190 research outputs found

    Optimal Transmission Investment Strategies for Sustainable Power Systems

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    Maintaining security and reliability in the electricity supply is fundamental to the functioning of a modern society and drives the need for adequate transmission capacity for both market participants and customers. Planning the investment in transmission has always been a complicated undertaking due to the high development costs and long lead times. Furthermore, to anticipate the future needs of customers is a task as difficult as that of cost-effective planning and construction of new facilities. Trying to find treatments for some of these issues represents a major motivation for this thesis. This thesis investigates the problem of how much reinforcement a transmission system requires when a significant proportion of wind generation is integrated into an existing transmission system. A multi-period transmission planning model is developed for determining optimal transmission capacity by balancing amortised transmission investment costs and annual generation costs subject to network security constraints, The model employs the security-constrained DC optimal power flow formulation and applies a solver (DashXpress) to obtain the results of the remaining linear large-scale optimisation problem. This thesis begins by exploring the impact of wind generation on the determination of appropriate levels of system capacity on the transmission network starting from the premise that it is no longer cost effective to invest in sufficient network capacity to accommodate simultaneous peaks from all generators. As such, a significant finding of this study is that conventional and wind generation should share network capacity. Given the acknowledged increase in uncertainty to security of supply due to difficulties in wind generation forecast this thesis also explores the optimal sourcing of generation reserve, and investigates investment in transmission capacity to exploit the cost benefits offered by standing reserve. Finally, the thesis presents and evaluates an alternative associated with transmission operation and investment level of risk and uncertainty by introducing more flexibility to the way the transmission system is operated. Application of Quadrature Boosters and Demand Side as model of corrective control, brings savings in operating costs without jeopardizing the level of system security, enables better utilisation of existing facilities and reduces the demand for new transmission investment


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    Much research has been done related to the influence of the prison environment on the convicted persons, the role and significance of the rehabilitation treatment, the characteristics of the inmates and their connection with the processes of adaptation and the negative consequences of the pains of imprisonment. This research is based on several theories within criminology and penology and one of them being the importation model. This model highlights the importance of the characteristics of inmates, their ethnicity, individual risk factors, previous socialization, internal value system, delinquent friends, criminal history, education and the influence of these characteristics on adaptation processes in prison facilities. The importation theory proposes that the previous life, criminal career and other risk factors shape the way in which young inmates adapt and behave in the institution. This paper will look at the importation theory by examining certain individual personal and family risk factors of young inmates and the impact of these factors prior to and during incarceration in an educational correctional facility. The analysis is based on qualitative data collected by conducting in depth interviews with young inmates to capture their attitudes and experiences in relation to these factors. The survey presumes that these risk factors that contributed to crimes outside are also risk factors that influence institutional adjustments and behaviour of the inmates


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    Among possible organometallic compounds, complexes of the Group 10 elements are attractive due to their widespread use in numerous applications such as catalytic synthetic processes, biological chemistry, and material science. Many palladium complexes have been extensively studied as catalysts in several cross-coupling reactions and while great advancements have been made on the synthesis of transition metal complexes with specifically designed properties, our understanding about their interactions with metal surfaces is still quite limited. Their coupling to a surface is of interest, since their self-assembly on metal surfaces could lead to a major impact in catalysis and sensoristics. My Ph.D. thesis enters this field, in the framework of the projects “MC-nano” (by Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo) and “MADAM - Metal Activated low dimensional carbon-based nanostructures”, (PRIN2017, by MUR). I did my research work in the joint IMEM-DIFI laboratory, at the Department of Physics of University of Genoa, under the supervision of prof. G. Bracco and Dr. L. Savio. I worked in collaboration with partners from Università di Milano Bicocca and with the staff of the ALOISA beamline of the ELETTRA Synchrotron Light Source in Trieste since most of the XPS measurements were performed during a beamtime there. I investigated the self-assembly and thermal evolution of two palladium cyclomatellated compounds: C22H14Br2Cl2N2Pd2 (CyPd) and C22H16Cl2N2Pd2 (CyPd_2). Such class of molecules were deposited on Ag(110) for the first time. The systems were studied for different coverages and annealing temperatures from RT to 500 °C by low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy. The results were interpreted in combination with complementary photoemission spectroscopy measurements and theoretical calculations performed by the partner groups. My data reports on the long range and well-ordered self-assemblies formed by Pd cyclomatellated compounds on Ag(110) by STM. It highlights the active role of the substrate which promotes dissociation of the molecules upon adsorption, and the role of molecular geometry on the morphology of the nanostructure. Annealing the CyPd or CyPd_2/ Ag(110) system to 100 °C or above leads to the formation of new structures and surface reconstruction

    Знаења на професионалците за обезбедување социјални услуги за старите лица

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    Demographic aging, which is increasingly becoming a reality in the Republic of North Macedonia, brings challenges for the development of appropriate social services, according to the needs of the elderly, but also the need to acquire and deepen the knowledge of professionals who provide these services. All this is imposed as a need for one purpose and that is to meet the needs of the elderly. The professional development of social protection professionals in the Republic of North Macedonia is part of a comprehensive process that seeks to follow European trends for continuous professional development. However, the fact that the development of social services for the elderly in North Macedonia follows experiences increased dynamics in recent years, and is expected to develop faster with the reformed social protection system from 2019, imposes the need to study the knowledge whereby professionals enter the provision of social services, as well as the need to expand and deepen them. This paper is aimed at studying the knowledge of professionals who provide social services to the elderly, and the results of quantitative research conducted with professionals, indicate the need to strengthen them during vocational education and the process of continuous professional development.Демографското стареење, кое сè повеќе станува реалност и во Република Северна Македонија, носи предизвици за развивање соодветни социјални услуги, согласно потребите на старите лица, но и потреба од стекнување и продлабочување на знаењата на професионалците кои ги обезбедуваат овие услуги. Сето ова се наметнува како потреба со една цел и тоа задоволување на потребите на старите лица. Стручното усовршување на професионалците во социјалната заштита во Република Северна Македонија е дел од еден сеопфатен процес, кој се труди да ги следи европските трендови за континуиран професионален развој. Но, фактот дека развојот на социјални- те услуги за старите лица, во нашата земја, следи поразвиена динамика во последните години, а се очекува побрзо да се развива со реформираниот систем на социјална заштита од 2019 година, ја наметнува и потребата за проучување на знаењата со кои професионалците влегуваат во давањето на социјалните услуги, како и потребата за нивно проширување и продлабочување. Овој труд е насочен кон проучување на знаењата на професионалците кои даваат социјални услуги на старите лица, а резултатите од спроведеното квантитативно истражување со професионалците, укажуваат на потребата за нивно зајакнување во текот на професионалната едукација и процесот на континуиран професионален развој

    Production and characterization of nanocomposite hydrogels based on alginate and silver nanoparticles for biomedical applications

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    Razvoj novih nanokompozitnih biomaterijala za biomedicinsku primenu zahteva različita ispitivanja i karakterisanje biomaterijala kako sa stanovišta hemijskog sastava i fizičkih svojstava, tako i sa stanovišta biokompatibilnosti i funkcionalnosti. Uz to, da bi se razvio optimizovan biomaterijal potrebno je rezultate svih ispitivanja povezati i objasniti radi mogućnosti pouzdanog predviđanja ponašanja i funkcije biomaterijala u željenoj bimedicinskoj primeni. Cilj istraživanja u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji je bio ispitivanje mogućnosti dobijanja antimikrobnih hidrogelova u različitim oblicima iz koloidnih rastvora alginata sa elektrohemijski sintetisanim nanočesticama srebra i sveobuhvatna karakterizacija proizvedenih nanokompozita u in vitro i in vivo uslovima. In vitro karakterizacija je obuhvatila ispitivanja citotoksičnosti, biomehaničkih karakteristika, antimikrobne aktivnosti i otpuštanja srebra, dok je u in vivo studijama ispitana funkcionalnost nanokompozita za potencijalnu biomedicinsku primenu u tretmanu rana...Development of novel nanocomposite biomaterials for biomedical applications requires comprehensive evaluation and characterization of biomaterials such as determination of the chemical composition, physical properties, biocompatibility and functionality. In addition, successful development of biomaterials for potential biomedical applications requires all inclusive association of all the results for reliable prediction of the behavior and functionality of biomaterials in the desired application. The aim of this doctoral thesis was to investigate possibilities for production of antimicrobial hydrogels in different forms from alginate colloid solutions with electrochemically synthesized silver nanoparticles, as well as comprehensive evaluation of the obtained nanocomposits under in vitro and in vivo conditions. In vitro studies included assessment of cytotoxicity, biomechanical properties, antimicrobial activity and silver release, while in vivo studies comprised functionality evaluation of the nanocomposites for potential biomedical applications in wound tretman..

    Credit Scorecard for Corporate Clients based on Industries

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    A mathematical model for an improved credit scorecard is developed. Ideally, this scorecard will not reject "good" clients nor will it approve a loan to "bad" clients

    DER reactive services and distribution network losses

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    Managing synergies and conflicts between voltage support services and network losses is essential for the cost-effective integration of distributed energy resources (DERs). This study presents the results of studies investigating the impact of using DER reactive power services on distribution network losses. By using year-round optimal power flow analysis, a spectrum of studies on a number of distribution network areas in the southeast of Great Britain was performed to calculate distribution losses under different control scenarios. The studies demonstrate that the use of DERs to provide reactive services to the transmission system may increase distribution network losses. On the other hand, DER reactive services can also be optimised to minimise distribution losses. The studies also analysed the impact of optimising tap changing transformer settings on the distribution network losses reduction

    Евалуација на квалитетот на ејакулат кај младите мажи во Република Северна Македонија

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    Research data show that in the last 50 years (1938-1991) there has been a trend of decreasing sperm concentration in the male population in Europe by 2.3% and in the USA by 0.8%. The reasons for such negative trend are not known, but it is assumed that lifestyle and environmental factors have an influence on genetic factors. Aim of this study was to evaluate sperm quality in young, healthy men in our country, and to compare sperm quality in our population with others in the world. Material and methods: Ejaculates from 203 healthy male subjects, aged 18-32, were stored in a thermostat at 36⁰C and analyzed manually on a native slide and hematoxylin-eosin-stained slides, under a phase contrast microscope. Sperm motility was assessed at two-time intervals, group A, 60 minutes after ejaculation and group B, 120 minutes after ejaculation, while sperm concentration and sperm morphology were assessed at one time interval. Results: Semen analysis showed an average volume of ejaculate 3.45 ± 1.5 ml, sperm concentration in 1 milliliter62.4 ± 39.2 x10(6) /ml, while total sperm concentration was 211.2 ± 173.2 x10(6). In group A, values for progressive spermatozoa were 48.6 ± 18.1 x10(6) /ml and in group B, values for progressive spermatozoa were 47.9 ± 17.3 x10(6) /ml. There was no statistically significant difference between the two time intervals (group A and group B) when interpreting sperm motility, p>0.005. Analysis of morphology of spermatozoa showed a mean value of 6.9% for morphologically normal spermatozoa. Conclusion: The quality of ejaculate in young men in North Macedonia is in the range of reference values according to WHO, and also our results are similar to those from Germany, Turkey, Bulgaria, Faroe Islands.Истражувачките податоци покажуваат дека во последните 50 години (1938-1991) постои тренд на намалување на концентрацијата на сперматозоиди кај машката популација во Европа за 2,3% и во САД за 0,8%. Причините за ваквиот негативен тренд не се познати, но се претпоставува дека начинот на живот и факторите на околината имааt влијаниe врз генетските фактори. Целта на оваа студија беше да се оцени квалитетот на ејакулатот кај млади, здрави мажи во нашата земја, за да можеме да го споредиме квалитетот на ејакулатот кај нашата популација со другите популации во светот. Материјал и методи: Ејакулите од 203 здрави машки испитаници, на возраст од 18-32 години, беа складирани во термостат на 36⁰C и рачно анализирани на нативен препарати препарати обоени со хематоксилин/еозин, под фазно-контрастен микроскоп. Подвижноста на сперматозоидите беше проценета во два временски интервала, група А, 60 минути по ејакулацијата и група Б, 120 минути по ејакулацијата, додека концентрацијата и морфологијата на сперматозоиди беа анализирани во еден временски интервал.  Резултати: Анализата на ејакулатите покажа просечен волумен на ејакулатот 3,45 ± 1,5 ml, концентрација на сперматозоиди во 1 милитар 62,4 ± 39,2 x10 (6) / ml, додека вкупната концентрација на сперматозоиди беше 211,2 ± 173,2 x10 (6). Во групата А, вредностите за прогресивни сперматозоиди беа 48,6 ± 18,1 x10 (6) /ml, во групата Б, вредностите за прогресивни сперматозоиди беа 47,9 ± 17,3 x10 (6) /ml. Немаше статистички значајна разлика помеѓу двата временски интервала (група А и група Б) при интерпретација на подвижноста на сперматозоидите, p>0,005. Анализата на морфологијата на сперматозоидите покажа вредност од 6,9% за присуство на морфолошки нормални сперматозоиди. Заклучок: Квалитетот на ејакулатот кај младите мажи во Северна Македонија е во опсегот на референтните вредности според СЗО. Нашите резултати се слични на оние од Германија, Турција, Бугарија, Фарските Острови

    The Impact of Laparoscopic Treated Endometrioma on the Live Birth Rate in IVF/ICSI Cycles Compared with Unexplained Infertility: A Prospective Randomized Study

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    BACKGROUND: It is estimated that 30–70% of patients who undergo treatment for infertility are afflicted with endometriosis. AIM: The objectives of this study are to evaluate the impact of laparoscopic treated endometrioma compared to unexplained subfertility on the live birth rate in women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF)/intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). METHODS: This randomized prospective study included 120 women who contacted the department of IVF in the period from 2010 to 2015. Women were divided into two groups according to the findings obtained by laparoscopy. The treated endometrioma group (n = 60) with unilateral ovarian endometriomas and the non-endometriosis group (n = 60) with unexplained infertility undergoing the first cycle of IVF-embryo transfer (IVF-ET) were included in the study. In all participants, ICSI was used and all had fresh embryo transfer per cycle. The primary outcome was to live birth. RESULTS: Our results demonstrated that clinical pregnancy rates (p = 0.54) and live birth rate (p = 0.63) are similar. The preservation of a good ovarian response to stimulation by gonadotropins after laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy was presented. Laparoscopic cystectomy is followed by good IVF/ICSI outcome into the level expected in women with unexplained subfertility. CONCLUSION: Therefore, operative treatment is justified by not altering the live birth rate. Additional study is needed to be considered cystectomy before IVF as an effective approach for managing endometriosis-associated infertility