
Optimal Transmission Investment Strategies for Sustainable Power Systems


Maintaining security and reliability in the electricity supply is fundamental to the functioning of a modern society and drives the need for adequate transmission capacity for both market participants and customers. Planning the investment in transmission has always been a complicated undertaking due to the high development costs and long lead times. Furthermore, to anticipate the future needs of customers is a task as difficult as that of cost-effective planning and construction of new facilities. Trying to find treatments for some of these issues represents a major motivation for this thesis. This thesis investigates the problem of how much reinforcement a transmission system requires when a significant proportion of wind generation is integrated into an existing transmission system. A multi-period transmission planning model is developed for determining optimal transmission capacity by balancing amortised transmission investment costs and annual generation costs subject to network security constraints, The model employs the security-constrained DC optimal power flow formulation and applies a solver (DashXpress) to obtain the results of the remaining linear large-scale optimisation problem. This thesis begins by exploring the impact of wind generation on the determination of appropriate levels of system capacity on the transmission network starting from the premise that it is no longer cost effective to invest in sufficient network capacity to accommodate simultaneous peaks from all generators. As such, a significant finding of this study is that conventional and wind generation should share network capacity. Given the acknowledged increase in uncertainty to security of supply due to difficulties in wind generation forecast this thesis also explores the optimal sourcing of generation reserve, and investigates investment in transmission capacity to exploit the cost benefits offered by standing reserve. Finally, the thesis presents and evaluates an alternative associated with transmission operation and investment level of risk and uncertainty by introducing more flexibility to the way the transmission system is operated. Application of Quadrature Boosters and Demand Side as model of corrective control, brings savings in operating costs without jeopardizing the level of system security, enables better utilisation of existing facilities and reduces the demand for new transmission investment

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