42 research outputs found

    Final aspiration as a phrase boundary cue in Swedish: the case of att 'that'

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    The Swedish word att /at/ is associated with two grammatical functions: a) (part of) a subordinate conjunction and b) an infinitive marker. This pilot study, with 5 short spontaneous discourses from 3 male speakers shows a correlation between pauses after att, and aspiration of /t/ in att, where aspiration can be interpreted as a kind of final lengthening involving the release phase of the stop consonant. We also show a tendency for att with aspiration to be associated with the grammatical function of subordinate conjunction. Further, we are able to show a tendency for the infinitive marker to be unaspirated in the normal case, while the subordinate conjunctions are characterized by final aspiration in 40 % of the cases

    Word final aspiration as a phrase boundary cue: Data from spontaneous Swedish discourse

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    The Swedish sound string /at/ (graphically: att) is associated with two grammatical functions: a) (part of) a subordinate conjunction and b) as an infinitive marker. Previous studies connect final lengthening and pauses with prosodic and syntactic boundaries in spoken discourse. Following these findings, this pilot study, with 5 short spontaneous discourses from 3 male speakers shows a correlation between pauses after att, and aspiration of /t/ in att. We also show a tendency for att with aspiration to be associated with the grammatical function of subordinate conjunction. Further, looking at the distribution of aspiration in the subordinate conjunction att, and in the infinitive marker att, we are able to show a tendency for the infinitive marker to be unaspirated in the normal case, while the subordinate conjunctions are characterized by final aspiration in 40 % of the cases

    WP2 Report from the ECHO IT Days

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    A large Metadata Domain for Language Resources

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    Colloque avec actes et comité de lecture. internationale.International audienceThe INTERA and ECHO projects were partly intended to create a critical mass of open and linked metadata descriptions of language resources, helping researchers to understand the benefits of an increased visibility of language resources in the Internet and motivating them to participate. The work was based on the new IMDI version 3.0.3 which is a result of experiences with the earlier versions and new requirements coming from the involved partners. While in INTERA major data centers in Europe are participating, the ECHO project focuses on resources that can be seen as part of cultural heritage. Currently, 27 institutions and projects are active with the goal of having a large browsable and searchable domain by the summer of 2004. Experience shows that the creation of high quality metadata is not trivial and asks for a considerable amount of effort and skills, since manual work alone is too time consuming

    Swedish CLARIN activities

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    Proceedings of the NODALIDA 2009 workshop Nordic Perspectives on the CLARIN Infrastructure of Language Resources. Editors: Rickard Domeij, Kimmo Koskenniemi, Steven Krauwer, Bente Maegaard, Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson and Koenraad de Smedt. NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol. 5 (2009), 1-5. © 2009 The editors and contributors. Published by Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT) http://omilia.uio.no/nealt . Electronically published at Tartu University Library (Estonia) http://hdl.handle.net/10062/9207

    Databasorienterade studier i svensk barnsprÄksutveckling

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    The 50 computerized transcription files contained in this first release of the Swedish corpus relate to the project 'Database oriented studies of Swedish child language development', in which the language development in four monolingual Swedish children is analysed. The four children under study grow up in middle-class families on the west coast of Sweden. The families speak standard Swedish with a modest touch of the regional variant. The recorded material relates to a wide range of activity types: everyday activities in the home (such as meals, bedtime procedures, cooking, washing, etc.); free play; story telling; as well as adult-child interaction; child-child interaction; and soliloquy.De 50 datoriserade transkriptionsfiler i denna första version av den svenska korpus relaterar till projektet "Databasorienterade studier av svensk barnsprÄkutveckling", dÀr sprÄkutvecklingen av fyra ensprÄkiga svenska barn analyseras. De fyra barn som studeras vÀxer upp i medelklassfamiljer pÄ vÀstkusten i Sverige. Familjerna talar svenska med en blygsam touch av den regionala dialekten. Det inspelade materialet avser en mÀngd aktiviteter: vardagliga aktiviteter i hemmet (till exempel mÄltider, lÀggdagsrutiner, matlagning, tvÀtt, etc.), Fri lek, berÀttande, liksom vuxen-barn interaktion, barn-barn interaktion och monolog