1,580 research outputs found

    Cadmium sulfide in a Mesoproterozoic terrestrial environment

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    Information theoretic approach to interactive learning

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    The principles of statistical mechanics and information theory play an important role in learning and have inspired both theory and the design of numerous machine learning algorithms. The new aspect in this paper is a focus on integrating feedback from the learner. A quantitative approach to interactive learning and adaptive behavior is proposed, integrating model- and decision-making into one theoretical framework. This paper follows simple principles by requiring that the observer's world model and action policy should result in maximal predictive power at minimal complexity. Classes of optimal action policies and of optimal models are derived from an objective function that reflects this trade-off between prediction and complexity. The resulting optimal models then summarize, at different levels of abstraction, the process's causal organization in the presence of the learner's actions. A fundamental consequence of the proposed principle is that the learner's optimal action policies balance exploration and control as an emerging property. Interestingly, the explorative component is present in the absence of policy randomness, i.e. in the optimal deterministic behavior. This is a direct result of requiring maximal predictive power in the presence of feedback.Comment: 6 page

    Evolutionary influences on the structure of red-giant acoustic oscillation spectra from 600d of Kepler observations

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    Context: The Kepler space mission is reaching continuous observing times long enough to start studying the fine structure of the observed p-mode spectra. Aims: In this paper, we aim to study the signature of stellar evolution on the radial and p-dominated l=2 modes in an ensemble of red giants that show solar-type oscillations. Results: We find that the phase shift of the central radial mode (eps_c) is significantly different for red giants at a given large frequency separation (Dnu_c) but which burn only H in a shell (RGB) than those that have already ignited core He burning. Even though not directly probing the stellar core the pair of local seismic observables (Dnu_c, eps_c) can be used as an evolutionary stage discriminator that turned out to be as reliable as the period spacing of the mixed dipole modes. We find a tight correlation between eps_c and Dnu_c for RGB stars and no indication that eps_c depends on other properties of these stars. It appears that the difference in eps_c between the two populations becomes if we use an average of several radial orders, instead of a local, i.e. only around the central radial mode, Dnu to determine the phase shift. This indicates that the information on the evolutionary stage is encoded locally, in the shape of the radial mode sequence. This shape turns out to be approximately symmetric around the central radial mode for RGB stars but asymmetric for core He burning stars. We computed radial modes for a sequence of RG models and find them to qualitatively confirm our findings. We also find that, at least in our models, the local Dnu is an at least as good and mostly better proxy for both the asymptotic spacing and the large separation scaled from the model density than the average Dnu. Finally, we investigate the signature of the evolutionary stage on the small frequency separation and quantify the mass dependency of this seismic parameter.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Network information and connected correlations

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    Entropy and information provide natural measures of correlation among elements in a network. We construct here the information theoretic analog of connected correlation functions: irreducible NN--point correlation is measured by a decrease in entropy for the joint distribution of NN variables relative to the maximum entropy allowed by all the observed N1N-1 variable distributions. We calculate the ``connected information'' terms for several examples, and show that it also enables the decomposition of the information that is carried by a population of elements about an outside source.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Prompt optical observations of GRB050319 with the Swift UVOT

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    The UVOT telescope on the Swift observatory has detected optical afterglow emission from GRB 050319. The flux declines with a power law slope of alpha = -0.57 between the start of observations some 230 seconds after the burst onset (90s after the burst trigger) until it faded below the sensitivity threshold of the instrument after ~5 x 10^4s. There is no evidence for the rapidly declining component in the early light curve that is seen at the same time in the X-ray band. The afterglow is not detected in UVOT shortward of the B-band, suggesting a redshift of about 3.5. The optical V-band emission lies on the extension of the X-ray spectrum, with an optical to X-ray slope of beta = -0.8. The relatively flat decay rate of the burst suggests that the central engine continues to inject energy into the fireball for as long as a few x 10^4s after the burst.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Ap

    The Swift-UVOT ultraviolet and visible grism calibration

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    We present the calibration of the Swift UVOT grisms, of which there are two, providing low-resolution field spectroscopy in the ultraviolet and optical bands respectively. The UV grism covers the range 1700-5000 Angstrom with a spectral resolution of 75 at 2600 Angstrom for source magnitudes of u=10-16 mag, while the visible grism covers the range 2850-6600 Angstrom with a spectral resolution of 100 at 4000 Angstrom for source magnitudes of b=12-17 mag. This calibration extends over all detector positions, for all modes used during operations. The wavelength accuracy (1-sigma) is 9 Angstrom in the UV grism clocked mode, 17 Angstrom in the UV grism nominal mode and 22 Angstrom in the visible grism. The range below 2740 Angstrom in the UV grism and 5200 Angstrom in the visible grism never suffers from overlapping by higher spectral orders. The flux calibration of the grisms includes a correction we developed for coincidence loss in the detector. The error in the coincidence loss correction is less than 20%. The position of the spectrum on the detector only affects the effective area (sensitivity) by a few percent in the nominal modes, but varies substantially in the clocked modes. The error in the effective area is from 9% in the UV grism clocked mode to 15% in the visible grism clocked mode .Comment: 27 pages, 31 figures; MNRAS accepted 23 February 201

    Swift-UVOT Observations of the X-Ray Flash 050406

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    We present Swift-UVOT data on the optical afterglow of the X-ray flash of 2005 April 6 (XRF 050406) from 88s to \sim 10^5s after the initial prompt gamma-ray emission. Our observations in the V, B and U bands are the earliest that have been taken of an XRF optical counterpart. Combining the early -time optical temporal and spectral properties with \gamma- and simultaneous X-ray data taken with the BAT and XRT telescopes on-board Swift, we are able to constrain possible origins of the XRF. The prompt emission had a FRED profile (fast-rise, exponential decay) with a duration of T_90 = 5.7\pm 0.2s, putting it at the short end of the long-burst duration distribution. The absence of photoelectric absorption red-ward of 4000 \AA in the UV/optical spectrum provides a firm upper limit of z\leq 3.1 on the redshift, thus excluding a high redshift as the sole reason for the soft spectrum. The optical light curve is consistent with a power-law decay with slope alpha = -0.75\pm 0.26 (F_{\nu}\propto t^{\alpha}), and a maximum occurring in the first 200s after the initial gamma-ray emission. The softness of the prompt emission is well described by an off-axis structured jet model, which is able to account for the early peak flux and shallow decay observed in the optical and X-ray bands.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ; typos corrected and upper limits in table 1 changed from background subtracted count rate in extraction region to the error associated with thi

    Secondary-Structure Design of Proteins by a Backbone Torsion Energy

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    We propose a new backbone-torsion-energy term in the force field for protein systems. This torsion-energy term is represented by a double Fourier series in two variables, the backbone dihedral angles phi and psi. It gives a natural representation of the torsion energy in the Ramachandran space in the sense that any two-dimensional energy surface periodic in both phi and psi can be expanded by the double Fourier series. We can then easily control secondary-structure-forming tendencies by modifying the torsion-energy surface. For instance, we can increase/decrease the alpha-helix-forming-tendencies by lowering/raising the torsion-energy surface in the alpha-helix region and likewise increase/decrease the beta-sheet-forming tendencies by lowering/raising the surface in the beta-sheet region in the Ramachandran space. We applied our approach to AMBER parm94 and AMBER parm96 force fields and demonstrated that our modifications of the torsion-energy terms resulted in the expected changes of secondary-structure-forming-tendencies by performing folding simulations of alpha-helical and beta-hairpin peptides.Comment: 13 pages, (Revtex4), 5 figure