826 research outputs found

    Shock wave propagation along the central retinal blood vessels

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    Retinal haemorrhage is often observed following brain injury. The retinal circulation is supplied (drained) by the central retinal artery (vein) which enters (leaves) the eye through the optic nerve at the optic disc; these vessels penetrate the nerve immediately after passing through a region of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). We consider a theoretical model for the blood flow in the central retinal vessels, treating each as multi-region collapsible tubes, where we examine how a sudden change in CSF pressure (mimicking an injury) drives a large amplitude pressure perturbation towards the eye. In some cases, this wave can steepen to form a shock. We show that the region immediately proximal to the eye (within the optic nerve where the vessels are strongly confined by the nerve fibres) can significantly reduce the amplitude of the pressure wave transmitted into the eye. When the length of this region is consistent with clinical measurements, the CSF pressure perturbation generates a wave of significantly lower amplitude than the input, protecting the eye from damage. We construct an analytical framework to explain this observation, showing that repeated rapid propagation and reflection of waves along the confined section of the vessel distributes the perturbation over a longer lengthscale

    Designing asymmetric multilayered membrane filters with improved performance

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    Asymmetric multilayered filters, comprising a series of membranes with varying pore sizes stacked on top of one another, allow filtration to be tailored in a variety of novel ways. We develop a network model that systematically captures the complex filtration behaviour in such multilayer filters. The model allows us to understand the response of the system when challenged with a particular feed composition, characterized through the particle size and adhesivity to the membrane. We show how the model enables comprehensive and time-efficient sweeps in parameter space to be conducted that determine the optimal mulilayered filter configuration for a given filtration challenge, classified by the number of membrane layers, the change in pore size between each layer (filter taper angle), and the level of trans- pore interconnectivity between each layer. The model allows us to isolate and analyse the effect of each of the specific filter characteristics and identify the practical merits and disadvantages. In particular, we predict that the optimal arrangement for maximizing throughput through the filter is to have pore radius gradually decreasing with depth a slight level of pore interconnectivity, with the precise set-up a function of the particle size, adhesivity and number of filter layers. The results of the analysis are used to draw conclusions on the design of membrane filters for optimal filter performance

    Scale invariant scalar metric fluctuations during inflation: non-perturbative formalism from a 5D vacuum

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    We extend to 5D an approach of a 4D non-perturbative formalism to study scalar metric fluctuations of a 5D Riemann-flat de Sitter background metric. In contrast with the results obtained in 4D, the spectrum of cosmological scalar metric fluctuations during inflation can be scale invariant and the background inflaton field can take sub-Planckian values.Comment: final version to be published in Eur. Phys. J.

    D-terms and D-strings in open string models

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    We study the Fayet-Iliopoulos (FI) D-terms on D-branes in type II Calabi-Yau backgrounds. We provide a simple worldsheet proof of the fact that, at tree level, these terms only couple to scalars in closed string hypermultiplets. At the one-loop level, the D-terms get corrections only if the gauge group has an anomalous spectrum, with the anomaly cancelled by a Green-Schwarz mechanism. We study the local type IIA model of D6-branes at SU(3) angles and show that, as in field theory, the one-loop correction suffers from a quadratic divergence in the open string channel. By studying the closed string channel, we show that this divergence is related to a closed string tadpole, and is cancelled when the tadpole is cancelled. Next, we study the cosmic strings that arise in the supersymmetric phases of these systems in light of recent work of Dvali et. al. In the type IIA intersecting D6-brane examples, we identify the D-term strings as D4-branes ending on the D6-branes. Finally, we use N=1 dualities to relate these results to previous work on the FI D-term of heterotic strings.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures; v2: improved referencin

    Homoclinic crossing in open systems: Chaos in periodically perturbed monopole plus quadrupolelike potentials

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    The Melnikov method is applied to periodically perturbed open systems modeled by an inverse--square--law attraction center plus a quadrupolelike term. A compactification approach that regularizes periodic orbits at infinity is introduced. The (modified) Smale-Birkhoff homoclinic theorem is used to study transversal homoclinic intersections. A larger class of open systems with degenerated (nonhyperbolic) unstable periodic orbits after regularization is also briefly considered.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, Revtex

    Development of a Laboratory Model of a Phototroph-Heterotroph Mixed-Species Biofilm at the Stone/Air Interface

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    Recent scientific investigations have shed light on the ecological importance and physiological complexity of subaerial biofilms (SABs) inhabiting lithic surfaces. In the field of sustainable cultural heritage (CH) preservation, mechanistic approaches aimed at investigation of the spatiotemporal patterns of interactions between the biofilm, the stone, and the atmosphere are of outstanding importance. However, these interactions have proven difficult to explore with field experiments due to the inaccessibility of samples, the complexity of the ecosystem under investigation and the temporal resolution of the experiments. To overcome these limitations, we aimed at developing a unifying methodology to reproduce a fast-growing, phototroph-heterotroph mixed species biofilm at the stone/air interface. Our experiments underscore the ability of the dual-species SAB model to capture functional traits characteristic of biofilms inhabiting lithic substrate such as: (i) microcolonies of aggregated bacteria; (ii) network like structure following surface topography; (iii) cooperation between phototrophs and heterotrophs and cross feeding processes; (iv) ability to change the chemical parameters that characterize the microhabitats; (v) survival under desiccation and (vi) biocide tolerance. With its advantages in control, replication, range of different experimental scenarios and matches with the real ecosystem, the developed model system is a powerful tool to advance our mechanistic understanding of the stone-biofilm-atmosphere interplay in different environments

    The role of tortuosity in filtration efficiency: a general network model for filtration

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    Filters are composed of a complex network of interconnected pores each with tortuous paths. We present a general network model to describe a filter structure comprising a random network of interconnected pores, relaxing traditional assumptions made with simplified theoretical models. We use the model to examine the dependence of the filter performance on both its underlying pore structure (expressed through the pore interconnectivity and porosity gradient) and the feed composition (expressed through the size of the contaminants). We find that a simple scaling allows the performance curves over a wide range of the filter material properties to be mapped onto a single master curve. We also study the link between the tortuosity of a filter and its resulting performance, leading to further self-similarity observations. When we vary the properties of the feed, however, the performance curves are distinct from one another and do not collapse onto a single master curve. Our network model allows us to probe the behaviour of a complex and realistic filter configuration within a framework that is easy to implement and study, enabling accelerated testing and reducing experimental costs in filtration challenges

    Solution pans and linear sand bedforms on the bare-rock limestone shelf of the Campeche Bank, Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

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    A high-resolution, near-surface geophysical survey was conducted in 2013 on the Campeche Bank, a carbonate platform offshore of Yucatán, Mexico, to provide a hazard assessment for future scientific drilling into the Chicxulub impact crater. It also provided an opportunity to obtain detailed information on the seafloor morphology and shallow stratigraphy of this understudied region. The seafloor exhibited two morphologies: (1) small-scale (<2 m) bare-rock karstic features, and (2) thin (<1 m) linear sand accumulations overlying the bedrock. Solution pans, circular to oblong depressions featured flat bottoms and steep sides, were the dominant karstic features; they are known to form subaerially by the pooling of rainwater and dissolution of carbonate. Observed pans were 10–50 cm deep and generally 1–8 m wide, but occasionally reach 15 m, significantly larger than any solution pan observed on land (maximum 6 m). These features likely grew over the course of many 10's of thousands of years in an arid environment while subaerially exposed during lowered sea levels. Surface sands are organized into linear bedforms oriented NE-SW, 10's to 100's meters wide, and kilometers long. These features are identified as sand ribbons (longitudinal bedforms), and contained asymmetric secondary transverse bedforms that indicate NE-directed flow. This orientation is incompatible with the prevalent westward current direction; we hypothesize that these features are storm-generated

    A permeability-increasing drug synergizes with bacterial efux pump inhibitors and restores susceptibility to antibiotics in multi-drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains

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    Resistance to antibiotics poses a major global threat according to the World Health Organization. Restoring the activity of existing drugs is an attractive alternative to address this challenge. One of the most efficient mechanisms of bacterial resistance involves the expression of efflux pump systems capable of expelling antibiotics from the cell. Although there are efflux pump inhibitors (EPIs) available, these molecules are toxic for humans. We hypothesized that permeability-increasing antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) could lower the amount of EPI necessary to sensitize bacteria to antibiotics that are efflux substrates. To test this hypothesis, we measured the ability of polymyxin B nonapeptide (PMBN), to synergize with antibiotics in the presence of EPIs. Assays were performed using planktonic and biofilm-forming cells of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains overexpressing the MexAB-OprM efflux system. Synergy between PMBN and EPIs boosted azithromycin activity by a factor of 2,133 and sensitized P. aeruginosa to all tested antibiotics. This reduced several orders of magnitude the amount of inhibitor needed for antibiotic sensitization. The selected antibiotic-EPI-PMBN combination caused a 10 million-fold reduction in the viability of biofilm forming cells. We proved that AMPs can synergize with EPIs and that this phenomenon can be exploited to sensitize bacteria to antibiotics