum for these sources, and are therefore ideal for dust-temperature and column density modeling. With these data and a near-IR extinction map, the MIPS 70 micron mosaic, the SCUBA 850 micron map, and the IRAM 1.3 mm map, we model the dust-temperature and column density of CB244 and present the first measured dust-temperature map of an entire star-forming molecular cloud. We find that the column-averaged dust-temperature near the protostar is ~ 17.7 K, while for the starless core it is ~ 10.6K, and that the effect of external heating causes the cloud dust-temperature to rise to ~ 17 K where the hydrogen column density drops below 10^21 cm^-2. The total hydrogen mass of CB244 (assuming a distance of 200 pc) is 15 +/- 5 M_sun. The mass of the protostellar core is 1.6 +/- 0.1 M_sun and the mass of the starless core is 5 +/- 2 M_sun, indicating that ~ 45% of the mass in the globule is participating in the star-formation process.Comment: Accepted for A&A Herschel Special Issue; 5 pages, 2 figure

    The structured environments of embedded star-forming cores. PACS and SPIRE mapping of the enigmatic outflow source UYSO 1

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    The intermediate-mass star-forming core UYSO 1 has previously been found to exhibit intriguing features. While deeply embedded and previously only identified by means of its (sub-)millimeter emission, it drives two powerful, dynamically young, molecular outflows. Although the process of star formation has obviously started, the chemical composition is still pristine. We present Herschel PACS and SPIRE continuum data of this presumably very young region. The now complete coverage of the spectral energy peak allows us to precisely constrain the elevated temperature of 26 - 28 K for the main bulge of gas associated with UYSO1, which is located at the interface between the hot HII region Sh 2-297 and the cold dark nebula LDN 1657A. Furthermore, the data identify cooler compact far-infrared sources of just a few solar masses, hidden in this neighbouring dark cloud.Comment: accepted contribution for the forthcoming Herschel Special Issue of A&A, 5 pages (will appear as 4-page letter in the journal), 6 figure file

    Towards the electron EDM search: Theoretical study of HfF+

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    We report first ab initio relativistic correlation calculations of potential curves for ten low-lying electronic states, effective electric field on the electron and hyperfine constants for the ^3\Delta_1 state of cation of a heavy transition metal fluoride, HfF^+, that is suggested to be used as the working state in experiments to search for the electric dipole moment of the electron. It is shown that HfF^+ has deeply bound ^1\Sigma^+ ground state, its dissociation energy is D_e=6.4 eV. The ^3\Delta_1 state is obtained to be the relatively long-lived first excited state lying about 0.2 eV higher. The calculated effective electric field E_eff=W_d|\Omega| acting on an electron in this state is 5.84*10^{24}Hz/(e*cm)Comment: 4 page

    Gas-phase CO depletion and N2H+ abundances in starless cores

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    Seven isolated, nearby low-mass starless molecular cloud cores have been observed as part of the Herschel key program Earliest Phases of Star formation (EPoS). By applying a ray-tracing technique to the obtained continuum emission and complementary (sub)mm emission maps, we derive the physical structure (density, dust temperature) of these cloud cores. We present observations of the 12CO, 13CO, and C18O (2-1) and N2H+ (1-0) transitions towards the same cores. Based on the density and temperature profiles, we apply time-dependent chemical and line-radiative transfer modeling and compare the modeled to the observed molecular emission profiles. CO is frozen onto the grains in the center of all cores in our sample. The level of CO depletion increases with hydrogen density and ranges from 46% up to more than 95% in the core centers in the core centers in the three cores with the highest hydrogen density. The average hydrogen density at which 50% of CO is frozen onto the grains is 1.1+-0.4 10^5 cm^-3. At about this density, the cores typically have the highest relative abundance of N2H+. The cores with higher central densities show depletion of N2H+ at levels of 13% to 55%. The chemical ages for the individual species are on average 2+-1 10^5 yr for 13CO, 6+-3 10^4 yr for C18O, and 9+-2 10^4 yr for N2H+. Chemical modeling indirectly suggests that the gas and dust temperatures decouple in the envelopes and that the dust grains are not yet significantly coagulated. We observationally confirm chemical models of CO-freezeout and nitrogen chemistry. We find clear correlations between the hydrogen density and CO depletion and the emergence of N2H+. The chemical ages indicate a core lifetime of less than 1 Myr.Comment: 24 pages, 25 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Sub MeV Particles Detection and Identification in the MUNU detector ((1)ISN, IN2P3/CNRS-UJF, Grenoble, France, (2)Institut de Physique, Neuch\^atel, Switzerland, (3) INFN, Padova Italy, (4) Physik-Institut, Z\"{u}rich, Switzerland)

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    We report on the performance of a 1 m3^{3} TPC filled with CF4_{4} at 3 bar, immersed in liquid scintillator and viewed by photomultipliers. Particle detection, event identification and localization achieved by measuring both the current signal and the scintillation light are presented. Particular features of α\alpha particle detection are also discussed. Finally, the 54{54}Mn photopeak, reconstructed from the Compton scattering and recoil angle is shown.Comment: Latex, 19 pages, 20 figure

    Ecological study of aquatic midges and some related insects with special reference to feeding habits

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    Die Schweiz ist ein reiches Land. Sie verfügt über viele Millionäre. Der große Reichtum konzentriert sich auf wenige Familien und Personen. In der Schweiz leben aber auch eine halbe Million der Bevölkerung (7,5 Mio.) in Haushalten von Erwerbstätigen, die weniger als das Existenzminimum verdienen. Über 200‘000 Personen sind auf Sozialhilfe angewiesen. Bei den Vermögen und den verfügbaren Einkommen hat sich in den letzten Jahren die Kluft zwischen den obersten und untersten zehn Prozent verschärft. Die Zunahme der sozialen Ungleichheit erhöht die soziale Brisanz, was mehr zu ergründen ist. Die soziale Differenzierung dokumentiert Prozesse der Globalisierung. Sie reproduziert und spezifiziert alte soziale Ungleichheiten. Wichtig ist, dass die Soziale Arbeit das thematisiert und weiter theoretisiert

    Search for the electric dipole moment of the electron with thorium monoxide

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    The electric dipole moment of the electron (eEDM) is a signature of CP-violating physics beyond the Standard Model. We describe an ongoing experiment to measure or set improved limits to the eEDM, using a cold beam of thorium monoxide (ThO) molecules. The metastable H3Δ1H {}^3\Delta_1 state in ThO has important advantages for such an experiment. We argue that the statistical uncertainty of an eEDM measurement could be improved by as much as 3 orders of magnitude compared to the current experimental limit, in a first-generation apparatus using a cold ThO beam. We describe our measurements of the HH state lifetime and the production of ThO molecules in a beam, which provide crucial data for the eEDM sensitivity estimate. ThO also has ideal properties for the rejection of a number of known systematic errors; these properties and their implications are described.Comment: v2: Equation (11) correcte

    The Size Evolution of Passive Galaxies: Observations from the Wide Field Camera 3 Early Release Science Program

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    We present results on the size evolution of passively evolving galaxies at 1<z<2 drawn from the Wide Field Camera 3 Early Release Science program. Our sample was constructed using an analog to the passive BzK selection criterion, which isolates galaxies with little or no on-going star formation at z>1.5. We identify 30 galaxies in ~40 square arcmin to H<25 mag. We supplement spectroscopic redshifts from the literature with photometric redshifts determined from the 15-band photometry from 0.22-8 micron. We determine effective radii from Sersic profile fits to the H-band image using an empirical PSF. We find that size evolution is a strong function of stellar mass, with the most massive (M* ~ 10^11 Msol) galaxies undergoing the most rapid evolution from z~2 to the present. Parameterizing the size evolution as (1+z)^{-alpha}, we find a tentative scaling between alpha and stellar mass of alpha ~ -1.8+1.4 log(M*/10^9 Msol). We briefly discuss the implications of this result for our understanding of the dynamical evolution of the red galaxies.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables. Submitted to Ap