18,153 research outputs found

    Preliminary testing of a prototype portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer

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    A portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer for use as an analyzer in mineral resource investigative work was built and tested. The prototype battery powered spectrometer, measuring 11 by 12 by 5 inches and weighing only about 15 pounds, was designed specifically for field use. The spectrometer has two gas proportional counters and two radioactive sources, Cd (10a) and Fe (55). Preliminary field and laboratory tests on rock specimens and rock pulps have demonstrated the capability of the spectrometer to detect 33 elements to date. Characteristics of the system present some limitations, however, and further improvements are recommended

    Aircraft control system

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    An aircraft control system is described which is particularly suited to rotary wing aircraft. Longitudinal acceleration and course rate commands are derived from a manual control stick to control translational velocity of the aircraft along a flight path. In the collective channel the manual controls provide vertical velocity commands. In the yaw channel the manual controls provide sideslip or heading rate commands at high or low airspeeds, respectively. The control system permits pilots to fly along prescribed flight paths in a precise manner with relatively low work load

    Study of extraterrestrial disposal of radioactive wastes. Part 1: Space transportation and destination considerations for extraterrestrial disposal of radioactive wastes

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    A feasibility study of extraterrestrial disposal of radioactive waste is reported. This report covers the initial work done on only one part of the NASA study, that evaluates and compares possible space destinations and space transportation systems. The currently planned space shuttle was found to be more cost effective than current expendable launch vehicles by about a factor of 2. The space shuttle requires a third stage to perform the waste disposal missions. Depending on the particular mission, this third stage could be either a reusable space tug or an expendable stage such as a Centaur

    Chiral Spin Textures of Strongly Interacting Particles in Quantum Dots

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    We probe for statistical and Coulomb induced spin textures among the low-lying states of repulsively-interacting particles confined to potentials that are both rotationally and time-reversal invariant. In particular, we focus on two-dimensional quantum dots and employ configuration-interaction techniques to directly compute the correlated many-body eigenstates of the system. We produce spatial maps of the single-particle charge and spin density and verify the annular structure of the charge density and the rotational invariance of the spin field. We further compute two-point spin correlations to determine the correlated structure of a single component of the spin vector field. In addition, we compute three-point spin correlation functions to uncover chiral structures. We present evidence for both chiral and quasi-topological spin textures within energetically degenerate subspaces in the three- and four-particle system.Comment: 13 pages, 17 figures, 1 tabl

    The Why’s, What’s, and How’s of Timed Artificial Insemination Programs

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    This report summarizes the benefits of using timed artificial insemination (AI) programs in lactating dairy cows. Since its beginnings, use of Ovsynch has penetrated the dairy industry and is most prevalent in the Midwest and Northeast regions of the U.S. The timed AI program benefits farms that have difficulties with heat detection. Heat detection challenges can occur because of inadequate observation or poor expression of heat associated with footing conditions. Explanation of mechanisms associated with hormone injections are presented to justify the success of currently recommended timed AI programs

    Gemini/GMOS Transmission Spectral Survey: Complete Optical Transmission Spectrum of the hot Jupiter WASP-4b

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    We present the complete optical transmission spectrum of the hot Jupiter WASP-4b from 440-940 nm at R ~ 400-1500 obtained with the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrometers (GMOS); this is the first result from a comparative exoplanetology survey program of close-in gas giants conducted with GMOS. WASP-4b has an equilibrium temperature of 1700 K and is favorable to study in transmission due to a large scale height (370 km). We derive the transmission spectrum of WASP-4b using 4 transits observed with the MOS technique. We demonstrate repeatable results across multiple epochs with GMOS, and derive a combined transmission spectrum at a precision about twice above photon noise, which is roughly equal to to one atmospheric scale height. The transmission spectrum is well fitted with a uniform opacity as a function of wavelength. The uniform opacity and absence of a Rayleigh slope from molecular hydrogen suggest that the atmosphere is dominated by clouds with condensate grain size of ~1 um. This result is consistent with previous observations of hot Jupiters since clouds have been seen in planets with similar equilibrium temperatures to WASP-4b. We describe a custom pipeline that we have written to reduce GMOS time-series data of exoplanet transits, and present a thorough analysis of the dominant noise sources in GMOS, which primarily consist of wavelength- and time- dependent displacements of the spectra on the detector, mainly due to a lack of atmospheric dispersion correction.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in AJ, 2017 July

    The Non-Trivial Effective Potential of the `Trivial' lambda Phi^4 Theory: A Lattice Test

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    The strong evidence for the `triviality' of (lambda Phi^4)_4 theory is not incompatible with spontaneous symmetry breaking. Indeed, for a `trivial' theory the effective potential should be given exactly by the classical potential plus the free-field zero-point energy of the shifted field; i.e., by the one-loop effective potential. When this is renormalized in a simple, but nonperturbative way, one finds, self-consistently, that the shifted field does become non-interacting in the continuum limit. For a classically scale-invariant (CSI) lambda Phi^4 theory one finds m_h^2 = 8 pi^2 v^2, predicting a 2.2 TeV Higgs boson. Here we extend our earlier work in three ways: (i) we discuss the analogy with the hard-sphere Bose gas; (ii) we extend the analysis from the CSI case to the general case; and (iii) we propose a test of the predicted shape of the effective potential that could be tested in a lattice simulation.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX, DE-FG05-92ER40717-

    Fixed-base simulation evaluation of various low-visibility landing systems for helicopters

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    Fixed base simulation evaluation of one fully automatic and six manual low visibility landing systems for helicopter

    The Spectral Energy Distribution of Fermi Bright Blazars

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    We have conducted a detailed investigation of the broadband spectral properties of the γ-ray selected blazars of the Fermi LAT Bright AGN Sample (LBAS). By combining our accurately estimated Fermi γ-ray spectra with Swift, radio, infra-red, optical, and other hard X-ray/γ-ray data, collected within 3 months of the LBAS data taking period, we were able to assemble high-quality and quasi-simultaneous spectral energy distributions (SED) for 48 LBAS blazars. The SED of these γ-ray sources is similar to that of blazars discovered at other wavelengths, clearly showing, in the usual log ν-log ν F _ν representation, the typical broadband spectral signatures normally attributed to a combination of low-energy synchrotron radiation followed by inverse Compton emission of one or more components. We have used these SED to characterize the peak intensity of both the low- and the high-energy components. The results have been used to derive empirical relationships that estimate the position of the two peaks from the broadband colors (i.e., the radio to optical, α_(ro), and optical to X-ray, α_(ox), spectral slopes) and from the γ-ray spectral index. Our data show that the synchrotron peak frequency (ν^S _(peak)) is positioned between 10^(12.5) and 10^(14.5) Hz in broad-lined flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) and between 10^(13) and 10^(17) Hz in featureless BL Lacertae objects. We find that the γ-ray spectral slope is strongly correlated with the synchrotron peak energy and with the X-ray spectral index, as expected at first order in synchrotron-inverse Compton scenarios. However, simple homogeneous, one-zone, synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) models cannot explain most of our SED, especially in the case of FSRQs and low energy peaked (LBL) BL Lacs. More complex models involving external Compton radiation or multiple SSC components are required to reproduce the overall SED and the observed spectral variability. While more than 50% of known radio bright high energy peaked (HBL) BL Lacs are detected in the LBAS sample, only less than 13% of known bright FSRQs and LBL BL Lacs are included. This suggests that the latter sources, as a class, may be much fainter γ-ray emitters than LBAS blazars, and could in fact radiate close to the expectations of simple SSC models. We categorized all our sources according to a new physical classification scheme based on the generally accepted paradigm for Active Galactic Nuclei and on the results of this SED study. Since the LAT detector is more sensitive to flat spectrum γ-ray sources, the correlation between ν ^S _(peak) and γ-ray spectral index strongly favors the detection of high energy peaked blazars, thus explaining the Fermi overabundance of this type of sources compared to radio and EGRET samples. This selection effect is similar to that experienced in the soft X-ray band where HBL BL Lacs are the dominant type of blazars

    Gravitational settling of 22Ne and white dwarf evolution

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    We study the effects of the sedimentation of the trace element 22Ne in the cooling of white dwarfs. In contrast with previous studies, which adopted a simplified treatment of the effects of 22Ne sedimentation, this is done self-consistently for the first time, using an up-to-date stellar evolutionary code in which the diffusion equation is coupled with the full set of equations of stellar evolution. Due the large neutron excess of 22Ne, this isotope rapidly sediments in the interior of the white dwarf. Although we explore a wide range of parameters, we find that using the most reasonable assumptions concerning the diffusion coefficient and the physical state of the white dwarf interior the delay introduced by the ensuing chemical differentation is minor for a typical 0.6 Msun white dwarf. For more massive white dwarfs, say M_Wd about 1.0 Msun, the delay turns out to be considerably larger. These results are in qualitatively good accord with those obtained in previous studies, but we find that the magnitude of the delay introduced by 22Ne sedimentation was underestimated by a factor of about 2. We also perform a preliminary study of the impact of 22Ne sedimentation on the white dwarf luminosity function. Finally, we hypothesize as well on the possibility of detecting the sedimentation of 22Ne using pulsating white dwarfs in the appropriate effective temperature range with accurately determined rates of change of the observed periods.Comment: To apper in The Astrophysical Journa