176 research outputs found

    Engage the Future: The New Extension Learners

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    Extension has the opportunity to establish itself as a leader in meeting the changing needs of a new generation of learners. With more than a century\u27s experience in developing and delivering successful programs in communities, Extension can equally succeed in leading the land-grant university system in expanding involvement in five critical areas of education today: degree completion and learner success, community and economic development, engagement of underserved populations, engagement of the newest members of the workforce, and promotion of experiential learning. This commentary identifies and reflects the collective views of 26 administrators who participated in an event designed to vision Extension\u27s expanding role in the 21st century

    Structural connectivity and brain network analyses in Parkinson's disease: A cross-sectional and longitudinal study.

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    IntroductionParkinson's disease (PD) is an idiopathic disease of the central nervous system characterized by both motor and non-motor symptoms. It is the second most common neurodegenerative disease. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can reveal underlying brain changes associated with PD.ObjectiveIn this study, structural connectivity and white matter networks were analyzed by diffusion MRI and graph theory in a cohort of patients with PD and a cohort of healthy controls (HC) obtained from the Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI) database in a cross-sectional analysis. Furthermore, we investigated longitudinal changes in the PD cohort over 36 months.ResultCompared with the control group, participants with PD showed lower structural connectivity in several brain areas, including the corpus callosum, fornix, and uncinate fasciculus, which were also confirmed by a large effect-size. Additionally, altered connectivity between baseline and after 36 months was found in different network paths inside the white matter with a medium effect-size. Network analysis showed trends toward lower network density in PD compared with HC at baseline and after 36 months, though not significant after correction. Significant differences were observed in nodal degree and strength in several nodes.ConclusionIn conclusion, altered structural and network metrics in several brain regions, such as corpus callosum, fornix, and cingulum were found in PD, compared to HC. We also report altered connectivity in the PD group after 36 months, reflecting the impact of both PD pathology and aging processes. These results indicate that structural and network metrics might yield insight into network reorganization that occurs in PD

    Altered resting-state functional connectivity and dynamic network properties in cognitive impairment: an independent component and dominant-coactivation pattern analyses study

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    IntroductionCognitive impairment (CI) due to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) encompasses a decline in cognitive abilities and can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life. Early detection and intervention are crucial in managing CI, both in the preclinical and prodromal stages of AD prior to dementia.MethodsIn this preliminary study, we investigated differences in resting-state functional connectivity and dynamic network properties between 23 individual with CI due to AD based on clinical assessment and 15 healthy controls (HC) using Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and Dominant-Coactivation Pattern (d-CAP) analysis. The cognitive status of the two groups was also compared, and correlations between cognitive scores and d-CAP switching probability were examined.ResultsResults showed comparable numbers of d-CAPs in the Default Mode Network (DMN), Executive Control Network (ECN), and Frontoparietal Network (FPN) between HC and CI groups. However, the Visual Network (VN) exhibited fewer d-CAPs in the CI group, suggesting altered dynamic properties of this network for the CI group. Additionally, ICA revealed significant connectivity differences for all networks. Spatial maps and effect size analyses indicated increased coactivation and more synchronized activity within the DMN in HC compared to CI. Furthermore, reduced switching probabilities were observed for the CI group in DMN, VN, and FPN networks, indicating less dynamic and flexible functional interactions.DiscussionThe findings highlight altered connectivity patterns within the DMN, VN, ECN, and FPN, suggesting the involvement of multiple functional networks in CI. Understanding these brain processes may contribute to developing targeted diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for CI due to AD

    An Analysis of Collegiate Club-Sport Female Lacrosse Players: Sport-Specific Field Test Performance and the Influence of Lacrosse Stick Carrying

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 11(4): 269-280, 2018. Lacrosse is a field-based, intermittent sport that requires players to use a stick with a shaft and mesh pocket to manipulate the ball. However, there has been limited analysis of the characteristics of collegiate club-sport players, and whether stick carry influences the sprinting speed of lacrosse players. As a result, this study investigated the field test characteristics of collegiate club-sport female lacrosse players, and the effects of stick carry on linear and change-of-direction speed. Nine players (seven field players, two goalkeepers) volunteered for this study and completed: vertical jump and standing broad jump; 30-meter (m) sprint (0-5, 0-10, and 0-30 m intervals) and modified T-test without and with a stick; and the Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test. Magnitude-based inference analyses via effect sizes (d) compared the field players and goalkeepers. Data was pooled for the 30-m sprint and modified T-test to examine the effect of stick carry via paired samples t-tests (p\u3c0.05) and effect sizes. Field players performed better in most field tests (d=0.93-2.45), although goalkeepers generated greater vertical jump power (d=2.01). With regards to the effects of stick carry, there was a significant difference between the faster 0-5 m sprint interval without a stick compared to with a stick (p=0.02), but this had a small effect (d=0.25). There were no differences between the other sprint intervals and modified T-test (p=0.08-0.39; d=0.06-0.19). When contextualized with comparisons to other female collegiate athletes, the results indicated limitations in training exposure for collegiate club-sport lacrosse players. Furthermore, stick carry generally did not affect speed

    An investigation of the mechanics and sticking region of a one-repetition maximum close-grip bench press versus the traditional bench press

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    The close-grip bench press (CGBP) is a variation of the traditional bench press (TBP) that uses a narrower grip (~95% of biacromial distance (BAD)) and has potential application for athletes performing explosive arm actions from positions where the hands are held close to the torso. Limited research has investigated CGBP mechanics compared to the TBP. Twenty-seven resistance-trained individuals completed a one-repetition maximum TBP and CGBP. The TBP was performed with the preferred grip; the CGBP with a grip width of 95% BAD. A linear position transducer measured lift distance and duration; peak and mean power, velocity, and force; distance and time when peak power occurred; and work. Pre-sticking region (PrSR), sticking region, and post-sticking region distance and duration for each lift was measured. A repeated measures ANOVA was used to derive differences between TBP and CGBP mechanics (p \u3c 0.01); effect sizes (d) were also calculated. A greater load was lifted in the TBP, thus mean force was greater (d = 0.16–0.17). Peak power and velocity were higher in the CGBP, which had a longer PrSR distance (d = 0.49–1.32). The CGBP could emphasize power for athletes that initiate explosive upper-body actions with the hands positioned close to the torso

    Identification of single-dose, dual-echo based CBV threshold for fractional tumor burden mapping in recurrent glioblastoma

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    BackgroundRelative cerebral blood volume (rCBV) obtained from dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) MRI is widely used to distinguish high grade glioma recurrence from post treatment radiation effects (PTRE). Application of rCBV thresholds yield maps to distinguish between regional tumor burden and PTRE, a biomarker termed the fractional tumor burden (FTB). FTB is generally measured using conventional double-dose, single-echo DSC-MRI protocols; recently, a single-dose, dual-echo DSC-MRI protocol was clinically validated by direct comparison to the conventional double-dose, single-echo protocol. As the single-dose, dual-echo acquisition enables reduction in the contrast agent dose and provides greater pulse sequence parameter flexibility, there is a compelling need to establish dual-echo DSC-MRI based FTB mapping. In this study, we determine the optimum standardized rCBV threshold for the single-dose, dual-echo protocol to generate FTB maps that best match those derived from the reference standard, double-dose, single-echo protocol.MethodsThe study consisted of 23 high grade glioma patients undergoing perfusion scans to confirm suspected tumor recurrence. We sequentially acquired single dose, dual-echo and double dose, single-echo DSC-MRI data. For both protocols, we generated leakage-corrected standardized rCBV maps. Standardized rCBV (sRCBV) thresholds of 1.0 and 1.75 were used to compute single-echo FTB maps as the reference for delineating PTRE (sRCBV < 1.0), tumor with moderate angiogenesis (1.0 < sRCBV < 1.75), and tumor with high angiogenesis (sRCBV > 1.75) regions. To assess the sRCBV agreement between acquisition protocols, the concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) was computed between the mean tumor sRCBV values across the patients. A receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis was performed to determine the optimum dual-echo sRCBV threshold. The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy were compared between the obtained optimized threshold (1.64) and the standard reference threshold (1.75) for the dual-echo sRCBV threshold.ResultsThe mean tumor sRCBV values across the patients showed a strong correlation (CCC = 0.96) between the two protocols. The ROC analysis showed maximum accuracy at thresholds of 1.0 (delineate PTRE from tumor) and 1.64 (differentiate aggressive tumors). The reference threshold (1.75) and the obtained optimized threshold (1.64) yielded similar accuracy, with slight differences in sensitivity and specificity which were not statistically significant (1.75 threshold: Sensitivity = 81.94%; Specificity: 87.23%; Accuracy: 84.58% and 1.64 threshold: Sensitivity = 84.48%; Specificity: 84.97%; Accuracy: 84.73%).ConclusionsThe optimal sRCBV threshold for single-dose, dual-echo protocol was found to be 1.0 and 1.64 for distinguishing tumor recurrence from PTRE; however, minimal differences were observed when using the standard threshold (1.75) as the upper threshold, suggesting that the standard threshold could be used for both protocols. While the prior study validated the agreement of the mean sRCBV values between the protocols, this study confirmed that their voxel-wise agreement is suitable for reliable FTB mapping. Dual-echo DSC-MRI acquisitions enable robust single-dose sRCBV and FTB mapping, provide pulse sequence parameter flexibility and should improve reproducibility by mitigating variations in preload dose and incubation time

    Identifying the spatial and temporal dynamics of molecularly-distinct glioblastoma sub-populations

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    Glioblastomas (GBMs) are the most aggressive primary brain tumours and have no known cure. Each individual tumour comprises multiple sub-populations of genetically-distinct cells that may respond differently to targeted therapies and may contribute to disappointing clinical trial results. Image-localized biopsy techniques allow multiple biopsies to be taken during surgery and provide information that identifies regions where particular sub-populations occur within an individual GBM, thus providing insight into their regional genetic variability. These sub-populations may also interact with one another in a competitive or cooperative manner; it is important to ascertain the nature of these interactions, as they may have implications for responses to targeted therapies

    The influence of wildlife water developments and vegetation on rodent abundance in the Great Basin Desert

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    Rodent communities have multiple functions including comprising a majority of the mammalian diversity within an ecosystem, providing a significant portion of the available biomass consumed by predators, and contributing to ecosystem services. Despite the importance of rodent communities, few investigations have explored the effects of increasing anthropogenic modifications to the landscape on rodents. Throughout the western United States, the construction of artificial water developments to benefit game species is commonplace. While benefits for certain species have been documented, several researchers recently hypothesized that these developments may cause unintentional negative effects to desert-adapted species and communities. To test this idea, we sampled rodents near to and distant from wildlife water developments over 4 consecutive summers. We employed an asymmetrical before-after-control-impact (BACI) design with sampling over 4 summers to determine if water developments influenced total rodent abundance. We performed an additional exploratory analysis to determine if factors other than free water influenced rodent abundance. We found no evidence that water developments impacted rodent abundance. Rodent abundance was primarily driven by vegetation type and year of sampling. Our findings suggested that water developments on our study area do not represent a significant disturbance to rodent abundance and that rodent abundance was influenced by the vegetative community and temporal factors linked to precipitation and primary plant production. Our findings represent one of the 1st efforts to determine the effects of an anthropogenic activity on the rodent community utilizing a manipulation design

    Efficacy Results of a Trial of a Herpes Simplex Vaccine

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    Two previous studies of a herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) subunit vaccine containing glycoprotein D in HSV-discordant couples revealed 73% and 74% efficacy against genital disease in women who were negative for both HSV type 1 (HSV-1) and HSV-2 antibodies. Efficacy was not observed in men or HSV-1 seropositive women
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