15 research outputs found

    Constitutional protection of the right to social security in Slovenia

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    In Slovenia there are several constitutional provisions, which are rather important for shaping the social security system and limiting the legislator when he wishes to reduce the (personal and/or material) scope of social security rights. In Slovenia its meaning has been explained by the Slovenian Constitutional Court and legal theory, although, to far lesser extent than the principle of the state governed by the rule of law

    Osiguranje za slučaj nezaposlenosti – usporedna, prekogranična i europska perspektiva

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    The article is centred upon the research question whether unemployed persons enjoy proper protection in national, international (cross-border) and EU law. In an attempt to reply to such question, the authors firstly compare national unemployment insurance schemes and secondly, research on how unemployment benefits are coordinated in cross-border cases. Moreover, non-coordination of social assistance schemes is addressed. With respect to coordination of unemployment benefits and social assistance schemes, the authors advocate for ways of improving the legal position of mobile unemployed persons. Lastly, some EU-wide unemployment related initiatives are highlighted, namely the European unemployment benefit scheme (EUBS) and the European instrument for temporary support to mitigate unemployment risks in an emergency (SURE) following the Covid-19 outbreak.U radu autori polaze od sljedećeg istraživačkog pitanja: Imaju li nezaposlene osobe odgovarajuću zaštitu u nacionalnom, međunarodnom (prekograničnom) te europskom pravu? Nastojeći dati odgovore na postavljeno pitanje, autori prvo uspoređuju nacionalne sustave osiguranja za vrijeme nezaposlenosti te potom analiziraju koordinaciju davanja za vrijeme nezaposlenosti u prekograničnim situacijama. Nadalje, osvrću se na pitanje nepostojanja koordinacije u pogledu sustava socijalne skrbi. U kontekstu koordinacije davanja za vrijeme nezaposlenosti i prava iz sustava socijalne skrbi autori predlažu načine poboljšanja pravnog položaja mobilnih nezaposlenih osoba. Zaključno, u radu su istaknute određene inicijative koje se odnose na nezaposlenost u zemljama EU-a, i to Europski program naknada za nezaposlene (EUBS) te Europski instrument za privremenu potporu radi smanjenja rizika od nezaposlenosti u izvanrednoj situaciji (SURE), nastao nakon izbijanja pandemije bolesti COVID-19

    Slovenia: Social Law and Labor Law – An Overview of Key Concepts

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    Supervision of medical activities

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    It is investigated what kind of supervision could be exercised over medical activities in order to ensure the highest attainable quality of healthcare and access to medical services. To this end rights and especially duties of healthcare providers, definitions of sickness and effective healthcare provision, as well as various supervisory mechanisms and procedures for enforcing the rights, are analysed. It is argued that legal definitions of sickness and effective healthcare provision, stricter supervisory mechanisms and a single, legally regulated professional complaint procedure are required de lege ferenda

    Reliance on long-term care as a “new” social risk in national and EU law

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    There have always been people who cannot take care of their daily needs and are reliant on care. However, due to higher life expectancy and low birth rates, changes in lifestyle and increased mobility, reliance on long-term care is becoming a general risk in life. Therefore, it must be provided with social protection. In this respect, the criteria for shaping the (new) social risk of reliance on long-term care are also fulfilled. Although different benefits are already provided within different parts of the social security system, the paper discusses that the best option is to define reliance on long-term care as an independent social risk. Furthermore, we must ensure that providing long-term care will not turn out to be a double social risk. The issue has to be addressed at the national and at the EU level.Od zawsze istnieli ludzie, którzy nie mogli zadbać o swoje codzienne potrzeby i polegali na opiece innych osób. Jednak ze względu na oczekiwaną większą długość życia i niski wskaźnik urodzeń zmiany w sposobie życia i zwiększoną mobilność, poleganie na opiece długoterminowej staje się powszechnym ryzykiem życiowym. Stąd też konieczność zapewnienia określonej ochrony socjalnej. Pod tym względem kryteria ukształtowania (nowego) ryzyka socjalnego zależności od opieki długoterminowej są spełnione. Choć różnorodne świadczenia są już przewidziane w różnych działach systemu zabezpieczenia społecznego, najlepszym rozwiązaniem, przyjętym w niniejszym opracowaniu, jest zdefiniowanie zależności od opieki długoterminowej jako niezależnego ryzyka społecznego. Ponadto należy zadbać, aby długoterminowa opieka nie okazała się podwójnym ryzykiem społecznym. Problem ten należy rozwiązać na szczeblu krajowym i unijnym

    Slovenia: From the Protection of Acquired Rights, Legitimate Expectations and the Principle of Solidarity to Financial Sustainability Constrains — What Does the Future Hold?

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    This chapter, grounded in most relevant Slovenian literature on social security law, provides a general overview of the Slovenian social security system. However, the authors approach the overview from the perspective of long-term sustainability, adding specific topics, such as the potential future interplay between public and private income responsibility, upcoming healthcare and pension reform, and the introduction of new branches of social insurance, to the general overview. Examining the Slovenian Constitution, they address distinct social security (social insurance) schemes, such as the mandatory health insurance, pension and disability, or the developing long-term care insurance scheme, alongside the social assistance scheme, which is in place as a subsidiary safety net aimed at preventing poverty and social exclusion. The authors briefly address other notions in social security, such as social damages and cover the basic elements of social procedural law. Further, they address substantial and formal or organisational aspects of social security or social security administration