3,517 research outputs found

    Glyphosate in waters and soils from genetically modified canola cultivation in Parkes, NSW, Australia

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    Investigations were conducted of farmland from the Parkes region of New South Wales, Australia, cultivated with genetically modified canola, involving the determination of glyphosate (N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine) concentrations in water and soils, and its sorption. The soils are classified as loam under the USDA system (clay 13.8-15.8%, silt 39-43%, sand 41.2-47.2%). Firstly, a low-cost fluorometric method was developed for the analysis of glyphosate in waters and soils, calibrated against analytical standards and spectrophotometric and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) methods. Soil and water samples were then collected using the NEPM sampling protocol into glass containers, chilled and analysed within two weeks. The samples were collected in multiple episodes, taking account of glyphosate and pesticide crop applications. The soil and water physical and chemical properties were characterised, and glyphosate levels were determined. Field concentrations of glyphosate ranged between 0.01 - 0.067 mg/L in water and 0.10 - 0.575 mg/kg in soil. The aqueous levels lie below Australian and international drinking water guidelines, but reach a Canadian freshwater guideline. Glyphosate levels varied with time of application and rainfall events. Glyphosate sorption isotherms were also constructed by batch tests on several soils, and were fitted with Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms. Desorption tests indicated 25% to 58% of soil glyphosate is extractable by 0.1M KH2PO4

    Evaluation of force-torque displays for use with space station telerobotic activities

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    Recent experiments which addressed Space Station remote manipulation tasks found that tactile force feedback (reflecting forces and torques encountered at the end-effector through the manipulator hand controller) does not improve performance significantly. Subjective response from astronaut and non-astronaut test subjects indicated that force information, provided visually, could be useful. No research exists which specifically investigates methods of presenting force-torque information visually. This experiment was designed to evaluate seven different visual force-torque displays which were found in an informal telephone survey. The displays were prototyped in the HyperCard programming environment. In a within-subjects experiment, 14 subjects nullified forces and torques presented statically, using response buttons located at the bottom of the screen. Dependent measures included questionnaire data, errors, and response time. Subjective data generally demonstrate that subjects rated variations of pseudo-perspective displays consistently better than bar graph and digital displays. Subjects commented that the bar graph and digital displays could be used, but were not compatible with using hand controllers. Quantitative data show similar trends to the subjective data, except that the bar graph and digital displays both provided good performance, perhaps do to the mapping of response buttons to display elements. Results indicate that for this set of displays, the pseudo-perspective displays generally represent a more intuitive format for presenting force-torque information

    Reliability and Maintainability Analysis of a High Air Pressure Compressor Facility

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    This paper discusses a Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability (RAM) independent assessment conducted to support the refurbishment of the Compressor Station at the NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC). The paper discusses the methodologies used by the assessment team to derive the repair by replacement (RR) strategies to improve the reliability and availability of the Compressor Station (Ref.1). This includes a RAPTOR simulation model that was used to generate the statistical data analysis needed to derive a 15-year investment plan to support the refurbishment of the facility. To summarize, study results clearly indicate that the air compressors are well past their design life. The major failures of Compressors indicate that significant latent failure causes are present. Given the occurrence of these high-cost failures following compressor overhauls, future major failures should be anticipated if compressors are not replaced. Given the results from the RR analysis, the study team recommended a compressor replacement strategy. Based on the data analysis, the RR strategy will lead to sustainable operations through significant improvements in reliability, availability, and the probability of meeting the air demand with acceptable investment cost that should translate, in the long run, into major cost savings. For example, the probability of meeting air demand improved from 79.7 percent for the Base Case to 97.3 percent. Expressed in terms of a reduction in the probability of failing to meet demand (1 in 5 days to 1 in 37 days), the improvement is about 700 percent. Similarly, compressor replacement improved the operational availability of the facility from 97.5 percent to 99.8 percent. Expressed in terms of a reduction in system unavailability (1 in 40 to 1 in 500), the improvement is better than 1000 percent (an order of magnitude improvement). It is worthy to note that the methodologies, tools, and techniques used in the LaRC study can be used to evaluate similar high value equipment components and facilities. Also, lessons learned in data collection and maintenance practices derived from the observations, findings, and recommendations of the study are extremely important in the evaluation and sustainment of new compressor facilities

    Can a Bose gas be saturated?

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    Bose-Einstein condensation is unique among phase transitions between different states of matter in the sense that it occurs even in the absence of interactions between particles. In Einstein's textbook picture of an ideal gas, purely statistical arguments set an upper bound on the number of particles occupying the excited states of the system, and condensation is driven by this saturation of the quantum vapour. Dilute ultracold atomic gases are celebrated as a realisation of Bose-Einstein condensation in close to its purely statistical form. Here we scrutinise this point of view using an ultracold gas of potassium (39K) atoms, in which the strength of interactions can be tuned via a Feshbach scattering resonance. We first show that under typical experi-mental conditions a partially condensed atomic gas strongly deviates from the textbook concept of a saturated vapour. We then use measurements at a range of interaction strengths and temperatures to extrapolate to the non-interacting limit, and prove that in this limit the behaviour of a Bose gas is consistent with the saturation picture. Finally, we provide evidence for the universality of our observations through additional measurements with a different atomic species, 87Rb. Our results suggest a new way of characterising condensation phenomena in different physical systems.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    CydDC-mediated reductant export in Escherichia coli controls the transcriptional wiring of energy metabolism and combats nitrosative stress

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    The glutathione/cysteine exporter CydDC maintains redox balance in Escherichia coli. A cydD mutant strain was used to probe the influence of CydDC upon reduced thiol export, gene expression, metabolic perturbations, intracellular pH homeostasis, and tolerance to nitric oxide (NO). Loss of CydDC was found to decrease extracytoplasmic thiol levels, whereas overexpression diminished the cytoplasmic thiol content. Transcriptomic analysis revealed a dramatic up-regulation of protein chaperones, protein degradation (via phenylpropionate/phenylacetate catabolism), ?-oxidation of fatty acids, and genes involved in nitrate/nitrite reduction. 1H NMR metabolomics revealed elevated methionine and betaine and diminished acetate and NAD+ in cydD cells, which was consistent with the transcriptomics-based metabolic model. The growth rate and ?pH, however, were unaffected, although the cydD strain did exhibit sensitivity to the NO-releasing compound NOC-12. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that the loss of CydDC-mediated reductant export promotes protein misfolding, adaptations to energy metabolism, and sensitivity to NO. The addition of both glutathione and cysteine to the medium was found to complement the loss of bd -type cytochrome synthesis in a cydD strain (a key component of the pleiotropic cydDC phenotype), providing the first direct evidence that CydDC substrates are able to restore the correct assembly of this respiratory oxidase. These data provide an insight into the metabolic flexibility of E. coli , highlight the importance of bacterial redox homeostasis during nitrosative stress, and report for the first time the ability of periplasmic low molecular weight thiols to restore haem incorporation into a cytochrome complex

    Adsorption behaviour of the binary mixtures of octane and nonane at sub-monolayer coverage on graphite

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    The behaviour of binary mixtures of octane and nonane adsorbed on graphite has been investigated with a combination of adiabatic calorimetry and neutron di†raction. In contrast to the eutectic behaviour of monolayers of these materials at higher coverages, this combination of alkanes is found to form mixed crystals on the surface over an extensive composition range at the sub-monolayer coverages investigated here. In the mixed phase the shorter octane molecules are incorporated into the lattice of the longer nonane molecules. This incorporation occurs despite pure octane and nonane monolayers having di†erent symmetries and is attributed to the expanded nature of the submonolayer phases, relative to higher coverage monolayers, providing room for mixed crystal formation

    The crystalline structures of the even alkanes hexane, octane, decane, dodecane and tetradecane monolayers adsorbed on graphite at submonolayer coverages and from the liquid

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    Neutron and X-ray diffraction have been used to structurally characterise the crystalline monolayer structures of hexane, octane, decane, dodecane and tetradecane adsorbed on graphite at sub-monolayer coverages and when coexisting with liquid alkane. The structures of all the molecules investigated at both coverages and low temperatures are isomorphous with rectangular unit cells of plane group pgg containing two molecules per cell. In both high- and low-coverage structures the molecules have their extended axes parallel to the surface. The plane of the carbon skeleton is found to be parallel to the graphite surface. The monolayers at sub-monolayer coverages are interpreted as uniaxially commensurate while those monolayers coexisting with the liquid are fully commensurate. Dodecane and tetradecane are exceptional: dodecane forms additional phases at high temperatures just prior to melting, at both low and high coverages. In these structures the molecules in the unit cell are parallel to each other with plane group cmm. Tetradecane only forms a single phase at high coverages in which the molecules appear to be parallel and upright, similar to the dodecane high temperature, high coverage phase

    Stimulation of paralysed quadriceps muscles with sequentially and spatially distributed electrodes during dynamic knee extension

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    Background: During functional electrical stimulation (FES) tasks with able-bodied (AB) participants, spatially distributed sequential stimulation (SDSS) has demonstrated substantial improvements in power output and fatigue properties compared to conventional single electrode stimulation (SES). The aim of this study was to compare the properties of SDSS and SES in participants with spinal cord injury (SCI) in a dynamic isokinetic knee extension task simulating knee movement during recumbent cycling. Method: Using a case-series design, m. vastus lateralis and medialis of four participants with motor and sensory complete SCI (AIS A) were stimulated for 6 min on both legs with both electrode setups. With SES, target muscles were stimulated by a pair of electrodes. In SDSS, the distal electrodes were replaced by four small electrodes giving the same overall stimulation frequency and having the same total surface area. Torque was measured during knee extension by a dynamometer at an angular velocity of 110 deg/s. Mean power of the left and right sides (PmeanL,R) was calculated from all stimulated extensions for initial, final and all extensions. Fatigue is presented as an index value with respect to initial power from 1 to 0, whereby 1 means no fatigue. Results: SDSS showed higher PmeanL,R values for all four participants for all extensions (increases of 132% in participant P1, 100% in P2, 36% in P3 and 18% in P4 compared to SES) and for the initial phase (increases of 84%, 59%, 66%, and 16%, respectively). Fatigue resistance was better with SDSS for P1, P2 and P4 but worse for P3 (0.47 vs 0.35, 0.63 vs 0.49, 0.90 vs 0.82 and 0.59 vs 0.77, respectively). Conclusion: Consistently higher PmeanL,R was observed for all four participants for initial and overall contractions using SDSS. This supports findings from previous studies with AB participants. Fatigue properties were better in three of the four participants. The lower fatigue resistance with SDSS in one participant may be explained by a very low muscle activation level in this case. Further investigation in a larger cohort is warranted