16 research outputs found

    Photochemistry of self-assembled donor-acceptor architectures for photoactive supramolecular devices

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    Supramolecular donor-acceptor assemblies were prepared and studied with spectro-scopic methods. The two main objectives of this work were: (i) fundamental study of photoinduced energy and electron transfer processes in self-assembled supramolecular donor-acceptor complexes in solutions and (ii) self-assembly and photophysical characterization of donor-acceptor ïŹlms on titanium dioxide (TiO2) surface. The study of these systems aims to develop more complex architectures for artificial photosynthesis and understand factors that affect efficiency of the photoinduced energy and electron transfer processes in natural and artificial photosynthesis. This knowledge can be used for building photoactive molecular devices such as organic solar cells. The singlet excited state energy transfer in dyads formed via axial metal–ligand coordination of free-base porphyrin to metal (Mg, Ru) complexes of pthalocyanine was observed. The position of imidazole linker group on one of the meso-aryl groups of the free-base porphyrin was used to tune the rates of energy transfer. The two-point binding provides better control over complex geometry and it was implemented utilizing metal-ligand and crown-ether coordination in zinc chlorin–fullerene supramolecular dyads. This approach allowed to increase the binding efficiency and achieve a well-deïŹned mutual orientation between the moieties. The electron transfer rate was found to depend on the donor-acceptor distance as well as the mutual orientation of the entities and could be manipulated by changing positions of binding groups. The donor-acceptor layers were assembled on TiO2 using two methods. First, a layer of covalently linked porphyrin-pthalocyanine dyads was formed on TiO2 via supramolecular approach. Then, a new method was developed to construct donor-acceptor two-layer films using separate porphyrin and fullerene molecules. In both cases, photo-excitation of donor molecules resulted in charge-separation (CS) inside the organic layer and sequential electron transfer towards the TiO2. Furthermore, the charge recombination (CR) process was found to be slower than for systems sensitized with single chromophores

    A Record Chromophore Density in High-Entropy Liquids of Two Low-Melting Perylenes: A New Strategy for Liquid Chromophores

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    Weinheim Liquid chromophores constitute a rare but intriguing class of molecules that are in high demand for the design of luminescent inks, liquid semiconductors, and solar energy storage materials. The most common way to achieve liquid chromophores involves the introduction of long alkyl chains, which, however, significantly reduces the chromophore density. Here, strategy is presented that allows for the preparation of liquid chromophores with a minimal increase in molecular weight, using the important class of perylenes as an example. Two synergistic effects are harnessed: (1) the judicious positioning of short alkyl substituents, and (2) equimolar mixing, which in unison results in a liquid material. A series of 1-alkyl perylene derivatives is synthesized and it is found that short ethyl or butyl chains reduce the melting temperature from 278 \ub0C to as little as 70 \ub0C. Then, two low-melting derivatives are mixed, which results in materials that do not crystallize due to the increased configurational entropy of the system. As a result, liquid chromophores with the lowest reported molecular weight increase compared to the neat chromophore are obtained. The mixing strategy is readily applicable to other π-conjugated systems and, hence, promises to yield a wide range of low molecular weight liquid chromophores

    Photochemistry of self-assembled donor-acceptor architectures for photoactive supramolecular devices

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    Supramolecular donor-acceptor assemblies were prepared and studied with spectro-scopic methods. The two main objectives of this work were: (i) fundamental study of photoinduced energy and electron transfer processes in self-assembled supramolecular donor-acceptor complexes in solutions and (ii) self-assembly and photophysical characterization of donor-acceptor ïŹlms on titanium dioxide (TiO2) surface. The study of these systems aims to develop more complex architectures for artificial photosynthesis and understand factors that affect efficiency of the photoinduced energy and electron transfer processes in natural and artificial photosynthesis. This knowledge can be used for building photoactive molecular devices such as organic solar cells. The singlet excited state energy transfer in dyads formed via axial metal–ligand coordination of free-base porphyrin to metal (Mg, Ru) complexes of pthalocyanine was observed. The position of imidazole linker group on one of the meso-aryl groups of the free-base porphyrin was used to tune the rates of energy transfer. The two-point binding provides better control over complex geometry and it was implemented utilizing metal-ligand and crown-ether coordination in zinc chlorin–fullerene supramolecular dyads. This approach allowed to increase the binding efficiency and achieve a well-deïŹned mutual orientation between the moieties. The electron transfer rate was found to depend on the donor-acceptor distance as well as the mutual orientation of the entities and could be manipulated by changing positions of binding groups. The donor-acceptor layers were assembled on TiO2 using two methods. First, a layer of covalently linked porphyrin-pthalocyanine dyads was formed on TiO2 via supramolecular approach. Then, a new method was developed to construct donor-acceptor two-layer films using separate porphyrin and fullerene molecules. In both cases, photo-excitation of donor molecules resulted in charge-separation (CS) inside the organic layer and sequential electron transfer towards the TiO2. Furthermore, the charge recombination (CR) process was found to be slower than for systems sensitized with single chromophores

    Specific Imaging of Intracellular Lipid Droplets Using a Benzothiadiazole Derivative with Solvatochromic Properties

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    Altered lipid metabolism and extensive lipid storage in cells have been associated with various medical disorders, including cancer. The development of fluorescent probes that specifically accumulate in lipid deposits is therefore of great interest in order to study pathological processes that are linked to dysregulated lipogenesis. In the present study, we present a small fluorescent benzothiadiazole dye that specifically stains lipid droplets in living and fixated cells. The photophysical characterization of the probe revealed strong solvatochromic behavior, large Stokes shifts, and high fluorescent quantum yields in hydrophobic solvents. In addition, the fluorophore exhibits a nontoxic profile and a high signal-to-noise ratio in cells (i.e., lipid droplets vs cytosol), which make it an excellent candidate for studying lipid biology using confocal fluorescent microscopy.Funding Agencies|Swedish Research Council [350-2012-239]; Swedish Foundation of Strategic Research [ICA14-0018]; Wenner-Gren Foundation</p

    Specific Imaging of Intracellular Lipid Droplets Using a Benzothiadiazole Derivative with Solvatochromic Properties

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    Altered lipid metabolism and extensive lipid storage in cells have been associated with various medical disorders, including cancer. The development of fluorescent probes that specifically accumulate in lipid deposits is therefore of great interest in order to study pathological processes that are linked to dysregulated lipogenesis. In the present study, we present a small fluorescent benzothiadiazole dye that specifically stains lipid droplets in living and fixated cells. The photophysical characterization of the probe revealed strong solvatochromic behavior, large Stokes shifts, and high fluorescent quantum yields in hydrophobic solvents. In addition, the fluorophore exhibits a nontoxic profile and a high signal-to-noise ratio in cells (i.e., lipid droplets vs cytosol), which make it an excellent candidate for studying lipid biology using confocal fluorescent microscopy

    Long-Range Observation of Exciplex Formation and Decay Mediated by One-Dimensional Bridges

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    We report herein unprecedented long-range observation of both formation and decay of the exciplex state in donor (D)–bridge (B)–acceptor (A) linked systems. Zinc porphyrins (ZnP) as a donor were tethered to single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) as an acceptor through oligo­(<i>p</i>-phenylene)­s (ZnP–ph<sub><i>n</i></sub>–SWNT) or oligo­(<i>p</i>-xylene)­s (ZnP–xy<sub><i>n</i>–1</sub>–ph<sub>1</sub>–SWNT) with systematically varied lengths (<i>n</i> = 1–5) to address the issue. Exponential dependencies of rate constants for the exciplex formation (<i>k</i><sub>FEX</sub>) and decay (<i>k</i><sub>DEX</sub>) on the edge-to-edge separation distance between ZnP and SWNT through the bridges were unambiguously derived from time-resolved spectroscopies. Distance dependencies (i.e., attenuation factor, ÎČ) of <i>k</i><sub>FEX</sub> and <i>k</i><sub>DEX</sub> in ZnP–ph<sub><i>n</i></sub>–SWNT were found to be considerably small (ÎČ = 0.10 for <i>k</i><sub>FEX</sub> and 0.12 Å<sup>–1</sup> for <i>k</i><sub>DEX</sub>) compared to those for charge separation and recombination (0.2–0.8 Å<sup>–1</sup>) in D–B–A systems with the same oligo­(<i>p</i>-phenylene) bridges. The small ÎČ values may be associated with the exciplex state with mixed characters of charge-transfer and excited states. In parallel, the substantially nonconjugated bridge of oligo­(<i>p</i>-xylene)­s exhibited larger attenuation values (ÎČ = 0.12 for <i>k</i><sub>FEX</sub> and 0.14 Å<sup>–1</sup> for <i>k</i><sub>DEX</sub>). These results provide deep insight into the unique photodynamics of electronically strongly coupled D–B–A systems involving exciplex

    Photophysical Study of a Self-Assembled Donor–Acceptor Two-Layer Film on TiO<sub>2</sub>

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    The self-assembled monolayer (SAM) technique was employed to fabricate a two-layer donor–acceptor film on the surface of TiO<sub>2</sub>. The approach is based on using donor and acceptor compounds with anchoring groups of different lengths. The acceptor, a fullerene derivative, has a carboxyl anchor attached to the fullerene moiety via a short linker that places the fullerene close to the surface. The donor, a porphyrin derivative, is equipped with a long linker that can penetrate between the fullerenes and keep porphyrin on top of the fullerene layer. The two-layer fullerene–porphyrin structures were deposited on a mesoporous film of TiO<sub>2</sub> nanoparticles by immersing the TiO<sub>2</sub> film sequentially into fullerene and porphyrin solutions. Transient absorption spectroscopy studies of the samples revealed that after the selective photoexcitation of porphyrin a fast (<5 ps) intermolecular electron transfer (ET) takes place from porphyrin to the fullerene layer, which confirms the formation of the interlayer donor–acceptor interface. Furthermore, in the second step of ET the fullerene anions donate electrons to the TiO<sub>2</sub> nanoparticles. The latter reaction is relatively slow with an average time constant of 230 ps. It involves roughly half of the primary generated charges, and the second half relaxes by the interlayer charge recombination. The resulting state with a porphyrin cation and electron in TiO<sub>2</sub> has an extremely long lifetime and recombines with an average time constant of 23 ms

    Effect of Mutual Position of Electron Donor and Acceptor on Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Supramolecular Chlorophyll–Fullerene Dyads

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    In this study we have explored the influence of mutual position of chlorin electron donor and fullerene C<sub>60</sub> electron acceptor on photoinduced electron transfer. Two zinc-chlorin-aza-[18]­crown-6 compounds and three pyrrolidino[60]­fullerenes with alkyl aminium and varying coordinative moieties were synthesized and used for self-assembling of a set of complexes via two-point binding. The aza[18]­crown6 moieties were connected to chlorins via amide linker either at 13<sup>4</sup> or 17<sup>4</sup> position, hence, being attached on different sides of the chlorin plane. Furthermore, in the former case, the linker holds the crown closely spaced, whereas, in the latter, the linker gives more space and conformational freedom for the crown with respect to the chlorin macrocycle. The coordinative moieties at fullerene site, 3-pyridine, 4-pyridine, and 3-furan, were built by utilizing the Prato reaction. The two-point binding drove the molecules into specific complex formation by self-assembling; aminium ion was chelated by crown ether, while zinc moiety of chlorin was coordinated by pyridine and furan. Such pairing resulted in distinct supramolecular chlorin-fullerene dyads with defined distance and orientation. The performed computational studies at DFT level in solution, with TPSS-D3/def2-TZVP//def2-SVP, indicated different geometries and binding energies for the self-assembling complexes. Notably, the computations pointed out that for all the studied complexes, the donor–acceptor distances and binding energies were dictated by chirality of pyrrolidino ring at C<sub>60</sub>. The selective excitation of chlorin chromophore revealed efficient emission quenching in all dyads. The ultrafast spectroscopy studies suggested a fast and efficient photoinduced charge transfer in the dyads. The lifetimes of the charge separated states range from 55 to 187 ps in <i>o</i>-dichlorobenzene and from 14 to 60 ps in benzonitrile. Expectedly, the electron transfer rate was found to be critically dependent on the donor–acceptor distance; additionally, the mutual orientation of these entities was found to have significant contribution on the rate

    Exclusive occurrence of photoinduced energy transfer and switching of its direction by rectangular pi-extension of nanographenes

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    As structure defined cutouts of the graphene lattice, nanographene molecules have gained plenty of attention because of their high potential for versatile applications in organic electronics and energy conversion devices and as ideal model systems for the better understanding of intrinsic structure–property correlations of graphenes. In this study, well-defined nanographenes with sp2 carbon networks of different sizes, hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (HBC) and its rectangularly π-extended version, a short graphene nanoribbon (GNR), have been covalently functionalized with photoactive porphyrin molecules. On the basis of their spectroscopic studies, the photodynamics of the porphyrin-linked nanographenes was found to be influenced substantially by the size of the nanographenes. Photoexcitation of the porphyrin–HBC linked system led to exclusive energy transfer (EnT) from the first singlet excited state (S1) of the nanographene to the porphyrin, whereas opposite selective EnT occurred from the first and second singlet excited states (S1 and S2) of the porphyrin to the nanographene in the porphyrin–GNR linked system. In particular, ultrafast efficient EnTs from both the S2 and S1 states of the porphyrin to GNR mimic the corresponding ultrafast EnTs from the S2 and S1 states of carotenoids to chlorophylls in light-harvesting systems of natural photosynthesis. Such unique photophysical properties will be useful for the rational design of carbon-based photofunctional nanomaterials for optoelectronics and solar energy conversion devices