107 research outputs found

    Process Management in the selected company

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá procesním managementem ve vybraném podniku. V první části práce je představen, na základě studia odborné literatury, procesní management a pojmy s ním úzce související. V druhé části práce je charakterizován zvolený podnik. Dále následuje charakteristika dvou analyzovaných procesů. V návaznosti na analýzu dvou vybraných procesů a identifikované nedostatky je představeno několik návrhů na možné zlepšení. K jednotlivým návrhům jsou následně identifikována rizika.ObhájenoThe present diploma thesis examines process management in a selected company. The first part of the thesis introduces the topic of process management and closely related concepts based on the study of relevant scientific literature. The second part of the thesis characterises the selected company. Two analysed processes are successively characterised. Based on the analysis of the two selected processes and the identified shortcomings, several suggestions for possible improvements are presented. In addition, each proposal is accompanied by identified risks

    The Philosophy of Economic Personalism and KDU-ČSL Policies

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    This article deals with the phenomenon of economics in the doctrine of personalism and its consequences in the sphere of politics. Within this analysis, some economic distinctions between personalism, on the one hand, and libertarianism and neomarxism, on the other, are identified through a focus on the hermeneutics of personalism and its logical ideological results. These results have the form of testable propositions such as a pregnant definition of dignity, support for the concept of workfare, the family as the “core”, and the belief in the social market, which leads to progressive taxation and interventions in the labor market. These propositions are contained in KDU-ČSL policies, explicitly declared in the manifestos “Volební program 2010–2014”, “Volební program 2013–2017”, and other documents, as well as speeches of KDU-ČSL representatives, mainly of the chairman Pavel Bělobrádek. The connection between personalism and KDU-ČSL policies is then tested by metaphor analysis and the outcomes provide answers to two questions – first, whether the theory of personalism is present in KDU-ČSL policies; second, whether the KDU-ČSL could be subsumed under the socio-economic cleavage in the Czech context, and if so, then to which particular space.This article deals with the phenomenon of economics in the doctrine of personalism and its consequences in the sphere of politics. Within this analysis, some economic distinctions between personalism, on the one hand, and libertarianism and neomarxism, on the other, are identified through a focus on the hermeneutics of personalism and its logical ideological results. These results have the form of testable propositions such as a pregnant definition of dignity, support for the concept of workfare, the family as the “core”, and the belief in the social market, which leads to progressive taxation and interventions in the labor market. These propositions are contained in KDU-ČSL policies, explicitly declared in the manifestos “Volební program 2010–2014”, “Volební program 2013–2017”, and other documents, as well as speeches of KDU-ČSL representatives, mainly of the chairman Pavel Bělobrádek. The connection between personalism and KDU-ČSL policies is then tested by metaphor analysis and the outcomes provide answers to two questions – first, whether the theory of personalism is present in KDU-ČSL policies; second, whether the KDU-ČSL could be subsumed under the socio-economic cleavage in the Czech context, and if so, then to which particular space

    “Recall” as an empty signifier – the problem of SPD party populism

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    The article seeks to provide a critical reflection of the political debate in the Czech Republic about the quality of the democratic system and the quantity of democratic mechanisms. The analyzed example is the political requirement for recall, a mechanism of a type of "reverse personalized plebiscite". Based on Laclau´s theory of populism, the article analyzes speeches made by representatives of the SPD party, which calls for an implementation of the recall. The assumption is that SPD is not entirely clear on the purpose and method of instating recall, which is therefore not intended to serve the purpose of extending democracy, but is merely an instrument of populism. The purpose is to draw attention to possible problematic effects that such an instrument could have on the political system

    “One Flew Over the Stork’s Nest”: Neo-patrimonial Populism of Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš

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    Following the discussion on the relation of populism, its typology and neutral bureaucracy, this text examines the communication practice of the former Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš regarding the European subsidies. Using the mixed content analysis of several years of Babiš’s statements, we shall verify two theses: Babiš’s rhetoric is dominantly populist and Babiš’s rhetoric is neo-patrimonial. The analysis results imply Babiš’s case to be a new and not yet described form of populism that we identify as “neo-patrimonial populism” and that complements the standard populist communication with practices not distinguishing between the public and personal interest, property, and status.Following the discussion on the relation of populism, its typology and neutral bureaucracy, this text examines the communication practice of the former Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš regarding the European subsidies. Using the mixed content analysis of several years of Babiš’s statements, we shall verify two theses: Babiš’s rhetoric is dominantly populist and Babiš’s rhetoric is neo-patrimonial. The analysis results imply Babiš’s case to be a new and not yet described form of populism that we identify as “neo-patrimonial populism” and that complements the standard populist communication with practices not distinguishing between the public and personal interest, property, and status

    Surfování na migrační vlně v době populismu: Sekuritizace migrace ze strany poslanců Parlamentu České republiky

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    The contribution of the following article is based on contribution to current discussion related to political populism. The study is anchored in theoretical approaches to populism and designed as CAQDAS of stenographs of speeches related to the “migration crisis” held by members of the Czech Chamber of Deputies. According to the theory of populism, we derived criteria for measuring populism and those were in the analytical part applied to analyzed data corpus. Main contributions of our study are following: 1. operationalization of analytical possibilities of the concept; 2. using valid and analytically relevant data that are not frequently used; 3. broadening of Czech debate related to populism (by empirically proving, that political party Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD) is using very strong populist rhetoric 4. building ground for possible following research od populism in Czech/ European context

    Modulation of calcium-binding proteins expression and cisplatin chemosensitivity by calcium chelation in human breast cancer MCF-7 cells

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    © 2021 The Author(s).Cisplatin (CDDP) is currently one of the most effective FDA-approved treatments for breast cancer. Previous studies have shown that CDDP-induced cell death in human breast cancer (MCF-7) cells is associated with disruption of calcium homeostasis. However, whether the sensitivity of breast cancer cells to cisplatin is associated with dysregulation of the expression of calcium-binding proteins (CaBPs) remains unknown. In this study, we evaluated the effect of the intracellular calcium chelator (BAPTA-AM) on viability of MCF-7 cells in the presence of toxic and sub-toxic doses of cisplatin. Furthermore, this study assessed the expression of CaBPs, calmodulin, S100A8, and S100A14 in MCF-7 cells treated with cisplatin. Cell viability was determined using MTT-based in vitro toxicity assay. Intracellular calcium imaging was done using Fluo-4 AM, a cell-permeant fluorescent calcium indicator. Expression of CaBPs was tested using real-time quantitative PCR. Exposure of cells to increasing amounts of CDDP correlated with increasing fluorescence of the intracellular calcium indicator, Fluo-4 AM. Conversely, treating cells with cisplatin significantly decreased mRNA levels of calmodulin, S100A8, and S100A14. Treatment of the cells with calcium chelator, BAPTA-AM, significantly enhanced the cytotoxic effects of sub-toxic dose of cisplatin. Our results indicated a statistically significant negative correlation between calmodulin, S100A8, and S100A14 expression and sensitivity of breast cancer cells to a sub-toxic dose of cisplatin. We propose that modulating the activity of calcium-binding proteins, calmodulin, S100A8, and S100A14, could be used to increase cisplatin efficacy, lowering its treatment dosage while maintaining its chemotherapeutic value.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Genomic and oncoproteomic advances in detection and treatment of colorectal cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Aims</p> <p>We will examine the latest advances in genomic and proteomic laboratory technology. Through an extensive literature review we aim to critically appraise those studies which have utilized these latest technologies and ascertain their potential to identify clinically useful biomarkers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>An extensive review of the literature was carried out in both online medical journals and through the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland library.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Laboratory technology has advanced in the fields of genomics and oncoproteomics. Gene expression profiling with DNA microarray technology has allowed us to begin genetic profiling of colorectal cancer tissue. The response to chemotherapy can differ amongst individual tumors. For the first time researchers have begun to isolate and identify the genes responsible. New laboratory techniques allow us to isolate proteins preferentially expressed in colorectal cancer tissue. This could potentially lead to identification of a clinically useful protein biomarker in colorectal cancer screening and treatment.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>If a set of discriminating genes could be used for characterization and prediction of chemotherapeutic response, an individualized tailored therapeutic regime could become the standard of care for those undergoing systemic treatment for colorectal cancer. New laboratory techniques of protein identification may eventually allow identification of a clinically useful biomarker that could be used for screening and treatment. At present however, both expression of different gene signatures and isolation of various protein peaks has been limited by study size. Independent multi-centre correlation of results with larger sample sizes is needed to allow translation into clinical practice.</p

    Gene expression profile and genomic alterations in colonic tumours induced by 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH) in rats

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Azoxymethane (AOM) or 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH)-induced colon carcinogenesis in rats shares many phenotypical similarities with human sporadic colon cancer and is a reliable model for identifying chemopreventive agents. Genetic mutations relevant to human colon cancer have been described in this model, but comprehensive gene expression and genomic analysis have not been reported so far. Therefore, we applied genome-wide technologies to study variations in gene expression and genomic alterations in DMH-induced colon cancer in F344 rats.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>For gene expression analysis, 9 tumours (TUM) and their paired normal mucosa (NM) were hybridized on 4 × 44K Whole rat arrays (Agilent) and selected genes were validated by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Functional analysis on microarray data was performed by GenMAPP/MappFinder analysis. Array-comparative genomic hybridization (a-CGH) was performed on 10 paired TUM-NM samples hybridized on Rat genome arrays 2 × 105K (Agilent) and the results were analyzed by CGH Analytics (Agilent).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Microarray gene expression analysis showed that <it>Defcr4</it>, <it>Igfbp5</it>, <it>Mmp7, Nos2, S100A8 </it>and <it>S100A9 </it>were among the most up-regulated genes in tumours (Fold Change (FC) compared with NM: 183, 48, 39, 38, 36 and 32, respectively), while <it>Slc26a3</it>, <it>Mptx</it>, <it>Retlna </it>and <it>Muc2 </it>were strongly down-regulated (FC: -500; -376, -167, -79, respectively). Functional analysis showed that pathways controlling cell cycle, protein synthesis, matrix metalloproteinases, TNFα/NFkB, and inflammatory responses were up-regulated in tumours, while Krebs cycle, the electron transport chain, and fatty acid beta oxidation were down-regulated. a-CGH analysis showed that four TUM out of ten had one or two chromosomal aberrations. Importantly, one sample showed a deletion on chromosome 18 including <it>Apc</it>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results showed complex gene expression alterations in adenocarcinomas encompassing many altered pathways. While a-CGH analysis showed a low degree of genomic imbalance, it is interesting to note that one of the alterations concerned <it>Apc</it>, a key gene in colorectal carcinogenesis. The fact that many of the molecular alterations described in this study are documented in human colon tumours confirms the relevance of DMH-induced cancers as a powerful tool for the study of colon carcinogenesis and chemoprevention.</p