306 research outputs found

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    Effectiveness of the Graston Technique for Soft Tissue Injuries Such as Bicipital Tendinopathy: A Case Report

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    Abstract: This case report discusses a unique approach to the treatment of a soft tissue injury, such as bicipital tendonitis, through the approach called the Graston Technique. Case Description: A 61 year old Caucasian male received treatment after a diagnosis of bicipital tendonitis. His job was working at a mail office which required repetitive manual labor consisting of moving boxes of varying weight and height in a position of protracted shoulders, extended elbows and supinated wrists. Treatment consisted of stretching the biceps brachii and upper trapezius, Graston, cross friction massage, ultrasound and therapeutic exercise. Background and purpose: The purpose of this case report is to expand the clinical reasoning for the use of Graston tools on soft tissue. The outcomes were as follows after the sixth treatment, the patient could sleep through the night without pain. He could put on a jacket and tuck in his shirt behind his back independently and had no issues with neck pain. Shortly after the sixth treatment, the patient fell at home in his driveway and regained the symptoms he complained of at the initial evaluation. Discussion: Clinicians should be aware of the proper use of the Graston Technique, the courses available for its use, what to expect with the usage of this technique during treatment and the positive outcomes associated with the correct use. Further research should compare Graston technique with deep tissue friction massage as the sole modalities to treat the soft tissue injury

    Diet variation in Barents Sea haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus)

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    Diet composition and feeding are crucial for assessing fish species ecological role, population dynamics, and overall ecosystem health. It provides insights into fish’s functional role within the food web, and it contributes to their energy acquisition, overall survival, growth, and reproductive success. Barents Sea haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) is an important commercial species in the Barents Sea, but there are few comprehensive studies and documentation on haddock stomach contents. This study aims to address this gap by utilizing haddock stomach data from 1984 to 2019, providing an overview of the haddock diet. Additionally, the year 2009 was studied in detail to explore the geographic variation diet composition and feeding success of Barents Sea haddock. To test for competition, the effect of density of haddock on the proportion of empty stomachs and the Total Fullness Index (TFI) was analyzed. For all years, the main prey categories found in haddock stomachs were Crustacea and Echinodermata. However, in 2009, the dominant prey category was Annelida. A significant difference was observed in the proportion of empty stomachs among the different areas in the Barents Sea, with the southwest having more empty stomachs compared to the southeast and northwest. The prey categories Annelida, Mollusca, and Crustacea were most found in the southeast, while Echinodermata was more prevalent in the northwest. As the size of haddock increased, the probability of empty stomachs decreased, with the southwest area having the highest probability. Additionally, larger haddock had a higher likelihood of containing Annelida, Mollusca, and others prey types in their stomachs. In the southeast area, there was a significant negative effect of haddock density on stomach fullness. My research contributes to a better understanding of haddock diet and address knowledge gaps about the Barents Sea haddock population where information on stomach content has been lacking. Improved knowledge of their diet is crucial for future management and conservation efforts.Masteroppgave i biologiBIO399MAMN-BIOMAMN-HAVS

    Fathers and child welfare services in Norway: self-concept and fathering practice

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    This article is based on interviews with 15 men whose children have, or have had, involvement with Norwegian child welfare services (CWS). The aim is to contribute to an increased knowledge of their experience of fatherhood, factors affecting their self-concept and the consequences this has for their fathering practice. The fathers’ relationship to their parents appears important – in terms of what they emphasise in their childcare, and the importance they ascribe themselves as fathers. The fathers constitute their fatherhood as in opposition to their own fathers, and to their children’s mothers. If fathers are uncertain of their role and importance for their children, while being faced with the CWS’ understanding of mothers as primary caregivers, this can cause them to withdraw. There is a need for a greater degree of reflection regarding different understandings of fatherhood, and how the CWS relate to gender roles and to fathers

    Overgang fra barnevern til voksenliv i Trondheim: sluttrapport fra OBVIT-prosjektet

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    -​I sluttrapporten for prosjekt besvares disse spørsmålene: 1. Hvem er ungdommene? 2. Hva innebærer overgangen? 3. Hva er faglige mål med arbeidet? 4. Er bruken av tiltakene i tråd med faglige mål? 5. Er tiltakene tilpasset ungdommens ønsker og behov? 6. Hva betyr samarbeidet med barneverntjenesten for ungdommene? 7. Hvilke muligheter og hindringer ligger til grunn for samhandling mellom barne- og vok-sentjenestene? 8. Hvordan kan kommunen møte utfordringene

    Efficient Avoidance of Vulnerabilities in Auto-completed Smart Contract Code Using Vulnerability-constrained Decoding

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    Auto-completing code enables developers to speed up coding significantly. Recent advances in transformer-based large language model (LLM) technologies have been applied to code synthesis. However, studies show that many of such synthesized codes contain vulnerabilities. We propose a novel vulnerability-constrained decoding approach to reduce the amount of vulnerable code generated by such models. Using a small dataset of labeled vulnerable lines of code, we fine-tune an LLM to include vulnerability labels when generating code, acting as an embedded classifier. Then, during decoding, we deny the model to generate these labels to avoid generating vulnerable code. To evaluate the method, we chose to automatically complete Ethereum Blockchain smart contracts (SCs) as the case study due to the strict requirements of SC security. We first fine-tuned the 6-billion-parameter GPT-J model using 186,397 Ethereum SCs after removing the duplication from 2,217,692 SCs. The fine-tuning took more than one week using ten GPUs. The results showed that our fine-tuned model could synthesize SCs with an average BLEU (BiLingual Evaluation Understudy) score of 0.557. However, many codes in the auto-completed SCs were vulnerable. Using the code before the vulnerable line of 176 SCs containing different types of vulnerabilities to auto-complete the code, we found that more than 70% of the auto-completed codes were insecure. Thus, we further fine-tuned the model on other 941 vulnerable SCs containing the same types of vulnerabilities and applied vulnerability-constrained decoding. The fine-tuning took only one hour with four GPUs. We then auto-completed the 176 SCs again and found that our approach could identify 62% of the code to be generated as vulnerable and avoid generating 67% of them, indicating the approach could efficiently and effectively avoid vulnerabilities in the auto-completed code.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, 5 listings, accepted to the 34th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2023

    Deskriptiv eller (hetero)normativ? Representasjoner av kjønn og seksualitet i læreboka Fabel 10

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    Denne studien har hatt som formål å belyse tematikken kjønn- og seksualitetsmangfold i norskfaget, og hvilke representasjoner av kjønn og seksualitet det er som kommer til uttrykk i en lærebok intendert for elever på 10. trinn, Fabel 10: Norsk for ungdomstrinnet (2021) fra Aschehoug Undervisning. Studiens tilhørende problemstilling lød som følger: Hvordan kommer kjønn og seksualitet til uttrykk i Fabel 10 (2021), en lærebok i norskfaget utgitt etter implementeringen av "Læreplanverket for Kunnskapsløftet 2020"? Dette besvares gjennom en systematisk kategorisering av Fabel 10s tekstsamling, samt en analytisk nærlesing av to utvalgte tekster. Kategoriseringen og analysen foregikk begge i lys av queer-teori, hvor blant annet teori fra Judith Butler, Simone de Beauvoir, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, R.W. Connell og George L. Mosse ble benyttet. På bakgrunn av funnene som ble gjort, konkluderes tekstkorpuset som heteronormativt. Dette er basert både på en overrepresentasjon av tilsynelatende heterofile karakterer og parrelasjoner, og basert på en mangel av familiekonstellasjoner som bryter med heteronormen. "Skeivhet" har dermed ikke blitt representert tilstrekkelig i tekstkorpuset, og i den grad karakterer som "gjør skeivt" representeres, belyses LHBTQ-problematikker i en enda mindre grad, eller blir rett og slett utelatt.This study has aimed to shed light to the topic of sexuality and gender diversity in the school subject Norwegian, and which representations of gender and sexuality that are being expressed through a textbook intended for students in grade 10, Fabel 10: Norsk for ungdomstrinnet (2021) by Aschehoug Undervisning. The study's thesis went as following: How are gender and sexuality being expressed in Fabel 10 (2021), a textbook produced for the subject Norwegian published after the implementation of "Læreplanverket for Kunnskapsløftet 2020"? This was answered through a systematic categorization of Fabel 10's collection of texts, as well as through an analytic close reading of two selected texts. The categorization and analysis were both executed in light of queertheory, where theory from Judith Butler, Simone de Beauvoir, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, R.W. Connell and George L. Mosse was used. Predicated upon the findings that were made, the textbook was concluded as heteronormative. This conclusion was based on an overrepresentation of apparent heterosexual characters and relationships, and a lack of representations of family constellations that did not fit the heteronormative standard. "Queerness" has therefore not been adequately represented in the collection of texts, and by the extent characters "doing queer" were represented, LGBTQ-themes and problems were even less frequently represented, they were rather omitted