726 research outputs found

    Autonomes Lernen: ein Prinzip im schulischen Unterricht und in der Lehrerfortbildung:eine Kooperation im Rahmen der Lehrerfort- und -weiterbildung zwischen der Bezirksregierung Münster und der Universität Münster (1998-2001)

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    Im Rahmen der Lehrerfort- und -weiterbildung zwischen der Bezirksregierung Münster und der Universiät Münster arbeitete die Arbeitsgruppe "Autonomes Lernen im Fremdsprachenunterricht unter Einbeziehung der neuen Medien" drei Jahre eng zusammen. Regelmässige Workshops boten während dieser Zeit der kontinuierlichen, gemeinsamen Arbeit die Möglichkeit des regelmäßigen Austauschs und der Diskussion zwischen den beteiligten Lehrerinnen und Lehrern und uns, der Vertreterin und den Vertretern der Universität. Dabei wurden die Prinzipien des autonomen Lernens auf die Projektarbeit selbst angewendet. Der Beitrag gibt einen kleinen Einblick in den Verlauf der Projektarbeit.</p

    Sind Bio-Äpfel gesünder?

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    Viele Verbraucher, die sich beim Kauf von Lebensmitteln für Bioprodukte entscheiden, erhoffen sich davon gesundheitsfördernde Effekte. Allerdings liegen bis heute noch nicht genügend wissenschaftliche Daten vor, um ökologisch und konventionell erzeugte Lebensmittel vergleichend ernährungsphysiologisch bewerten zu können. Am Institut für Ernährungsphysiologie der Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung und Lebensmittel (BfEL) wird zurzeit untersucht, ob sich verschiedene pflanzliche Lebensmittel aus ökologischer und konventioneller Anbauweise hinsichtlich ihres Gehaltes an sekundären Pflanzenstoffen und deren ernährungsphysiologischer Wirkung am Menschen unterscheiden

    Bestimmung der ernährungsphysiologischen Qualität von Öko-Produkten anhand des antioxidativen Potentials der Lebensmittel

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    Problemstellung: Die Diskussionen über sichere Lebensmittel (u.a. Rückstände von Pestiziden) im letzten Jahrzehnt hat das Verbraucherverhalten verändert. Viele Verbraucher bevorzugen ökologisch erzeugte Lebensmittel. Allerdings gibt es bis heute noch nicht ausreichende wissenschaftliche Daten dazu, ob ökologisch erzeugte Lebensmittel tatsächlich ernährungsphysiologisch hochwertiger sind als konventionell produzierte. Sekundären Pflanzenstoffen aus Obst und Gemüse (Carotinoiden, Polyphenole) kommt im Allgemeinen eine hohe gesundheitliche Bedeutung zu. Die in der Literatur beschriebenen protektiven Effekte auf entzündliche, atherosklerotische und tumorigene Prozesse werden u.a. auf ihr antioxidatives Potenzial zurückgeführt. Ziel der Studie war es daher zu untersuchen, ob sich der Gehalt an Carotinoiden und Polyphenolen und die antioxidative Kapazität in Lebensmitteln aus konventionellem und ökologischem Anbau unterscheidet. Darüber hinaus wurden drei humane Interventionsstudien durchgeführt, die klären sollten, ob die unterschiedlichen Anbauvarianten (ökologisch/konventionell) Einfluss auf die Bioverfügbarkeit der sekundären Pflanzenstoffe und den antioxidativen Status in vivo haben. Methodik: Im Rahmen des Projektes wurden Äpfel, Karotten und Weizenvollkorn der Erntejahre 2004, 2005 und 2006 aus kontrollierten Anbauversuchen untersucht. Die Gehalte an sekundären Pflanzenstoffen in vitro und in vivo wurden mittels HPLC/DAD/MS quantifiziert. Die antioxidativen Kapazitäten in vivo und in vitro wurden mit drei unterschiedlichen Testsystemen analysiert. Ergebnisse: Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Anbauweise (ökologisch/konventionell) die Bildung von sekundären Pflanzenstoffen und das antioxidatives Potenzial in den untersuchten Lebensmitteln beeinflussen kann. Für die Öko-Produkte kann ein leicht höherer Gehalt und antioxidatives Potenzial bestimmt werden. In den durchgeführten Humanstudien, konnten keine Unterschiede in der Bioverfügbarkeit von Carotinoiden und Polyphenolen zwischen ökologisch und konventionell angebauten Äpfeln bzw. Karotten gezeigt werden. Schlussfolgerung: Die beobachteten Unterschiede im Gehalt an sekundären Pflanzenstoffen sowie im antioxidativen Potenzial zwischen den Anbauweisen sind klein und besitzen geringe ernährungsphysiologische Relevanz

    Tracing Dehydration and Melting of the Subducted Slab with Tungsten Isotopes in Arc Lavas

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    Tungsten is strongly incompatible during magmatic processes and is fluid mobile in subduction zones. Here we show that W isotope fractionation in arc lavas provide a powerful new tool for tracing slab dehydration and melting in subduction zones. Geochemically well characterized, representative arc-lavas from three subduction zones were chosen for this study to evaluate W isotope fractionation under different sub-arc conditions. Arc-lavas from SW Japan are produced by subducting a young, hot slab, and lavas from the volcanic front and rear arc of the Sangihe and Izu arcs are produced during subduction of a cold slab. The heaviest W isotope compositions (δ W∼0.06‰) are observed in fluid-rich samples from the volcanic fronts of the Sangihe and Izu arcs. With increasing distance from the volcanic front, more melt-rich samples are characterized by progressively lighter W isotope compositions. Enriched alkali basalts from SW Japan, thought to be the product of mantle melting at a slab tear, and adjacent shoshonites have the lightest W isotope compositions (δ W∼0‰). The correlation of W isotope fractionation with various indices of fluid release (e.g., Ce/Pb, Ba/Th) suggests that the heavy W isotope signatures record fluid recycling near the volcanic front due to dehydration of the subducted slab. Upon release of the heavy W, the residual slab preferentially retains isotopically light W, which is released during subsequent melting of drier lithologies in hot subduction zones, such as SW Japan. These data suggest that W isotopes can be used as a tracer of slab dehydration, potentially helping to determine the onset of cold subduction zone magmatism and hence, modern-style plate tectonics

    Robotic-Assisted Versus Open Techniques for Living Donor Kidney Transplant Recipients: A Comparison Using Propensity Score Analysis

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    Background: Following the rapid advancements in minimally invasive urology, living donor robotic-assisted kidney transplantation (RAKT) has developed into a feasible alternative to open kidney transplantation (OKT). The procedure has been performed in multiple international programs, but a relative dearth of experience exists in the US. In this investigation, we compare RAKT to OKT using a propensity score analysis, to elucidate the safety and feasibility of RAKT as a suitable alternative to OKT. Methods: A retrospective review of 101 living kidney transplants (36 RAKT, 65 OKT), which occurred between January 2016 and June 2018, was conducted. Selection for RAKT was based on Robot availability. Recipient and donor demographic variable were collected, in addition to perioperative parameters. A propensity score analysis was conducted, matching for recipient age, gender, body mass index, race, pre-operative dialysis, preoperative serum creatinine, panel reactive antibody, and donor age. Primary outcomes assessed included perioperative factors such as estimated blood loss (EBL), cold ischemic time (CIT), warm ischemic time (WIT), operative time, as well as several patient outcomes including, length of stay, narcotics consumed on postoperative days one and two, and change in serum creatinine (SCr) at five time points (day 3, day 7, day 14, 6 months, and 1 year). Final analysis included 35 patients in each group. Results: Recipients’ (N=101) mean age was 49 years (range 19-74), with RAKT recipients slightly younger than OKT recipients (46 vs 51 years). 61 recipients were male and 62 white (29 Black, 10 other). Average recipient BMI was 29 (range 20-40), with equivalent BMIs in RAKT and OKT subsets. Following propensity score analysis, RAKT recipients demonstrated significantly greater WIT (49 vs 38 minutes, p\u3c0.001) and less EBL (62.5 vs 150 mL, p\u3c0.001). However, total operative time and overall length of stay were not significantly different in the groups. Postoperative narcotics consumed on postoperative days one and two were similar between the groups (31.8 vs 32.3 morphine equivalents). Additionally, SCr was evaluated at days 3, 7, and 14 as well as 6 months and 1 year, without significant differences between the groups. Conclusion: RAKT offers an important minimally invasive alternative to OKT, with a short learning curve, and similar graft and patient outcomes. Notably, this study compares RAKT to OKT with a heterogeneous study population, using propensity scoring. The largest limitation of this study is a small sample size. Interestingly, despite the significantly longer WIT in RAKT, we found an equivalence of SCr between groups in the early and intermediate postoperative period. Although the small sample size limits our ability to detect differences in graft and patient outcomes, trends demonstrate shorter lengths of stay, shorter operative times, and smaller amounts of blood loss for RAKT recipients. Additionally, trends demonstrate fewer narcotics administered by the second postoperative day. Similar to the advent of laparoscopic technology in living donor nephrectomy, early findings in RAKT demonstrate a safe and reasonable alternative for living donor kidney transplantation in various populations.https://scholarlycommons.henryford.com/merf2019clinres/1052/thumbnail.jp

    Mg isotope systematics during magmatic processes: Inter-mineral fractionation in mafic to ultramafic Hawaiian xenoliths

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    Observed differences in Mg isotope ratios between bulk magmatic rocks are small, often on a sub per mill level. Inter–mineral differences in the 26Mg/24Mg ratio (expressed as δ26Mg) in plutonic rocks are on a similar scale, and have mostly been attributed to equilibrium isotope fractionation at magmatic temperatures. Here we report Mg isotope data on minerals in spinel peridotite and garnet pyroxenite xenoliths from the rejuvenated stage of volcanism on Oahu and Kauai, Hawaii. The new data are compared to literature data and to theoretical predictions to investigate the processes responsible for inter–mineral Mg isotope fractionation at magmatic temperatures. Theory predicts up to per mill level differences in δ26Mg between olivine and spinel at magmatic temperatures and a general decrease in Δ26Mgolivine-spinel (=δ26Mgolivine – δ26Mgspinel) with increasing temperature, but also with increasing Cr# in spinel. For peridotites with a simple petrogenetic history by melt depletion, where increasing depletion relates to increasing melting temperatures, Δ26Mgolivine-spinel should thus systematically decrease with increasing Cr# in spinel. However, most natural peridotites, including the Hawaiian spinel peridotites investigated in this study, are overprinted by variable extents of melt-rock reaction, which disturb the systematic primary temperature and compositionally related olivine–spinel Mg isotope systematics. Diffusion, subsolidus re-equilibration, or surface alteration may further affect the observed olivine–spinel Mg isotope fractionation in peridotites, making Δ26Mgolivine-spinel in peridotites a difficult–to–apply geothermometer. The available Mg isotope data on clinopyroxene and garnet suggest that this mineral pair is a more promising geothermometer, but its application is restricted to garnet–bearing igneous (garnet pyroxenites) and metamorphic rocks (eclogites). Although the observed δ26Mg variation is on a sub per mill range in bulk magmatic rocks, the clearly resolvable inter–mineral Mg isotope differences imply that crystallization or preferential melting of isotopically distinct minerals such garnet, spinel, and clinopyroxene should cause Mg isotope fractionation between bulk melt and residue. Calculated Mg isotope variations during partial mantle melting indeed predict differences between melt and residue, but these are analytically resolvable only for melting of mafic lithologies, that is, garnet pyroxenites. Contributions from garnet pyroxenite melts may thus account for some of the isotopically light δ26Mg observed in ocean island basalts and trace lithological mantle heterogeneity. Consequently, applications for high-temperature Mg isotope fractionations are promising and diverse, and recent advances in analytical precision may allow the full petrogenetic potential inherent in the sub per mill variations in δ26Mg in magmatic rocks to be exploited

    Pharmacokinetics of high-dose oral thiamine hydrochloride in healthy subjects

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    Background: High dose oral thiamine may have a role in treating diabetes, heart failure, and hypermetabolic states. The purpose of this study was to determine the pharmacokinetic profile of oral thiamine hydrochloride at 100 mg, 500 mg and 1500 mg doses in healthy subjects. Methods: This was a randomized, double-blind, single-dose, 4-way crossover study. Pharmacokinetic measures were calculated. Results: The AUC010hrAUC_{0-10 hr} and CmaxC_{max} values increased nonlinearly between 100 mg and 1500 mg. The slope of the AUC010hrAUC_{0-10 hr} vs dose, as well as the CmaxC_{max} vs dose, plots are steepest at the lowest thiamine doses. Conclusion: Our study demonstrates that high blood levels of thiamine can be achieved rapidly with oral thiamine hydrochloride. Thiamine is absorbed by both an active and nonsaturable passive process

    Evolutionary relationships among barley and <i>Arabidopsis</i> core circadian clock and clock-associated genes

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    The circadian clock regulates a multitude of plant developmental and metabolic processes. In crop species, it contributes significantly to plant performance and productivity and to the adaptation and geographical range over which crops can be grown. To understand the clock in barley and how it relates to the components in the Arabidopsis thaliana clock, we have performed a systematic analysis of core circadian clock and clock-associated genes in barley, Arabidopsis and another eight species including tomato, potato, a range of monocotyledonous species and the moss, Physcomitrella patens. We have identified orthologues and paralogues of Arabidopsis genes which are conserved in all species, monocot/dicot differences, species-specific differences and variation in gene copy number (e.g. gene duplications among the various species). We propose that the common ancestor of barley and Arabidopsis had two-thirds of the key clock components identified in Arabidopsis prior to the separation of the monocot/dicot groups. After this separation, multiple independent gene duplication events took place in both monocot and dicot ancestors. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00239-015-9665-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Light-induced vegetative anthocyanin pigmentation in Petunia

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    The Lc petunia system, which displays enhanced, light-induced vegetative pigmentation, was used to investigate how high light affects anthocyanin biosynthesis, and to assess the effects of anthocyanin pigmentation upon photosynthesis. Lc petunia plants displayed intense purple anthocyanin pigmentation throughout the leaves and stems when grown under high-light conditions, yet remain acyanic when grown under shade conditions. The coloured phenotypes matched with an accumulation of anthocyanins and flavonols, as well as the activation of the early and late flavonoid biosynthetic genes required for flavonol and anthocyanin production. Pigmentation in Lc petunia only occurred under conditions which normally induce a modest amount of anthocyanin to accumulate in wild-type Mitchell petunia [Petunia axillaris×(Petunia axillaris×Petunia hybrida cv. ‘Rose of Heaven’)]. Anthocyanin pigmentation in Lc petunia leaves appears to screen underlying photosynthetic tissues, increasing light saturation and light compensation points, without reducing the maximal photosynthetic assimilation rate (Amax). In the Lc petunia system, where the bHLH factor Leaf colour is constitutively expressed, expression of the bHLH (Lc) and WD40 (An11) components of the anthocyanin regulatory system were not limited, suggesting that the high-light-induced anthocyanin pigmentation is regulated by endogenous MYB transcription factors