144 research outputs found

    Predicting Suitable Habitat Decline of Midwestern United States Amphibians and Quantifying the Consequence of Declines Using Pond-Breeding Salamanders

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    With current declines of vertebrate taxa meeting or exceeding those of historic mass extinction events, there is a growing need to investigate the main drivers of declines. Amphibians are perhaps at greatest risk of global climate change and land-use changes than most other vertebrate classes and also have significant roles in ecosystem processes – combined, this creates a cause for concern. I designed a study that would investigate the effects of current and predicted climate change and land-use changes on amphibians using species distribution models and a field study to identify the potential consequences of amphibian species declines by investigating the role of larval pond-breeding salamanders in wetlands in the Midwestern U.S. My objectives were to: (1) quantify changes in suitable habitat space and species richness for amphibians from current to future predictions, (2) compare predictions based exclusively on climate with predictions based on both climate and land-use, (3) identify what factors influence density of biota in ephemeral wetlands in the Midwest and (4) determine if larval pond-breeding salamanders have a measurable role in shaping wetland biotic communities. Model results indicate climate, not land-use, is a primary factor driving predicted changes in suitable habitat for amphibians in the Midwest and the changing climate is predicted to result in an overall decline of amphibian species richness based on future predictions. Wetland investigations showed local level factors influence aquatic invertebrate density while landscape level factors influence larval pond-breeding salamanders. I did not find any significant effects of larval pond-breeding salamander densities on the density of aquatic invertebrates. However, larval salamanders showed a predation bias for certain taxa as well as for taxa within the predator functional group. Future research should center on the role larval ambystomatid salamanders have on whole-ecosystem processes within wetlands and further interpolate the relationships between current and predicted global climate change on the potential decline of ecosystem processes

    Predicted Suitable Habitat Declines for Midwestern United States Amphibians Under Future Climate and Land-Use Change Scenarios

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    With current declines of vertebrate taxa meeting or exceeding those of historic mass extinction events, there is a growing need to investigate the main drivers of losses. Two of the main drivers of declines are global climate and land-use changes, both affecting multiple groups of taxa. Amphibians are at great risk from these two drivers of change and investigations into the impact of future change could assist with the formation of conservation plans to mitigate losses. Forecasting changes in suitable habitat with ecological niche modeling serves as a useful tool to begin to understand how species may respond to anthropogenic change. We used Maxent to model suitable habitat space of 33 amphibian species within the Midwestern U.S. under multiple future climate change scenarios and used current and predicted changes in land-use to examine the predicted impact of global climate and land-use change. We predicted reductions in suitable habitat for a high proportion of species in all model scenarios, while few species were predicted to gain suitable habitat. No significant differences in percentage change in habitat space were determined between models predicting suitable habitat solely using climate change scenarios or model output that incorporated the impact of land-use change. Species richness of amphibians is predicted to decrease based on future climate and climate + land-use scenarios. In the future, we encourage continuation of the examination of land-use and other global stressors, and further investigations into physiological tolerances of amphibian species to create more robust predictions


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    OBJETIVOS DO TRABALHOA obra em tela promove um estudo detalhado a respeito das fases do processo produtivo em âmbito internacional. Neste sentido, através de uma análise minuciosa das Cadeias Globais de Valor (CGV), observou-se as alterações ao longo do tempo no comércio internacional e, consequentemente, na economia global. Com base no texto, verificou-se que as CGV, na esfera da Organização Mundial do Comércio (OMC), são caracterizadas pelo fracionamento das etapas de produção de certos bens ou serviços, elaboradas em diferentes países, o que ocasiona um novo dinamismo no comércio internacional, com efeitos e influências sócio-políticas na economia mundial


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    OBJETIVOS DO TRABALHOO trabalho em questão possui como foco estudar a internet como ferramenta de expressão popular, meio este eficiente no compartilhamento de dados e informações que viabilizam um maior grau de participação e engajamento em questões de interesse público. Esta contribuição torna-se mais clara com o uso de redes sociais e plataformas de consulta pública na rede, demonstrativas de uma conjuntura pública conectada e com potencial democrático significativo. Deste modo, por meio do desenvolvimento da internet, a sociedade paulatinamente deixa de ser uma sociedade presencial para se tornar uma sociedade digital

    Arbitragem nos contratos empresariais

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    Orientador: Marcia Carla Pereira RibeiroMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Jurídicas, Curso de Graduação em DireitoResumo: Diante dos grandes problemas que assolam o Judiciário brasileiro (principalmente morosidade, ineficiência e insegurança), muitos particulares vêm recorrendo à arbitragem como meio de resolução de seus conflitos. O presente estudo objetiva compreender essa escolha nos contratos empresariais, analisando-se: primeiro, as particularidades desses contratos e as ferramentas para sua adequada interpretação; após, o instituto arbitral, seu desenvolvimento e seu recente amadurecimento no Brasil; e, finalmente, os principais conceitos da Análise Econômica do Direito, a fim de se compreender, de forma mais próxima à realidade, quais os motivos e efeitos (externalidades) da opção pelo procedimento arbitral

    Thermal Environment and Microhabitat of Ornate Box Turtle Hibernacula

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    Box turtle populations are under significant threat from historic and current alterations of land-use where remaining populations often occur in remnant patches of suitable habitat surrounded by a heterogeneous mixture of anthropogenically altered, unsuitable habitat. Ornate box turtles Terrapene ornata are a prairie-dependent species, are considered Near Threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and are Endangered or Threatened within many US states. Since their range exists largely in northern latitudes, aspects of hibernacula are particularly important for winter survival. How box turtles select hibernacula within prairies is likely of great importance to better understand which microhabitats are selected for and to identify areas of suitable habitat for management purposes. Using radio telemetry in conjunction with temperature dataloggers (iButtons), we examined the phenology and thermal characteristics of box turtle hibernation, and quantified microhabitat selection of their hibernacula in remnant prairie patches. We monitored hibernation initiation/termination phenology and turtle carapace temperatures, and quantified vegetative and soil microhabitat variables of hibernacula for seven turtles in 2014/2015 and 18 turtles in 2015/2016. Box turtles initiated (descended into hibernacula) and terminated (ascended out of hibernacula) at similar time periods across two years. Although the ambient thermal environment consistently experienced temperatures below freezing, turtle hibernacula offered a buffer against those temperatures and thus the temperature of turtle carapaces never fell below freezing. Turtles selected microhabitat hibernacula with higher percentages of sand, leaf litter and bare ground, and lower percentages of clay, silt, shrubs and herbaceous ground cover. Our study suggests the phenology of box turtle hibernation may be similar across years and that hibernacula selection is driven by above- and belowground characteristics that ultimately lead to a more stable and warmer thermal environment

    A nova lei anticorrupção e o compliance para as empresas que se relacionam com a administração pública

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    Orientador: Emerson GabardoMonografia (Graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Jurídicas, Curso de Graduação em DireitoResumo: A Lei Anticorrupção brasileira (Lei Federal nº 12.846/2013) entrou em vigor a partir de 29 de janeiro de 2014, almejando antes a prevenção de ilícitos do que propriamente a punição destes. Nesta seara, insere-se no contexto do sistema jurídico de combate à corrupção e instala diretrizes que norteiam de modo significativo a atuação da Administração Pública e de agentes econômicos privados. Deste modo, é necessário uma investigação e compreensão dessa nova realidade, recentemente regulamentada pelo Decreto 8.420/15. Como a Lei n° 12.846/2013 representa um sistema de incentivos para que a conjuntura política conviva com premissas éticas e controles internos (implementando melhorias na gestão governamental e convivência público-privada), a pesquisa está pautada pelo prisma da Lei Anticorrupção e do compliance para as empresas que se relacionam com a Administração Pública. Com efeito, através de programas de compliance elaborados e aplicados pelas pessoas jurídicas, podem ser detectadas, processadas e solucionadas condutas previstas na Lei Anticorrupção no âmbito interno da empresa, sendo viável apaziguar as possíveis sanções administrativas e/ou judiciais prejudiciais à moralidade administrativa prevista na Constituição (artigos 5º, LXXIII; 14, §9º; e 37, caput). Portanto, com base nos resultados, nas ideias expostas e nos estudos desenvolvidos, entende-se que é legítima a tentativa de se buscar responsabilizar (pelas vias administrativa e civil) a pessoa jurídica por atos lesivos à Administração Pública


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    O foco do presente trabalho é a conjuntura tributária, especificamente quanto à demonstração de que a base de cálculo do ITBI é o valor alcançado em leilão na compra e venda de um imóvel adquirido por meio de hasta pública. O ITBI é o Imposto de Transmissão de Bens Imóveis, um tributo municipal aplicado sobre transferências imobiliárias. A responsabilidade do pagamento do tributo costuma obedecer às leis municipais. No caso de bem adquirido em hasta pública, verifica-se que o ITBI deve ser calculado sobre o preço pago pelo arrematante e não sobre o valor de mercado.

    Home ranges of Ornate Box Turtles in remnant prairies in north-central Illinois

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    Habitat loss has been a primary driver of biodiversity declines throughout the United States. Native prairie ecosystems represent some of the most significant losses in land cover, and subsequently, prairie-dependent species are some of the most imperiled. Therefore, understanding the ecology of species remaining in remnant portions of these ecosystems is important to help manage their populations. Using radio-telemetry, we examined minimum convex polygon (MCP) and 95% kernel density (KD) home ranges of 20 (5 females, 15 males) Ornate Box Turtles (Terrapene ornata) inhabiting two remnant prairies in north-central Illinois across two years and six seasons. Results showed that MCP and 95% KD home range estimates were comparable but smaller than other published studies, differed between years, across seasons, and among individual turtles within sites. These results provide valuable data to quantify the ecology of this threatened species in a remnant prairie habitat