151 research outputs found

    How we can THINC-it Better: A new Digital Screening Tool in Depression Assessment

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    In the past decades, cognition as one of the key factors in depression has been highlighted. It has been found that cognitive impairment (CI) might both precede the onset of depression and persist during remission. This factor is influencing education, work performance and social life, even after euthymia is reached. Even with the growing number of research, there is no universal agreement in how to assess CI in depression. This makes it challenging to consider the CI symptom and make it a part of the treatment plan of depression. This studies aim is to investigate the sensitivity of a newly developed cognitive screening tool, THINC-it, in a nonpatient group, for identifying CI related to symptoms of depression. The THINC-it was measured together with existing tools for cognition (BRIEF-A) and depression (MADRS), assessing both objective and subjective measures of cognition. Our results show that the global scores of THINC-it correlate significantly with the scores on both BRIEF-A and MADRS-S. The objective scores did not significantly correlate with the scores on BRIEF-A and MADRS-S. However, the subjective scores of THINC-it correlates with BRIEF-A and MADRS-S. When dividing in levels of depression, participants showing either low or moderate symptoms of depression, scored significantly higher on THINC-it compared to participants without depressive symptoms. THINC-it seems to be an adequate screening-tool clinicians’ can implement as part of their screening and treatment of depression, used in all the stages of the illness in order to assess cognitive functioning.De siste årene har kognisjon som en av nøkkelfaktorene i depresjon blitt fremhevet. Kognitiv svekkelse kan være tilstede både før depresjon, og henge igjen etter de depressive symptomene et lettet. Dette påvirker både utdanning, arbeid og sosialt liv. Selv med den voksende litteraturen, er det ingen universell måte å evaluere kognitiv svekkelse på hos pasienten. Dette gjør det vanskelig teste og å implementere i en behandlingsplan. Målet for denne studien er å undersøke sensitiviteten til ett nytt kognitivt screeningverktøy, THINC-it, i normalbefolkningen for å identifisere kognitiv svekkelse i relasjon med depresjonssymptomer. THINC-it ble måle med eksisterende verktøy for kognisjon (BRIEF-A) og depresjon (MADRS), som vurderer både objektive og subjektive mål av kognisjon. Resultatene viser at de globale scorene av THINC-it korrelerer signifikant med resultatene på både BRIEF-A og MADRS-S. De objektive scorene var ikke signifikant korrelert med scorene på BRIEF-A og MADRS-S. Imidlertid korrelerer de subjektive scorene i THINC-it med BRIEF-A og MADRS-S. Forskjellige depresjonsnivåer, lave eller moderate symptomer, viste en signifikant forskjell i THINC-its subjektive score sammenliknet med deltakerne uten depresjonssymptomer. THINC-it ser ut til å være et dekkende screening-verktøy klinikere kan implementere som en del av deres vurdering og behandling av depresjon, og brukes i alle stadier av lidelsen for å vurdere kognitiv fungering.Masteroppgave i psykologiMAPSYK36

    Sykepleie til barn som pårørende

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    SAMMENDRAG Bakgrunn: Hvert år opplever nesten 3500 barn at en forelder blir kreftsyk, og over 34 000 barn har eller har hatt en forelder med kreft. Dersom barn ikke får tilstrekkelig ivaretakelse i forelderens sykdom, kan dette medføre usikkerhet og frykt. Barn kan være en vanskelig gruppe pårørende å håndtere og sykepleiere har en elementær rolle for god ivaretakelse. Sykepleiere føler de ikke strekker til, og har lite kunnskaper om hvordan de skal møte barna. Hensikt: I denne oppgaven ønsker vi å belyse hvordan sykepleiere kan ivareta barn som pårørende til forelder med kreftsykdom. Valg av metode: Oppgaven vår er en integrativ litteraturstudie. Besvarelsen vår baserer seg på fire kvalitative forskningsartikler og relevant bakgrunnslitteratur. En av artiklene har et pårørendeperspektiv, en artikkel har et sykepleieperspektiv, en har foreldres perspektiv, og en har foreldres og barnets perspektiv. Resultater: Resultatene fra vår studie viser at barn har behov for en sykepleier som har en omsorgsfull væremåte i møte med dem. Barna ønsker å bli inkludert og å få tilstrekkelig og tilpasset informasjon til deres individuelle behov. Det viser seg å være nødvendig at sykepleier har god faglig kompetanse og en pedagogisk tilnærming

    Sykepleie til barn som pårørende

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    SAMMENDRAG Bakgrunn: Hvert år opplever nesten 3500 barn at en forelder blir kreftsyk, og over 34 000 barn har eller har hatt en forelder med kreft. Dersom barn ikke får tilstrekkelig ivaretakelse i forelderens sykdom, kan dette medføre usikkerhet og frykt. Barn kan være en vanskelig gruppe pårørende å håndtere og sykepleiere har en elementær rolle for god ivaretakelse. Sykepleiere føler de ikke strekker til, og har lite kunnskaper om hvordan de skal møte barna. Hensikt: I denne oppgaven ønsker vi å belyse hvordan sykepleiere kan ivareta barn som pårørende til forelder med kreftsykdom. Valg av metode: Oppgaven vår er en integrativ litteraturstudie. Besvarelsen vår baserer seg på fire kvalitative forskningsartikler og relevant bakgrunnslitteratur. En av artiklene har et pårørendeperspektiv, en artikkel har et sykepleieperspektiv, en har foreldres perspektiv, og en har foreldres og barnets perspektiv. Resultater: Resultatene fra vår studie viser at barn har behov for en sykepleier som har en omsorgsfull væremåte i møte med dem. Barna ønsker å bli inkludert og å få tilstrekkelig og tilpasset informasjon til deres individuelle behov. Det viser seg å være nødvendig at sykepleier har god faglig kompetanse og en pedagogisk tilnærming

    The invasive Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, in Scandinavia coastal waters:A risk assessment on the impact in different habitats and climate conditions

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    A massive invasion of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, has occurred in Scandinavia during the last decade. The introduction and dispersal was described through collaboration between scientists from Sweden, Denmark and Norway. This work has been followed up by national activities that clearly visualized the need for a continued collaboration between scientists in the Scandinavian countries, as the bio-invasion is a cross-border issue and management actions then have to be synchronized, and based on a “state of the art” knowledge of the Scandinavian bio-invasion of the species. The risk assessment presented in this report is based on available scientific literature, expert judgments and data collected during a Nordic collaboration project on Pacific oysters in 2011 – 2013

    Kultursensitivitet : Flyktningkontorets blikk på praksis

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    Studentarbeid i sosialt arbeid (bachelorgrad) - Universitetet i Nordland, 201

    Repeated and Systematic Intimate Partner Violence in Rural Areas in Sweden

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    Violence against women lacks geographical boundaries, although research demonstrates higher rates of such violence in rural areas compared to urban areas. The repeated and systematic intimate partner violence (IPV) is especially problematic in isolated areas. This study aims to investigate how repeated and systematic IPV, was handled by the criminal justice system in rural areas in Sweden and how risk and victim vulnerability factors were related to recidivism in this longitudinal prospective study. The sample consisted of alleged perpetrators of repeated and systematic IPV who had been either reported, charged, or convicted of repeated and systematic IPV defined according to the Swedish Law Gross Violation of a Woman’s Integrity targeting such violence, in two rural Swedish police districts during 2011–2014 (N = 258). Results demonstrated that 30% of IPV perpetrators were charged with the Gross violation offense and 5% were charged for other IPV-related offenses. The conviction for the Gross violation offense was 11% and 24% for other IPV-related offenses. 56% were not charged or convicted of any IPV-related offenses. Perpetrators convicted of the Gross Violation offense were more likely to receive longer prison sentences than perpetrators convicted of other IPV-related offenses. Victim cooperation in the police investigation increased the likelihood for prosecution with 7.3 times and for a conviction with 6.1 times. In terms of recidivism 24% engaged in IPV towards the same victim and another 27% recidivated into general criminality. Recidivists had higher summary risk ratings and more individual risk factors than non-recidivists, such as general criminality, employment problems and mental health problems, and victim vulnerability factors including personal problems. To reduce re-victimization, risk and vulnerability factors and supporting victims to cooperate in the police investigation should be considered when forming risk management strategies to protect victims of repeated and systematic IPV in such rural areas

    Assessing risk among women who perpetrate intimate partner abuse

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    This paper presents a prospective evaluation of the predictive validity of three risk assessment instruments in a sample of Australian women identified by police as intimate partner abuse (IPA) perpetrators. Using a subsample from Spivak et al. (2020), 410 female IPA perpetrators were screened using the Victoria Police Screening Assessment for Family Violence Risk (VP-SAFvR) and evaluated alongside two samples of 60 and 229 female IPA perpetrators assessed using the Brief Spousal Assault Form for the Evaluation of Risk (B-SAFER) and a modified version of the Lethality Screen respectively. Of the three instruments, the VPSAFvR possessed indicators of effective discrimination (i.e. sensitivity, specificity, area under the curve) and predictive validity (i.e. positive predictive value, negative predictive value) on general IPA recidivism and its intended outcome of family or intimate partner abuse. The B-SAFER risk judgement similarly predicted its intended outcome of physical IPA recidivism, with notable indicators of discrimination and predictive validity. The results of the Modified Lethality Screen were conversely mixed on measures of discrimination and prediction for its intended outcome of severe IPA. The current findings suggest that these instruments function consistently for women and men who are identified by police as perpetrating family or intimate partner abuse

    Impact of an icy winter on the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas Thunberg, 1793) populations in Scandinavia

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    The Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) is an invasive species that has dispersed into Scandinavia during the last few decades. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of extreme winter conditions on the mortality of the Pacific oyster in Scandinavia. The study was done by compiling mortality data from independent surveys in Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Winter mortality of the oysters increased with latitude, which can be explained by the colder climate experienced at higher latitudes. Mortality was also found to be affected by site specific conditions such as water depth at the sampling sites of oyster populations. Despite the severe winter conditions of 2009/2010 causing high mortality, the Pacific oyster still exists in large numbers in Scandinavia. The present investigation indicates that extreme winter onditions may result in a temporary reduction of the density of the Pacific oyster, but that the species can be expected to continue its invasion of Scandinavian coastal areas.publishedVersio