9 research outputs found

    Cytochrome c oxidase biogenesis, its disorders in childhood

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    The impact of mitochondrial tRNA mutations on the amount of ATP synthase differs in the brain compared to other tissues

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    AbstractThe impact of point mutations in mitochondrial tRNA genes on the amount and stability of respiratory chain complexes and ATP synthase (OXPHOS) has been broadly characterized in cultured skin fibroblasts, skeletal muscle samples, and mitochondrial cybrids. However, less is known about how these mutations affect other tissues, especially the brain. We have compared OXPHOS protein deficiency patterns in skeletal muscle mitochondria of patients with Leigh (8363G>A), MERRF (8344A>G), and MELAS (3243A>G) syndromes. Both mutations that affect mt-tRNALys (8363G>A, 8344A>G) resulted in severe combined deficiency of complexes I and IV, compared to an isolated severe defect of complex I in the 3243A>G sample (mt-tRNALeu(UUR)). Furthermore, we compared obtained patterns with those found in the heart, frontal cortex, and liver of 8363G>A and 3243A>G patients. In the frontal cortex mitochondria of both patients, the patterns of OXPHOS deficiencies differed substantially from those observed in other tissues, and this difference was particularly striking for ATP synthase. Surprisingly, in the frontal cortex of the 3243A>G patient, whose ATP synthase level was below the detection limit, the assembly of complex IV, as inferred from 2D-PAGE immunoblotting, appeared to be hindered by some factor other than the availability of mtDNA-encoded subunits

    Loss of Mitochondrial AAA Proteases AFG3L2 and YME1L Impairs Mitochondrial Structure and Respiratory Chain Biogenesis

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    Mitochondrial protein quality control is crucial for the maintenance of correct mitochondrial homeostasis. It is ensured by several specific mitochondrial proteases located across the various mitochondrial subcompartments. Here, we focused on characterization of functional overlap and cooperativity of proteolytic subunits AFG3L2 (AFG3 Like Matrix AAA Peptidase Subunit 2) and YME1L (YME1 like ATPase) of mitochondrial inner membrane AAA (ATPases Associated with diverse cellular Activities) complexes in the maintenance of mitochondrial structure and respiratory chain integrity. We demonstrate that loss of AFG3L2 and YME1L, both alone and in combination, results in diminished cell proliferation, fragmentation of mitochondrial reticulum, altered cristae morphogenesis, and defective respiratory chain biogenesis. The double AFG3L2/YME1L knockdown cells showed marked upregulation of OPA1 protein forms, with the most prominent increase in short OPA1 (optic atrophy 1). Loss of either protease led to marked elevation in OMA1 (OMA1 zinc metallopeptidase) (60 kDa) and severe reduction in the SPG7 (paraplegin) subunit of the m-AAA complex. Loss of the YME1L subunit led to an increased Drp1 level in mitochondrial fractions. While loss of YME1L impaired biogenesis and function of complex I, knockdown of AFG3L2 mainly affected the assembly and function of complex IV. Our results suggest cooperative and partly redundant functions of AFG3L2 and YME1L in the maintenance of mitochondrial structure and respiratory chain biogenesis and stress the importance of correct proteostasis for mitochondrial integrity