66 research outputs found

    Oculomotor control in asymptomatic and recently diagnosed individuals with the genetic marker for Huntington’s disease

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    AbstractWe compared oculomotor control among individuals in the early stages of Huntington’s disease (HD), with that of individuals who are presymptomatic HD gene carriers (PSGC) and nongene carriers (NGC). The oculomotor testing paradigm included both traditional tests and a novel experimental procedure to assess visual scanning. Traditional tests elicited saccades, pursuit and optokinetic nystagmus (OKN). HD patients demonstrated marked delay in the initiation of volitional saccades (anti-saccade and memory-guided saccades), a reduced number of correct volitional saccades, reduced velocity of saccades, and a decreased OKN gain. We also studied visual scanning while the participants completed the Digit Symbol Subscale of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Survey-Revised (WAIS-R). The HD participants demonstrated an abnormal gaze strategy, which may be associated with attention and/or planning deficits.Differences between the PSGC and NGC groups were only observed for two measures: PSGC had a decreased number of memory-guided saccades and a subtle delay in the initiation of volitional saccades. Our results suggest that oculomotor measures are a sensitive biomarker in the early stage of HD and demonstrate that the combination of more traditional oculomotor tests with visual scanning tests is useful in the evaluation of visual performance

    Perspectives in visual imaging for marine biology and ecology: from acquisition to understanding

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    Durden J, Schoening T, Althaus F, et al. Perspectives in Visual Imaging for Marine Biology and Ecology: From Acquisition to Understanding. In: Hughes RN, Hughes DJ, Smith IP, Dale AC, eds. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review. 54. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 2016: 1-72

    Apathy Associated With Impaired Recognition of Happy Facial Expressions in Huntington's Disease.

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    OBJECTIVES: Previous research has demonstrated an association between emotion recognition and apathy in several neurological conditions involving fronto-striatal pathology, including Parkinson's disease and brain injury. In line with these findings, we aimed to determine whether apathetic participants with early Huntington's disease (HD) were more impaired on an emotion recognition task compared to non-apathetic participants and healthy controls. METHODS: We included 43 participants from the TRACK-HD study who reported apathy on the Problem Behaviours Assessment - short version (PBA-S), 67 participants who reported no apathy, and 107 controls matched for age, sex, and level of education. During their baseline TRACK-HD visit, participants completed a battery of cognitive and psychological tests including an emotion recognition task, the Hospital Depression and Anxiety Scale (HADS) and were assessed on the PBA-S. RESULTS: Compared to the non-apathetic group and the control group, the apathetic group were impaired on the recognition of happy facial expressions, after controlling for depression symptomology on the HADS and general disease progression (Unified Huntington's Disease Rating Scale total motor score). This was despite no difference between the apathetic and non-apathetic group on overall cognitive functioning assessed by a cognitive composite score. CONCLUSIONS: Impairment of the recognition of happy expressions may be part of the clinical picture of apathy in HD. While shared reliance on frontostriatal pathways may broadly explain associations between emotion recognition and apathy found across several patient groups, further work is needed to determine what relationships exist between recognition of specific emotions, distinct subtypes of apathy and underlying neuropathology. (JINS, 2019, 25, 453-461)