19,479 research outputs found

    The Geoff Egan Memorial Lecture 2011. Artefacts, art and artifice: reconsidering iconographic sources for archaeological objects in early modern Europe

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    A first systematic analysis of historic domestic material culture depicted in contemporaneous Western painting and prints, c.1400-1800. Drawing on an extensive data set, the paper proposes to methodologies and hermeneutics for historical analysis and archaeological correspondence

    Nonharmonic oscillations of nanosized cantilevers due to quantum-size effects

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    Using a one-dimensional jellium model and standard beam theory we calculate the spring constant of a vibrating nanowire cantilever. By using the asymptotic energy eigenvalues of the standing electron waves over the nanometer-sized cross-section area, the change in the grand canonical potential is calculated and hence the force and the spring constant. As the wire is bent more electron states fits in its cross section. This has an impact on the spring"constant" which oscillates slightly with the bending of the wire. In this way we obtain an amplitude-dependent resonance frequency of the oscillations that should be detectable.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Well-posedness, energy and charge conservation for nonlinear wave equations in discrete space-time

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    We consider the problem of discretization for the U(1)-invariant nonlinear wave equations in any dimension. We show that the classical finite-difference scheme used by Strauss and Vazquez \cite{MR0503140} conserves the positive-definite discrete analog of the energy if the grid ratio is dt/dx1/ndt/dx\le 1/\sqrt{n}, where dtdt and dxdx are the mesh sizes of the time and space variables and nn is the spatial dimension. We also show that if the grid ratio is dt/dx=1/ndt/dx=1/\sqrt{n}, then there is the discrete analog of the charge which is conserved. We prove the existence and uniqueness of solutions to the discrete Cauchy problem. We use the energy conservation to obtain the a priori bounds for finite energy solutions, thus showing that the Strauss -- Vazquez finite-difference scheme for the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation with positive nonlinear term in the Hamiltonian is conditionally stable.Comment: 10 page

    Hyperfine, rotational and Zeeman structure of the lowest vibrational levels of the 87^{87}Rb2_2 \tripletex state

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    We present the results of an experimental and theoretical study of the electronically excited \tripletex state of 87^{87}Rb2_2 molecules. The vibrational energies are measured for deeply bound states from the bottom up to v=15v'=15 using laser spectroscopy of ultracold Rb2_2 Feshbach molecules. The spectrum of each vibrational state is dominated by a 47\,GHz splitting into a \cog and \clg component caused mainly by a strong second order spin-orbit interaction. Our spectroscopy fully resolves the rotational, hyperfine, and Zeeman structure of the spectrum. We are able to describe to first order this structure using a simplified effective Hamiltonian.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    A feasibility study of hand kinematics for EVA analysis using magnetic resonance imaging

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    A new method of analyzing the kinematics of joint motion is developed. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) offers several distinct advantages. Past methods of studying anatomic joint motion have usually centered on four approaches. These methods are x-ray projection, goniometric linkage analysis, sonic digitization, and landmark measurement of photogrammetry. Of these four, only x-ray is applicable for in vivo studies. The remaining three methods utilize other types of projections of inter-joint measurements, which can cause various types of error. MRI offers accuracy in measurement due to its tomographic nature (as opposed to projection) without the problems associated with x-ray dosage. Once the data acquisition of MR images was complete, the images were processed using a 3D volume rendering workstation. The metacarpalphalangeal (MCP) joint of the left index finger was selected and reconstructed into a three-dimensional graphic display. From the reconstructed volumetric images, measurements of the angles of movement of the applicable bones were obtained and processed by analyzing the screw motion of the MCP joint. Landmark positions were chosen at distinctive locations of the joint at fixed image threshold intensity levels to ensure repeatability. The primarily two dimensional planar motion of this joint was then studied using a method of constructing coordinate systems using three (or more) points. A transformation matrix based on a world coordinate system described the location and orientation of a local target coordinate system. Future research involving volume rendering of MRI data focusing on the internal kinematics of the hand's individual ligaments, cartilage, tendons, etc. will follow. Its findings will show the applicability of MRI to joint kinematics for gaining further knowledge of the hand-glove (power assisted) design for extravehicular activity (EVA)

    EVA Glove Research Team

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    The goal of the basic research portion of the extravehicular activity (EVA) glove research program is to gain a greater understanding of the kinematics of the hand, the characteristics of the pressurized EVA glove, and the interaction of the two. Examination of the literature showed that there existed no acceptable, non-invasive method of obtaining accurate biomechanical data on the hand. For this reason a project was initiated to develop magnetic resonance imaging as a tool for biomechanical data acquisition and visualization. Literature reviews also revealed a lack of practical modeling methods for fabric structures, so a basic science research program was also initiated in this area

    Searching For Integrated Sachs-Wolfe Effect Beyond Temperature Anisotropies: CMB E-mode Polarization-Galaxy Cross Correlation

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    The cross-correlation between cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature anisotropies and the large scale structure (LSS) traced by the galaxy distribution, or sources at different wavelengths, is now well known. This correlation results from the integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect in CMB anisotropies generated at late times due to the dark energy component of the Universe. In a reionized universe, the ISW quadrupole rescatters and contributes to the large-scale polarization signal. Thus, in principle, the large-scale polarization bump in the E-mode should also be correlated with the galaxy distribution. Unlike CMB temperature-LSS correlation that peaks for tracers at low redshifts this correlation peaks mostly at redshifts between 1 and 3. Under certain conditions, mostly involving a low optical depth to reionization, if the Universe reionized at a redshift around 6, the cross polarization-source signal is marginally detectable, though challenging as it requires all-sky maps of the large scale structure at redshifts between 1 and 3. If the Universe reionized at a redshift higher than 10, it is unlikely that this correlation will be detectable even with no instrumental noise all-sky maps. While our estimates do not guarantee a detection unknown physics related to the dark energy as well as still uncertain issues related to the large angular scale CMB and polarization anisotropies may motivate attempts to measure this correlation using upcoming CMB polarization E-mode maps.Comment: 13 pages; 3 figure panels, JCAP submitte