314 research outputs found

    The most common diseases of urinary tract in newborns

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    Neonatalna nefrologija je vrlo složena i za sada joÅ” uvijek u mnogim aspektima nedorečena grana nefrologije. Puno je pitanja i dilema u vezi bolesti urinarnog sustava novorođenčeta koji su joÅ” bez odgovora, a naročito kada se govori o novorođenčadi male i veoma male rodne mase. Kao Å”to je poznato, fetalni bubreg je veoma važan za normalan razvoj fetusa, a nakon rođenja osnovna uloga bubrega je održavanje ravnoteže elektrolita i tekućine. NajčeŔće bolesti urinarnog sustava novorođenčeta su kongenitalne malformacije, a zatim i druge bolesti kao Å”to su infekcije urinarnog sustava, nefrokalcinoza, glomerulopatije, hipertenzija i dr. Veoma je važno Å”to prije dijagnosticirati ove bolesti i stanja te primjeniti odgovarajuće liječenje u cilju sprječavanja nastanka trajnih oÅ”tećenja bubrega koja u kasnijem životnom dobu mogu dovesti i do kronične bubrežne insuficijencije. Sve veći broj studija ukazuje i na povezanost između prenatalnih i neonatalnih događaja na kasniji razvoj hipertenzije kod adolescenata i odraslih.Neonatal nephrology is really complex and still a somewhat incomplete branch of nephrology. There are many questions and dilemmas about the diseases of the urinary tract in newborns that we donā€™t have an answer to, and even more so when it comes to neonates with low birth weight and extremely low birth weight. As we all know, the fetal kidney is of utmost importance for the normal growth of the fetus, and after birth, the primary function of the kidneys is maintaining the homeostasis of the electrolytes and fluids. The most common diseases of newbornsā€™ urinary tract are congenital malformations of the urinary tract and then many other diseases such as urinary tract infections, nephrocalcinosis, glomerulopathy, hypertension, etc. Itā€™s very important to diagnose these diseases and conditions as soon as possible and apply the corresponding therapy in order to prevent permanent kidney injury which could lead, later in life, to a terminal kidney injury. There has been an increasing number of studies pointing out that there is a connection between prenatal and neonatal events that affect the development of hypertension in adolescents and adults

    Semiintensive capr (Cyprinus carpio, L) production: Type of sustainable fishery

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    Semiintensive carp production is based on two sources of food for fish proteins that are present in live food and carbohydrates that are provided from additional feeds. By consumption of secondary producers (zooplankton and bottom fauna) nutrients, main causer of water ecosystem eutrophication (phosphorus and nitrogen) is utilized. Unused nutrients (inorganic or organic compounds) are settled at the pond's bottom and through application of agrotechnical measures (natural drainage, winter killing, disking) fertility of the pond's bottom is increased. Semiintensive carp production based on live food as the main protein source fits into the concept of sustainable agriculture

    Pseudohypoaldosteronism: report of three cases

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    Primary pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1 (PHA-1) is a heterogeneous syndrome characterised by salt-wasting due to unresponsiveness of target organ to mineralocorticoids. It is inherited in an autosomal recessive or autosomal dominant pattern, and often is a result of the mutation de novo. It can be sub-classified into two distinguishable clinical entities: renal PHA type 1 (renal PHA-1) and multiple PHA type 1 (multiple PHA-1). Secondary (transient) PHA type 1 is usually associated with urinary tract infections complicating structural urinary tract anomalies. PHA type 2 (PHA-2, Gordon syndrome) is an entity inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern.Three cases of PHA, two with renal PHA-1 and one with secondary PHA type 1, are reported.In all patients with salt-wasting and dehydration differentiation between congenital adrenal hyperplasia and PHA should be performed. Also, in the case with hyperkalaemia, hyponatremia and metabolic acidosis, urinary tract infection and obstructive uropathy should be excluded.Keywords: child, pseudohypoaldosteronism, renal type, transien

    Stabilisation of the critically ill child before transport

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    Sex and age specifics of self-image of adolescents fromresidential care facilities

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    10. Međunarodni naučni skup specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas beograd, 25ā€“26. Oktobar 2019. Godine zbornik radovaOsnovni cilj istraživanja je sagledavanje specifičnosti polnih i uzrasnih razlikau pogledu slike o sebi kod adolescenata na smeÅ”taju u ustanovama socijalnezaÅ”tite, u odnosu na adolescente iz opÅ”te populacije. Uzorkom je obuhvaćeno47 adolescenata na smeÅ”taju u ustanovama socijalne zaÅ”tite i 271 adolescentiz opÅ”te populacije, uzrasta 14-18 godina, oba pola. Za procenu slike o sebiprimenjena je Pirs-Harisova skala self-koncepta za decu. Rezultati ukazuju dakod adolescenata na smeÅ”taju u ustanovama socijalne zaÅ”tite ne postoje statističkiznačajne polne razlike u skorovima, dok su u poduzorku adolescenataiz opÅ”te populacije zabeležene statistički značajne polne razlike u skorovimana podskalama Prilagođenost ponaÅ”anja (t = -2,11; df = 266,15; p < 0,05),Oslobođenost od anksioznosti (t = 5,89; df = 248,37; p < 0,01), Popularnost(t = 2,00; df = 269; p < 0,05), kao i na Ukupnom skoru (t = 2,36; df = 269; p <0,05). U poduzorku adolescenata na smeÅ”taju u ustanovama socijalne zaÅ”titenije evidentirana statistički značajna povezanost uzrasta ispitanika i skorovana datom instrumentu, dok je kod adolescenata iz opÅ”te populacije registrovanastatistički značajna povezanost uzrasta ispitanika i skorova na podskalamaIntelektualni i Å”kolski status (r = -0,15; p < 0,05) i Sreća i zadovoljstvo (r =-0,15; p < 0,05), kao i na Ukupnom skoru (r = -0,15; p < 0,05). Dobijeni nalaziupućuju na izvesna odstupanja u polnim i uzrasnim razlikama u pogledu slikeo sebi kod adolescenata na smeÅ”taju u ustanovama socijalne zaÅ”tite, Å”to semože pripisati delovanju različitih nepovoljnih faktora, karakterističnih za ovupopulaciju.The main goal of the research was to observe sex and age differences in the selfimageof adolescents from residential care facilities, compared to adolescents from generalpopulation. The sample included 47 adolescents from residential care facilities and 271adolescents from general population, ages 14-18, of both sexes. The Piers-Harris Childrenā€™sSelf-Concept Scale was used for the assessment of self-image. The results show that there were no statistically significant sex differences in adolescents from residential care facilities,while in the subsample of adolescents from general population, statistically significant sexdifferences were observed in the scores on the subscales: Behavior Adjustment (t = -2.11; df= 266.15; p < 0.05), Freedom from Anxiety (t = 5.89; df = 248.37; p < 0.01), Popularity (t = 2;df = 269; p < 0.05) as well as in the Total score (t = 2.36; df = 269; p < 0.05). In the subsampleof adolescents from residential care facilities there was no statistically significant correlationbetween the age of the respondents and the scores on the instrument, while in adolescentsfrom general population a statistically significant relation was determined between therespondentsā€™ age and the scores on the subscales Intellectual and School Status (r = -0.15; p < 0.05) and Happiness and Satisfaction (r = -0.15; p < 0.05), as well as in the Total Score(r = -0.15; p < 0.05). The obtained findings point to deviations in sex and age differences inthe self-image of adolescents from residential care facilities, which can be attributed to theactivity of various adverse factors, characteristic of this population

    Impact of parental characteristics on internalized and externalized problems in children with hearing impairment

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    Extensive theoretical and empirical material indicates that parenting is one of the most important predictors of internalized and externalized problems in children of typical development. Based on this knowledge, the question arises whether the same parenting factors are responsible for the occurrence, development and maintenance of these problems in children with hearing impairment. Accordingly, the aim of this paper is to review the scientific knowledge on the impact of parental characteristics on the development of internalized and externalized problems in children with hearing impairment. The paper summarizes the results of research on the characteristics of parenting in children with hearing impairment and the impact of communication between parents and children with hearing impairment on internalized and externalized problems, in the context of modern knowledge in the general population. Based on the presented studies, it can be concluded that there are no significant differences in the characteristics of parenthood between the parents of children of typical development and children with hearing impairment. There are indications that parents of children with hearing impairment are more exposed to stress and tend to have an overprotective or overcontrolling relation to the child. Inadequate communication with parents stands out as the most important factor in the occurrence of internalized and externalized problems in children with hearing impairment. Specific factors also play an important role, such as the hearing status of the parents or the communication model. In order to prevent internalized and externalized problems in children with hearing impairment, it is recommended to use programs based on parenting skills training, which is fully adapted to the specific needs of the parents.Obimna teorijska i empirijska građa ukazuje na to da je roditeljstvo jedan od najznačajnijih prediktora internalizovanih i eksternalizovanih problema kod dece tipičnog razvoja. Na temelju tih saznanja, postavlja se pitanje da li su isti faktori roditeljstva odgovorni za pojavu, razvoj i održavanje navedenih problema kod dece sa oÅ”tećenjem sluha. Shodno tome, cilj rada je prikaz naučnih saznanja o uticaju karakteristika roditeljstva na razvoj internalizovanih i eskternalizovanih problema kod dece sa oÅ”tećenjem sluha. U radu su sumirani rezultati istraživanja o karakteristikama roditeljstva kod dece sa oÅ”tećenjem sluha i uticaju komunikacije između roditelja i deteta sa oÅ”tećenjem sluha na internalizovane i eksternalizovane probleme, u kontekstu savremenih saznanja u opÅ”toj populaciji. Na osnovu prikazanih studija može se zaključiti da nema značajnih razlika u karakteristikama roditeljstva između roditelja dece tipičnog razvoja i dece sa oÅ”tećenjem sluha. Postoje indicije da su roditelji dece sa oÅ”tećenjem sluha viÅ”e izloženi stresu i da imaju tendenciju ka preterano kontroliÅ”ućem ili zaÅ”titničkom odnosu prema detetu. Neadekvatna komunikacija sa roditeljima se izdvaja kao najznačajniji faktor pojave internalizovanih i eksternalizovanih problema kod dece sa oÅ”tećenjem sluha. Važnu ulogu imaju i specifčni faktori, poput sluÅ”nog statusa roditelja ili modela komunikacije. U svrhu prevencije internalizovanih i eksternalizovanih problema kod dece sa oÅ”tećenjem sluha preporučuje se primena programa zasnovanih na treningu roditeljskih veÅ”tina, koji je potpuno adaptiran specifčnim potrebama roditelja

    Enterprise performance measurement systems

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    Performance measurement systems are an extremely important part of the control and management actions, because in this way a company can determine its business potential, its market power, potential and current level of business efficiency. The significance of measurement consists in influencing the relationship between the results of reproduction (total volume of production, value of production, total revenue and profit) and investments to achieve these results (factors of production spending and hiring capital) in order to achieve the highest possible quality of the economy. (The relationship between the results of reproduction and investment to achieve them quantitatively determines economic success as the quality of the economy.) Measuring performance allows the identification of the economic resources the company has, so looking at the key factors that affect its performance can help to determine the appropriate course of action

    Characteristics and needs of Children and adolescentsUsing shelter services

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    PrihvatiliÅ”te za decu je ustanova socijalne zaÅ”tite koja pruža smeÅ”taji zadovoljenje osnovnih potreba dece i adolescenata u kriznim situacijama.Cilj istraživanja bio je sagledavanje varijabli povezanih sa smeÅ”tajem u pri-hvatiliÅ”te. Uzorak su činili svi korisnici usluga PrihvatiliÅ”ta za decuBeograda u 2018. godini: ukupno 304 dece i adolescenata, oba pola, uzrasta odsedam do 18 godina. Podaci su prikupljeni analiziranjem GodiÅ”njeg izveÅ”tajaPrihvatiliÅ”ta za decu Beograda. Rezultati istraživanja otkrivaju izuzet-nu heterogenost korisnika usluga prihvatiliÅ”ta u sociodemografskim karak-teristikama i potrebama u domenu obrazovanja, porodične, socijalne i zdrav-stvene zaÅ”tite. Prikazani rezultati impliciraju neophodnost primene raz-novrsnih usluga i intervencija koje su usklađene sa individualnim potrebamakorisnika.The childrenā€™s shelter is a social carefacility providing accommodation andbasic needs for children and adolescents incrisis situations. The aim of the researchwas to determine the variables related tothe placement in the shelter. The sampleconsisted of all users of Belgrade Childrenā€™sShelter services in 2018: a total of 304children and adolescents, both sexes, agedseven to 18 years. Data were collected byanalyzing the Annual Report of the BelgradeChildrenā€™s Shelter. The results reveal aremarkable heterogeneity of shelter servicesusers in sociodemographic characteristicsand needs in the field of education, family social and health care. The presented resultsimply the necessity to implement a variety ofservices and interventions that are tailoredto the individual needs of users.Nacionalni naučni skup "Edukativna i rehabilitaciona podrÅ”ka detetu, porodici i instituciji", Beograd, 23. decembar 2019
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